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13976026 No.13976026 [Reply] [Original]

is there anything you can drink basically all the time without any consequence? fizzy drinks make you fat, coffee and tea in abundance make you too stimulated, is water the only thing left?

>> No.13976028

diet coke

>> No.13976036

>tea makes you stimulated
you know that there is more than black and green tea?

>> No.13976038

it's unhealthy as fuck

>> No.13976041

Certain herbal teas like hibiscus or ironwort that don't have significant side-effects

>> No.13976049

life is for living anon

>> No.13976067
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>diet coke
>good living

>> No.13976074

gotta admit I had no idea there were caffeine-less kinds of tea, will give white tea a shot
great, just the kind of answer I hoped for, thanks a lot!

>> No.13976078

ain't no living if it (probably objectively) tastes like crap

>> No.13976088

you never heard of fruit tea or any kind of herb tea? chamomile? rooibos? Mint? Ginger? Apple tea?

>> No.13976095

Earth to Brint, maybe he just didn't think of it right away

>> No.13976110

>is water the only thing left?
Really depends on what you mean by "abundance". You could drink so much water that you trigger renal failure.

But otherwise, water's fine.

>> No.13976111
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>"Once I’m at the office, I usually open a can of Diet Coke. Over the course of the day, I might drink three or four."

>> No.13976112

well its not a big deal to know nothing about tea. i would just ask him a lot of questions and give some advice for finding his cup of tea. badum tssss. .

>> No.13976122
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>> No.13976123

There's decaff coffee and black iced tea.

>> No.13976124


>> No.13976125

>fizzy drinks make you fat
You mean SUGARY fizzy drinks. You could have fizzy drinks without sugar. Just have to deal with the salt issue in plain soda water.

>> No.13976129

water and unsweetened teas.
everything else will make you fat if you drink 2L of it a day.

>> No.13976156

Caffeine free herbal tea. There are a shit load of them.

>> No.13976176

only knew st johns wort and after finding out it has some significant side effects i decided i'd best ask here in hope of someone dumping a list of safe favorites

>> No.13976215

you need to differentiate between medical and regular tea. i don't know where you live but those are mostly sold in different shelves / shops.

>> No.13976217

Rosehip tea is nice and very tart with a bit of natural sweetness. It's naturally high in vitamin C, and about the only major side effect is that it can make you piss a lot, which is actually considered beneficial to kidney function as long as you keep hydrated.

>> No.13976255

Mmm that sounds great. I used to drink a lot of tea. Then I had kids and never seem to have time to brew or do jack for myself

>> No.13976266

Some herbs are common in both medical supplements and herbal teas. Most of these, such as valerian root (common in bedtime teas), are usually harmless in the quantity you'd drink. If you look them up, they're probably still going to have noted side effects, but this is mostly just because health and nutrition companies would rather list a side effect that occurred in under 10 people than risk a lawsuit for not listing it.
Of course, St. John's Wort has some problems in the way it interacts with certain medicines, functioning similar to how grapefruit/citrus enzymes cause toxicity with heart medications like statins.

>> No.13976817

How so? The acidity isn't good for your teeth but it has basically no nutritional content

>> No.13976829

the cola specific acids arent good for your bones.

>> No.13976842

>coffee and tea in abundance make you too stimulated
tea is far more mellow than coffee
t. drank 3 liters today

>> No.13976847

This. I drink tons of seltzer in various flavors.

>> No.13976855

Whole milk

>> No.13976865

>is there anything you can drink basically all the time without any consequence? fizzy drinks make you fat, coffee and tea in abundance make you too stimulated, is water the only thing left?
course there is.
buy some of those low sugar fruit drinks, ocean spray makes them. also buy some aspartame

dilute low sugar juice drink with water and ice then add a couple packets of aspartame. You gotta dilute them because of the acidity.

>> No.13977430

Fizzy water

>> No.13977443

milk is based as fuck but it's too many calories to drink all day.

>> No.13977457


>> No.13977471

Heart disease and prostate cancer

>> No.13977714

I just buy plain carbonated water and squeeze lemon in it
You can add other fruit too
Also red bush tea, roobios, is common and safe enough to be recommended for the pregnant

>> No.13977716


t. doctor

>> No.13977731

Lemonade, no sugar.

>> No.13977874

>plain carbonated water and squeeze lemon into it
I see you’re a fellow man of taste

>> No.13977876

Too much water makes you waterfat. Way too much water kills you.

>> No.13978091

This, enjoy your hyponatremia

>> No.13978108

Non alcoholic beer

>> No.13978117


>> No.13978150

Herbal tea. I make up a box (20 cups/5 qts.) of Wild Berry Zinger every few days, following the directions on the box for iced tea. Shit's good.

>> No.13978154

I think he means Hyponatremia
but that's basically impossible from drinking alone

>> No.13978250

No, youre not a doctor.
Water poisoning is wellknown.

>> No.13978380

Carbonation slowly dissolves away your teeth