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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13987338 No.13987338 [Reply] [Original]

What sauce goes good with english breakfast?

>> No.13987355
File: 78 KB, 558x700, E03B5370-4E6F-4913-AA9A-93DF5EE91F3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s Fresh Shit the Bed sauce.

>> No.13987367

both imo - sausages, tomatoes, beans are good with brown, bacon and hash browns with ketchup

>> No.13987372

>deciding what sauce to put on your beans n' toast

>> No.13987378

What's the problem pal?

>> No.13987381

You're the problem, "pal"

>> No.13987382

It's perfect with sausages

>> No.13987389

Your mother is a problem

>> No.13987393

I know, And I'm about to fill her full of 9mm lead. That doesn't change the fact that your breakfast is trash.

>> No.13987415

Return to McDonald

>> No.13987416

Eat your Beanz, britbong.

>> No.13987430

Both are acceptable

>> No.13987485


I have a 1 tomato rule personally.
I won't use tomato sauce if I have chopped/grilled or beans
I won't use any sauce if I have beans as they have sauce on them

>> No.13987554
File: 64 KB, 800x800, [[[daddies-favourite-brown-sauce]]].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastier than HP. Spicier and not as sweet.

>> No.13987718

I bet you love daddies sauce dribbling all down your chin you sloppy slut.

>> No.13987741

Your daddies tastes better. As you know.

>> No.13987887

I wouldn't, but I guess thanks for comfirming with your own testing

>> No.13987992

C'mon. You know daddies is best.

>> No.13988023

I prefer HP

>> No.13988049

You've never had daddies, have you?

>> No.13988074

HP, Heinz is too sweet for English breakfast.

>> No.13988119
File: 39 KB, 569x810, Golds_Horseradish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13988161

Goes with beef and smoked fish. Not pork or eggs. I like it with cheese too.

>> No.13988191

A little bit of horseradish mixed in to deviled eggs works out nicely.

>> No.13988207

Dijon works much better. Horseradish is too harsh for eggs.

>> No.13988212

We differ in opinion on that. Fair enough.

>> No.13988220

They're called deviled for a reason, they're supposed to make you cry a bit, hence the horseradish.

>> No.13988223

Make your deviled eggs with mayo and curry powder next time. They are really tasty.

>> No.13988231

Horseradish doesn't make you cry.

>> No.13988239

I have my mom's recipe for those and it's always a good standard, but that's just a standard and no reason to not modify it. That's what recipes such as that are for, they're good to modify.

>> No.13988251

I know but some folk aren't used to it and it does hit the nostrils in a certain way. It's nice, unique.

>> No.13988252

Our daddies taught us not to be ashamed of our sauces, specially seein that they're so tasty

>> No.13988258

>always a good standard
>no reason to not modify it
>they're good to modify

>> No.13988269

What's the problem, grow up with a standard then modify it on my own?
What's your problem with reality?

>> No.13988274

It slams the nasal passages if you get a good sauce. It's made my nose run, but never any tears. Have you ever bought/grown fresh horseradish and made your own sauce?

>> No.13988275

>how did a standard become a standard in the first place

>> No.13988276

This is absolutely the correct answer and I came here to post it myself.

>> No.13988278

Yeah, that's the best, but it's very difficult to come across.

>> No.13988279

You missed out the middle statement.

>> No.13988280

Daddies is great on sausage & chips, but I've always preferred HP for a full English.

>> No.13988281

From the first recipe.

>> No.13988282

You missed out on, how did it become a standard.

>> No.13988286

Bah, nobody does that perfect in the first place, and things change with the times and what's on hand.

>> No.13988287

Try to get hold of some polish horseradish sauce. I've got some and it is potent as hell.

>> No.13988295

I think that you post a picture and a source, or else! haha!

>> No.13988304

You sound like an American. Take foods from other countries, change is slightly and then call it your own. Even to the extreme of claiming you invented it.

>> No.13988318

So what, why are you such a seething faggot?

>> No.13988320

Can you be specific about something?
You're a seething faggot using generalities.

