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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 500x453, samyang-2x-spicy-hot-chicken-flavor-ramen-5-pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13967782 No.13967782 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone even -ENJOY- eating these?

I bought a 5pack of this to eat during quarantine period now and it was honestly so painful, halfway I felt like giving up

why do people torture themselves?

>> No.13967806

the 1x taste good
the 2x are okay

>> No.13967808

They aren't that spicy. I can eat a pack or two with no problems.

>> No.13967814

That shit had like 10x your daily recommended sodium
How the fuck do Asians live off this shit?

>> No.13967816

they torture themselves because they will never experience true hardship

>> No.13967827
File: 4 KB, 132x130, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original is 8000 scotville units

>the """2x"""" is only 10000 and not 16000

how did they not get sued for false advertising?
sneaky gooks

>> No.13967830

They aren't that spicy after a while. I remember the black pack being spicy to me and now I can't even eat them anymore because they have no heat. These kicked my ass and had me sweating the first few times I ate them but now I can enjoy the heat but still think they need a bit more.

>> No.13967843

squeeze the sauce packet directly on your eyes

>> No.13967861
File: 597 KB, 551x595, kimchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone had the Nongshim kimchi ramen? I strained off most of the water so maybe that amplified the heat but I found it almost unbearably hot. Am I just a pussy?

>> No.13967869

Could be a logarithmic scale?

>> No.13967876

These have less of an actual spicy feeling/flavor and more just pain. Just add chilis to your shit if you want to eat something hot. Birds eye chili is great

>> No.13967879

>Am I just a pussy?
maybe since I don't think that one's supposed to be that hot
I don't know about all the copycat spicy ones these days but paldo's teumsae is the only spicy ramen-type (where you don't drain the water off) that I know of
the noodles are good too

>> No.13967880
File: 38 KB, 488x488, GUEST_b909680d-02bb-4474-afd7-411e3e18ae4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried pic related, the heat from these singed my nose hairs

>> No.13967888

The only actual time I felt any "pain" from these was when I had some of the oil on my finger and accidentally rubbed my eye. Aside from that I was really fucking disappointment in these things, I found just going to the asian isle at my local grocery store.

>> No.13967900

they only have 1,360mg of sodium or about 57% of RDA

not even that high tbqh

>> No.13967914

I checked mine and they do say "spicy" on them?

>> No.13967927


i absolutely love spicy food and the 2x of this kicked my ass, so fucking spicy. i didn't care for it.

>> No.13967968

You have what they call on the streets "that bitch in your blood" :P

>> No.13968001

they're delicious, especially with a fried egg or two.

>> No.13968013

trick with these is to not drink any liquids till 90% of the burning goes away, probably has something to do with the oil

They used to taste great to me but now they just taste really bland

>> No.13968032

The red one tastes better than the black but the spiciness is exaggerated and makes eating it unpleasant.

>> No.13968134 [DELETED] 
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Why yes

>> No.13968147
File: 308 KB, 518x421, 1586380578684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people on this board asociate spicy food with nu males, do nu males like spicy food?

>> No.13968174

Yes. New here?

>> No.13968176

someone post the image

>> No.13968178

Where can I buy this brand in these great United states of America?
This is not unbearably hot. I won't call you a pussy but if you can't handle kimchi then perhaps you should stick to mild spices like salt and mayonnaise.

>> No.13968192

I was told there would be no math.

>> No.13968204

What possesses a person to make a post like this? Did you think you were being funny?

>> No.13968206

i can stand the spice but the overall flavor of everything is pretty shit.
the non spicy to kinda spicy variations of that brand is better.

>> No.13968215

hot sauces and venturing out of american style non spicy food is something only white nu males do

>> No.13968232

the shin ramyun are like 10 times worse

>> No.13968240

It's only like 500 calories though

>> No.13968242
File: 13 KB, 425x425, buldak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get the ramen much anymore but i put this shit all over everything

>> No.13968244
File: 123 KB, 470x250, Fire Noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought what I think were the regular 1x spicy in the black packaging thinking I'd be fine but it was too hot to be enjoyable, and not as tasty otherwise as I'd been made to think by people online always claiming they actually taste good. I threw out the other 4 packs.

