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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 329x400, 20200426_211047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14012581 No.14012581 [Reply] [Original]

>make chili
>use half a box of chicken stock
>get sick eating chili
>use the remaining stock a couple days later
>pic related falls out
What's the grossest thing you've found in your food?

>> No.14012586

What the fuck is that and did you report it to the supermarket?

>> No.14012595
File: 658 KB, 2721x1838, 20200426_211022(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's moldy chicken skin. I went today and filed an incident report. They said corporate is going to contact me in a week or so. Am I going to get compensation?

>> No.14012605

if true dont take first offer and think about getting a lawyer

>> No.14012620

There is nothing like biting into a tumor

>> No.14012622

Start writing bad reviews about the store you go to, attach this image and say they still haven't contacted you yet and almost killed you.

Fastest way to get actual responses is to make it public.

>> No.14012633

That sounds kind of promising. Though a court case sounds like a lot of trouble with everything going on right now. Could I just take their offer and counter with twice the amount? Maybe even posture like I'm litigious

>> No.14012638

Similar but less gross story.

Moved into new place, made cookies for me and my housemates. Housemates said they enjoyed the cookies and I don't remember any bugs in the few that I had, but still, it haunts me.

A few days later, flour had a few bugs crawling in it.

>> No.14012644
File: 63 KB, 1185x737, Snapchat-285860282[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this in my Ear instead. Seems to look equally disgusting to OPs pic

>> No.14012652

This is really good advice, and something I was thinking about. Though if this does end up going to court wouldn't any claim of near death need to be substantiated? I would go this route if I just wanted a quick out of court settlement, but I want to get feelers first on if they're even willing to pay out.

>> No.14012655

you're going to get fuck all for just getting food poisoning. they will offer you a token amount. try throwing a tantrum and see if you can get some swag. try to get them to mail you a cooking apron. I've gotten free stuff a handful of times and I always bust their balls and make it like I just want to be happy. don't be a bitch about it and whine, but do be assertive

>> No.14012656

you could just remember the that this something like this could have literally killed you so whats your life worth? also how sick did it make you

>> No.14012664

I get chronic sinus infections and my ears clog up often. I cleaned my ears out 2 days ago because my right side was itchy and my sinuses were bad. a piece of wax larger than a q tip end came out of my left ear and I didn't even realize there was anything in it. pretty fucking crazy. I can hear pieces of grass rubbing against each other

>> No.14012667

Not really, we have no idea what scale of toxicity this is and can't ever predict the reaction it will have on human bodies. He could be randomly allergic to one of the bacteria inside that moldy skin, boom dead.

Anything like this is not meant to be ingested and makes people sick automatically, therefore posing a danger to his life. What if he fed this to a child? If he goes to court a Lawyer will know exactly how to phrase this. Anywho we're trying to get OP some good compensation, not a whole legal battle. Corporations just respond quicker if you publicize.

>> No.14012673

Yeah I had one of those in each of my ears. Once they came out it felt like I was hearing a whole new world.

>> No.14012674

courts don't generally grant payouts for "what could have happened". you need to have actual expenses to be compensated. pain and suffering bullshit only happens when it has affected your quality of life. food poisoning for a day is nothing.

>> No.14012681

Sure they do, otherwise a lot of cases in court would never make it in the first place. Anyways, we aren't trying to get OP into court. A 200$ giftcard is much better.

>> No.14012691

you won't even get a $200 giftcard. I've bitched at companies at least a dozen times and at best they've offered me manufacturer's coupons. I even participated in the starkist class action suit and I was awarded with a manufacturer's coupon worth $2.05
no offense (hah, fuck you) but you sound like you have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.14012693


Thanks for this input. I think I'm going to talk with a lawyer, maybe search around my area. Does anyone have any tips for this? If I find this avenue is best, do I want someone that works on contingency or how does this work? I have no idea how to hire a lawyer.

