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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 1000x918, French-Onion-Soup-Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14008787 No.14008787 [Reply] [Original]

Onions are dirt cheap. Probably the most diverse vegetable around.(also potato)
Why don't you make more onion soup?

>> No.14008792

i only have a spoon, microwave and a small fridge

>> No.14008796

Because its time consuming to do it properly.

Just caramelizing and prepping the onions will take you 60-90 minutes

>> No.14008804

>stick spoon in onion
>put in fridge
Et voilà ! Oignon froid poivré

>> No.14008805

If you're female, between 18 and 26, I'll gladly make you some

>> No.14008817

Onions are dirt cheap but the 6 hours to make the beef bouillon and the $30 worth of cheese to go with it isn't.

>> No.14008828


Also traditionally you should be using a demi glace instead of beef stock, which takes 7-8 hours itself.

So 7-8 hours for the demi glace, another 90 minutes fucking with onions, and then you still have to prep ramekins with crouton and cheese and then baked to finish

It's a lengthy process to do a traditional French onion soup properly

>> No.14008838


>> No.14008839

Why bother? It’s still delicious if done improperly.

>> No.14008842

the time consuming part of demi glace is the stock wut

>> No.14008843

Point taken.
But now is the time most of us really have the time (it'll never come back).
Is it cheating to use quali stock cube?

>> No.14008846

Not like anyone’s checking.

>> No.14008852

Yea but anyone who has had it prepared the traditional way from scratch can attest that its MUCH better than the quicker methods.

They're fine and its what I expect if I order French onion soup at a normal restaurant, but a high end French or when taking my time to do it at home, I expect it done the proper way.

To each their own obviously, but if I'm spending my time fucking with onions, might as well do the rest properly too

>> No.14008855

Yes, veal bone stock that takes hours to make

>> No.14008859
File: 82 KB, 720x573, sticky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying demi glace implies veal
>implying veal bone stock takes longer to make than beef bone stock

>> No.14008902

When discussing traditional French onion soup, it is veal specifically, and its not a length of time compared to beef, its just most people use a packaged beef stock or bullion cubes instead of making their own stock.

If you're going through the effort of making your stock you should be smart enough to do veal, the proper type of stock, and not just straight beef stock.

>> No.14008972

good luck finding the veal bones faggot

>> No.14008984

lol it's actually piss easy to get veal bones currently, the primary consumer of veal bones is restaurants, which currently aren't buying shit since most fine dining establishments that would fuck with veal stock, are closed currently.

>> No.14008988

>piss easy to find
I mean in a non-armageddon setting.

>> No.14008994

still not that hard to find, worst case you can order 10-20lbs online for an okay price.

>> No.14009005

>20 lbs of veal bones just to make a fucking onion soup

Nah m8, I'd rather a just use beef bones.

>> No.14009010

I bet you don't even use sherry to finish your french onion soup

>> No.14009016
File: 1.93 MB, 170x250, 1MRT2yk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noxious smelling overwhelmingly spicy diversity food
I'm not a self hating soycuck coastie, sorry not sorry. enjoy smelling like a refugee camp