>> No.13968253

sodium is fine you piss it out anyway

>> No.13968255

>Where can I buy this brand

korean/asian supermarket/amazon

>> No.13968261

nope, just never understood why

>> No.13968266
File: 484 KB, 540x541, 1586415852025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So , having a bigger palet makes you a low testosterone cuck, I dont seem to understand

>> No.13968382

If you can't stand the heat, try diluting the sauce with heavy cream. If that doesn't work, the noodles are still pretty good anyway. Throw the sauce out and make your own out of peanut butter or chicken buillon cubes.

>> No.13968494
File: 54 KB, 425x530, 81MYTNAsmQL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAIT! I was wrong. It was this brand of ramen that I thought was really fucking hot.

>> No.13968527
File: 68 KB, 535x363, img_prd_noodle_04-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend these if you want something weird.

(It's basically shin ramyun but different noodles and a hint of seafood)

>> No.13968626

can i brag about eating them when i drink milk while eating them?

>> No.13968739

Yeah I like cooking some mince and vegetables with the sauce pack in a pan while i cook the noodles in a pot.
I also just take the noodles out use the hot water to poach 2 eggs while I mix the noodles in the pan with the meat.
The sauce is great with mushrooms and beef, pork and chicken.

>> No.13968746

put the sauce on your foreskin

>> No.13968913

Fucking love them, but I'm a bit of a sadist when it comes to spicy food.

>> No.13968922

Reminder that it's been scientifically established that people with higher levels of testosterone enjoy spicier foods.
Reminder that you're a soiboi and that you might as well start skirt shopping because your taste buds betrayed you.

>> No.13968928

When eating spicy food, the spicyness is not an issue for me until it gets really severe. It's more that I can't eat the food because the heat sensation from the warmth of the food hurts. Is that what everyone experiences when it's "too spicy" or are people referring to the burning of the chili itself? Because I can eat those noodles cold/room temp like it's nothing, but not when they're hot.

>> No.13968933


>> No.13969004

My wife got the 1x and hated them at first. She said that by the last one she was addicted to the endorphins from the heat.

>> No.13969010

I think the chicken is cute

>> No.13969011

Yeah this is the same for me. I get really strong cravings for them because of the endorphin rush but they're pretty harsh on the old digestion

>> No.13969018

I like the flavor of shin Ramyun and Neoguri better than the samyang, but want to make them hotter. I tried adding sriracha and it tasted like shit. Would gochujang be closer to the right flavor?

>> No.13969024

How's that vagina between your legs in leue of a penis?

>> No.13969030

they're pretty spicy which is nice, but they don't taste very good. i don't know why people eat them tbqh

>> No.13969034

1x is a delicious moderate heat. You are a disappointment.

>> No.13969147
File: 8 KB, 277x182, juststop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT white boys doing a pissing contest

>> No.13969332

are you sad no one cares about your shit tier /pol/dit thread? too bad outrage culture isn't big on this board eh?

>> No.13969351

>T. Virgin Brown Boy
How does it feel gettin no one until your dad serves you up your fatass cousin at 30?

>> No.13969378

unironically this is where those specialty hot sauces shine.

>> No.13969420
File: 150 KB, 640x640, Food-Korea-Guide-Sundae-Gukbap-순대국밥.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiciness is literally a form of pain. You build up your tolerance to it and it happens to be sort of enjoyable in this instance.
When Shin Ramyeon came out in Korea people thought it was super spicy, their foods were far milder back then. Samyang Ramyeon was their first instant noodles and it is very peppery. Tastes changed over time and now you have 핵(nuclear) 불닭볶음면 (fire chicken noodles). Its still too spicy for the common consumer and doesnt sell very well in Korea anymore. Its sales in the US are tied directly to people wanting to have something crazy spicy.
No, Americans think Koreans drown everything in gochujang. They use red pepper flakes. Put a little oil in your ramen pot, fry your korean red pepper flakes 고추가루 gochugaru until fragrant and then make your ramen normally with that. That will give you good heat.
t. studied in a smaller city in Korea and had excellent friends who were really into food.
Also, gochu(pepper) is slang for dick

>> No.13969820

i eat chili every day, but usually it's 1 or 2 bird chilies in a dish, so i don't think i am too tough but i always thought that shit was more than fine. it's spicy for sure but i don't get the meme about it.
i eat it as a soup, slurping the broth as i go. am i doing it wrong?