>> No.14012694

if he dosent get more than 5 -10 grand he got suckerd

>> No.14012700

just stop. people on this website are idiots. the first lawyer you call will explain to you why it is not worth it. you will waste their time

>> No.14012708

look for a lawyer that does pro bono that way its free unless you win a lawyer wont take the case if they dont think they can win and if you win they take there cut from the winings

>> No.14012709
File: 1.43 MB, 2300x2256, bean thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this in a can of beans. I think it's part of a bean factory. I sometimes think about where it might have come from. I still ate the beans

>> No.14012713

This guy is probably right

but I'm at least going to explore this. No harm in trying, especially if the lawyer works on contingency.

>> No.14012730

most likely what will happen if you get a lawyer and sue is b4 it even gets to court the company that makes the stock will want to settle out of court and this will be better than what you would have gotten from calling and complain

>> No.14012739

OP has no medical expenses and no case. stop encouraging them

>> No.14012800

It sounds more like OP was using expired chicken stock, and that's just the residue that got stuck at the bottom and decomposed.

>> No.14012806

once i took a gooood swig from a milk jug, then realized it was spoiled.

ughh. felt really bad man.

even thinking about it now makes me want to puke.

>> No.14012837
File: 37 KB, 400x267, 1587750086125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a usb stick loaded with gay child abuse videos in a McDonalds sundae once. Unbelievably hideous.

Apart from that it was delicious. At least the manager apologized.

>> No.14012844

Yeah it's most likely not skin but congealed bacteria slime

>> No.14012861

expires in August

>> No.14012872

I didn't find what actually casued it but one time I took a bite out of some pizza and it tasted exactly like an armpit smells.

>> No.14012878

I've found some questionable pieces in KFC before so I avoid it.

>> No.14012887

as soon as you open it you have to use it within a few weeks read the fucking package.

>> No.14012894

I had the same experience except instead of whining to the manager I bought more sundaes

>> No.14012907

I don't really see how this is the supermarket's fault. You should really be contacting the manufacturer. But then again, I'm not a duplicitous (((instigator))).

>> No.14012914

Found a few disgusting things in some meat pies when I was in prison, but I was at a prison that was known for housing pedos and crook politicians so I guess it was par for the course that other inmates fucked with the food that was bound for that place.

>> No.14012933

it was 4 days between uses

>> No.14012941

did you not smell it when you opened it? people these days are so fucking useless

>> No.14012952

I've got something useless you can smell

>> No.14012962

Calling a cog "part of a factory" feels very funny to me.

>> No.14012964

op looks like you got the attention of the company's pr team. you're on your way to a big payday i bet

>> No.14012986

Package might've had the seal broken during transport or something. Or it was just contaminated at the factory.

That might just be too much yeast in the dough unless the dough was actually spoiled. I think I had a failed sourdough get that smell once.

>> No.14012987

what else is it?

>> No.14012988

thanks man, how many millions of dollars do you think I'm owed?

>> No.14012997


>> No.14013001

Fag move.

>> No.14013004

Fucking kek 10/10 post son

>> No.14013005

I did put beans in the chili, don't know if that matters.

>> No.14013006


>> No.14013007

>filed incident report
>start writing bad reviews
>almost killed you
Okay Karen

>> No.14013020

le upvote

>> No.14013205

>bean thing.jpg
Serviced me a kekkuoli

>> No.14013481

Maybe if you plant it you can grow your own bean factory. Then the joke will be on them

>> No.14013484

Once when I was a kid I was eating black olives straight from a can and up floated some white thing with what looked like a half dozen tentacles coming off of it, threw it away and ran, never found out what it was.

>> No.14013496

How seriously you take the problem after it occurred is something a court would consider. You saying "This almost killed me and i was concerned for my life." How did that concern manifest? Did you go to the hospital? Or did you file of report and then wait a few days.

>> No.14013506

Fond a big ass root in a canned soup that made almost a fourth of the volume. Wrote a letter to the factory and they send me a dozen cans for free.

>> No.14013532

How did you get them out?

