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File: 61 KB, 730x400, dairy-cows-on-pasture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13957246 No.13957246 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is the vegan master plan for what to do with cattle? Lets say everyone suddenly became vegan overnight. What do we do with all the cows? Not just food cows but dairy cows as well. We have nowhere to put them. Since no money can be made from them there will be nobody to take care of them. We will probably need to convert their grazing pastures into farmland for vegetable crops as well. So what the fuck do we do with the cows?

The only answer is mass slaughter. There are 94.8 million cows in the USA so that is a lot of dead cows. Shame we aren't allowed to use their bodies for anything.

>> No.13957255

I would imagine any pragmatic vegan plan wold be to stop breeding cows for food, then phaze them out as the cattle population tapers off.

>> No.13957262

No, they can't just be reasonable. They have to be the cartoon villain that I want yo dismiss.

>> No.13957269

Vegans are illogical, who would've thought it?

Vegan future is fantasy, what if senerios are worthless.

Why are you so adamantly carnivorous? We are omnivores.

>> No.13957288

You can't really just leave 94 million cows to their own devices and wait for their numbers to naturally dwindle. Cows that get loose and go feral cause massive problems.

>> No.13957302

I mean continue to slaughter and and use them for food. Until they're gone. This is like the weakest argument against veganism though because it's such an unrealistic scenario.

>> No.13957466


You just answered your own question, people only wanted them for shallow reasons such as animal products and making it rich. You know its wrong to breed that many animals into existence but phrase it as a insult towards vegans because you cant stop yourself from ordering pizza hut on the daily

>> No.13957473

The plan is to devolve into livestock themselves and replace the cattle for their reptilian overlords.

>> No.13957557

>if everyone became vegan overnight
but that'll never happen, your question is stupid

>> No.13957633

This. Stop breeding, send calves to farm sanctuaries.

>> No.13957648

cease breeding, slaughter the last generation
eat and then be done with it

>> No.13957671

Ship all the cows to India.

>> No.13957689
File: 282 KB, 800x450, 1561592748284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Until they're gone.
Vegan niggas really just want an entire species to go extinct for no reason. Not even a muh animal suffering thing anymore, just some vague idea that cows produce methane and are destroying the environment (of course, vegans always cognitive dissonance away the farmland issue). That documentary really did a number on these people. Veganism is not a diet nor a cause, it's thinly veiled fascism. Control is the end game of veganism. It was always about control and they'll do anything to convert you. The more you resist the more tenaciously they demand you join their evil death cult. Vegans should be put on watch lists. They're not to be trusted. In my first statement I wasn't referring to cows.

>> No.13958312

Same thing PETA does with the animals in its shelters.

>> No.13958355
File: 459 KB, 701x395, thanos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what they are shooting for. Complete destruction of all sentient life.

>> No.13958370

>This is like the weakest argument against veganism though because it's such an unrealistic scenario.
It's literally PETA and ALF's primary goal.

>> No.13958410
File: 631 KB, 2048x1536, 1586106655468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the vegans die off before the cows.

>> No.13958442

Animal agriculture is causing extinctions of other species, every day, nerfherder.

>> No.13958545
File: 258 KB, 450x399, 922E0EB8-B9CF-4E86-B506-07F53D9A7B77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13958609

No that's your vegan addictions to avocadoes, soy based "foods" pea-protein etc etc etc.

Cows can exist in near harmony with other animals like rabbits etc. Only the large predators get a shit deal, and your vegan farms wipe them out too.

>> No.13959912

That's only a partial truth. Factory farming is what does the damage. Whether you're growing meat or some kind of mono-crop the ecological impact is similar although in different sectors.
The problem with vegans is, like any fanatic, they are incapable of conceiving of a middle ground. Plant based products as a supplement to an omnivorous diet is far more realistic and healthy than a purely plant-based diet. They are fanatics pushing an ideology so they can claim moral victory by being on the right side of history rather than trying to figure out a solution for people.
Ideologies can stay the fuck off my plate. I prepare and eat vegan food all the time. I also enjoy roasting pork and chicken and making charcuterie. That's called balance.