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File: 168 KB, 1600x1169, depositphotos_299140878-stock-photo-asian-cute-barista-making-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14009971 No.14009971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the right way to approach qts working at coffee shops or grocery stores?

>> No.14009983

You just probably shouldn't man. they're just working.

if you really want to just be casual. speak to them a little bit each time you go. maybe flirt just a tiny bit. then after getting to know them after 2 weeks or so ask them if they want to get lunch or whatever. and if they reject you just deal with it

>> No.14009987

get your dick out and pull her a "ristretto" if you know what I mean

>> No.14009996

Walk in with your benis "accidentally" hanging out of your pants. Works like a charm.

>> No.14009997

Don't hit on people while they're working.

>> No.14010000

Don't. It's annoying getting hit on at work. I'm a dude and dumb broads would try to hit on me when I was a cashier and it's just a bad place to do it. Their head is in work mode not socialize mode

>> No.14010002

Like this anon - https://youtu.be/W8EGCC9NNvo

>> No.14010006

A chick who was working at a coffee shop was hitting on me but I didnt find her that attractive so I pretended like I didnt know what she was doing. Needless to say I stopped going there though now its closed down anyway because of the virus.

>> No.14010019

You remember that every smile they give you is just part of their job and resign to being as alone in the world as you have always been

>> No.14010028

Don't make move on service industry people while they're on the job. Literally paid to be nice to you. You're deluding yourself if you think it's anything else.

>> No.14010031

>Don't hit on people while they're working.
why not?
>You remember that every smile they give you is just part of their job
i don't buy it. she literally said she liked my eyes. i went back a few times but she was never there. and now the virus so idk

>> No.14010058


>> No.14010088

dont, unless they hit on you, because at work people have to be nice to you, male or female, and your pretty much just being annoying by forcing them to in some degree lay along with your flirting

>> No.14010115

What a run of the mill platonic compliment. Almost as dull as saying she likes your smile. If her voice dropped and went a little husky, maybe. Otherwise, don't read too much into it. She likes serving you, but that doesn't mean she wants to spend more time with you.

>> No.14010118

>Otherwise, don't read too much into it.
i tried not to, but it is just a strange thing to say, isn't it? been to a billion coffee shops and this has never happened before

>> No.14010119
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Imagine being so handsome people paid you millions of dollars to pretend to be a low life who robs stores and beats up women

>> No.14010160

depends on the person and whether they’re attracted to you

some people are receptive and some aren’t. also depends on if there’s privacy when you do it

i know multiple people who have picked up girlfriends from their place of work and one of them is now married to them.
it really depends on the person and whether they’re attracted to you or not.

no harm in trying, they’ll either be receptive or not. at least you found out if you had a chance if you try. just don’t try too hard or it’ll be awkward.

also go back a few times before trying something.

>> No.14010176

This, so much this
It's cute the first time you hear a stupid compliment, at 200th time you wanna kill that human on the spot

>> No.14010185


>> No.14010190
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 20200430_213054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask them if coffee is good for you

>> No.14010191

you dont moron. they just want to get their shift over with and go home

>> No.14010192

>This, so much this

>> No.14010193

now THAT is a real qt
and the green highlights just exposes how wild she really is

>> No.14010208

Order black coffee

>> No.14010215

Hey babby want sum fuk?

>> No.14010234

Make sure to touch their hand when they give your change. They should already be hormonal from the cum they absorb from the money you gave them, you do cum on your money right? Anyways, tell her that her hands seem warm, a clear sign of ovulation, and drop some subtle hints about your sperm count. It doesn't need to be notarized proof or anything, just something like my sperm count and bank account are similar, both around 200 million. If you are feeling up to it, let her know that you would be a lot stronger than her in a struggle, even carry a bag of weights around to prove it. I guess final thing would be to ask her if she needs a ride home and be sure to say her address, you do know where she lives anon? If you cared about her you would. But yeah, basic fucking human interaction.

>> No.14010263

Yeah this will do it, but I don't think a restraining order was OPs end goal

>> No.14010266

Cute cashier at Publix acknowledged that I come in often, and then just a couple of days ago asked me if I had any plans that night, which is an odd question considering the quarantine. License to ask her out?

>> No.14010275

1.) realize you're the 500th person to do it that day and how fucking annoying it is.
2.) walk away.

>> No.14010287 [DELETED] 

>License to ask her out?

>> No.14010288


>> No.14010290

That's why you wear your n95 balaclava at all times and don't wear any microchiped "deodorant."