>> No.14013564

hydrogen peroxide and pushing water through my ears
i was surprised when it came out

>> No.14013728

What is this thing? I have one of these on my floor, not from a can of beans.

>> No.14013808

Syringing with luke-warm water is the only acceptable way to clean ears.

Pretty sure that's sediment settling and congealing in the carton, it's most likely pretty harmless but you'd need to be a microbiologist to be sure.
Protein and gelatin will form something like that. The colouration will be from the caramel colour added to the stock.

>> No.14013837

Oy vey

>> No.14013840

Every part of this post works together to create the perfect picture of bean-eaters.

>> No.14014032

from my years of slob lifestyle
that's a layer of solidified mold
they usually form on top of liquids, when the mold starts it's usually little rounds floating thing on the surface of the liquid, but if you let it grow, it'll eventually cover the entire surface and form a sort of mold skin on top on the liquid

>> No.14014041

That's not a cog.

>> No.14014254
File: 1.15 MB, 2640x1932, ear thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go. 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide and 3 parts warm water. I also used ear drops first.

>> No.14014263
File: 353 KB, 847x434, Ken!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of a bean factory
Fucking hell lmao

>> No.14014276

They probably won’t offer you much since you don’t have any damages. If the chicken skin had made you violently ill and you ended up in a coma there would be damages

>> No.14014383

>67 replies
>no word on the brand of chicken stock

>> No.14014863
File: 596 KB, 748x548, fightclubrecallformula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A major one.

>> No.14014913

dem beans

>> No.14014918

What are your damages? You won't get shit if you have a medical bill to show them.

>> No.14014929


>> No.14014976

I've bit into two chicken tumors at separate shitty delicious chinese buffets. you know the type.

>> No.14014984

Facebook and reddit are not far away. You might feel more comfortable there.

>> No.14015001

wtf beans have toys nowadays??

>> No.14015091

Chewed gum in rice

>> No.14015100

Fucking beaners

>> No.14015132


>> No.14015172


>> No.14015250

Complaining is an art

>Call up bars to see if any are showing a boxing pay-per-view I want to see
>One Buffalo Wild Wings tells me their Apple Valley location shows boxing pay-per-view events
>Call up the Apple Valley location "yeah we're showing that tonight"
>Drive all the fucking way to Apple Valley to watch the boxing pay-per-view
>Order wings and beer waiting for the fight to start
>Start getting suspicious because almost nobody is there and the pay-per-view broadcast is supposed to start soon
>Server brings out my wings
>"Hey, you guys are showing the pay-per-view tonight right?"
>"What? We're not showing that"
>Ask to speak to the manager
>Manager finds the situation hilarious and blames it on "the girls that answer the phone."
>That night email a complaint to Buffalo Wild Wings about the situation
>Get an email back two days later from the manager of the restaurant
>He didn't even spell pay-per-view right
>Get even angrier and file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau
>A week later I got a big gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings

>> No.14015276

Sharp Cheese *blegh*

>> No.14015277

fuck off Shoenice

>> No.14015296

Fag bitching about weevils unironically

>> No.14015327


>> No.14015621

Please don’t post this again, I’ve seen some insane shit and this brings me close to barfing.

>> No.14015739
File: 72 KB, 700x798, dancing lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this post so much

>> No.14016420


>> No.14016440
File: 274 KB, 2449x1632, _MG_0855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make chicken stock dude wtf

>> No.14017281

I'm more disgusted at putting stock in chili

>> No.14017320

Oh I'm sorry Karen, tell me more about how I've ruined your day.

>> No.14017954

it's the mother. you can use it to make more chicken stock

>> No.14017970

underrated post

>> No.14017975

this is why I have a problem with opaque containers of liquid. foundsomething similar in a can of Monster energy tea.

>> No.14017983

I genuinely love how innocent and honest the tone of this post is

>> No.14017984

So it's early 2019 and I buy some canned chili for chili dogs and there's just this floppy, white, ...thing in the can.

