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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 400x400, KnWDIAaN_400x400[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13952505 No.13952505 [Reply] [Original]

Is 23 too old to go vegan?

>> No.13952509

you're never too old to become vegan, anon :)

>> No.13952510

you're never too old to become a faggot

>> No.13952532

yeah, just go on /pol/

>> No.13952600

Yeah, but its hard to stay vegan unless you understand how deep it is and value the depth rather than being shallow and favoring your taste buds. Many people are shallow and value their taste buds and freedom over entire species being locked up.
Veganism is very deep and meaningful unironically, its why people go into a flying rage about it

>> No.13952613

Veganism is very deep and meaningful unironically
low effort bait, but i know some newfag will still fall for it and start spamming wojak images,

>> No.13952618

> is 23 too old for
> [anything]
Ha ha. You fucking kids.

>> No.13952624

>this is bait
>this person asked about veganism
>giving up animal products forever isn't meaningful

Buzz off carnist, you cant live without popeyes chicken sandwiches and prefer murder for your tastebuds

>> No.13952625

t. 25

>> No.13952636
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this is better bait, im feeling a 6/10 on this one

>> No.13952638

It's never too late to transition.

>> No.13952640
File: 52 KB, 200x248, AWE FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more, meat eater

>> No.13952650
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Why are corpsemunchers threatened by veganism? do they have meat born parasites controling their brains?

>> No.13952654

t. malnourished, green skinned, soy guzzling cuck

>> No.13952656

Yes, as your body isn't used to malnutrition, you could fall into a calorie deficient state, and die due to the lethargy, and lack of vitamin intake.

>> No.13952658
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t. this

>> No.13952659

Yes. Meat eaters are retards.

>> No.13952660
File: 910 KB, 400x548, 1586393463296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love being a vegan desu~

>> No.13952664

>lack of vitamin intake
what vitamins do we find in meat?

>> No.13952670
File: 98 KB, 1024x576, i LOVE being vegan!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, assmad soycuck

>> No.13952680


>Keeping an entire species locked up for your taste buds.

Why yes. I would gladly do that. But locking up meat makes it taste worse. Distressed meat has more nasty tasting chemicals saturating it, and that makes the meat lower quality. Hence, why I demand the meat thats served to me be free range or wild caught.
I enjoy the flavor of meat, and since it is simply the nature of humans to eat meat, considering our biology and history, I will continue to do so. As will my children, and my children's children. I am not a "Carnist" either, I'm a proper human, with a proper diet.

Veganism is not a threat. I simply believe that children and others who are at risk of having stunted development and possible estrogen and testosterone levels of my children being thrown out of wack, simply because the public schools decided to switch over to entirely soy products.
They are untested, and in my opinion unsafe. If you want to continue on with eating soy and excluding animal products. Have fun.

>> No.13952683

Also, inb4 Reddit spacing, but I had to break up my points, as it was a long post.

>> No.13952686
File: 64 KB, 200x248, ANGEry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething so hard he writes an entire essay
seething incel flesheater

>> No.13952689

>Two paragraphs is an essay.
Lel, Kay bro.

>> No.13952691

Maybe ease into a transition i.e:start cutting stuff out one by one. I only cut out meat for about ten years before I went fully vegan and I think it acted as a good precursor, I see some people make the dramatic shift and I dont think it gives there bodies time to aquate to the change in diet.

>> No.13952695
File: 48 KB, 200x248, CRYING BITCH BOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can feel your anger from here, corpseeater

>> No.13952696

tldr, not gonna read all this corpse munching cringe

>> No.13952701

It's never too late to fall into mental illness

t. ex vegan

>> No.13952703

D3, Creatine, Carnosine, Heme Iron, DHA, Zinc.
Notice I didn't even need to say b12? Because it's not the only one.

>> No.13952707

Me too, I just explained why it was meaningful for vegans and he just responded with "I'm gonna eat meat forever"
He doesnt struggle with it, vegans and plant based people do

>> No.13952710

>it is simply the nature of humans
all those enzymes digesting complex carbs? yeah all for meat guzzling!

