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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13985462 No.13985462 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone here not eat any sweets at all? my diet is pretty decent if it wasn't for my sweet tooth and i wish i could ditch them completely instead of trying to fit them in my macros.

>> No.13985467

Try fasting and replace sweets with fresh or dried fruit

>> No.13985481

If you're on a diet it means you were at least fat in the past and you had no will power then and even if you do lose weight eventually your lack of will power will do you in again because the problem isn't your weight, it's your mind and your mind isn't right.

>> No.13985495

everything you eat is your diet, esl retard

>> No.13985524

I'm never been big fan of sugary aftertastes, personally. I might have something like a milk shake or a candy bar maybe once in a blue moon if something catches my eye, or just on a whim. About a year ago, I started to find the tastes of most soft drinks offputting, even the sugar-free ones. I'd rather have water if I'm thirsty, or when it comes to cocktails and mixed drinks, I prefer savoury ones.
I'm not averse to carbs in general: I love good savoury pastries like sausage rolls and chicken pies, and I eat bread almost daily. I am overweight, though I feel I eat a balanced diet I tend to overdo it with the portion sizes. Good tasting food just makes me want to eat more. I used to get away with it when I was younger and still in the physical labour side of the construction industry, but now not so much.

Doc says I don't have the 'beetus yet.

>> No.13985529

I don't eat sweets. Whenever I do I end up getting a stomach ache after eating the smallest amounts and this includes HFCS sodas. I get cravings from time to time and I cure it with juice cut 50/50 with water.
Want to stop eating it? Stop buying it and stop keeping it in the house. Do a 5-10 week keto to force yourself to make crab free meals

>> No.13985531

Candy is unironically so gross. I don't know how or why adults eat it. A couple pieces of very dark chocolate on rare occasion is the only sweets I eat.

Also no corn syrup EVER. Its disgusting prole slop. So bad and so bad for you. Lots of things have HFCS in it. Don't fucking eat ANY OF IT.

>> No.13985535

Sugar is like a drug, the more you get, the more you want. I either eat fruit or 85% dark chocolate whenever I have a craving for sweets. I do not snack between meals. I also try not to consume any kind of sweeteners of any kind, artificial or natural, from honey to added sugars in condiments/processed food.

It's a commitment, and you have to know what will motivate you to be committed.

>> No.13985537

yes it is not sike

>> No.13985545

coffee is a good way to stave off any cravings

>> No.13985565

I thought you could eat crab on keto? Is this some crab-apologist bullshit propaganda?

>> No.13985573

>muh zogchow corn syrup memes

>> No.13985574
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no sweets at all
sometimes pop as a mixer with booze, but I hate them alone, and don't like sugar.

for me it's protein, Protein, PROTEIN

>> No.13985580


>> No.13985583

Fucking everything but raw ingridients has hfcs in it. This is sad.

>> No.13985644

I eat fruit, dark chocolate, honey and maple syrup. I try to stay away from HFCS though.

>> No.13985680

idk why all these fags think that they're so special for not liking candy, shit tastes good aint nothing wrong with that.

>> No.13985711

This. That's why in the long run I never take this board with a grain of salt. I know I (and you) are so much superior that these pantywaists.

>> No.13985861

Actually yes we are better than you for not eating candy like a fucking child

>> No.13985867

the jews have finally made a hermetically sealed wagie cagie!

>> No.13985868

You should be responding to your therapist not me.

>> No.13985880

I can't go because of the virus hoax

>> No.13985946

It doesn't really taste that good if you think about it

>> No.13985966

Your mom or the candy??

>> No.13986020

My sweet tooth is usually my undoing as well, but I find that if I commit to a really good exercise routine, I crave sweets a lot less or stop craving them completely beyond the occasional thing I grab on outings with friends or on special occassions. I guess consistent exercise gives me enough of a dopamine rush I don't need to seek it from sugary foods.

There's things you can do to make it easier to reduce consumption. I find weaning myself off doesn't necessarily work, I've had to sort of cut them out cold turkey and stop buying them and bringing them into the house. Especially things like cookies or snack cakes or anything that comes in big packages.

