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13998976 No.13998976 [Reply] [Original]

Deadpool's Chimichangas :3

>> No.13998990


>> No.13998995


>> No.13999004 [DELETED] 

I love bonging with babushka before watching binging with babish lol
weed dude

>> No.13999619

Is there static in the audio for anyone else?

>> No.13999623

has anybody seen my nindendo switch? I think I left it at the barcade

>> No.13999626

Who are you kidding?
You don't go outside

>> No.13999641

You need to go back

>> No.13999643

Fuck off!

>> No.13999655


>> No.13999805


>> No.13999895

>sponsors in every video
I thought he was popular enough to get paid by Jewtube.

>> No.14001318

He even got a successful patreon.

>> No.14001854

looks tasty, but might as well just eat a burrito

>> No.14001862

no wonder he still needs sponsors and a patreon and merch

>> No.14001871

He's got like 2,500 subscribers on Patreon. The start tier is like 5 dollars a month.

>> No.14001892

more money is always better

>> No.14001894

There's this old soviet cartoon called katerok, and the characters have a music number, with catchy song it's stuck in my head again what have you done fool

>> No.14001904

Fuck off.

>> No.14002049


>> No.14002065


>> No.14002079

>You don't go outside
Nobody does any more.

>> No.14003434

>tfw went to a barcade and had a great time playing mvc2 and third strike
Hopefully corona didn't make them die.

>> No.14003579

I don't mind his videos. The cartoon ones are better cause he needs to be more creative.
But then again I'm not a seething autist,

>> No.14003662

doesn't he live in new york
i heard it's so expensive there

>> No.14003672

Those Rolexes and Teslas aren't paying for themselves bby

>> No.14003694

I hate his hipster personality

>> No.14003740

I think living solely off YouTube money is a fever dream these days. You pretty much need to have sponsors and/or a patreon to make a living through video content. The only reason to keep using YouTube is because it's still the most popular platform. How many times do you hear about a video content creator who's uploads to Vimeo? It's really more of a tool to make a profit rather than what will give you a profit.

>> No.14003808


>> No.14003841

Air fryers make really good chimichangas.

>> No.14003900

>redditing with reddit

>> No.14004076

that chimichanga looks overcooked to shit, honestly

>> No.14004297

fuck off tripfag

>> No.14005565


>> No.14005570

its funny because im literally making this today because it looked so good

>> No.14005578

one time my brother and i went to our favorite taqueria drunk and he ordered a "jamon chimichanga con queso, nothing else". the guy turned around to start making it, stopped and asked him "you know you just ordered a fried ham and cheese burrito right?" and my brother just drunkenly smiled and nodded. the guy cracked up and made it for him, he said it was amazing.

>> No.14005580

This. I'd still eat it, but it looks burned.

>> No.14006662

i made this tonight and it was actually pretty good

>> No.14006675


>> No.14006685

You literally can't go outside unless you want to risk death or in best case permanent lung damage that will never let you jog ever again

>> No.14006694

>falling for the meme virus
It's a hoax you mong

>> No.14006700

How much of a seething autist do you have to be to think BWB is bad?

>> No.14006784

Jesus christ, stop using the virus as an excuse for why you haven't had a social life for the past 5 years

>> No.14006795

You don't, he just is.

>> No.14006830

He's literally just a fucking average youtuber, is that the bar for bad nowadays?

>> No.14006848

id rather have babish than chef john

>> No.14006893

Go out and get permanent lung damage you braindead normie, I'm surprised your programming hasn't gone into the "Fear" stage yet. Dumbasses like you will be long gone before the new world

>> No.14007983

based tripfaggot making the the other fags seethe

>> No.14008272

Бaзиpoвaнный тoвapищ https://youtu.be/tSq9jJwi7rM

>> No.14008628
File: 743 KB, 2220x1080, babish is a manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Babish is a scrawny brooklyn manlet who makes his voice deeper to sound manlier (like a teenage boy trying to sneak into a R-rated movie), plagiarizes recipes, has tattoos and a beard instead of personality, and may just be doing his whole show to cope with a messy divorce.

>> No.14008869
File: 31 KB, 473x493, 1479838155848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and may just be doing his whole show to cope with a messy divorce.
This is a bad thing how? Most of you retards here would just kys if you were in that situation. He literally made himself a career out of it.

>> No.14008893

Fellow underage spotted.

>> No.14008967

Equating Deadpool with chimichangas is exactly why comic books are fucking dead.