>> No.13952713

That is, what I said yes, but you, didn't say anything of the sort about things being meaningful.

Am I missing out on the discord circlejerk?

>> No.13952715

Only d3 is a vitamin, corpse munchers are always dummies

>> No.13952723

Remember how I said I'm not an exclusive meat eater and that I'm a well balanced person?
Or, is the goldfish memory rearing it's head?

>Learn to pronounce
>any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.

All of these are vitamins according to the dictionary definition desu.

>> No.13952724

Agreed. B12 is bacteria and not a animal product.

>> No.13952732
File: 51 KB, 600x800, soy (86).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's too much heckin text! *yawn* i'm going back to r/soylent!

>> No.13952734

>dictionary definition
I will stick to a medical definition, not some random internet deffinition, dummy

>> No.13952736

Fuck, I hate these fucking vegan squabble threads. Please all just fuck off and go find something better to do with your time.

>> No.13952741

>still seething I didn't read his shitty post
go back to thedonald dot win, pal

>> No.13952743

Im vegan and havent had soy anything in about 2 years,I I can agree with you on that but soy isnt synonymous with a vegan diet per se. its in everything from procccessed meats to dairy laden products not just meat and milk alternatives, its like saying cow shit used to grow psilocybin shrooms causes schizophrenia than using the six degrees of seperation to include all vegetables into the equation by way of association.

>> No.13952744

I like those threads, dunking on corpse munchers is always easy and fun

>> No.13952745

>. But locking up meat makes it taste worse. Distressed meat has more nasty tasting chemicals saturating it,

This sounds like some hippy nonsense and it's probably as bogus as the Chinese crap where they think an animal tastes better if it died in extreme pain. If an animal is confined but not in pain I really doubt if it is pissed off because it can't run around as long as it has plenty of food and water, and animals of the opposite sex are not nearby in heat. Animals are pretty stupid in a lot of ways since they can't talk and read.

>> No.13952747
File: 26 KB, 720x480, Kotomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but you're not too old to watch Niea_7.
Fantastic show.

>> No.13952750
File: 64 KB, 220x165, no no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more, corpse muncher.
enjoy getting cancer while i enjoy my vegan tofu.

>> No.13952753
File: 571 KB, 757x696, stop eating meat!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you trump supporter! leave and stop making fun of me!!

>> No.13952756

I love trump, hes bringing america to its knees and when the economy will be "opened" again, jesus, the death toll will be glorious

>> No.13952767

>Pretending someone who posts soijacks is someone who doesn't post them.
>Samefagging this hard.
Atleast try desu.

>Vitamins are a group of substances that are needed for normal cell function, growth, and development.
From; Medline.gov

Mmmhm. I understand where you stand, but on your points I do disagree when you say soy isn't synonymous with a vegan diet. Typically, soy is pushed as the vegan meal replacement, and vitamin rich replacement for meat, atleast according to what I've seen. But I would like to know some of the alternatives if possible.

>> No.13952770
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I cant wait until it warms up so i can go plant my vegetable garden. In the interim i guess i will munch on corpses.

>> No.13952774

I'm a vegetarian, you fucking twat. I just think this is pointless shithousery. You're both as bad as the fucking atheist/christcuck cunts that killed 99chan. Seriously, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.13952781
File: 49 KB, 860x802, peter 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok tranny

>> No.13952784

Personally, the locked up part is my own personal account, because I run my own farm, and pigs that were born and lived indoors their whole life tasted significantly worse than my own.
I don't know if it was a difference in their diet, or anything. I just chalked it up to them being locked up. If you have any information, I'd be glad to hear it.

>> No.13952785
File: 997 KB, 498x435, acid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes, carnists are so mad desu~

>> No.13952791

by that definition glucose is a vitamin, are you trying hard to be this wrong?

>> No.13952793

Keyword here is pushed, it use to be the go-to a few years ago but the more you get into whole foods the more you shy away from "meal replacements". I prefer, if I have to, wheat gluten prepared as seitan, its heavy as fuck on the stomach but its easy to cook with. I usually opt out and go for protein sources like fava beans and roasted peanuts in shell if I want something hearty/savoury.

