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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14020088 No.14020088 [Reply] [Original]

>move to Europe
>food quality marginally better, but mostly it's placebo
>everything expires and starts to go bad instantly
Have you ever experienced culinary culture shocks, /ck/?

>> No.14020150

the first time i tried sushi and some jap """sweets""". I thought "how bad could it be". And boy ive got the shits after sushi and the candy wasnt sweet at all. I know why theres no fat people there. If your food isnt good and sweets have no sugar then you just cant be fat!

>> No.14020221

Amerifat detected

>> No.14020233

Americans love sushi, dum dum.

>> No.14020240

Just go to Mc Donald's fatty, they're everywhere in Europe.

>> No.14020242
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went to visit family in germany and skipped around to a few other countries and NONE of them have free water. No such thing as a water fountain - and if there is, it's said to not be that safe to drink. You can't wash your hands for free either - you gotta pay anywhere from $.50 to $2.00 to use a god damn bathroom anywhere you go. When I stepped off the plane back in America, the first thing I did was run to the bathrooms and wash my hands and filled up my water bottle at the fountains.

That shit drove me nuts.

>> No.14020262
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>you can't wash your hands for free either - you gotta pay anywhere from $.50 to $2.00 to use a god damn bathroom anywhere you go

No wonder Covid is hitting them so hard

>> No.14020324

Sushi is based but yeah jap sweets are fucking trash, most Asian desserts are absolute garbage.

>> No.14020334
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The only "free" bathrooms were in Amsterdam and they were more just group urinals. I don't have a pp, so it was very unfair that I had to pay to piss while men could do it for free.

>> No.14020340

Yeah tipping 50% is so much better.

>> No.14020360

>tipping 50%

who does that?

>> No.14020405

>No wonder Covid is hitting them so hard
Germany is one of the less hit countries in Europe. Stop speaking with your ass.

>> No.14020424

You will realise how much better stuff like cheese, butter, beer etc is one you go back. trust me.

>> No.14020437

What? Theres talks about the "german anormality" on how well were handling the virus you delusional amerifat lol.

>> No.14020538

Imagine being so stupid you can't find a free to use toilet in a first world country.
You might be legit retard.

>> No.14020565

ok edgelord.

>> No.14020575

cope. food isnt' actually any better, just the cheapest stuff is a slightly higher grade. i could get equal or better quality just by paying a bit more (and since taxes are like half as much in the states you easily have $ for it)

>> No.14020584

>go to poorope
>you have to pay money for a 330ml bottle of water at a restaurant!!!
>they make a big deal about sparkling water

>> No.14020597

Traditional sweets aren't very good, but modern Japanese candy is good shit.
Go back to Canada, you fat faggot.

>> No.14020708

I had the same experience as you, the expiration rate was a real curveball. I threw out a lot of meat in the first couple weeks before I got used to it. I miss nacho cheese doritos. Every fucking snack here is paprika flavoured. Döner is god-tier though

>> No.14020753

I swear I saw more Burger King restaurants than McDs while I visited Europe. Weird shit. Traditional German cuisine also sucks dick. Plain potato dishes with some limp dick sausages.

>> No.14020759

>amerilard admits European food is better than the processed chemical shite he's used to
Yup, pretty big cultural shock to hear you admit that.

>> No.14020784

Sure thing amerifat, go back to your twizzler lmao

>> No.14020786


>> No.14020795

>who does that?


>> No.14020806

that cheese availability though

>> No.14020837
File: 114 KB, 1140x755, Best-ater-enhancers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be amerifat
>everything needs flavor
>even water
Can't make this shit up

>> No.14020842

>Same tiny penis jap fag wrote these posts

>> No.14020847

America has the best cheese, even yuropoor use our cheese for their overpriced purger lmao coom

>> No.14020854

These have electrolytes. Last time I checked the entire planet has Gatorade or Powerade.

>> No.14020867
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>People from country A are not allowed to enjoy country B food

And this is why Amerifat can't live without Macdonald even when traveling lmao

>> No.14020877

>overpriced purger lmao coom

>> No.14020951

Bet you were regretting that surgery.

>> No.14020983

Sounds kind of nice though. Imagine plain potatoes or rice being a comfort food to you. That would make things so easy.

>> No.14021005
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yeah. kept tripping over my mega dong. something had to be done, cause I was tired of picking rocks and grass out of the folds of skin.

>> No.14021020