>> No.14010300


>> No.14010310

>why not?
I'll give you a reason. Because it's a bad situation. They can't be rude to you because they're on the clock, which makes it difficult to tell you to get the fuck out and it's an extremely awkward position to be in. It's akin to cornering a girl physically. Her avenues of escape are cut off. Even more-so if you're persistent. You're thinking with your dick so you're not considering her situation. You don't notice her coworkers looking at her to see what she's going to do. You don't sense the embarrassing and anxious atmosphere all around because you're on the 'fun' side of the counter. You don't realize how much shit she gets (no matter her reaction) once you leave.

Even if she's alone, she has to consider how you're going to react to her rejection. Whether you're going to try and contact her manager with some bullshit story because your ego got damaged or what.

Just don't fucking do it. It's a dick move from every angle, even if you're Chad. It's not welcome. Any woman that WOULD welcome it is not a woman you want to date.

>> No.14010315

obvious signals? Bitch working and has to be nice to people for her job. It's turbo virgins like yourself that get their hopes up over absolutely nothing

>> No.14010323


>> No.14010325

this is the kinda nigga who goes to a strip club and thinks the whores are sincerely into him

>> No.14010338

What do you mean "License to ask her out?" She already asked you out. You say "Not really. Pizza and Netflix. Wanna hang out?" Gotta watch for those cues, man. People don't normally ask those questions as idle chit-chat.

As a rule of thumb, when dealing with someone at work, you should wait for them to make the first move. But she already did that. So just discretely slide her your phone number or something next time if she doesn't ask again.

>> No.14010370

People in customer service often ask what others are doing later, I have it happen all the fuckin time. The fuck you on about bro, it's mundane chatting

>> No.14010375

Figure out when her shift ends and follow her to her house. Ok. Now you need to rent an apartment across to her house with great visibility. Wake up early and watch her house with binoculars. Find out what she does outside of work. Do the same hobby so you can meet her naturally. And you can finally ask her out. She will say no because you are an ugly motherfucker. No problem, no problem. Wait until it's dark and ambush her when she is coming back from work. She opens the door and you smash her head with a brick. She is now dead. Obviously you panic just like I did. Why did I kill her? I LOVED HER BUT SHE COULDN'T LOVE ME. I AM A NICE GUY WHY COULDN'T SHE SEE IT? FUCKING BITCH DESERVED TO DIE.

>> No.14010387

>wanting to date the kind of girl who fucks her customers
are you a cuck or what

>> No.14010389

They're dumbasses. I've never asked anyone that. It's a leading question. Why, of all the conversation starters you can pick, would you use a phrase that doubles as a pick up line? Why not ask about the whether or what they're buying?

>> No.14010394

Technically they are being paid to be nice to you so by hitting on them at work it creates a conflict of interest. They feel obligated to be nicer to you than they would normally be if you just approached them in public. And by taking advantage of that you'd be a creep and and inconsiderate asshole. I know its incredibly tempting because those of us who fucking hate bars and clubs and most large social gatherings basically ONLY run into new people while we are shopping/they are working. It seems like a perfect opportunity or maybe your only opportunity to meet someone who seems cute or interesting but you're basically cornering them and making them feel dirty.

Don't do it.

>> No.14010404
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>Go to a Mexican grocery store
>All the cashiers are 7/10-10/10 qts

It's not fair!

>> No.14010411

Just how many times did you just use the word just in your post?

>> No.14010415
File: 698 KB, 1920x1080, FC4EA991-C9E0-4AD7-94FC-A8A930A3393F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked out pic related after chatting her up about 1-2 times a month at a local bar; she gave me every signal that she was interested: alway coming over to me first, talking about her day while ignoring other customers, light hand touching, whispering in my ear her schedule for the next week...I didn’t even tip her over the normal amount, so I was sure it wasn’t just an act, like I was more confident in asking her out than any chick before...fuck was I wrong...super rejected when I asked her to grab coffee...now I can’t go back again cause crushed my confidence

>> No.14010418

It's a way of asking about what someone's buying without potentially triggering lunatics. I get asked it all the time if I check out with ingredients for a well known dish like chocolate chip cookies or chicken parm.

>> No.14010423


>> No.14010428

is this true?

>> No.14010437

>saving a picture of a girl you hit on once and uploading it to a pedo terrorist website
sounds like she dodged a bullet

>> No.14010463

if you have enough money they are though

>> No.14010465

yes, 15 year olds with breasts are cute
that doesn't mean you should try and have sex with them

>> No.14010476

Damn you must be ugly

>> No.14010496

did you snap this pic as you asked her out?

