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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13972437 No.13972437 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ collect any figures?

>> No.13972452

Is this fake or did they really make a figurine out of a salt mascot? How come they can make a figurine out of anything?

>> No.13972465
File: 98 KB, 960x960, 52602032_371187773706249_8421455901289873408_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its real and its not their first food mascot

>> No.13972476

Do americans really mindlessly consume these Jewish toys because of their mystery meat mutt genetics and interracial propaganda they willingly consume and enjoy?

>> No.13972477


these always depress me because of that contract the dude had to make with his wife

>> No.13972483

do tell

>> No.13972494
File: 757 KB, 2448x3264, funkopop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13972507

Go back to /pol/ you dipshit. Funko wasn't even founded by a Jewish person and isn't owned or run by Jewish people now.

>> No.13972515

I'm not even American and I find your obsession obnoxious.

>> No.13972518

she sounds like a keeper, honestly

>> No.13972523

Mindless consumerism and buying useless shit is jewish(american)
Go cope on blacked.com

>> No.13972546

Go back to your containment board and stop ruining other boards with your retarded nonsense.

>> No.13972554
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, vietcollector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mindless consumerism and buying useless shit is jewish(american)
last time i checked, there were no jews in asia

>> No.13972574

People who colect these retarded figuries are closet faggots without talent, taste or skill. Paintable figures requires patience and skill. Royal Doulton and Precious Moments are aesthetic. But this is just gay quirky shit.

Fuck these stupid figures and the people who support them.

>> No.13972577

Sour Patch kid one is kind of cute.

>> No.13972582

imagine being such a redditor you obsess about jews 24/7 , of all the groups of people to be scared of you pick jews lol. pretty cringe man

>> No.13972593

If anything that contract is evidence that the wife cares about her husband who very obviously has a problem/compulsion to buy funkos enough such that she doesn't want to completely cut him off but wants to control his destructive behavior out of fear of losing him.

>> No.13972693

I have some petite Katanagatari nendos and I just pre ordered a Nanachi nendo.

>> No.13972827

Sure, anime figures. Nothing to do with /ck/ though.

>> No.13972830

What broad would put up with this shit

>> No.13972942

Jesus Christ the schizo is back

>> No.13972949

Right? Whoever The Deep State hired to leak this Covid shit on the world are some serious people to be afraid of. The Illuminati-Alian Alliance cooperation over this planet have some serious spooks going on.

>> No.13972952

why does this board allow so many off topic threads? do yall not know how to report shit?

>> No.13972962

The janitor is a shithead who doesn’t do its job correctly

>> No.13973215

take your fucking meds then, dumbass

>> No.13973260

japan does this all the time
what's weird is a western company doing it

>> No.13973286

This is actually a unique looking funko that had some thought put into it, unlike the thousands of identical looking beady eye human side characters from TV shows that end up lining the clearance bin and dollar store shelves.

I still don't understand why people collect them tho, they all look identical and they can't even stand up.

>> No.13973296

>doing someone's job for free
>getting banned for frivolous reports

uh gee I wonder why also I happen to believe in free speech

>> No.13973302
File: 162 KB, 1200x900, Atravez-del-tiempo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These used to be the shit back then

>> No.13974089
File: 25 KB, 350x332, 1581198601351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but that is the only Funko that I would consider buying.

>> No.13974095

no but I do like collecting tea tins

>> No.13974099

Fuck off with that millennial GameStop trash.
This is a fumo board.

>> No.13974102

I wonder what happened with that guy who collected glasses with candles in them. He had namefigged with something really retarded too. "Whoromel Niggeroni" or something like that.

>> No.13974105

A bizarre funko like this is actually pretty neat.

>> No.13974113

Yeah, maybe it'll worth a lot of money one day.
Just like my collection of Beanie Babies.

>> No.13974114

I'm not thinking like a boomer. Decorations can be fun, and not an investment.

>> No.13974120

the only guy I know who owns Funko Pops paints 40k figs so your point is moot

>> No.13974123

get me a Mr. Clean and an Utz girl Funko Pop and I'll buy all three

>> No.13974133

why is 4chan so fucking obsessed with race and nationality. it baffles me.

>> No.13974138

>all shonenshit
at least you can resell them to retards at western anime cons

>> No.13974143

why aren't you?

>> No.13974149
File: 60 KB, 538x537, lasgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I just fucking hate those things. Mass produced plastic bullshit.
Completely soulless.

At least with 40k figs you can put your own touch on it.
I know a lot of 40k people and quite a few of them are the kind of person who'd be called "Reddit" on this site. In terms of comedy and political correctness and such. Always seemed like a strange dichotomy to me, but there you have it.

>> No.13974150

bitch you better believe I still own my favorite Beanie Babies and use them as decor in the guest room
collecting a certain product is a hobby for mindless consumers but taking the time to cultivate things you like that accurately represent your interests and personality while also filling your living space with items you care about is maximum comfy

>> No.13974153

what in the ever living fuck

>> No.13974155

>he took them out of the package
Never gonna make it

>> No.13974161

>addicted popper
yeah that's it I'm out. nice knowing you guys

>> No.13974162

Beanie Babies didn't come in a packages unless they were minis or came as a special edition with other products

>> No.13974172

the guy is probably the most normal guy I've ever met with a "niche" sci-fi/fantasy-related hobby

>> No.13974279

Yes, but not Funko Pops. 99% of the time I dislike their design. I think I've seen 1 or 2 I thought were decent