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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 216 KB, 1034x689, got-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14030066 No.14030066 [Reply] [Original]

I think deep down, we all knew mayonnaise was a force for bad.

>White Americans may be committing more food-related offenses than under-seasoned chicken: Their diets produce more greenhouse gases than those of other racial and ethnic groups in the United States.

>A study published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology last week found that white people's diets contribute more to climate change than those of black and Latinx people. Specifically, researchers pinpointed foods with the highest environmental impacts and determined their consumption rates among different demographic groups.

>Lead researcher Joe Bozeman, a doctoral student at the Institute of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, hopes this novel study will be the first of many that take a more sociological approach to environmental research.

>"There was a lot more interesting research and publications done in other countries," Bozeman says. "For whatever reason, there seems to not be as many clear and practical studies done on how race, food, and climate change affected folks in the United States."

>Bozeman and his team used existing studies and data to compile the food-energy-water (FEW) impacts-land usage, water usage, and greenhouse gas emissions-of foods like apples, potatoes, dairy, and meat. They brought in the consumption rates of these foods among white, black, and Latinx racial and ethnic groups outlined in the EPA's "What We Eat in America," a database that breaks down common foods by the different demographic groups that consume them. Using statistical tests, they determined whether or not the differences between the groups in the consumption of these foods was significant.

>> No.14030097

lmao stopped reading there
real latinos actually hate that shit you chicano faggot
go away

>> No.14030103

this will always amuse me

>> No.14030110

Why don't they just say "Latin"?

>> No.14030116

that would be gender neutral instead of gender fluid

>> No.14030115

it's supposed to be a gender neutral way of saying latino or latina so it doesn't offend sjws
which is just retarded to begin with because spanish is an inherently gendered language
again, actual latinos hate that shit because it's only faggots who grew up in the states who cry about this stuff

>> No.14030118

legit rub elbows with people in the top percent
they literally don't know how any of the world works
not surprising they don't understand the repercussions of their food choices
they're all fat or morbidly obese, which is the worst thing anyone can do to the planet: eating more than you need
being rich just makes it easier to ignore problems and continue exploiting the third wrld countries and illegal immigrants that pick and process their food

>> No.14030121

how do we make americans go vegan bros

the planet can't sustain 330 million lardasses eating a pound of meat daily

>> No.14030125

>dude only white people eat dairy
i really hate this meme
yes, drinking milk is mostly a white thing because other races are lactose intolerant to a degree
however it completely ignores shit like fucking CHEESE which has a much much lower lactose content and is enjoyed by every single race on the goddamn planet

>> No.14030129

canadian here
never ever ever
and we won't either
gotta have that 'berta beef

>> No.14030139

More advanced production methods like with lab-grown meat should help cut down on pollution and then we won't have to have retards making clickbait about racist pollution

>> No.14030159

>africans can't get agriculture to work half the time
>WILL be able to run meat labs
well... if you say so

>> No.14030166

thread hidden, computer destroyed, cancelled internet plan

>> No.14030198

>once *magical technological solution that's still decades away* comes out things will be different!
just eat beans retard

>> No.14030216

>how race, food, and climate change affected folks in the United States.

Is "folks" some kind of nu-sjw speak? Every one of them uses this word as if they're trying to sound black and down to earth

>> No.14030234

if only it was just a pound of meat
imagine all the corn they consume

>> No.14030241 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 928x517, Eco Fascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people need to remove themselves from the gene pool and do us all a huge favor.

And shut the fuck up about "muh evironment" Start by removing yourself from this planet.

>> No.14030249

> Greta Thunberg

I just love it when blond haired, blue eyed, european white girls start ranting and raving about "Environmental Cleansing" and "removing the dirty people."

>> No.14030252

Even chicanos don't say latinx
It's only white people and "latinx" people who have no connection to their heritage other than demonizing white people.

>> No.14030263

>the only latinx people I've met were cholo gang bangers and confused "hispanics for trump" boomers who think they'd be spared the gas chamber
taco trucks on every corner dot mpg

>> No.14030274

> Ecofascism

Eco-Fascism is a theoretical political model in which an authoritarian government would require individuals to sacrifice their own interests to the "organic whole of nature".

It refers to the hypothetical danger of future dystopian governments, which might resort to fascist policies in order to deal with environmental issues.

>> No.14030278

Health care and human rights = dangerous fascism tyranny

Rounding up children and putting them in cages for being brown = ????

>> No.14030279

>Eco-Fascism is a theoretical political model in which an authoritarian government would require individuals to sacrifice their own interests to the "organic whole of nature".


>> No.14030289

>It refers to the hypothetical danger of future dystopian governments, which might resort to fascist policies in order to deal with environmental issues.
like, as in California today?