>> No.14010504

>tipped her at all
lmao obviously she was just being nice to you for the extra cash

but seriously how did you end up taking her pic?

>> No.14010520

Holy shit based, I didn't realize all the layers I could psychologically corner a woman working, heading to the grocery store right now

>> No.14010523

>approach qts working at coffee shops or grocery stores
Don't you fucking rapist

>> No.14010534
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>> No.14010557

I reverse image searched her. She's apparently an "up and coming" food & bev manager for some reastaurant group in Texas. People who get featured in those kinds of industry profile pieces are socially adept and treat everyone they meet as a potentially important professional contact (even if they're just some random jackass). Probably anon wasn't used to being treated like a respectable person by an attractive woman and it short circuited his brain.

>> No.14010637
File: 110 KB, 600x800, 20200430_232955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonnie is taken ! And she is cute ! CUTE !

>> No.14010671
File: 1.23 MB, 1437x1801, Screenshot_20200430-233645_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dodged a bullet right there, she has let herself go already

>> No.14010711

>visiting sister in Denver
>get into city at 8am sister is at work till 2
>want weed and coffee
>see store with marijuana leaf on door
>walk in and at once notice big coffee machine and no marijuana stuff
>cute artys girl
>whats with the weed leaf on the door?
>thats like a logo
>this looks like a coffee shop
>it is
>whats that have to with weed
>this is also a workshare
>oh - do you sell coffee?
>can I have a cafe con leche
>whats that?
>coffee with milk
>cafe au lait
>uhhhh yeah
>I like your espresso machine by the way

>> No.14010718

Stop humblebragging

>> No.14010729

Did you get high with your sister n fuk lol?

>> No.14010735

lol she looks like she's cringing here too

>> No.14010741

They're all vapid stoners with literally nothing going for them.
It's not worth wasting your time and getting your hopes up from the brief moment of attention you'll get.

>> No.14010746

no neither of us are into incest we did get high a bunch and I cooked her a filet on Valentine's day because we're both single and drank some wine

got to hang out with her roomate a bunch too shes qt I wouldn't want to just bang her though more like love and protect if she would accept

>> No.14010768

shut up faggot what are you an english teacher? drown yourself in little girl pee

>> No.14010789

Imagine not treating women like regular people.
Ask her about herself. People love talking about themselves. Seem interested in the thing they mention. Say you gotta run and ask for number.
Dont treat it like you are asking them to mate. Youre just a cool guy who thought their hobby or thing was cool. Then you can chat and if things click you go for it.

>> No.14010797

>we did get high a bunch and I cooked her a filet on Valentine's day because we're both single and drank some wine
if I had a hot sister that would mess with my head

>> No.14010806

here's the problem with that thinking. every time I've wanted to talk to a girl about a hobby or a shared interest she assumes I'm hitting on her. every time I make it clear I just wanna fuck, things go MUCH better. even if I just wanna fuck and not be her "friend" or some shit.

girls are just as bad as guys are about this kind of shit, stop pretending that you can "just be friends", that's TV, that's not real life

>> No.14010807
File: 69 KB, 613x501, 1586913739582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check and mate

>> No.14010817

do this but never ask her out. just be that friendly guy that shows up to work everyday and nothing more than that

this isnt a movie

>> No.14010826

We should call you Justin.

>> No.14010834
File: 124 KB, 700x693, benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you do cum on your money right?

>> No.14010835

I manage a supermarket, around 180 employees in total. Been working on the field for almost ten years,so I've gotten to know a lot of cashiers, and the women are turbonormies, and approx. 98% of them are in a relationship. The last 2% are borderline/bipolar. Trust me when I say that I've never heard about anyone going out with a customer, in general they only like older pleasant customers and hate anyone they have to talk to more than required. We all recognize the spergs who think that cashiers might like them because they're the only people that ever talk to them; the complete lack of social experience is glaringly obvious. The fact that they don't realize the power imbalance between someone working min wage who are paid to be courteous to them and can't really express themselves completely while at work is also really telling about how they don't understand social rules. Just give up on Becky behind the till.

>> No.14010847

I can see that she is cute but she's my sister. It wasn't romantic. I will say I enjoyed her and her roomates company really puts women in perspective

>> No.14010854

>wanting to date wagie whores
kek. you're so starved for pussy

>> No.14010869

>why not?
Because they're working

>> No.14010870

Works every time

>> No.14010871

when i was young i always walked up to the same cashier silently but one day i noticed she had glasses and figured she wanted a confidence boost and told her they looked good, unfortunately i figured i would never live up to that same expectation i gave her so i never showed up again

and no i wouldnt say they are turbo normies. chances are all of them are in highschool

>> No.14010876

>incel things there's a universal best way to approach any woman
this is why you're alone, figgit

>> No.14010883

If you need to ask then it's not even worth trying.