If Im having a sit down meal, marinated portobellos mushrooms are what you want. The trick is too cut off the gills to eliminate all that water building up in the pan, this way it cooks/frys more consistently without going soggy. The texture is more seafood than gamey but still very good.

>> No.13952796
File: 58 KB, 440x330, 440px-Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finger slipped. Spending time on s4s does that to you desu.
You are at the bottom of pic related by the way.

>> No.13952803

I wasn't trying to have an "epic reddit vegan debate!" i just wanted to call you a faggot.

>> No.13952806

most people have that phase in their teens
you may be retarded

>> No.13952807

I don't make the rules desu. This is literally just the government.

Hm. Interesting. What do you tend to marinate the portobello mushrooms in?
And, if you could provide a picture of the seitan that'd be great.

>> No.13952811
File: 2.21 MB, 415x498, heh well.....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a phase
ok corpse muncher

>> No.13952816
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its never too early to get lobotomized, soy-sucking nancy-boi

>> No.13952818

In theory you should have more money and more freedom for this sort of thing, so no

>> No.13952841
File: 328 KB, 1200x800, Peking_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatevers around, generally a mix of dry herb/spice powders (garlic,onion,parsley), ill keep some of the gills I cut off and squeeze the juice out so im not wasting it and use that, bit of orange/lemon or lime juice, olive oil, dash of sugar and salt/pepper. You could use vinegar instead of the citrus, or you could use ready made marinade, make it too a style (mex/indian/cajun etc)

pic is seitan prepared as peking duck

>> No.13952869
File: 3.39 MB, 498x494, you see....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes, so many seething carnists desu~

>> No.13952875


>> No.13952885

Did you figure that out all by yourself?

>> No.13952934

Good investigation

>> No.13952935

Wow you're so smart! Have a sticker!

>> No.13952948

Yeah the american govt, what a joke

>> No.13952966

No, people now start HRT as early as 18 years old

>> No.13952999

why are vegans always seething?

>> No.13953008
File: 47 KB, 720x480, penn-before-after-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>13952509
Penn Jillette did it at like 60 and lost over 100lbs and went from a cocktail of over a dozen drugs a day to keep his health problems in check to two.

>> No.13953009

Fuck trips of truth, now I have go back to carnism

>> No.13953017

What you think tastes good is actually largely influenced by your gut bacteria sending signals of what they want to eat. It can be very very powerful too, that's what a lot of alcoholism is related to.

However, if you change your diet forcibly and do away with only eating what you think tastes good now then that will change. If you eat enough kale you will start to crave it the way you now crave hamburgers and they in turn will start to seem as unappealing as kale does now. It sounds bonkers but it's true.

>> No.13953018

Yeah me too, I need to go back to eating dairy daily and have the same repetitive lifestyle and default one of animal products.
No of course not I went vegan because I wanted something new

>> No.13953027

>goes from cocktail of over a dozen unnecessary drugs to two
>health improves

>> No.13953068

>I stopped eating certain things to increase the variety of what I eat

>> No.13953081

Are you too stupid to understand such a simple sentence?

>> No.13953089


>> No.13953102
File: 460 KB, 434x688, Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 11.12.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Penn Jillette went vegan at 60, and it worked out pretty well for him.

>> No.13953125
File: 57 KB, 640x428, turbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I read this thread and every single comment is retarded. Everyone in here is a retard. 27 posters. I can't even find a photo of 27 retards. This has to be some kind of guinness world record.

>> No.13953180

Rent free

>> No.13953196

You mean /lgbt/

>> No.13953266

I didn’t realize there was a deadline.

Anyway, I used to be vegan and it was great for my skin and it also improved my sleep quality. I felt happier overall but ultimately decided against maintaing the diet because because I can’t cook shit

>> No.13953297

I was eating animal products and not enough plants, going vegan helped with that. if I eat one thing then i can't eat another thing. its that simple

>> No.13953322

which one is you?