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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13996407 No.13996407 [Reply] [Original]

Waiterfags and waiterfaggettes, care to regale us with stories of your adventures at work?

>> No.13996508
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>had good job, working around hot chicks
>chinaman ate a bat and coofed
>world shut down
>now i shitpost naked on /ck/ all day
ta daaaa

>> No.13996514

Guy is known alcoholic but he’s able to keep it together most of the time.

He is told he has to work bar and lounge in a chain restaurant with about 35-40 people always wanting something, he accepts for some reason.

He begins to fall behind so in his mind getting drunk and loaded off cocaine is the solution, he loudly rips in the bathroom and takes 5 min power naps every time he has to “change a keg” (on camera) when the coke begins to be defeated by excessive amounts of vodka that he’s stealing. He then decided to close early by kicking everyone out of the lounge in a drug fuelled rage when people start and keep complaining.

He then decides to throw chairs at the glass surrounding the patio, and “money showers” menus, napkins and coasters all over the local highway through the broken glass of what used to surround the patio.

He then for whatever reason leaves and show up at his bosses house a few blocks away (where I was with him playing xbox at 2 am). He screams so loudly for him to “come out and fight him” that the cops show up and put him in the back of the cop car. We have a smoke while we watch him somehow talk his way out of being arrested and continue to scream after the cops leave. His bosses roommate takes him to the local VLT lounge for shits and gigs and the guy wins 2000 but then the next day is shocked when he finds out he’s fired and might be facing criminal charges.

>> No.13996518

Can't wait for robots to replace this useless job

>> No.13996529

lol goddamn, how old is this dude?

>> No.13996587

He was 24 at the time he’s now 28

He now sells cars in Regina, Saskatchewan

>> No.13997338

>greentext request thread for some guy's Youtube channel
fuck off
lurk more or learn to use the catalog

>> No.13997368
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>worked at a fine dining Italian restaurant that did parties in a private hall
>got given a tray of miniature crab cakes to distribute as hors d'oeuvres
>Walk into the party
>Everyone is an orthodox jew

>> No.13997445

>working at a mom and pop pizzeria
>customer comes in notorious for never tipping
>I had been there as a busboy for years, and finally started serving tables.
>tired of hearing the other servers complain about him sitting in their section so whenever he would come in I would always take his table.
>he begins to notice.
>one night he stays up until almost closing time drinking.
>we begin having some small talk as I begin to wipe tables down and pick up the place mats and silverware.
>he asks me how come I’m the only one who takes his table
>lie to him, don’t remember what I said but he saw right through it and responds with “is it because I don’t tip?”
>I say yes sir. It is. And I don’t mind serving you.
>he says “you should be the only one to make that sacrifice.”
>tell him it is not much of a sacrifice sir, it’s my job, I still make my money at the end of the night, so it’s okay. You’re never rude, so it’s alright sir.
>he says “you know, my son was like you. He passed away in Iraq saving someone.”
>tell him I’m sorry to hear that sir, but I wouldn’t compare serving tables to your sons sacrifice.
>he was a bit tipsy so I offer to call a cab for him. He declines.
>leaves. Leaves a $50 tip. I don’t tell anyone about it obviously, just hook my busboy up with $25.
>next few times he comes by he ask for me by name and tips me every time. One day I’m in my non work clothes because I’m covering for someone delivering that night and he’s sees this, leaves the restaurant and orders a delivery.
>we eventually get pretty cool. I sell him weed, and once in a blue if it is slow while I’m delivering I’ll smoke a bowl with him in his garage.
Typing this as I go, 1/?

>> No.13997487

>I get to know a bit about him.
>he was 17 in 1968 and ran away and joined the army and was sent to Vietnam.
>spent 30 years in the military. Was basically in every major engagement there was during that time
>he meets a Younger woman who was on vacation here in South Florida
>they get married, have two boys and everything is going swell.
>that is until 9/11 happens and his 17 year old wants to join the army so he convinces his wife to allow him to join early.
>shit goes well, but he ends up dying in Iraq while trying to pull someone out of a doorway who was shot.
>his wife divorces him and takes his son way back to Spain because she blames him for her first born’s death.
>he has spent everyday since drinking, smoking, eating Italian food and doing OxyContin everyday since he just wants to die.
>tell him that I am sorry to hear all that but life is not worth giving up on. He should try to fight to get his son back in the states, and he should not beat himself up for what happened to his oldest son.
>he says the last few months that we have talked has been the most contact he’s had with anyone.
>joke with him, tell him I’ll take him to the strip club one day
>he laughs
>he stops coming into the pizzeria after that or ordering delivery. Assumed he killed himself but never find out.
>one day, on one of my last days working there is a delivery to his address and I take it
>a woman answers the door
>notice nothing has changed inside. Ask for the customer by name.
>she gets this look in her eyes and says “my husband passed away a few months ago.”
>tell her I’m sorry, what did he die of
>combination of alcohol and OxyContin
>ask if she is his wife, that was in Spain
>she says yes and asks me if I’m anon, that would talk to him
>tell her yes
>she asks me what he told me about her
>I say what he told me.
>she says that was a lie.

>> No.13997496
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>diner orders spaghetti and meatballs
>doesn't want it al dente
>specify al dente on the order anyway
>he only leaves me a 25% tip

>> No.13997498

Dinosaur incoming...