>> No.14010920

Let them make a move. If they don't, they don't like you and you're just going to make them uncomfortable at their job

>> No.14010934
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>> No.14010938

you probably just sounded too much like a cop, though probably look a bit more like a snitch. 0/10 qt stoner points.

>> No.14010941

yeah but it's easy pickings

>> No.14010970

I wouldnt youll never be able to go in there again. dont bother unless you know them. its not a youtube video

>> No.14011066

have fun being eskimo bros with every coworker shes fucked
>t. ex grocery clerk

>> No.14011097

You could have just non-romantically had sex with her. It doesn't count as incest unless you're in a "relationship" and you cannot be in a relationship with your sister as per facebook

>> No.14011108

Salute her as a frontline hero. Then ask everyone join you in a round of applause for the little lady.

>> No.14011119

How do you go from that to >>14010671???

>> No.14011163

If your job requires to drink "socially" every day in massive quantities, you either need cocaine or some other habit to burn off that extra calorie surplus

>> No.14011195

>dyed hair
>mystery meat American


>> No.14011215

>muh murricans
get help

>> No.14011230

keep in mind that she's probably not attracted to you even if she's flirty, she's just trying to get you to leave a nice tip

>> No.14011243


>> No.14011254

Tell them you're horny and lonely, then start weeping

>> No.14011258

Post height, weight, and blood type

>> No.14011282
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>coffee shops
If you constantly get the heart shaped latte art then it’s a pretty good sign that she likes you, if she draws hearts on the cup near your name then you know for sure she’s got the hots for you, big time.

>> No.14011318
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Nice quads.
This happens to me too, I'm an NYC cashier (male). A lot of it generally goes over my head because I'm not that great with reading between the lines. My coworkers sometimes bring it up to me though. I have definitely missed opportunities with women though, by being oblivious.
Ah well, at least I have time off

>> No.14011324


perhaps grocery store cashiers are a different breed or something but I've asked out 3 front-line service girls before, all three said yes and we dated for a bit. one was a bartender, one was a bank teller and one was a server.

so on one hand i want to think it happens more often then what you say but then again, i've never personally known another dude who dated a girl they met in the same fashion so idk. maybe they just never tried?

>> No.14011366
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>being friendly to women you're not fucking
cucked beyond saving. Women you're not banging deserve nothing but indifference.

>> No.14011396

Be able to discern if a chick likes the cut of your jib.
If she is into you it won't matter how it happens, she will cling to you. Learn how to flirt. Leave the spaghetti at home.

>> No.14011414

Stop being ugly

>> No.14011424

If she likes you at all, she will go out of her way to let you know. Otherwise, it is just your penis telling you it needs to cum.

>> No.14011447

Like anything else, it's not the cut and dried situation 4chan likes to turn everything into. Yes, more women than not don't want to be hit on while they're working, but it's entirely situational. If a chick is busy or avoiding eye contact or keeping the chatter to a minimum, then yeah absolutely don't hit on her. But if she's not doing anything else and she seems friendly and follows up stuff you say, might as well go for it. Women are people too. You want to ask her out because she's cute or she said something interesting/funny. If she thinks you're cute or said something interesting/funny she might want to be asked out by you. Worst case scenario she turns you down and you just go back to handing her money and not talking like every other time.

I've asked out maybe five women working in stores. Two politely turned me down, one said she had a boyfriend, and I got a couple dates out of the last two. Both situations were kinda odd and I could have been more aggressive, too.

>> No.14011454

>If she likes you at all, she will go out of her way to let you know

This is something inexperienced anons won't easily pick up on. They gotta be able to tell the difference between "polite-friendly" and "she's looking for an excuse to keep talking."

>> No.14011497

I'll clarify. She should look like her eyes are bearing down on you. Watch some videos of women looking at hot guys and freaking out for visual aids.

>> No.14011508

link some of those videos

>> No.14011539

Its just pretext. Ive never had a problem with immediately flirting right after. Besides, you also potentially gain access to her friends.
Dont have to be her actual friend. Just in the broader group of someone you know

>> No.14011548

I mean doesn't matter its perfectly legal to have weed stores in Denver about 15 minutes later I found one

>> No.14011639

Some hippy chick that was pretty cute hit on me one time but she had dreads and hairy armpits so I lost interest.

>> No.14011646


>> No.14011708

Wait out by the dumpster at closing time and then open her up.