>> No.13988325

>Take foods from other countries, change is slightly and then call it your own. Even to the extreme of claiming you invented it.
LMAO as if Americans are the only people who do this, ask any Greek or Turk where literally ANY of their food came from and they'll both claim to be the sole inventors of it, even though a shitload of it came from general trade throughout the Mediterranean and Levant.

>> No.13988331


>> No.13988335

Source is from Lidl, on sale during Polish week.

>> No.13988349

Did I touch a nerve? USA USA USA

>> No.13988351

Fair enough, the best I get around me is Price Chopper, which is silly because their prices are higher than anywhere else.

>> No.13988357

No, but you're the one who brought it up, so apparently your little itsty bitsy nerve you call a penis nerve was touched by something, maybe an ant.

>> No.13988365

All of your food.
How about you name a three course meal indigenous the the USA.

>> No.13988369

You don't have an argument against the Greek and Turk thing because you know it's true.

>> No.13988370

Why don't you since you seem to know all the answers. I'm not playing your game, what are you a stupid ass lawyer?

>> No.13988377

You have no indigenous meals. Do you?

>> No.13988384

Greece and Turkey are next door neighbors and are nothing to do with USA. I'm talking about USA food.

>> No.13988386

We do, it's just not usual.
It's no big deal really, but we just don't all have big sit down meals all the time.

>> No.13988389

Maybe you're used to big ass major domo type telling you what to do all of the time, it doesn't work that way here. Sorry for you, are you some kind of punk that can't think for yourself or control your own life?

>> No.13988390

You suggested that taking foods, slightly altering them, and claiming to have invented them was an American thing somehow. It's not and shitloads of countries engage in the same behavior. Quit trying to backpedal, it's embarrassing.

>> No.13988400

Neither you sick bastard, don't you see there is already sauce there with the beans?

>> No.13988409

What meals?

>> No.13988410

I was saying that backpedaling the argument is embarrassing, not taking food and reinventing it while claiming that it's your own. Reading comprehension retard.

>> No.13988413

Why would that be "embarrassing?"
It's what people have been doing through thousands of years of history.
Someone is clearly a seething asshole that hates the USA, probably a Trump hater. I bet if shillary was in office then the anon wouldn't have posted it.

>> No.13988416

So you can't name any meals then?

>> No.13988418

I'm thinking of some, why are you such an asshole?

>> No.13988424

Name some then.

>> No.13988427

Why should I for you, mr quicky quick like a fucking faggot bunny.

>> No.13988431

You're in the wrong board. Go to /pol/.

>> No.13988433

No ;^)

>> No.13988437

Why does it take you so long to think of a meal that comes from the USA?

>> No.13988441

Moon pie and rc cola

>> No.13988444

Admit defeat.

>> No.13988450
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, assholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you mention it, you reminded me of one. Chitterlings.

Mmmm, boiled pigs assholes!

>> No.13988451

No? Or you can't?

>> No.13988470

Here's an example since you wont shut the fuck, big ass passover dinner, or thanksgiving dinners, or big ass Chrismas dinners. It's not just sit down stuff with multiple courses, doesn't work that way. I suspect that you're an ignorant cunt that knows nothing.

>> No.13988471

USA didn't invent chocolate or marshmallow. RC cola is a drink.

>> No.13988488

>USA didn't invent chocolate or marshmallows
You heard it here first folks, baguettes aren't French because France didn't invent bread.

>> No.13988489

>Passover? Are you in USA or Israel?
Roast dinners were invented long before the USA. Dumb fuck.

>> No.13988507

Baguette is a style of bread. Nobody has ever said the French invented bread. Bread came from Egypt. Read >>13988304 for an answer about moon pie.

>> No.13988522

Bread came from ancient Mesopotamia before civilizations had even fully formed you ignorant retard. Holy fucking shit I've seen some retarded shit on this board but Egypt inventing bread? That's some REAL dumbass motherfucking ignorance. Egypt got bread through diffusion from Mesopotamia but evidence exists of bread making there literally thousands of years before Egypt you fucking potato head. Jesus FUCKING Christ the sheer gall that you have, I was sitting this thread out until now but holy FUCKING shit. Bread from Egypt... fucking hell...