>> No.13997505

>after their oldest son died their youngest wanted to join the marines and go to Iraq
>his father was having none of it and shipped them off to Spain while he stayed in South Florida to grieve on his own
>she tells me his entire life, he was proud of his service, the men whose lives he took, the fact that he looked at death in the eye and challenged him.
>when his son died (from an IED within a month of getting to Iraq , not the heroic doorway) he had a crisis, realizing the amount of families he caused to grieve under his orders.
>he had used marijuana and painkillers for some of the injuries he sustained in combat, but once his son died he began drinking every waking hour possible.
>tell her I’m sorry. We became close and i tell him he was very generous to me(which he was)
>she tips me, I do not accept it. Tell her I would hope to see her and her youngest son around
>she tells me her youngest son is in Iraq right now. Joined after his father died.
>never see her again.
Then there’s the customer who spit in my face because her wings weren’t well done.

>> No.13997575

customer spits in my face:
>one day it is busy as all fucking hell and I’m delivering and in between deliveries I’m helping out the cashiers at the front because they are 15-18 years old, new, and aren’t used to handling the rush yet
>at the front counter cashing customers out while the girl takes calls and this lady is pacing back and forth.
>she was known as a problem customer. Very trashy, ghetto, black, drove a nice BMW, somehow was able to afford to live in this suburb
>while I’m cashing someone out she snaps her fingers in my face and asks for her wings
>tell her I’ll check on them
>she says do not check on them get them out now
>go to the back, they are in the fryer. Tell the cooks I need them now this cunt is being extra
>he says they’re not well done yet
>tell her idgaf
>he gives them too me, I hand them to her and she leaves
>about to take a delivery before she walks back in
>can see that she is angry so I decide to stay and deal with her before she screams at the 15 year old girl working who is already having a hard time tonight and will probably cry if some ghetto trash yells at her
>before I can say anything she takes the wings out the bag, says they’re not well done, pours them onto the counter, opens the extra BBQ sauce container we put on the side that she requested and pours that on the wings
>my manager tells her to get the fuck out before he calls the cops
>obviously at this point everything in the dining room is silent and everyone is watching
>this is when she spits in my face
>begin to walk around the counter, grab one of the pizza trays to beat her over the head with it but my manager and the cook grab me and the cook takes me out back,
>lady is still yelling, I go back in to grab my delivery but they tell me to wait outside. They saw right through what I was planning on doing, which was going back inside to try to beat her to death

>> No.13997581
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>work at a local bistro eatery (its my first day working as a server ever)
>they put me on lunch rush alone without help or knowledge of the menu
>im running around freaking out because i dont know what im supposed to do or what to say and basically mess up a lot of orders because nobody will help me
>i basically skate by saying im new and making jokes and rack up around $50 in tips from 6 tables and some compliments and people telling me its alright which kind of kept me from crying in the back
>lunch rush ends and my boss comes in because my coworker complained about me
>she screams at me in front of everyone about how stupid i am and tells me to clean the whole restaurant because i did a bad job
>i pretend to go in the back to get a mop and i just leave and block her number and never go there again
I will literally never work as a server again

>> No.13997592

>take my delivery , come back to the store, the cops are there. I can see outside the lady is in handcuffs
>cops pull me to the side and tell me that everyone in the dining room and the employees have told them what happened, and if I want to press charges, it’s up to me
>at the time I was living a kind of criminal life style so I was not going to cooperate or go to court so I say no, I do t want charges pressed on her, just tell her if I see her again I will beat her to death
>the cop knew who I was since I had ran into him a few times and he was a regular there so he said “I’m not going to tell her that, but she’s going to jail because she has warrants for traffic violations, another assault and was already out on bond for an assault. You have no one to impress, there is 0 point in not cooperating”
>tell him I’m good
>manager has a meeting after and says 1. Do not take disrespect or physical violence and 2. If anyone ever sees that lady again to call the cops because she will be arrested for trespassing
>few months later she comes back while the manager was on a food run to restaurant depot. Cashier noticed and while she is sitting down in the dining room waiting for her wings, calls the cops, does not put her ticket up and the cops arrest her again.

>> No.13997597

Wow, you have very thin skin.

>> No.13997614

This was my first job at 15 with no training or direction. There is no way I would stay at a place like that for $4 an hour

>> No.13997626

I get you senpai. But still. Shit jobs and shit coworkers like that unironically build character and working for tips at a young age like that is the life.
Your job kind of fucked you though putting you in a position like that without experience.
I’m the guy with the green text above and unless you had a few years of serving experience they were not getting brand new teens off the street who
>do not know the menu
>do not know how to handle a rush
>have 0 experience in customer service
You weren’t serving. And that’s at every restaurant I’ve ever worked in. And honestly, most customers see a young kid doing his best, they really won’t give him a hard time. It’s always cunt servers who are banging a manager or a cook who make life miserable for the new guys.

>> No.13997629

So what, you just kept all them cakes for yourself? Don't be so shellfish, fucking wop

>> No.13997639

I don’t believe you but I still enjoyed the story

>> No.13997647

It seems far fetched but as a form ever delivery driver myself I have had some customers I’ve gotten pretty close too. This does seem a bit dramatic.

>> No.13997667

>and then Albert Einstein gave me $100 and everyone slow clapped
I clapped.

>> No.13997811

You're not any better than her. The need to retaliate to pettiness is a vulgar instinct for vulgar people.

>> No.13997877

Bitch ass nigga

>> No.13999505
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