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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14008232 No.14008232 [Reply] [Original]

What is your usual pre/post workout food?

>> No.14008236

Crystal meth and the blood of newborn babies

>> No.14008285

2 paracetamol and a phenylephidrene with a wank post work out.
If it's after 5pm I add a cognac to the prework out.

>> No.14008360

Cup of coffee, instant.
Whatever snack I feel like, maybe. Anabolic window is a myth.

>> No.14008371


>> No.14008379

I usually train in the mornings after breakfast
>chobani yogurt usually mixed berry
>3 whole eggs 3 egg whites
>2 packets of quaker fruit and cream oats
>2 200mg caffeine pills
>5mg of creatine

>> No.14008388

>2 200mg caffeine pills
Does this actually help?

>> No.14008394

it's a well known fact that all of the effects of caffeine are pure placebo and people have been drinking coffee for hundreds of years for absolutely no reason other than being stupid and gullible

>> No.14008396

I use it instead of a preworkout because it's easier than trying to stomach some candy flavored bullshit. If you don't normally consume caffeine before you workout I'd recommend starting at a lower dose like 150-200mg.

>> No.14008419
File: 117 KB, 897x897, 02648_KO_Core_YellowFin_Tuna_Chunks_OliveOil_NORW_PACKSHOT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuna and cottage cheese is my go to, get some high quality tuna in olive oil and just put it in a bowl with cottage cheese. Tastes good.

>> No.14008543

Perhaps a little bit psychologically but physically it doesn't help anything. A lot of pre-workout supplements are loaded with caffeine and B12 so people will feel more energetic and think that they're not throwing away their money (they are).

>> No.14008547

is this shooped? hot anyway

>> No.14008553

A gallon of water with 4 limes.

>> No.14008575

Slow down there buckaroo, aside from being one of the only nootropic supplements proven to have any effect, there is considerable research which indicates that caffeine increases users strength. Google and you'll find plenty of peer reviewed studies confirming this.

t. competitive powerlifting for 5 years, at a national level for 2

>> No.14009116


>> No.14009166

when you’re 233lbs of pure muscle, you eat whatever the fuck you want. don’t bother replying, I don’t give a fuck anyways.

>> No.14009174

233 lbs of pure vinegary shit

>> No.14009266

Interdasting, I never knew this, guess I was wrong after all.

>Habitual caffeine use leads to tolerance. This means the effects of caffeine will be diminished, often to the point where the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti-sleep effect. This is an ‘insurmountable’ tolerance, which means more caffeine will not overcome it.


>> No.14009298

>prework out
Thats the only incorrect way to say that

>> No.14010336

>normal breakfast in morning
>bowl of oats with cinnamon and honey up to like an hour before working out
>l-citrulline, GABA, Beta Alanine, and optionally betaine mixed in as little juice as possible right before
>a cup of coffee
>lift 1.5-2 hours, Madcow 5x5
>right after, whey shake with whole milk, peanut butter, whey, creatine, glutamine, chia seeds, and a little sweetener. maltodextrin when I was still underweight
>ideally steak and sauteed asparagus and garlic for dinner

>> No.14010344

>still falling for pwo
newfag, read more aragon

>> No.14010346

all the msot effective ingredients in preworkout outside of the amphetamines and caffeine I listed here >>14010336 I highly recommend them, and buying these in bulk end up at a quarter of the price of any preworkout supplement I've seen

>> No.14010353

>two of my favorite high protein stupid easy snacks
>never put them together
Is it based?

>> No.14010830

you forgot to add that they don't even like the taste either, they just pretend

>> No.14012442

pre squat: instant ramen and juice
post squat: eggs and instant ramen plus random vegetables w/milk and water

>> No.14012788

Usually pre workout I'll eat 6 servings of Fettuccini Alfredo and maybe half a 24 inch baguette, margarine and 2 liters of milk
Post workout i try not to drink anything So I don't sweat out all my calories and usually just eat one celery plant.

>> No.14012836

>sugar sugar sugar
just have the eggs and drink coffee instead of taking pills like a man

>> No.14012840

I truly pity people who honestly believe that.

>> No.14012866

Nothing fancy. Just a boiled egg. If it is cardio, some fruit.