>> No.13969823 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 300x300, homosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They aren't that spicy. I can eat a pack or two with no problems.

>> No.13969845
File: 47 KB, 385x465, CFC1CDE6-82C0-49F6-8912-2259314E9F34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had those but these are worth the pain because they taste delicious. After a while you get used to the heat as well.

>> No.13969852

This board is full of reddit normies, isn’t it?

>> No.13969881

Will we at some point be able to discuss anything spicy ever again? I don't want to be called a fucking numale just because I enjoy chili and other hot shit, damnit

>> No.13969896


>> No.13969928
File: 24 KB, 300x300, homosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They aren't that spicy. I can eat a pack or two with no problems.

>> No.13969932

kys soyboy faggot

>> No.13969996

Sure, any time someone posts that video of that guy who goes to the hospital, just respond with a video from this guys channel:


The people who keep harping on anyone who dares to like spicy food are clearly obsessed with how others perceive them, so just call them what they are: coping, projecting, normie-tier faggots. I bet they hate metal too:


>> No.13970007
File: 1.40 MB, 1296x730, 1563443977627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blame this fag for ruining it for everyone

>> No.13970017

the lack of self awareness in this post is astounding

>> No.13970020 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 400x400, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13970022

I’m not the one who goes out of my way to put others down. You see what you eat to see, and lack the self control to resist letting it define your interactions with others, no matter how much truth is behind your perception.

>> No.13970025


>> No.13970034

Imagine the type of sad piece of shit you have to be to seriously type all of that out.

>> No.13970036

>make according to directions
>drain all the water, replace with a bit of coconut milk
>put a nice scoop of peanut butter in there
wa la, noodle satay with just the right amount of spice

>> No.13970050

eating spicy meme food isn’t a personality. everyone else is laughing at you.

>> No.13970069


In your head, maybe. Most people don’t give a shit.

>> No.13970083

It’s okay, at least your kind is amusing.

>> No.13970086 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 400x400, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13970096

So you surround yourself with people who do busy themselves with that sort of behavior? Your loss.

>> No.13970111
File: 8 KB, 259x194, E0494D7A-DEE2-409D-9049-AB769E24E2C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you surround yourself with people who do busy themselves with that sort of behavior? Your loss.

>> No.13970123

Finding reasons to mock new avenues of experience and ways of appreciating the world you live in is what keeps you in the dark. Ignorance is one thing, but to be persistent in it is much worse.

>> No.13970136


>> No.13970137

>being a pseud about spicy meme food
dude for real, do some cardio and try meeting people.

>> No.13970146

I’ve probably met more and a greater variety of people by the time I was 20 then you have in your entire life. Same goes for exercise. It’s you who needs to take a step back and maybe find someone who can introduce you to spicy food that’s worth it :)

>> No.13970151

What compels a person to say embarrassing shit like this?

>> No.13970159


>> No.13970165

You wish :)))

>> No.13970192

Got some of these for my brother cause he loves spicy food. He made some and said it wasn't that spicy so I tried a bite and nearly died. Shit is way too hot.

>> No.13970217
File: 58 KB, 227x250, BBBF2556-F44A-460E-B385-C8A59DF6B182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cAN’T hANDLe THE HeAt, WeAkLing?

>> No.13970227

Everyone starts somewhere :) only those who lack what it takes to push themselves end up trying to keep others down. Crabs in a bucket.

>> No.13970319

Are those your triple chins?

>> No.13970366

Why is the same annoying faggot replying to everyone else in this thread? Kill yourself.

>> No.13970371

No, those are extra smiley faces to emphasize the first one :)))))))

>> No.13970465

My biggest issue with these is that they're spicy instead of tasting good, not that they're too spicy. The cheese flavored ones are kinda fun tho.

>> No.13970477


>> No.13970484

at first it felt like it was gonna melt a hole through my stomach lining, but now its just like a good snack for when you need a kick

>> No.13970667

Weak bait

>> No.13971368
File: 45 KB, 400x400, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]