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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14018149 No.14018149 [Reply] [Original]

Im becoming lactose intolerant. Fuck this gay world

Im going to miss milk and cheese

>> No.14018403

You'll be much better off without cow puss and shit nutrients. Just make the jump to soymilk or peamilk. Once you adjust to the taste, it's so insanely superior.

Cheese is the harder one to say goodbye to. But other animals aren't going around drinking our breastmilk, so it only makes sense that we aren't designed to drink other animal's.

>> No.14018472

>designed to drink other animal's.
We are humans, we can eat everything.
We are not designed to eat or not to eat something.

>> No.14018480

Cow milk was literally designed for baby cows, like breast milk is built for human babies. It wasn’t intended for us in the first place.

>> No.14018488

You from Wuhan?

>> No.14018495

Yeah but we as humans can think about drinking cow milk, therefore we can drink it.
Unlike other animals.

>> No.14018496

I can drink human breastmilk but cow's milk gives me the shits. Go figure.

>> No.14018504

>cow's milk gives me the shits
That's not the case for me or many other people.

>> No.14018507

It wasn't the case for me either but then I got dysentery and it fucked up my stomach. I'll still eat ice cream if I don't have to work the next day. Gives me the squirts.

>> No.14018511

What about hard cheese? same?

>> No.14018516

cheese doesn't bother me so much, Milk and cream are death for me. Still worth eating, just have to make sure I'm at home the next day so I can shit hourly.

>> No.14018533

I guess maybe the probiotics and bacteria in cheese make it less damaging to someone who can't process lactose. IDK.

>> No.14018551

This. The reason we were able to develop any brains at all as a species is because of the symbiotic relationship we have with the bacteria in our gut. They help us digest things most animals have no businesses in consuming and in freak quantities too. Things "made" for another animal is also ours if we can get our hands on it.

>> No.14018565

Yeah, processed milk just fine until the dysentery. The medicine I ended up having to take for that fucked my gut up good.

>> No.14018570
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>> No.14018589

yeah that pea "milk" is sure loaded with nutrients lol

>> No.14018592

try raw milk OP. it's far superior in terms of nutrition and it also still has enzymes that aid in the digestive process.

>> No.14018609

Yeah, once you kill off specific bacteria that helps digest it for you, you're absolutely fucked. A lot of antibiotics can do that. Even going cold turkey on dairy and fermented milk products can do it because you're essentially starving them out.

Not sure about OP but if he's losing it little by little maybe he should take small amounts of kefir, yakult, or >>14018592 I feel like he might be indulging in too much, and then going cold turkey again when his stomach turns on itself and then repeating which is making it worse and worse as time goes on. When I was a teenager I was losing it too becuase I moved somewhere where all the diary tasted different and it wasn't appetizing to me anymore. I found a milk brand I liked and it came back little by little.

>> No.14018612

I still eat and drink dairy, had dysentery in the mid '90s. I got it from a fast food place called Jasmi's when I was in the Navy. Still messes me up.

>> No.14018617

Goat milk is tolerable for the lactose intolerant.

>> No.14018621


>> No.14018634

>>probiotics and bacteria
That's wrong, the simple answer is: cheese simply doesn't contain much lactose any more.
The enzyme used to make cheese is the same your gut produces to digest milk.

>> No.14019003
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>designed for
By who?

>> No.14019016

No you aren't.

>> No.14019023

Pretty much all animals have symbiotic bacteria in their gut that help them digest stuff, I don’t see how humans are any different in that aspect

>> No.14019201

this guy gets it. just use this or buy lactose free milk.

>> No.14019296

>and cheese

good news, anon, most hard cheese doesn't contain much lactose

>> No.14019356
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>You'll be much better off without cow puss and shit nutrients. Just make the jump to soymilk or peamilk.

>> No.14019360

that is right, which is exactly why I exclusively eat human meat.

>> No.14019542

Pretty sure you can just get over the counter lactase pills, which is the enzyme that metabolizes lactose.

>> No.14019559

lactose free milk is pretty common these days, you'll be fine.
If you're only "becoming" lactose intolerant then it's probably not bad enough to stop you eating cheese but if it does, you'll need lactaid or a similar product.

>> No.14019583

>Im becoming lactose intolerant. Fuck this gay world
How old are you? What were your dairy habits?
24, drink milk and eat yogurt every day, never had anything even resembling lactose intolerance. Parents also drink milk and eat yogurt every day.

>> No.14019587

tolerance is our strength.

