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13959940 No.13959940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your drinking habits.

>> No.13959942

No, fuck off.

>> No.13959943

i try to drink more but i just can't

>> No.13959944

I drink to get drunk and beer has turned me into a fat shithead in the 6 years since I started drinking

>> No.13959945

i made a new rule in january no drinking in the house so i'm down from drinking 6+ tall boys a day to drikning 12 or so a month
i still get the urge and sneak out for one once in a while but i'm losing weight so it's all good

>> No.13959946

I haven't in a day and a half, and it's been questionable at best.

>> No.13959953
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Stopped drinking at the beginning of february.
Maybe this time I won't start again and fuck up everything.

>> No.13959954
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I've never had alcohol, I'm better than you alcoholic fucks.

>> No.13959962

I drink a bit more than the so called "recommended amount" but I'm mostly fine. I don't really drink during weekdays (it's been a bit more now during the corona lockdown) except for maybe one beer in the evening. I drink in the weekend and whenever an opportunity arises really. I love it but I am able to stay away from it. I was pretty hard on the booze for a few years but after I met my girlfriend it's evened out. Feels good.

>> No.13959963

Day 1 of not drinking

>> No.13959967

Gotten drunk the last 5 nights in a row. Gonna see how far I can push it without just becoming an alcoholic

>> No.13959968

used to drink a pint of vodka a day while at work then more drinks after at the bar. now i've managed to cut my drinking down to once every few days, albeit i still can't seem to stop when i start.

>> No.13959969

i cant drink mixed drinks or beer without getting sick after a while so i have to do shots instead to blow past that barrier

>> No.13959975

Haven't drank since everything closed. It sucks but I've lost some weight so whatever

>> No.13959978

>Gonna see how far I can push it without just becoming an alcoholic
You don't know you're an alcoholic until it's too late my friend

>> No.13959982

Been a heavy drinker for about a decade now. 6 days ago I woke up and my liver area was in so much pain and I had this musty/garlicy odor coming out of my pores or my breath or something. Looked it all up and it's probably liver damage so I haven't drank since.

>> No.13959989

I'm a binge drinker. It's not fun.

>> No.13960009
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I am into a bottle or two of wine every night. Which sucks especially when you have a penchant for fine french wine i.e. cru burgundy or bordeaux. It's worse than a bad coke habit, let me tell you.

>> No.13960043
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>usually drink 1-2 drinks per week at the absolute most, usually 0
>get laid off because of coronachan
>drink 3+ drinks every day

>> No.13960050

I drink about 0.5l-0.75l of standard lager pretty much every day, rarely more than that though

>> No.13960060

On average I drink 6 pints of at least 7% abv beer a day

>> No.13960088

I just woke up 10 minutes ago (12:30pm) and am drinking the beer that I opened last night but didn't finish.
Does that give you an idea of my drinking habits?

>> No.13960123

Probably between 3 and 6 standard drinks a day, on average. Of course that varies quite a bit depending on the day.

>> No.13960126
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on work days I'll have a beer every other day. on fridays I'll rarely drink more than two-three beers unless I have friends over. other than that I'll usually only drink due to great distress.
I'm trying to get better at brewing my own stuff. so far I've made a piss-weak apple cider and a scottish stout currently aging in my basement.

>> No.13960138
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I'll buy a case of beer to try every now and again, maybe once every 3 weeks. I'll drink one a day until they're gone and I wont buy anymore until I feel like it. Same goes for wine.
Fuck bros am I an alcoholic?

>> No.13960153

youre a pussy

>> No.13960158
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compared to your ancestors? not a chance in hell m8.
the definition of alcoholism is dependent on addiction. by habit. if your claim that you only buy when you feel like it is true, then it sounds like you have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

>> No.13960160

You're a loser.

>> No.13960168

I got a dui so in order to keep my relationship I can only drink in secret in my (parked) car or whenever work sends me to a hotel

>> No.13960176

>drinking while driving
you're a special kinda retarded, aren't you?

>> No.13960177

youre a faggot

>> No.13960194

Just started my fourth week at home and I've drank once, on my birthday. Before that I drank 2-4 times a week, usually between 3 and 6 pints. Working in a pub kitchen for 10-13 hour shifts meant all you wanted to do after work was get blasted. Being off has done me so much good.

>> No.13960254

usually 4-5 days a week beginning this year, but i haven't been drinking since friday and i'm trying to hold off for as long as i can. i've lost weight but now i look pretty fat and now i'm more unstable mentally than ever. becoming an alcoholic was a mistake, i don't understand how anyone could keep this up for years.

>> No.13960268

hey, you sound just like me!

