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13997266 No.13997266 [Reply] [Original]

Is European style butter worth the extra cost?

>> No.13997279

Kerrygold is worth it I dunno about other brands. Way more flavorful than cheap butter.

>> No.13997283

For steak, yes.

>> No.13997362

For cooking yes
For baking no
For washing your body, depends on your definition of sexy

>> No.13997370

euro here, what does that mean?

>> No.13997376

i think it means the cream was cultured

>> No.13997378

What does what mean you cryptic motherfucker

>> No.13997410

that's only a french thing

>> No.13997416

It means the butter has been culturally enriched.

>> No.13997422

oh. score one for france.

>> No.13997430

Continental European butter is usually fermented. So, easier to digest and melt.

>> No.13997448

nah a lot of specialty American dairies sell cultured butter. usually only find it at cheese shops and high end markets

>> No.13997479

i'm austrian and i have never seen that anywhere. also, i'm a painter.

>> No.13997527

For buttering bread, god yes. Butter-based sauces as well. Anything else, eh.

>> No.13997556

Its easier to butter your cock to pump off.

>> No.13997630

Yes. It's more flavorful and the EU's regulatory standards are higher.
>plenty of European butter in America
>virtually no American-style butter in Europe

>> No.13997640

You might be a pervert!

>> No.13997906

It means it's real butter instead of human fat from some fatty hospital.

>> No.13998352

I can sense the euro here

>> No.13998399

How did you figure that one out einstein

>> No.13998400

I've got a sharp eye for that kind of thing

>> No.13998406
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it means it's not fraudulently labeled with random words meant to confer prestige, like how we slap "burgundy" or "champagne" on our wine or "kobe" on our beef

>> No.13998445

lard is better than butter tho

>> No.13998454

lol the eu is king of fraudulent labels but ok

>> No.13998460

euro butter is cultured first and churned a little longer for an extra 2% butterfat percentage

>> No.13998504

cultured butter is a niche product specific to certain areas, there's no such thing as "eurobutter", you cocksucking flyover europhile.

>> No.13999035

The other butter has no real flavor beyond oiliness. It's fine for some weekday blondies to bring into the office, and in some ways better for things like cake where you don't want the butter to shine through too much, but if I'm making labor-intensive baked goods, I'll spring for the Euro butter unless there's a compelling reason not to. I don't use much butter when cooking, and when I do, the calories are the splurge, so I always cook with Euro style butter when I cook with butter. Amish butter is also good and flavorful, and I'll use it when the softness of European butter is an issue.

>> No.13999058 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really have such shitty butter that "euro style" butter is sold at a premium?

top zozzle, mate

>> No.13999121

It's the name of a style of butter.

>> No.13999197

Land of Lakes makes a European style that will go on sale to the same price as the regular LoL sometimes (from like 6.5 to four bucks, plus it'll be part of the buy 5 save 5 thingy), that's when I buy a few pounds to freeze. It's not as good as the kerrygold but it's better than normal LoL or store brand.

>> No.13999228
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>> No.13999239

Wait till you get the gas bill dolf.

>> No.13999350

The labeling laws in the EU aren't done for consumer protection. They're to protect producers.

>> No.13999436

In Europe, butter legally has to be at >82% butter fat content.
Whereas in the USA only 80%.

This guys talks about it briefly at 2:30

>> No.13999451
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I can at least confirm >>13997362 on the baking part. Also surprisingly useless in buttercreams.

>> No.13999724

what the fuck is "european style" butter

t. austrian

>> No.13999732


>> No.13999866

higher quality butter

>> No.13999929

I feel like I wouldn't survive long in the US with so many companies being able to scam you into buying inferior product, unless you really read the fine print

>> No.14000637

A marketing term to appeal to unga bungas like >>13999866 who think "EUROPEAN = GOOD".

>> No.14000651

No not really.

>> No.14000718

i recently started using the good butter in baking and it's noticeably improved the flavor

>> No.14000767

What does "european style" mean here?
Also, the best butter I ever had in my life was from bretony.

>> No.14000785

Kerrygold is worth every penny

>> No.14000863

never mind, I just can't read.

>> No.14001020

European style butter tastes slightly sour while standard American butter tastes sweeter. If you wish for a slightly more sour note in your dish go for European style otherwise use your usual butter.

Qualitywise there shouldn't be any difference. In Europe actually fermented butter is rare, because it is more expensive to made. Usually the fermenting bacteria are added to sweet cream butter to simulate the taste. I.e. Kerrygold isn't actual fermented butter.

>> No.14001024

that's Irish moron not European

>> No.14001262

>retarded tripnigger who is convinced anything American is the best

>> No.14001279

>standard American butter tastes sweeter
Why are Americans like this?

>> No.14001284

Actual butter apparently.

>> No.14001361


>> No.14001368

muslim cum churned into solid chunks

>> No.14001390

Kerrygold was my Nan's go-to for basting steaks and buttering toast, good stuff.

>> No.14001789

>european style
Fuck do i know what it would taste like american.

>> No.14003711

It's actually more than 10% butter.

>> No.14003715

I fucking love that goat milk butter

>> No.14003751

That's not what I said, but keep seething.

>american yurophiles rave about the quality of "european butter" while avowed yurops in the thread don't know what the fuck "european butter" is
This thread is a great example of evidence of it just being a marketing term at best, or entirely made up for shitpost points.

>> No.14003756

It's not bad for baking, just doesn't improve the result so why spend the extra. Get a nice european salted butter for the table and get cheap unsalted for your baking.

>> No.14003805

Europeans don't know what "European butter" is because there is obviously no need to market it as such or differentiate it from other shittier types of butter if it's the only kind being sold in the first place.

>> No.14003820

That depends entirely on what you're making. You can definitely taste a difference with croissants and other pastries that contain a ton of butter.

>> No.14003851

>because there is obviously no need to market it as such
So you agree with me, then?

>> No.14004009

No. There is no need to market it as such IN EUROPE, because it's the only kind of butter being sold there anyway. In America the name actually makes sense, since it allows customers to differentiate it from American butter, which has a lower fat content and is made using a different process.

>> No.14004047

European "style" is pointless. Butter that's imported from Europe is worth it because Euros still feed their cows grass instead of corn and soi

>> No.14004063

if you're american it's not worth it
just get 82%+ butterfat american butter and don't pay the import tax

>> No.14004066
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i thought euros fed their cows other cows

>> No.14004119

>not in Europe
I bet you also think the UK "left Europe", lol.
Amerilard education will never not be comedy gold.

>> No.14004283

wow you put SS bolts in your trip
you must be so tough to do that on an anonymous iranian gardening forum

>> No.14005572

There is no need to be so upset. Please stay on topic.