>> No.14011729

slide her your number on your way out when nobody is watching, but make sure to give some flirty eye contact while sitting on your faggot mac pro slurping your sugar water. Worked for myself, but she was a tranny which is probably why s\he texted me back in the first place. Ugh I wish i wasnt such a pussy and fucked her

>> No.14012057
File: 21 KB, 326x246, 1585830261737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, 15 year olds with breasts are cute
>that doesn't mean you should try and have sex with them

>> No.14012898

if that person is actually interested they will hunt you down after their shift or approach you if youre still there drinking or whatever.

i did the whole barista thing for 4 years and thats generally how i saw the girls act.
they get annoyed if a guy just approaches them straight up and flirts, then they just end up making fun of them during their breaks and whatnot.
but if they find someone they like, they will approach them, do the whole "is everything ok?" bit like they do at restaurants and then slip you their number or whatever social media they are using.

>> No.14012929

180 lbs

>> No.14012934

Oh fuck dude I have so many stories like that. I genuinely get mad at how dumb I was

>> No.14012944

>Waiting 2 weeks
This is fucking retarded.

Just ask. Say they're cute/attractive and ask if they'd be interested in hanging out later. This was literally how I met my last ex (she worked at the Starbucks in the hospital I work at). Takes 5 seconds of your day instead of wasting 2 weeks hoping she'll remember your dumb ass, holy fuck is that stupid advice.

People decide in like 5 seconds if they're interested in another person - you literally did the same to her. The only thing that's going to change in 2 weeks is you regretting wasting 2 fucking weeks.

>> No.14013103

i usually smile and say hello at the ones that i like and try to get to the cash registry where they are working. there's around three girls i do this to, they all say hello back. one of them ignores me otherwise, one of them is clearly creeped out by me and one of them is unusually friendly towards me.

>> No.14013110

Autistically mumble your order and then when they tell you "thanks have a nice day" glare at them like they just raped your dog while saying nothing and then walk out. It works wonders for me.

>> No.14013131
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Drunk and with an erection.

>> No.14013241

>Women are people too
Manifestly untrue

>> No.14013252

same except i worked in the kitchen and it was mostly co-workers (superiors) and I ended up getting a warning for avoiding them so fuck that place

>> No.14013262


>> No.14013263
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>> No.14013312

a man hasn't live until he's done this

>> No.14013354

unironically fucked the costentino's girl doin this

>> No.14013414

You sound like a fat sjw girl on facebook. The type that kissed another girl once for Male attention and now goes to pride parades because "she is Bi" .

What it really comes down to OP is how tall and attractive you are. If you see a girl you like, you might as well ask her out. I've gone out with a few cashiers and waitresses. When they say its annoying to be hit on or asked out, they really mean "by guys I don't like/find attractive".
And the whole "being paid to be nice" is just bullshit. Its woman talk for "omg if I flirt with a man and he doesn't like me I'll die of rejection! I know...I'll pretend I'm just being nice because its customer service! " plenty of cashiers etc. Are pleasant enough but not overly nice or complimenting.

>> No.14013450

Did you miss the last line of his/her post?
>Any woman that WOULD welcome it is not a woman you want to date.
Which is true. You don't want a woman that enjoys whoring it up while on the clock. It says a lot about their personality and what you can expect from them later on. Red flag, in other words.

Similarly, any guy that tries to pick up a girl while she's working is just as bad. So I guess they deserve each other.

>> No.14013475

Depends what you're into I guess. I never go into something like that thinking it might end in marriage lol. I just like to fuck these days.

>> No.14013526
File: 14 KB, 480x360, FeZzlzGPyW4oZkwGcQmboQWYlDG3BHlvvEDfwRu5CLs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: Look like this

>> No.14013549

fucking simp

>> No.14013552

The only way for it to work is to be attractive. Back in the day I got denny's waitresses simply by giving them a look while I was ordering but you have to be good looking.

>> No.14013581

fucking kek

>> No.14013621

Came here to post this. It's just really rude behavior. Even if they're into him if they say yes they'll lose face and look like that one girl that flirts with guys on the clock. There's no winning.

>> No.14013638

Or look like a raggedy ass dad if you can actually grow a beard. Most baristas are gold digging thots anyways.

>> No.14013781

>step up to counter
>wait for her to finish greeting you
>slap your dick onto the counter 3 times

>> No.14013792

This anon gets it

>> No.14013912
File: 22 KB, 640x260, 245[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly off topic, but what's the way to approach qts not working there (like, sitting at a nearby table).
t. autist.