>> No.13960274

I dont drink often anymore but when i do i generally kill a handle of vodka and my gf is mad at me for a week for bein a mean drunk

>> No.13960289

I drink a 12 pack of beer every other day, always wake up feeling like shit. Don't even know why I do it but been doin' it for about 3 years lel

>> No.13960301

I drink myself into coma every second day, then the next day I don't drink an I see demons in the corner of my eyes and insomnia. Sometimes I think I can't get any breath or I think my heart stop beating but that's probably just imagination.

>> No.13960314

I've been a heavy binge drinker, usually 25 to 30 cans of beers on a weekend. Been doing this for about 10 years straight now

>> No.13960315

Used to get drunk every day for years during my early twenties. I got fat and stopped drinking as much. 27 now and I don't drink often because when I have one I want to have six, but once a month or so I'll let myself indulge and have a six pack while smoking some bud. Alcohol just isn't as fun when you've beat your brain up with it in the past

>> No.13960318

I actually get this after a binge session

>> No.13960329

alcohol is extremely physically and mentally addictive. even if you are strong minded as some say, you can't "will" your body to not crave the booze. It gets kinda technical and I'm not an expert but it has to do with the GABA receptors and dopamine in your brain. If you want to cut down and stop feeling like shit you should look up tapering. You could get down to 2-3 beers instead of 12 and not feel like shit every morning. The hangovers and eventual alcohol withdraw is what convinced me to finally stop binge drinking. I drank at a similar rate as you.

>> No.13960337

I've had this too. Usually when out in public at the grocery store after a hard binge. I'd look at people's faces and see just black holes where their eyes should be. Started after around a year of daily heavy drinking

>> No.13960343

Went from drinking nearly every day in my 20's to binge drinking 2-3 times a week now. Usually just once or twice on the weekends when I'm really busy. But when I'm feeling it I can down a 12 pack and a half liter of vodka no problem.

>> No.13960349

drinking every day for 10 years destroyed my stomach

now i can't even have a 6pack anymore without risking days of horrible pain. sucks to be me i guess.

>> No.13960420

Overhyped hundreds of thousands if not millions of people do it and they get to where they need to go just fine

>> No.13960448

I used to average two drinks a night. But ever since the virus I’ve lost interest in drinking alone.

>> No.13960451

I wouldn't call it a habit sometimes I feel like having a drink so I have one or three. Sometimes I go weeks without having anything.

>> No.13960461

kinda depends on the legislation where he’s from
some places have a zero tolerance policy so you can get a dui even if you’ve only had like half a beer

>> No.13960519

keep it up bruv, really. I've also stopped in march and now feel great.

>> No.13960543

ive been drinking with a friend for the past few days myself, but im a seasoned alcoholic. But now im sober today because my actual girlfriend wont buy me any fucking beer. The nerve of this bitch, i swear lololololol

>> No.13960547

used to be able to drink way more. 27 now and i'll still drink on the weekends a bit. been drinking a bit more because of the virus though.

>> No.13960576

I recently made the switch to liquor instead of beer... We'll see how long it lasts and I was exaggerating sort of I used to drink to get drunk but since getting a gf she's wrangled in my alcoholism and I stick to weekend drinking and not till black out anymore

>> No.13960617


I drink everything every day and literally cant get drunk anymore, no matter how much I drink I stay relatively 'sober'. The only time I benefit from alcohol is when I dont eat for whole day and then drink A LOT then I can see a small difference/existence being slightly bent, I mix alcohol but that is a small help....

>> No.13960662

I drink rarely now but I'm thinking of breaking into the old stock a bit next few days, little weird thinking about it but I think i've had these same bottles since last august
it's not like I'm prudish about it I just havent bothered with it in some time I guess

if they sold beer at corner stores here like they do in the states i'd probably drink a lot more though, takes a bit of effort to get any

>> No.13960679

I used to drink every other day or so back in college, but can't anymore because of work and health. Now I block out one weekend a month and get plastered.

>> No.13960686

Keep it up and you're going to lose everything. Trust me.

>> No.13960687

I have a substance abuse problem in general
Drinking is not excluded

>> No.13960698

45 days sober. All my sober buddies are relapsing but I'm going strong. This virus shit would make it so easy to give up but I'm sick of being enslaved to alcohol. Anyone looking to quit, keep going and find online meetings through the token shop online.

>> No.13960729

i'm 24 and drinking fucking sucks now. I almost always feel ill after. I smoke weed everyday (bit of a bad habit ), and that certainly makes not drinking easier.

probably drink 10-15x a year

>> No.13960823

Went from about a liter of hard alcohol a day to ~15 months sober. Feels good man

>> No.13960833

I drink water sometimes, mostly tea.