>> No.14019651

Oh my sweet summer child...
>27And it came to pass, when David was come to Mahanaim, that Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and Machir the son of Ammiel of Lodebar, and Barzillai the Gileadite of Rogelim, 28Brought beds, and basons, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched corn, and beans, and lentiles, and parched pulse, 29And honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheese of kine, for David, and for the people that were with him, to eat: for they said, The people is hungry, and weary, and thirsty, in the wilderness.

Go be a vegan somewhere else. Like >>>/lgbt/

>> No.14019673

When did 4chan start getting filled with religious nuts? It didn't used to be like this, and I'm not even that old.

>> No.14019687

>religious nuts
Reported for anti-Semitism.

Go back to Stormfront.

>> No.14019695

What does it mean for a food to be "intended" for something or not exactly? Peppers are spicy so things won't want to eat them, yet we cultivate and eat them in mass anyways but clearly we're not "intended" to eat them, right?

What the fuck are you talking about you maniac?

>> No.14019698

I think more started realizing science wasn’t really on their side.

>> No.14019710

Thanks for the lel

I don't think it's that. Honestly, reading any religious post feels like reading a schizo wall of text from /x/.

>> No.14019859

True but humans have way more variation to deal with a lot of shit. Cattle definately have a lot, and so do insects, but the only animal I can think of that has more than a human are corals. Where humans have about 1000 different species of microbes in our gut, they have 100,000.

If you want to see what a big change that creates look at a cow versus a horse on a farm. Cows can chug away and eat anything in much bigger proportion, even damp hay that's started to grow mold. But if you give a horse too much of anything they tend to get cholic and die and are much picker with hay. Past grazing if you want to give your horse something different it has to be in moderation. Farmers usually chuck hay and things that horses won't eat to the cattle or goats so it doesn't go to waste.

>> No.14019864
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Cut all grains and sugars, in three or four days you'll be fine.

Any questions?

>> No.14019892

Most harder cheese has no lactose because it's fermented out during cheese production or drained off in the whey. If you have problems eating hard cheese, then you probably have a casein allergy.

If you go a while without drinking milk, that can make it seem like you're lactose intolerant. If you don't regularly drink milk, it seems like your body stops producing as much lactase. So you have to regularly drink small amounts and slowly increase how much you have each time to be able to drink more of it again. I had this issue when trying to find the cause of a skin problem, so I stopped drinking milk for a couple months. When I realized that wasn't the issue, I got a stomachache after having a glass of milk again. Started off by having a tablespoon of milk a few times a day for about three days, then two tablespoons, etc. and now I can drink as much milk as I want with no problem.

>> No.14020011
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>when your entire worldview is informed by memes

>> No.14020029

i think they are both retarded >>14019356

>> No.14020222

Maybe the fact that we can is what gave us the edge over other species. Maybe it’s what enabled us to begin eating meat.

>> No.14020249
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This exists. Generic brands also exist. Next time you walk through a pharmacy, check it out.

>> No.14020279

>Maybe it’s what enabled us to begin eating meat
Well, that part is definitely bullshit. Humans ate meat long before they drank another animal’s milk.
The part about giving an edge is probably somewhat true for northern countries since obtaining plants year round would be harder there, but as far as we know that edge only goes as far as enabling survival in those times and doesn’t mean drinking milk is preferred when alternative sources of nutrition are available.

>> No.14020561

For me, it wasn't anything in particular. I kept getting worsening cystic acne throughout high school until I made the connection that diary was the culprit. After I cut it out, my skin completely cleared up and I wasn't shitting once every three days.
Same for me. I'll still get minor acne if I eat too much cheese, but I can handle it in small quantities. I prefer not to eat something like a slice of pizza however, because I can actually smell the odor of cheese coming out of my pores later. I guess it's true what asians say about Americans smelling like old milk.

>> No.14020564

I still have issues with this. It doesn't work for everyone.

>> No.14020813

you can still eat hard cheeses

>> No.14020872

Get lactaid and eat older/dryer cheeses. Stay away from fresh cheeses or young cheese and you'll be fine, might even be able to get away with eating brie or other nicely fermented cheeses depending on how sensitive you'll become.

>> No.14020886

It was extra nutrients and it likely conferred some kind of advantage, otherwise it probably wouldn't be as popular as it is. We were keeping them for meat anyway and being able to make cheese meant food that was safe to store and eat over winter. Also nothing is "designed" it just develops over time. That's like saying milk wasn't designed for bacteria, they shouldn't be eating it either. It's nutrients, if a creature can consume it and make use of it, that's a benefit