>> No.14017993

>Had a canned drink, drank most of it and set the rest aside for later
>Later didn't come, forgot to finish or pour it out
>Several days/a week later, have another can
>Reached to take a sip, grabbed the old can by mistake
>Immediately realized the grave error I had made after one taste
>Poured out the can into my sink, big clump of moldy shit like OP's picture but black/grey came out
Mistakes were made, I don't keep trash in my room any more

>> No.14017995

>Eating pizza
>Get this horrible sore feeling in my throat
>Dad tells me to drink a glass of water and eat a roll of bread
>Era not going away
>Fuck it put my fingers down my throat
>There is definitely something there
>Pull out a massive splinter as long as my fucking finger from my throat
I wanted to call and tell at them but dad didn't let me

>> No.14018029

This post should be read in Joe Pera's voice

>> No.14018037

damn I found mine stuff inside some gnarly cheese pizza

>> No.14018038

That's a pizza bone

>> No.14018057
File: 801 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a hex nut in my order of refried beans at a restaurant one time. I'm friends with the manager there so I was mostly glad that I had been the one to find it, instead of someone that would cause a ruckus about it, or not notice it before putting it in their mouth. He told me it didn't match anything in their kitchen, and that it must have been in the beans when they got them. It made me worry about the bean factory workers' safety if the machines are falling to pieces like that.

>> No.14018083

I found a roach baked into a loaf of bread when I was a kid
That's about it

>> No.14018356

yes just don't let it go, no threats unless you actually want to sue. Don't accept the first offer

>> No.14018427

I have both the sample and the box it came in sitting in my freezer. I'm going to talk with a lawyer on Monday. In high school some retard totaled my car. When his insurance called me for pain and suffering I just accepted their first offer of $50. Never again.

>> No.14018482

If you guys combined your pieces, you could start your own bean factory

>> No.14018506

jars of cum

>> No.14019009

after my rhinoplastic surgery, my snot took on a very interesting quality. i'm not sure what happens to it, but i believe that it gets mixed with blood and then goes through a fermentation process. this snot has a very strong taste, a peculiar texture and is very dark colored. i actually like it now.

>> No.14019028

oh god. i had a septum correction and adenoid removal few years back.
i bet you know alllll about that.
the scab removal was the worst. every week i had to follow up and they stuck this long suction tweezer thing inches down my nose and pulled out the most unimaginably huge scab booger you wouldnt even believe could fit up there...

>> No.14019045

Maggots in the rice. Finished half a bowl before I noticed them. They look just like rice grains.

>> No.14019345

as a kid was grocery shopping along my mom. after packaging the stuff felt a thunk when putting a packet of sliced ham in the bag. there was a cut off piece of metal just floating in there leaving a faint trace of something black around it.

>> No.14019414

fucking kek

>> No.14019419
File: 21 KB, 480x426, 1530171683675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal film of green slime mold

>> No.14019447

this. at best they will give you coupons for free shit.

i got sick eating at qdoba once. i called and complained and they gave me like 5 free meal coupons

>> No.14019456

shut up corporate bootlicker

>> No.14020719

I fucked a fat girl that worked at a qdoba once. I tried to eat her out but she said "only my boyfriend is allowed to do that"

>> No.14020738

lol based

>> No.14021183

You're both degenerate and you deserve each other.

>> No.14021636
File: 216 KB, 1820x1820, QGFM6ZUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea go fuck yourself you insufferable piece of shit.

order the fucking wings to go and buy your own payperview you lazy cheap sack of shit. people like you are the worst fucking kind of human. the only reason you exist is because people enable this shitty behavior. you deserve to be boiled in oil along with your entire family.

>> No.14021734
File: 211 KB, 750x922, 1496504557051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at kfc i got a piece of chicken with a feather on it still when i was on vacation

weevils in my barley for making beer that spread to all the rice, pasta and flour in my cupboard

mold in a can of corn when i was a kid

bugs in a bag of yellow rice that my mom insisted on buying that i never liked

a rat ate through a box of ramen above my fridge

i cant think of much else other than the random burnt chip in a bag of chips and nigger fur being in my food at a restaurant

>> No.14021756

>There was a hex nut in my order of refried beans
Did you check the packaging to see if it noted that the refried beans are packaged in a facility that also processes nuts?