>> No.14030295
File: 240 KB, 760x1208, Screenshot_20200504-111102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome.
Why are Jews so racist?
Why are Jews who faked the Holohoax while murdering 60 million white Christians in the Ukraine and Russia via their NKVD etc etc so intent of destroying white Christians?

>> No.14030299

stop eating meat. Veganism is the only way. i'm looking at you, chinks, niggers, & spicks.

>> No.14030303

I do eat beans, but I'm not going to stop drinking milk. It'd be better to find ways to deal with the pollution instead of expecting people to lower their quality of life and sacrifice themselves for the environment.

>> No.14030306

>White people need to remove themselves from the gene pool and do us all a huge favor.
You creatures can't even form a civilization. Look at how fucked you're made Africa after the Brits and French and Dutch left you with complete railways and power grids. You're almost reverted back to ape status.

>> No.14030315

They're doing it with "y'all" too. Just makes them seem manipulative and dishonest.

>> No.14030317
File: 127 KB, 750x541, 07683d253498aa0217987e738e5bcf55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT wh*te m*le inadequacy syndrome

>> No.14030325


Why do white people live fascism so much?

>> No.14030348

You talk like a mentally ill transmorpher.
You'll never be a woman bro.

>> No.14030402

The earth can't sustain anywhere near our current population, period. We need a 60% drop in numbers, at least.

>> No.14030424

>It'd be better to find ways to deal with the pollution instead of expecting people to lower their quality of life and sacrifice themselves for the environment.
Here's an idea: Instead of leaving it to the goodwill of the general public, slap carbon taxes on all meat products so they can't afford it

>> No.14030431
File: 82 KB, 624x1550, 1563762674428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that this is pure American cope. "It's not me, it's those damn brown people who just can't stop reproducing like rabbits!"

>> No.14030441

Seems pretty dumb to disrupt the food supply and take meat away from the average person so they can watch rich people flying around in private jets eating burgers.

Taking things away from people or saying we just need to get rid of people is mega brainlet-tier thinking. There is still room for improvement on production methods and ways to deal with pollution. Don't know why that gets ignored.

>> No.14030442

>The earth can't sustain anywhere near our current population, period. We need a 60% drop in numbers, at least.
You're a retard or a Jew shill.
The earth could sustain billions more people, but we'd have to get rid of Judaism first. It's their love of money and hatred for God and all other nations that has destroyed society. Their Freemason shabbos goyim have to go too of course. That's just another form of Kabbalah Jewry for the goy.

>> No.14030444

>White Americans are particularly bad for the planet


>> No.14030445

>Taking things away from people or saying we just need to get rid of people is mega brainlet-tier thinking.
As opposed to the "well I'm sure someone will figure out something eventually" way of thinking

>> No.14030447

>Here's an idea: Instead of leaving it to the goodwill of the general public, slap carbon taxes on all meat products so they can't afford it
Kill yourself kike.

>> No.14030452

how many square miles for the brown people to keep being poor and us rich countries to do fun stuff like we're doing? Have we got enough for that?

>> No.14030453

>>AshkeNAZI Jews are particularly bad for the planet
ftfy rabbi

>> No.14030458

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.14030464

>ignoring black and brown people's love of pork, cheese, palm oil, fish, and every other food because we replace nature with real estate because non-white humanity keeps growing
This is bait.

>> No.14030465

>t.CCP shill
I can't wait until Trump nukes you filthy insects.

>> No.14030473

>As opposed to the "well I'm sure someone will figure out something eventually" way of thinking
You can see how these things are being figured out right now. Lab-grown meat is one way to probably cut down on pollution from factory farms, some places are basically using giant air filters to help clean the air, people are coming up with new ways to remove plastic from the oceans, etc. It's not magical thinking, it's happening right now and it's improving things.

>> No.14030474 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 1024x1022, 1557700526355m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take your meds, schizo

The Jew is immunized against all dangers, one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.

>> No.14030484

Talk all kinds of shit about White Europeans and you rub your hands together.

Mention Jews 3 times
>Take your meds schizzo
You fucking likes are the worst. At least I am comforted knowing Jesus will cast you all into Hell when he comes back.

>> No.14030485


white environmentalists, are literally, modern day missionaries. teaching the brown people why their lives are sinful.

>> No.14030486

asians dont eat cheese though.

>> No.14030498

But brown and black people tend not to recycle, and that is very much a "sin".

>> No.14030500
File: 104 KB, 718x544, 1571591999584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean my decadent consumption is a problem? what about those low IQ niggers who can't stop fucking?

>> No.14030501 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14030509
File: 117 KB, 640x640, 1559440239823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14030510

Latinx? Ok.

>> No.14030514

It's always hilarious when some guy with a private jet and yacht tells people they need to stop eating meat because of the environment

>> No.14030520


lol @ "total lifestyle consumption"

an arbitrary cherry picked metric made up for the purpose of this infographic. lol

>> No.14030521
File: 204 KB, 859x790, 7Up0bJc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14030522

These niggers turn their noses up at flyover chads and then have the gall to culturally appropriate us. Fucking fagets.

