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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13972165 No.13972165 [Reply] [Original]

>stuff myself with carbs all day every day for several years
>don't gain any weight

>> No.13972193

small tummy maybe?

>> No.13972204

De novo lipogenesis is expensive. If you're eating actually high carb, that could be why. Pretty much every food westerners view as carbs is loaded with fat.

>> No.13972220

the only time I remember gaining weight is back when I had a job, I made a conscious effort to eat KFC 2-pc Chicken meal every lunch, didnt matter what I had for breakfast or dinner
when I steadily stuck to KFC only for lunch, I fucking gained weight

>> No.13972308

WHY IS IT SO HARD!!! Like unless I eat fast food everyday, getting 500-100Kcals over maintenance is fucking hard work. The only time I could was when I did GOMAD, but that's just not worth it. Do I just have a small appetite? I always eat seconds and have heavy lunches and dinner full of carbs and fat.
My last dinners have been
>bbq ribs
>oxtail ribs
Plus I eat sweet and drink beer all the time.

>> No.13972314

>oxtail soup*

>> No.13972316

>bro I eat so much I swear haha
Shut the fuck up skellys you DONT fucking EAT I don't care if it HURTS just EAT

>> No.13972325
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I'm going to eat my 20 pounds of dates, and not gain a pound, because carbs don't cause weight gain on their own

>> No.13972341

But I do, n*****a. I use to even keep track using myfitnesspal. Always tried making it pass 500 over maintenance, even if I wasnt exercising, did this for years. I put on 5 pounds by the end of it, fuck that. Like wtf do you fattasses do? Do you guys just eat 24/7 nonstop stuffing your fucking faces with junk food? I really dont get how people put on weight without trying while eating regular food.

>> No.13972356

They eat fat people food, which is very low in microonutrients so they need to eat much more to be satisfied.

>> No.13972360

Are Americans so fat they can't see their fat disgusting body because the eye fat is covering their eyes?

>> No.13972372
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>> No.13972402

n****a explain! I kept track of my macros for 2 almost two years to gain only ~5 to then lose almost all of it in less than 2 months of eating at maintenance.

>> No.13972428

>suddenly, hit your early-mid 30's
>metabolism slows down
>gain 30~40kg
>feel sick or off in the stomach
>see doctor
>doctor says you've eaten so many carbs and no vegetables for so many years that you've become a celiac.
Literally happened to a friend of mine.

>> No.13972430

drink 4+ beers a night.
that'll easily put you 1000kcal over daily.

>> No.13972435

I've been drinking about 3 almost everyday during quarantine

>> No.13972439

>Like wtf do you fattasses do
usually they drink a bottle or two of soda a day, or the equiv of alcohol/beer.
Even if you stay skinny after that, once you hit 30yo it all catches up with you.

most fat cunts drink a 12~24pack a day.
3 is almost nothing.

>> No.13972590 [DELETED] 
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All sugars are carbs but not all carbs are sugars. Weight gain is horribly misunderstood these days. If someone ever tries to tell you that 500 calories of carbs (mostly glucose) from bread is the same as 500 calories of carbs (fructose, dextrose etc. ; it's all sugar) from a bag of Chocolate... Run. You are dealing with a brainlet who thinks the answer to weight gain/loss is a matter of "work harder" and not one of hormonal imbalances, enviromental factors etc.

>> No.13972747

>Do you guys just eat 24/7 nonstop stuffing your fucking faces with junk food?
Yes. Now EAT more skelly

>> No.13972764

so you be sayin its ok to drink 3-4 beers a night?

>> No.13972987

That's because keto is a meme

>> No.13973003

cope fatty

>> No.13973013

I don't need to exercise at all to stay nearly underweight. I only do it to maintain bone density.

>> No.13973169
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I'm on the carnival and whiskey diet and my shits are fine, its a beast

>> No.13973176 [DELETED] 

That's the dumbest way to loose weight. You don't exercise to loose weight. You exercise because it releives stress and makes you feel good. Fuck off and die you dumb underage cunt.

>> No.13973186

You must walk and move around, A LOT.

>> No.13973190

Nope. I just don't eat oil or butter or lard or anything like that. Only unrefined plants for me :-)

>> No.13973207

great work ethnic dawg b-b-beast of a diet

>> No.13973218

Because in spite of all the meme diets and shit it all still boils down to calories in and calories out

>> No.13973345
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you sound like a skinny faggot that eats little bitch portions. If you actually ate like a man does with generous portions you would not ever doubt that you are getting enough calories

>> No.13973431

ate 2 chicken salad sammies with 2 scoops of potato salad and gained 2 pounds. how is that even possible?fuck you kike rodent

>> No.13973435

My wife eats pasta and drinks Pepsi for every meal but still had the same body she had when she was 15

>> No.13973977

you are underestimating the amount of calories you burn daily. most people overestimate and get fat. i'm not sure why it's taken you so long to figure that out.

>> No.13974790

N****a how am I burning calories when I just stay at home and shitpost? I dont even work out anymore
I kept track, fatass. It's not a matter of portions. When it looked like my macros weren't going to make it by the end of the day, I would chug enough milk til I reached them.

>> No.13974870

just being alive burns calories. this is usually the part people have the most difficulty estimating. online calorie estimators are even less accurate than iq tests.

>> No.13975101
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which one are you?

>> No.13975443

See that's your problem. GAINING mass ain't about tracking macros it's about EATING REAL FOOD MOTHER FUCKER C'MON

>> No.13975636

Your math is retarded, amerishart
t. Fellow amerishart

>> No.13975639


>> No.13976988

>When it looked like my macros weren't going to make it by the end of the day, I would chug enough milk til I reached them.

But you said you normally overeat. If you need to chug milk to comply to the amount of calories, it means you eat less than you thinks skelly

>> No.13977033

You might have type 1 diabetes without knowing it, people with type 1 usually have difficulty gaining weight, anemic and malnourished . If your piss smells like sweet acetone you might have a problem.

>> No.13977064

>don't know about anti nutrients
grains prevent the absorption of callories

>> No.13977403

Are you Asian? They have food life on easy mode due to genetics.

>InB4 people pretend genetics dont factor in as you watch skinny Asians shovel down carbs daily in bigger amounts than westerners

>> No.13977416

They're skinny because they eat carbs. De novo lipogenesis is expensive.

Name one (1) "high carb" food you've eaten recently.

>> No.13977832

High metabolism.
Don't worry, that'll slow down eventually.

>> No.13977906

You know how fatties always say that they don't eat that much but just can't lose weight? You're just the opposite of that, you probably overestimate how much you actually eat.

>> No.13978454
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>I can eat trash and I'm healthy lol

>> No.13978464

Who said anything about trash? My diet is actually high carb, not fat-soaked "carbs"

>> No.13979100

Same here, but I feel like shit if I eat like that. I also start to be super hungry around 11AM and 5 PM