>> No.14021760

can you guys stop posting so i can stop seeing this disgusting piece of fuck holy shit fuck men

>> No.14021769

I work on consumer relations for a major appliance manufacturer and take escalated calls when someone asks for "a supervisor". I gotta say you sir were actually entitled to something given the bullshit they put ya through and coming from me that's quite the compliment cause I hate giving consumers shit unless they deserve it.

>> No.14021780

I found this in a can of beans. I think it's part of a bean factory. I sometimes think about where it might have come from. I still ate the beans

>> No.14021788

i am sure it has a story behind it

>> No.14021854

Hey! I have this condition too.
If you can schedule an ENT appointment it's worth looking into.

Called Keratosis Obturans.
Annoying shit, gotta go get my ears cleaned by a doc every 3-4 months.

>> No.14021901

ewwww why's it wet

>> No.14021907

You got me in fuckin tears here

>> No.14021917

Onions and cajun chicken (maybe) on the pizza and a box that causes the steam to condense

>> No.14021923

Thx bby lemme sniff that stanky pusy

>> No.14021945

This, looks like the classic "slime" you get on like a cup of tea left for two days, once got that and then an undulated green fur in concentric circles, think it was a penicillin type thing, as it killed all the other nasty shit and I was left with pristine green fur on the surface of the "slime" substrate. Almost wish I'd never thrown it out.

>> No.14022036

Found a bottle of dark rum in a field as a kid. The thing must have been sitting in the sun a long fucking time. Bottle was burning hot. Tasted like shit.

>> No.14022057

The reason why I keep coming back to /ck/ is because of posts like this

>> No.14022113

Damn right you still ate those beans

>> No.14022147

awh bby did I hurt your feelings again? Want my manager's number?

>> No.14022814


Early 90s my parents opened a can of cambells tomato soup and there were strands of long black hair in the can
Pretty gross. They contacted them and they sent us an entire case of tomato soup in the mail

>> No.14022952
File: 23 KB, 150x150, 1532210550309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a bolt in a chicken sandwich from McDonalds a few years back. I don't know what made me open the sandwich but I'm so glad I did. I might've broken a fucking tooth if I bit into that

>> No.14023091

You can complain about anything real or not and you'll get free food regardless. I do it all the time. Works well with candy.

>> No.14023345

Lost it. Good shit

>> No.14023355

ba dum dum tshhh

>> No.14023357

you suck

>> No.14023610
File: 19 KB, 399x386, 1587125332551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bean factory

>> No.14023685

aint nothing got in my way of bean eatin'

>> No.14023896


>> No.14023945

>A week later I got a big gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings
Congratulations, the amount of wings you can buy with that card is probably worth around 5$

>> No.14023998

I remember not too long ago when a bunch of capri sun also had that bacteria slime shit in em

>> No.14024005
File: 1.20 MB, 300x169, ﺧ益ﺨ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sip an energy drink
>it's lumpy

>> No.14024074


>> No.14024098

bunch of maggots or very tiny worm like things inside of a box of kraft mac and cheese

>> No.14024653

I found a screw in a can of tuna once

>> No.14024713

That sounds so satisfying

>> No.14024719
File: 1.02 MB, 800x741, ytllt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that related, but forgot this in my oven and found it looking like hell. Does anyone know if the mold is some harmful aflatoxin shit or just your daily coffee mold?

>> No.14024864

Years ago I bought a box of Franzia. When I went to pull the spout out of the box I noticed something unusual on the bag. I ripped open the box, and the bag of wine was absolutely covered with small, dead weevel things. I got a refund.

>> No.14025652

Have you ever tried cleaning your oven? Shit looks like a petri dish.

>> No.14025965

I literally hope you get murdered.

>> No.14026051