I find substitution doesn't work for me because I'm pants on head retarded about portion control. If I was to eat nuts or dried fruit I'd definitely eat too much. It's not really a 1:1 replacement but I try to reach for fresh fruit nowadays when I need a snack. I can eat a lot more of it and it's filling and I don't have to worry as much about calories then. I keep frozen fruit on hand for smoothies but I sometimes thaw them just to eat. The only direct substitution I've made is first switching all soda for diet, the stopping altogether, and I've abandoned fruit juice for herbal tea. Some teas have a natural sweetness to them that satisfy my cravings while being zero calories (or some negligible amount, like 5-10 cal per cup).

>> No.13986270

Just stop eating trash sweets. Raw honey is healthy. A bit of baklava or high quality chocolate can be part of a healthy diet.

>> No.13986276

a bit of baklava usually ends in 5 squares of baklava for me

>> No.13986336

This is solid advice, although I don't see any issue with honey as long as it's local and raw

>> No.13986353

I don't eat them. I've been eating fruit for the first time since I was a kid and I can't believe how sweet stuff like dates and blueberries and mangoes are. I wouldn't sub dried fruit. The fresh is amazing.

>> No.13986451

see thats what I mean, what about enjoying chocolate bars makes a fucking child like its some sort of horrible thing to like. Get a grip dude you gonna say tendies don't taste good cuz kids like those to? your fucked

>> No.13986468

I just don't buy candy, ever
I have no issue snacking on stuff like cheese, nuts or olives, but rarely eat sweet stuff. It makes the sensation so much stronger when I eat a piece of candy every now and then

>> No.13986479

They're doing Skype sessions.

>> No.13987129

I don't eat any sweets. Maybe a piece of pie once a year or a coffee with sugar here and there. Soup and stir fry is my go to food in general.

Still fat though.

>> No.13987138

what does a jew in a booth have to do with /ck/?

>> No.13987155

i dont eat any sweets and thats why my teeth are in immaculate condition

>> No.13987172

Post photo of teeth right now.

>> No.13987190

i'll eat them if they're available but i won't actively seek them out. i never order dessert at a restaurant, never buy sweets at a store or shop, etc. soda makes my mouth feel like sand so that shit's out too.

still fat though. i eat a lot of everything that isn't sweets.

>> No.13987194

I have a friend who "hates sweets" when you ask him but he will eat them if they are around. last time he was around and ate sweets I made him a strawberry milkshake and he has brought it up at least twice since then so I know he's a dirty liar

>> No.13987210

n-no fuck you

>> No.13987214
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>> No.13987260


>> No.13987275

Stop asking questions

>> No.13987286

I would marry that mouth and fuck it three times a day.

>> No.13987287
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>> No.13987293

So it's off topic garbage? GOTCHA!

>> No.13987303

bruh fruit sugars are still sugars. Just because it's in a fruit, it doesn't mean it's healthy.

>> No.13987577

you'll probably get banned for false reporting since the content of this thread is completely in line with the board rules. take your meds and take a time out.

>> No.13987580
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>> No.13987707

It's a Corona testing station. It'd be weird if it didn't have a seal from the incoming potentially ill people.
>עמדה חדשנית לבדיקת קורונה
Innovative corona testing station
>במכבי שומרים על הבריאות שלכם בכל דרך
In Maccabi we guard your health by any means
>מכבי - קבוצת הבריאות הטובה בישראל
Maccabi - the best health group in Israel

>> No.13987751

Da fuck?

>> No.13987789
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You made me crave for cocaine

>> No.13988714

If you go long enough avoiding added sugar, the desire does seem to go away and you start to taste sweetness in unsweetened yogurt, nuts, etc. I'm back to eating sweets but can't stomach added sugar in savory foods anymore, which is a good middle-ground.

>> No.13988732

I eat sweets occasionally. Maybe an ice cream bar once a week.
I'm 34 now and I'm not as active as I used to be, so I cut out all extraneous calories

>> No.13988765

So that's where my tax dollars went to. Great.

>> No.13989541

Sure, but if you eat fruit, you're also getting dietary fibre and vitamins. 200 cal of fruit looks a lot different than 200 cal of a candy bar. One of those is unquestionably the better choice.

God, I can't imagine not eating fruit because >MUH SUGARS SO FRUIT IS UNHEALTHY
That's the difference between a sustainable healthy diet and straight up wanting to kill yourself.