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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13952819 No.13952819 [Reply] [Original]

What's your worst cooking nightmare?
Me falling asleep+almost burning down the house.

>> No.13952870

Why is the girl dress like a whore?

>> No.13952874

That reminds me, i need milk. Thanks.

>> No.13952900

It isn't as bad as I am at home because I'm naked. I cook my meals naked. I'm not a whore, though. It just feels good. Maybe the same for her, but she doesn't mind wearing some clothes.

>> No.13952917

>her eggs are ruined
There's some depth to this photo

I haven't had any disasters really. I mistook baking soda for baking powder once and ended up with a terrible cake, but I had time to make a new one.

>> No.13952930

>I cook my meals naked.
I used to too. But one day, I realised that the massive amount of poppable pimples on my chest and belly and arms were actually oil burns from splatter. It wasn't like a massive amount, but every other day, there'd be 2-3 new ones sprouting and it drove me nuts. Since skin takes a month to replace, a month's worth adds up and it never feels like they fully went away. For once, I was glad that it wasn't a problem caused by being fat.

Hoo boy. Got myself an apron soon after that and I always wear clothes underneath too.

I see this photo with the girl with a large boob window and all I can think about it how her nice boobs are going to be ruined with oil burns.

>> No.13952952

Women do these things to impress their fathers. If their father is absent, then daddy.

>> No.13952978

Because that's what the photographer wanted.

>> No.13953029

>>her eggs are ruined
>There's some depth to this photo

thats some top notch observation

>> No.13953047

so what the hell exactly is the difference between powder and soda?

>> No.13953099

Mine sort of turned out good.

>be a teenager maybe 16 or so
>frying up onions and chicken
>probably too much oil
>remember there's a bag of frozen hot peppers in the freezer from last summer
>just dump a bunch in because I decide I want it extra spicy
>room instantly fills with smoke, my eyes start burning and it feels like I'm coughing fire, then my skin starts burning
>put heat down to minium, open all the doors and run the fuck outside
>neighbor is laughing as I'm standing out there coughing
>tell him what happened and he laughs again and says that's what teargas was like
>20 mins later smoke cleared and it all turned out super tasty

Now if I make Teargas Chicken I do it outside.

>> No.13953103

This is sad but true.

>> No.13953113

God, bimbos don't turn me on at all.

>> No.13953211

Accidentally bought stewing beef and made skewers out of them.
Only I tried to eat them though so not much worse than the othe rmeals i've cooked then just hardly ate any of.

>> No.13953214


>> No.13953216

For the same reason your mom is a whore

>> No.13953227

Was trying to make peanut butter cookies. Turned out my eggs wereold, so tried to sub in Graham crackers to make the dough.
Thirty minutes of baking and they were uncooked and burnt at the same time.

>> No.13953238

no such thing as an old egg
only egg delicacies

>> No.13953243


Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate. It's mixed in when you need gas/bubbles and for your baked good to puff up. It needs to react with something acidic in order to get the reaction going.
Baking powder is baking soda pre-mixed with other shit when you need help getting the soda to react in case your recipe doesn't have enough of the acid half to start a reaction.

So if the Anon used soda instead of powder, that means they didn't have enough reactants for the soda and ended up with a flat slab of hard bread tasting like baking soda instead of a puffy cake.

>> No.13953257

Shut up Zhang

>> No.13953258

fuck off

soda is a single action revolver, powder is double action, it is composed not only of baking soda but also an acid so it can do two things but you only have to add one powder

>> No.13953274
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>tastelet americans not know good egg

>> No.13953289

were her boobs were too big for her to see the stove?

>> No.13953291
File: 76 KB, 180x143, 537234312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gonna make some pasgetti
>gotta boil water to make the noodles
>put large glass pot on stove and set on high to boil
>proceed into room, leave door cracked open to listen for water to boil because I'm not just gonna stand around and wait for the water to boil
>just doing some drawing on my computer, checking my email, etc.
>hear a massive loud "BANG" from my kitchen
>forgot about the water
>proceed into kitchen to discover large scorch marks around the burner and the glass pot completely shattered
only thing I can think of was that the pot got so hot that the water completely evaporated, and that there must've been something underneath the burner coil that caught fire and caused the pan to explode. Also I discovered that despite being 22 years old I'm still a colossal retard who forgets what's on the stove.

>> No.13953298

If you get virgin boys to pee on them, does it make it even better?

>> No.13953359

because she's about to be stuffed full of cock at a porn shoot

>> No.13953367

to make incels seethe

>> No.13953407

>only thing I can think of was that the pot got so hot that the water completely evaporated
>something underneath the burner coil that caught fire and caused the pan to explode.
probably not
most kitchen glass isn't lab glass, different ratios of boron and silicon affect the ability of the glass to expand w/o breaking upon rapid heating.
when the water was gone, the temp of the glass skyrockted, shattering the glass.

>> No.13953560

>im not a whore
Of course you do you god damn slut

>> No.13953699

>Why is the girl dress like a whore?
better stay away from the internet Pajeet, it might harm your modesty

>> No.13953731

Were you high? How did you forgot that you were cooking for that long?

>> No.13953767

You must’ve be either retarded or have been on drugs to leave something boiling for what I assume is an hour or two. Water doesn’t evaporate that fast.

>> No.13954128

I spilled hot frying oil on my dick and balls while moving a skillet.

>> No.13954172

That's good you dont need it anyway.

>> No.13954270

It also spilled all over my stomach and legs, which were very useful. Had to get surgery because when the skin was healing my ballsack was trying to fuse to my thigh. I should have been taken to the hospital when it happened but my dad was piece of shit, who said that my peeling open skin was just blistering and that I should have gotten over it. I find it very difficult to masturbate due to the tissue damage, and the likelihood of me ever having kids (if I actually got a gf) is very low.

>> No.13954305

One is powder and one is soda (fizzy drinks for you brits)

>> No.13954313

I passed out boiling some frozen perogies one night and woke up to a big smoking pot of mush.

>> No.13954460

true story. i forgot that i had a teapot boiling water on the stove. i smelled something weird and remembered and i ran to the kitchen. all the water had evaporated and the weird smell came from the melting teapot plastic handle. yikes