>> No.13988527

Was this written by a Mesopotamian?

>> No.13988538

"According to history, the earliest bread was made in or around 8000 BC in the Middle East, specifically Egypt. The quern was the first known grinding tool. Grain was crushed and the bakers produced what we now commonly recognize in its closest form as chapatis (India) or tortillas (Mexico)."
For you, you dumb knob.

>> No.13988552

>Google result from a random bakery when you search "where was the first bread made"
Nice fucking source asshat, your ignorant ass couldn't find a credible source if it baked its way out of an """"""""EGYPTIAN"""""""""" oven. I wouldn't count on it though, fucking retards like you would probably be too retarded to even know when you're getting roasted. Stupid ass arrogant motherfucker just thinking that I'd take your random quote for fact without checking it. Suck my Sumerian shaft.

>> No.13988574

Flat breads are a form of bread. Being unable to debate without resorting to expletives shows or inability to comprehend facts. Your ineptitude to articulate an argument says quite a lot about your level of education. Hope you didn't pay for it.

>> No.13988581

USA you cunt, I knew that would come from a presumptuous cunt such as you. It's fun to play with you twats.

>> No.13988586

So tell us about your awful education. That education that just makes you mad and angry at everything.

>> No.13988599

Only thing I payed for is the cost of seeing such an absolute retard try and act like he won by acting cool. I won the argument faggot. It was me because I'm saying it outright, right now. I win, you lose. Go home to your mummy and cry baby girl lmao

>> No.13988600

That's what you say, the best to answer to your question. Why do say that all Americans are in your words "mad and angry at everything?"
It seems to me that you're not only a fool but a presumptuous asshole, that's no way to go through life.

>> No.13988609

Serious cringe.

>> No.13988611

>Why do say that all Americans are in your words "mad and angry at everything?"

Because they're mad, and angry at everything.

>> No.13988617

>It was me because I'm saying it outright, right now. I win, you lose
Holy based, what a chad

>> No.13988623

Did I actually say "all" Americans? I was speaking to one specific anon.
Learn to read and comprehend.
Your diatribe still includes foul language. Learn to articulate, breathe, and think objectively rather than name calling, which is basically just childish.

>> No.13988656

Maybe, just at morons such as you.
You're likely from a nation thousands of years old yet blame the USA, a nation not even 250 years old for all of your problems. How pathetic can you be?

>> No.13988661

Oh I live in a great country, and don't blame the USA for anything. I pity you.

>> No.13988664

I don't care you what you wrote, you're a moron and everyone knows it. You can't prove a point except in your own anger, and that's no way to prove a point, a point that you don't have.

>> No.13988667

Bullshit, then why did you bring it up you hypocrite.

>> No.13988671

Read the thread. Nobody said ALL Americans. It was directed at one person.

>> No.13988677

Why can't you be specific?
What great country is that specifically or are you too scared to be specific?

>> No.13988680

Name calling again? Grow up and grow a pair. By the way, I'm still waiting for a list of all those indigenous USA meals.

>> No.13988683

Deflecting now are you? You dumb shit.

>> No.13988689

I'm a different poster, quickshot.

The Netherlands. It's awesome here. Try not to be too mad and angry when you reply.

>> No.13988690

I gave you your answer, if you don't like then you can piss off.

>> No.13988704

Oh the Nether weather lands?
Niiice. So a bunch of commie bastards badmouthing the USA while you sit around on your crappy bikes while the USA protects you? You're fucking hypocrites and you know it.

>> No.13988708

Paste the part when I said ALL Americans.

>> No.13988709

That wasn't an angry reply, that was about reality, something you folk know nothing about.

>> No.13988710

Shhh, don't be so mad and angry. I can only pity you so much.

>> No.13988715

Are you old enough to be on here? Who pays your internet bill?

>> No.13988716

You can do that for yourself, if you're capable.

>> No.13988721

I pity you folk for living under the rule of merkel and germany, when was the last time your daughter got raped by some african who's getting merkel money?