>> No.13960861

Since I lost my job I have been drinking about 10 tall cans of beer a day. I start in the morning and sip on them until I go to bed at a reasonable hour, around 11pm usually. I'm taking a day off today, I can tell that I am gaining weight.

>> No.13960962

Based. What opened your eyes? Do you go to meetings?

>> No.13960995

I drink about 10-12 beers a day when I had a job, about 20 a day during quarantine.

I feel like I'm drinking less though, because I no longer go to the bars and have hard alcohol or wine/champagne. My head's clearer. But I've also been an alcoholic since about 17 years old.

I quit once a year for 1-3 months but it never sticks. It's impossible to just not drink as a single adult unless you want to sit at home and have no social life.

>> No.13961014

I'm French so I drink wine with every meal.

>> No.13961015

when I'm on my own: about 10 beers a night, 15 Friday and Saturday
with family: 1 beer a night

>> No.13961033
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Rate my quranatine stock

>> No.13961037

did you buy it all at once? did you feel shame?

>> No.13961041

I've been sober for 40 days

>> No.13961044

All at once and no shame.

>> No.13961050

which is better karkov or travellers club?

i usually get Luksusowa or Sobieski but im looking for some bottom shelf options.

>> No.13961054

I've been drinking just about every night, about 1/3 of a handle of vodka or 10 or 12 beers. Sometimes I'll take a break for 4 or 5 days but insomnia and boredom always bring me back.

>> No.13961056

Travellers club

>> No.13961057

any small talk w the cashier?

>> No.13961061

No im a regular lol.

>> No.13961077

Why do alkies think the parked car trick works? My dad did it and my friend’s dad did the same thing.
Do you expect people to not notice you’re stumbling and reeking of vodka after you slam it out of sight?

>> No.13961080

I just say I forgot to take my medication

>> No.13961094

It wasnt one big thing like a medical scare or legal trouble or anything like that. It just wasn't sustainable (hadn't been for a long time) so it was time to get out before things got even worse. Just a lot of little things piling up. Plus it really sucked waking up shaking.
No meetings. AA isn't for me, too much bullshit. Just rehab, counseling and a lot of reflection and life style changes.

>> No.13961114

Not him, but how did you find a rehab facility, and did your insurance cover it?
I got fucking b& for my last thread, but I'm that anon that keeps having seizures.

>> No.13961138

Some people pull it off better than others. Honestly, as long as you're functional and know how to brush your teeth and wear deodorant, then you should be okay.
Some people get too carried away and end up getting fucking blotto and thinking they come off as sober. Just have some fucking self awareness.

>> No.13961147

Not true

>> No.13961149

>Steel Reserve
no idea how I tolerated this shit when I was younger. That stuff tastes like fucking shit

>> No.13961157

Not sure about him, and I don't do the "parked car" thing, but a beer isn't going to make me reek of booze, and it takes the edge off of a lot of situations.

What makes no sense to me is mandating someone can't drink at all to the point they have to hide it.

>> No.13961164

I was seeing a counselor and she recommended it. My mom is a counselor (for kids) and she recommended it. It has a good reputation so it seemed like a good place. Insurance covered some of it but not nearly enough to make a significant impact. I still payed around 30k for the month. I went to an IOP immediately after that which also offered in patient (I did everything from home with that place tho because I didnt want to spend another month away from my wife.) and the insurance covered almost 100% of that. If you even have the slightest thought that you might need to go to rehab, you 100% need to go to rehab. One of the best decisions I ever made.

>> No.13961180

I really love buying booze. I dont drink it very quickly though. As a result I have 30-40 bottles.

Im more addicted to food. By the time I have finished eating far too much junk every day, there isnt much time or space left for booze.

>> No.13961203

Seconded, one day you realize it's been months without a break but you feel fine still. I'd like to drink less... tell myself most days that today will be the day I skip, but then by 3 or 4 in the afternoon I convince myself its a good day to drink.

>> No.13961234

sad/10 but i'm down to drink one of those budweiser tall cans

>> No.13961337

Used to drink everyday cheap beer with 99 cents mini bottles of whatever vodka or rum. Now I have money only drink top shelf whiskey 2 to 3 timea a week.

>> No.13961346

He is right

>> No.13961370

I drink vodka neat out of the bottle in little sips like a pussy and I never do shots.

>> No.13961376

I also drink almost every time I get a chance. Costing me thousands in liqueur every year.

>> No.13961379

Haven't had a single drink in over 3 weeks. My Father cannot go a day without a beer or alcohol and seems to be in denial about it even after contracting the kung flu. I poured two handles of my sobieski and bulleit rye out in a fit of rage to some other related shit. I love my father, but I sure as hell am not going to be the old man who just sits on facebook all day and drinks and gets all pissed off about Facebook politics.