>> No.14030525

Want to suckle on my gender fluids?

>> No.14030528
File: 75 KB, 500x610, attacking-the-1-is-attacking-43-of-the-jewish-community-18579801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Bernie so anti-Semitic?

>> No.14030530
File: 108 KB, 1000x631, Eco-Fascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's always hilarious when some guy with a private jet and yacht tells people they need to stop eating meat because of the environment

saving the world from dirty brown people, from her million dollar boat.

>> No.14030595

So I take it the goal is to never let any of the bottom % have access to modern technology? Like do we nuke them back into the stone age for good measure? Because otherwise they're gonna be up there with that 10%.

>> No.14030699

is that option on the table?

>> No.14030707

lmao yes they do
koreans especially love cheese

>> No.14031486

It's almost as though these people have never actually interacted with a latino/latina person at all. I live in an area with about 30% Mexicans. They ALL hate this shit.

>> No.14031505


I will literally fucking murder the next white liberal faggot that tires to label me "latinx".

>> No.14031538

The educated ones don't. Shifts like this are driven by enlightenment, not a desire to cater to ignorant spicks.

>> No.14031600

If we aren't speaking Spanish, we can just drop the ending and say "latin", can't we?

>> No.14031621

Who are Bhutanese people?

>> No.14031628

who the fuck started it tho

>> No.14031632

about as ironic as an obese environmental activist

>> No.14031717
File: 565 KB, 479x444, fragezeichenmödchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't "latin" gender neutral already?

>> No.14031749
File: 57 KB, 1021x572, TRIPLE K IS WHAT DEFINES ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. rabbi shekelstein
white people, and the food they eat aren't going anywhere.

>> No.14031753

Latino is technically the correct gender neutral term in Spanish, nouns default to the male version when talking about a group, for example niños is both the word for boys and children. The people that push for the word Latinx are retarded Chicanos with no real understanding of Spanish.

>> No.14031780

every time

>> No.14031842

It's okay, the virus will wipe out the American population by the end of the year

>> No.14031888

I know for a fact that you've never set foot on the Asian continent. Cheese is everywhere.

>> No.14031902

Didn't read.

>> No.14032011

Liberal arts majors with no future job prospects.

>> No.14032050

why must the whole world be our burden. it really sucks being so god damn superior

>> No.14032067
File: 50 KB, 480x476, 1702193805952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus is already here, Anon. He is in you.

>> No.14032188

Sometimes it seems less like enlightenment and more like cheap virtue signalling because they don't want to deal with anything that takes more effort. It's easy to write Latinx and show everyone how progressive you are. It's easy to sit around and write an article blaming white people for pollution. It doesn't really solve anything, though.

>> No.14033297

Isnt it because white people are the majority of the USA, and other ethnic groups are just not consuming enough to have a carbon footprint?

Iknow mexicans love grilled meat, but there arent enough mexicans for this to matter

>> No.14034828

>Rounding up children and putting them in cages for being brown = ????

We should drown them in the Rio Grande instead desu

>> No.14034833

Mind your own business and don't worry about what other people eat you faggot. Nothing to figure out about that

>> No.14035478
File: 19 KB, 261x215, 1566503194267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14035501

No, the goal is to kill all the rich people. I completely support it. They are all evil, soulless, murderers. No exceptions. Guillotines for all of them. The world will be a vastly better place overnight.

>> No.14035514

im not gonna give that gay website traffic, but if the article doesnt actually list what foods they mean and what impact they have then its entirely bullshit, and a politically leading article that should be disregarded.

>> No.14035781

And then you

>> No.14035895

Initially based and upon closer inspection is determined to be VERY based.

>> No.14035941

You just proved his point. We cannot extend the same quality of life to 7 billion people if they expect to own a home, own land, have their own vehicle, eat meat, and travel the world.

So we can either have a smaller population, or cut down on all non-essential activity and increase population density, basically what we are doing for COVID, but forever and with less space.

I'd personally like to see some combination of reduced living and population control. Pay people UBI to be minimally impactful and not have kids. Also provide assistance to succesful people capable of having a child, not just poor people, to incentivize more stable individuals to become parents.

Having children you are unable to care for should be considered child abuse after 2 kids. Something like that.

>> No.14035945

Americans are killing themselves? Nice

>> No.14035953

Just call them Hispanic and move on lmao

>> No.14035961

You should McFucking kill yourself.

>> No.14035970

lol nice one, sorry you're such a fucking retard.

>> No.14036014

Cheese is present in Asia because globalized markets but it's a far less prominent part of peoples' diet in the West where the majority of sandwiches, soups, casseroles and noodle dishes have a cheese component. That's not true in eastern asia.