>> No.13988722

You do and merkel you stupid fool

>> No.13988730

I said try not to be mad and angry, and you just couldn't help yourself. Such a pity.

>> No.13988738

How? It doesn't exist. Are you the highlight of American education?

>> No.13988739

Fighting WW II didn't seem to work out too well for you folk did it? You're still living under merkel, a german that controls your borders. What would the difference have been had you lost, but you didn't lose did you?

>> No.13988749

The pity is that you think you won WW II but you're sucking up to Germans.

>> No.13988753

Shhhh, no tears now.

>> No.13988785

Trust me, no tears from me or any American, we have no ties you fags in europe. We made sure of that.

>> No.13988788

You're literally here crying and being mad.

>> No.13988793


>> No.13988796

You're the bitch that brought it up, deal with it, eurobeotch.

>> No.13988804

Your hatred of the USA makes you alive doesn't it? What what you suckers be without us and your pathetic hatred?

>> No.13988807

Still being mad and angry.

>> No.13988811

>still being a stupid fool full of hate

>> No.13988813

>Dutchfag derails a thread about the glorious Full English into being about Americans
God I'm so glad that we cucked you faggots out of India, should have just let you get overrun back in the War.

>> No.13988815

It's all about me, me, me. Isn't it. The rest of the world sits back and laughs at the USA. How are those gun deaths going? Rates up or down on last week?

>> No.13988817

You're the one with the hatred.

>> No.13988847

Have sex incel

>> No.13988857

Like I said, I don't hate you. I pity you. Look at you all: there's at least three of you now in this thread, all being mad and angry. How sad.

>> No.13988864

No, never grown it myself. I have the space, not the time.

>> No.13988865

Result of left wing education.

>> No.13988873

If you've never grown it, don't try. Once you have it, you can't get rid of it. Just a tiny bit has to break off the root and it will grow again.

>> No.13988874

keep saying enough times and you might believe it, kind of like hitler youth

>> No.13988878

When was the last time that you beat your wife?

>> No.13988891

That's why you grow it in a pot.

>> No.13988900

dude lol 420 pot

>> No.13988907

And yet you deny saying
Dumb education = dumb people.

>> No.13988918

Never. Is this what they teach you to do in America because your so mad and angry?

>> No.13988926

Why are you so defensive, you know that your bitches, why are you denying it?

>> No.13988927

You need a really tall pot.

>> No.13988935


>> No.13988941

whatever it is, it's better than you, get over yourself

>> No.13988942

Shouldn't children be home learning or something? Do you call Mom bitch? So mad and angry.

>> No.13988949

For you.

>> No.13988951

your seething jealously comes right through as obvois

>> No.13988955

So you admit to being a nation of wife beaters? I know your not old enough to have a wife.

>> No.13988958

Jealousy? Of what? Muh freedom, muh guns?

>> No.13988962

That's England, they drink a Stella and go to town, that's why that's called the wife beater beer.

>> No.13988966

Why are those a problem for you? Are too concerned that your socialist sack of shit government will fall if people are armed?

>> No.13988975

It's a Belgian beer. Why mention that. Apparently a wife beater is a vest in America?

>> No.13988981

It just means I don't have to worry every day whether my neighbour is drunk and decides to shoot me for no reason.

>> No.13988989

I mentioned that becauce it seems appropriate to a twat such as you, you come across as a wife beater.

>> No.13988993

Oh that's special, he'll just stab you instead you fucking stupid hypocrite.

>> No.13989001

Never struck a woman in my life (as much as I have wanted to).

>> No.13989004

Maybe if knives are outlawed in your shit nation he'll just bash you in the head with a tireiron.

>> No.13989007

same, it takes effort to deal with stupid bitches and not go off

>> No.13989010

To stab me, he has to come at me. He can shoot me from a distance. Do you understand the difference?

>> No.13989016

Of course, that's why I have a lot of medals and shit for archery. You'd be surprised.

>> No.13989023

If someone comes at you to attack, you can respond. How do you respond to a bullet from 20-30 metres away?

>> No.13989033

WTF has that got to do with stabbing or shooting?

