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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13970506 No.13970506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She’s turning into Andrea Dworkin.

>> No.13970513

Why do all the girls there wear potato bags for aprons?

>> No.13970521
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She had my child.

>> No.13970530
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Jewish women turn into trannies as they age.

>> No.13970532

I cant beleive how much weight she gained just since last thread! They always say never trust a skinny cook

>> No.13970539

How does somebody look 30 years old and 60 years old at the same time???

>> No.13970562


>> No.13970564


>> No.13970565


>> No.13970587

I want to wear her panties the day after she's worn them

>> No.13970588

As a recent Big myself, i remember going from 160 to 170 and on and on. All in the space of a year. It takes a toll on you physically and mentally. I cant even tie my own shoes anymore. My husband always says to not worry because i am warm in the winter and shady in the summer. He is my rock.
But holy shit! Man the harpoons guyz! That wench been eating golden corral buffet the last 6 months!

>> No.13970608

what a weird post

>> No.13970624

Tell us

>> No.13970628

Isn't she engaged currently? Don't engaged women usually try and lose weight? What's going on.

>> No.13970636

I’d fuck her and be confused how to feel or continue from there. On one hand shes famous-ish, on the other she’s fat and plain looking and dresses like an old lady.

>> No.13970642

you're all deranged

>> No.13970645

>don’t engaged women

>> No.13970666

would fuck her jiggly wiggly mommy butt

>> No.13970675

i want to feed her bacon in secret while she calls me a bad boy goyim and she pets my head


>> No.13970681

i want to sprinkle her toe jam and belly button fluff on my breakfast oatmeal

>> No.13970712


after you were done with them id happily wrap them around my head and die from asphixiation from her delicatlble jewish aromas

>> No.13970717


id make stock with the panties after they took em off your dead body

>> No.13970747

well.. i guess thats /ck/ related..

>> No.13970759

I want to make jenkem with several lbs of her amazingly vinegary secretions.

>> No.13970762
File: 2.95 MB, 400x289, tumblr_ouniivZG4h1s1v3r1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face is so familiar...

>> No.13970773

I have an irresistible urge to toss her head first into the oven.
But why?

>> No.13970779

Roast pork is based.

>> No.13970939

i want to suck a kosher dill pickle out of her star of david

>> No.13970945

That is a man, and Chuck Schumer is a satanist Jew.

>> No.13970947


seek psychiatric help
and sex

>> No.13971234


>> No.13971240

She's just ballooning isn't she. I had high hopes but I guess they were naive.

>> No.13971262
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She still hella cute tho

>> No.13971274

It's called "wife material". You don't pick a wife who looks like a model, you pick a wife who is comfy to be around, who can cook and who likes eating what you serve her.

>> No.13971299

She looks the same, she'd look less frumpy if she wasn't wearing a potato sack

>> No.13971310

Awww that’s so sweet

>> No.13971319

Bones and all?

>> No.13971331

what the fuck did you just say about my clarefu you little bitch

>> No.13971379

to hell with this fat ass jew broad...pic related is my new fetish

>> No.13971384
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drunk...forgot pic

>> No.13971442 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13971496

Congratulations. May you sauté many tasty bats together.

>> No.13971525

I think emmy is kinda ugly
>t. chink

>> No.13971539

because they're too fat for conventional kitchen aprons

>> No.13971544
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Everyone forgot about the eternal waifu

>> No.13971559

Still mad about what could have been if these autists didn't scare her away

>> No.13971582

don't remind me of bookfu too you beast of a man

>> No.13971608
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she's so cute bros


>> No.13971987

This is a nice thread

>> No.13972094

What makes her so maternal and cute bros?

>> No.13972107

Why do you freaks want to fuck your mom?
Why is /ck/ so broken?

>> No.13972112

Wanting a nurturing mommy gf is the most mature mating choice.

>> No.13972115

no, you fucking weirdo
you make furries and footfags seem normal

>> No.13972134

seems jewish.

>> No.13972139

There's nothing wrong with liking a woman's feet.

>> No.13972144

I came like 6 feet into the air once when my gf gave me exquisite footjob.

>> No.13972175

My waifu

>> No.13972198

>There's nothing wrong with licking a woman's feet

>> No.13972206

is that the cooking with alice chick that keeps spamming the board?

>> No.13972207

I want her to park her asshole directly on my mouth while Hila Klein rides me into the sunset and make off with my cash when we're done.

>> No.13972345
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>rfw saved all her videos the day when cu/ck/s started harassing her

She is all mine

>> No.13972366
File: 143 KB, 871x764, happy-pepe-png-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes me want to become better so I'll be the kind of person who deserves that bros...

>> No.13972377

Nice blog simp

>> No.13972385

You realize she's Alice right?

>> No.13972389

Alice is a chang, ya turd

>> No.13972449

Go jack off to trannies fag. Some of us want to benefit the white race.

>> No.13972604

upload them you fool

>> No.13973368

should have jumped to vice when she had the chance. its pretty obvious without the junk food shit she's useless.

>> No.13973382
File: 176 KB, 1024x768, 1587529959422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hila Klein

>> No.13973383

lol what the fuck is she wearing?
fucking fat people.

>> No.13973405

what am i looking at

>> No.13973516

pfft, i went from 170 to 240 in about 4 months.

thyroid problem, btw.

>> No.13973525

Looks like a dead toddler.

>> No.13973939

>glasses therefore she's smart
>healthy brown skin with a slight glow
>butterface therefore she'll be more obedient
Where do I get a wife like this?

>> No.13973940

Ok simp

>> No.13973942

The girl in the center is tucking his benis between her legs

>> No.13973944

So you're saying she looks like a chubby jewish woman?

>> No.13973969

>gets engaged
>stops trying

It strikes again.

>> No.13974340
File: 78 KB, 600x450, 1N0UjV3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding sugar to a cup of ketchup
She's cute, but unless you're having sloppy joes for dessert, tone it the fuck down

>> No.13974530

The real question is why one of Brads sons looks like a girl. I didn't think he was pozzed too.

>> No.13974538

Cause aprons are meant to get dirty and be disposable.

Let me see your perfectly white apron you faggot. Bet you don't even cook.

>> No.13974550

a mouse?

>> No.13974754

She needs to upgrade her mic tho the sound on her videos always make my ears buzz.