>> No.13961457

because when your young your only objective is to get smashed, whatever the cost or taste.

>> No.13961492

I can relate to this so hard. Fuck.

>> No.13961550

Lately I've just been keeping a bottle of Jagermeister in my freezer and breaking it out before lunch and sometimes before dinner
Just take sips out of the bottle while food is cooking, then it eases me into a nice nap/sleep about an hour after my meal.

>> No.13961556

>when you're young


>> No.13961563

Water and Milk only

>> No.13961699

Can someone recommend a good Bourbon or a good Scotch for someone looking to get into whiskey.

>> No.13961713

Buffalo Trace

>> No.13961776

used to listen to this with my one alcoholic friend when we drank

then i flipped out on him when i was drinking by myself one day, blocked him everywhere and deleted his number and never looked back. drinking nearly every day for a while, and now i even avoid my online friends to hide my habit. it's gotten pretty out of control, i'd say.

>> No.13961816

based, i did the same thing yesterday

>> No.13961880

i've been on about 14/day, give or take a few, for the past few months. started tapering a few days ago. i had 8 or 9 yesterday, but that's where i always get stuck when i try to taper. we'll see where tonight leads me.

>> No.13961906
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>drinking while driving
you're a special kinda retarded, aren't you?

>> No.13961908

whyd you flip out on ur drinking buddy

>> No.13961935

it's not a problem if you know what you're doing.

>> No.13961937

because he saw me as a low tier human being, i got tired of being treated in such a poor manner. he couldn't accept that i'm not the same way as him and just belligerently made fun of me for that.

>> No.13961945

what's your poison of choice?

>> No.13961956

gin, mostly. although recently tried some rye that i really liked, so i plan to buy more of that.

>> No.13961971

I don't drink much, and I specifically avoid getting drunk.

>> No.13961991

I know that feel. Stopped in February for school, but decided I was going to treat myself during Spring Break. With the extension and this corona bullshit, I haven't stopped yet. Somehow picked the best time to get back into school.

I don't think it had much of a strong flavor to me. Sometimes I wonder if my taste buds are just shot.

>> No.13961994
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>leaving a beer unfinished

>> No.13962035

I want to drink a ton but I need to save money. I have been doing a shot or two to just feel loose

>> No.13962185

sometimes u eat or sometimes u just pass out next morning u kill it

>> No.13962263

I'm 3 days into sobriety after being a daily binge drinker for 5 years. Maybe this time I won't drink again.

>> No.13962342

I'm ready to quit again starting tomorrow. I've realized I'm slipping back into my old habit and beginning to put on weight again. My biggest issue is once I start, it takes extreme willpower, or running out to stop. It's always been a problem for me. I even went to treatment and was sober for a year, then I stupidly thought I could control it again, but I cant. I can easily kill a 5th to myself in one session. The biggest impact is on my wallet. I could spend like 30-50 bucks a day on beer or liquor and it literally lasts me just for that day.

>> No.13962349

I binge drink and stop, the way nature inclines

>> No.13962365

One day at a time man. I cant say I'll never drink again. But I'm not drinking tomorrow. I didnt really like AA because they try to throw a bunch of religious stuff into it, and I dont really care for the 12 step program. But the one day at a time message is spot on.

>> No.13962433

Pure H2O.

>> No.13962460

Dog, taper, don't just do cold turkey.

>> No.13962463
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No you're just boring.

>> No.13962480

Drinking is a fun way to get loose and let go of yourself. I'm about to have to give it up along with junk food, vidya, tobacco, and focus 100% of my time on my career goals here in a few days or so, so I'm kind of splurging a bit.
Other than that, it's craft beer for me every once in a while just to keep up with the craft beer game because it's kind of my job.

>> No.13963405

I genuinely can't fucking afford to... I am 23 and currently unemployed. I'm kind of in a catch 22 now, because I literally can't stop drinking without having a seizure, but I need a job badly. I am a full on fucking retard for letting it get this bad.
I am tapering down as we speak, and I need to go to my doctor to get a renewal for my medications (one of which is a benzo), hopefully I can pull myself out of this myself. I just can't fucking afford rehab.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.13963441

I fucking hate that. But even more I hate the cold sweat and lack of appetite. Trying to get at least some shut-eye but you can't because the sheets are wet from all the sweating and you're shivering. I really need to stop binge drinking.

>> No.13963462

This. Alcohol along with shit like xanax and barbiturates are only drugs that can cause seizure if stopped cold turkey. Even heroin detox isn't as dangerous. Alcohol is a very nasty substance.

>> No.13963520

average like 5 drinks a day now every day

take a vitamin with B1 though

>> No.13963542

Fuck you CIA you ain't getting nothing from me