>> No.13989037

I'm not a professional but if I was expecting something then I'd have bulletproof vest on, then do shots back.
I think that's you can do if alone.

>> No.13989046

Close range then do the bitch hand to hand?

>> No.13989054

If you're not expecting it? You'd have no vest.

>> No.13989058

You make no sense kid.

>> No.13989060

Then i'd be some asshole that would shoot someone in the back, nobody can really prevent that.

>> No.13989061

I didn't write that, but it's a possible situation.

>> No.13989073

All this from Wife Beaters, Stellas?

>> No.13989077

What? A bullet to the head, and you would shoot someone in the back?

>> No.13989082

Bullet to the head and then you would "do the bitch hand to hand"?

>> No.13989085

One to the head, one to the heart if time for that second one. If someone is going to kill me then honor is all gone, I couldn't give a shit where I shoot the bitch.

Let me guess, you'd rather be on Boot Hill?

>> No.13989088

What's your point?

>> No.13989104

You're talking about shooting someone. I'm talking about being shot in the head yourself.

>> No.13989118

"Hand to hand" would not happen. You would be dead. Dumbericans and their guns. All think the're immortal.

>> No.13989122

Ipecac, bongoloid scum. Make decent food and then we can talk.

>> No.13989135

Give us the names of food indigenous to the USA.

>> No.13989137

That's like sniper stuff, better to take the weirdos out than be some sixgun shit in Dodge.

>> No.13989141

You think that we don't do that ourselves, piss off eurotrash.

>> No.13989150

There's a lot to say for the sixgun stuff when everything else, the high tech bullshit fails as it usually does.

>> No.13989151

30m is not sniper level. You make no sense

>> No.13989159

You've never been in Dodge wearing a marshall's badge.

>> No.13989164

You have your brains blown out and then have fisty cuffs? Really? Are you just a little kid exaggerating?

>> No.13989165

Put on a star and you're a target.

>> No.13989173

Duh you idiot, if someone had his brains blown out then they wouldn't be here to relate the experience. What are you stupid?

>> No.13989175

In Dodge you have to be a qualified sniper to shoot 30m?

>> No.13989185

No, just quick and accurate.

>> No.13989186

Who said anything about badges?

>> No.13989189

>do my work for me
Learn to use a search engine, you toothless fuck.

>> No.13989191

We don't need no stinkin' badges!

>> No.13989201

Americans. Can't read. Can't comprehend. But I've got muh gun.

>> No.13989207

Compared to you gutter types that's a good thing.

>> No.13989214

The exact point I made. Education isn't a priority in USA is it?

>> No.13989223

Oh it most certainly is, that's why morons from your foreign nations infest our nation. What exactly is your point?

>> No.13989227

If you look at the demographics, the more you open your mouth then the more you should shut the fuck up.

>> No.13989229

Read the thread. You might understand. Better still, get an adult to explain it to you.

>> No.13989232

Oh right, I'll get right on that one, because you can't get over your preconceived notions? Maybe someone denied you entry to the USA, have you considered that we don't want you here?

>> No.13989246

American education at large. Thinks demographics relates to education. How many Mexicans, Blacks, Chinese have guns?

>> No.13989259

What the fuck is this thread even? Jesus Christ, you're all faggots.

>> No.13989258

Never been denied entry. Been there 9 times to see my sister, nephew and niece. Her kids are dumb as fuck.

>> No.13989262

>Dumbshits that have never been to the USA thinks that they know it all
>like cunts

>> No.13989263

And yet you're here, faggot lover.

>> No.13989272


>> No.13989274

Maybe they're just retarded and you let them marry negroes? That's not a good combination. Why weren't you protecting your family you fucking weakling?!

>> No.13989279

Maybe they're just retarded and it comes from you and your side of the family. I bet you didn't consider the reality of that did you?

>> No.13989287

retards marrying negroes and having kids and living off of the government is no way to go through life.

>> No.13989292
File: 24 KB, 338x504, gay-christmas-10-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet you're here, faggot lover.

>> No.13989298

>Maybe they're just retarded
What? And all their friends and friend's parents? That is a pattern. Instilled by the education system.

>> No.13989304
