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13946633 No.13946633 [Reply] [Original]

What's my best bet to awesome pancakes?
Thanks in advance

>> No.13946638

Don't add too much flour. My trick is one cup of self-raising, one cup of plain flour.

>> No.13946658

I just remember 123

100g of plain flour
2 large eggs
300ml of milk

>> No.13946668 [DELETED] 

I'd feed her my cum batter if you can't my meaning.

>> No.13946670

The eggs aren't doing anything. Unless you're adding them for nutrition, you're just wasting them.

>> No.13946674 [DELETED] 

Don’t forget the pubes

>> No.13946680
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>> No.13946683
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>> No.13946685

They obviously do add to the pancakes.
Just because you CAN make pancakes without doesn't mean they don't do anything.

>> No.13946689

What are they adding? You can't taste them, and the batter binds just as well without them.

>> No.13946698
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Eggs are most useful in pancakes when separated and the whites beaten.

>> No.13946699

They add the same as they do in regular cakes
You don't taste eggs in cakes do you?
You can make cakes without

Because you are using plain flour you have little gluten, the egg helps bind it together and rise.
You separate them and beat the fuck out of the mix to add air

Yolks just add richness

>> No.13946701

I'll try it, but neither of those images look as light as my eggless pancakes so I have a lot of doubt.

>> No.13946706

The cooking time and volume of a baked cake is incredibly different. There is no comparison.

>> No.13946834

This recipe is my go to also. Been using it for years and it always puts a smile on my face how perfect they turn out

>> No.13947356

What ever you do, make sure to use buttermilk. It makes them so much better.

>> No.13947369

Same principle

>> No.13947414

Easy pancakes?
New nonstick or electric griddle is key. Boxed mix that has buttermilk will be the tasting american style. I actually like the whole wheat version, which is only mildly nutty, and not that much wheaty. Make them more special wtih a sprinkle of blueberries or pecans before flipping, or some bananas in the battter.
A foolproof pancake for a new cook?
German apple pancake or dutch baby. Blender for the batter, good hot pan, pour it in, serve with fresh lemons and powdered sugar.
A get involved with me kind of pancake?
Get an ebelskiver pan, and someone can use some chopsticks turning those things just right.
A perfect waffle?
Batter night before, fold in eggwhites in the monring for fluffiness. Take a look at malted recipes. Use buttery pam on the iron.
Tips:A cold fruit salad the night before makes breakfast special. With pancakes or waffles, I focus on really good bacon or sausages, this is where you bring out the good stuff. It's redundant starch + starch, but I try to have some hashbrowns anyway, because people adore them, and you have time to brown them well doing all that other prep in the kitchen. I like real maple, but Grade B for most flavor. Warming syrup with a little butter and serving hot like that is nice. Put some powder sugar in a shaker if doing a crowd.

>> No.13947654

Wow lot cool options thanks

>> No.13947727

Is this from Kenji’s book? Based

>> No.13948081

Pick your recipe.
Separate eggs whites and yolk.
Make pancake batter like you usually do but keep the egg whites out.
When you do the initial mixing, only mix about halfway.
Then whip your egg whites to soft peaks. Once that's done, mix in the egg whites until it's all mixed in.
Don't be anal about getting every piece of egg white mixed in. It's ok if there are some small streaks of egg white that didn't get mixed in, otherwise you'll over mix the batter and it'll get chewy

>> No.13948104

fyi, if you don't have buttermilk on hand. You can use regular milk and mix in a tablespoon of vinegar. Then let it sit for about 15 minutes.
It's not as good as proper buttermilk, but it's better than regular milk

>> No.13948118

>separate them and beat the fuck out of the mix
Sounds like my date night Thursdays. Regardless, will try this technique and claim it as my own if it works, and blame you if it doesn't.

>> No.13948283

>same beta virgin spamming ugly old bitches on the board in their "cooking threads"
What a pathetic loser.

>> No.13948450

White cornmeal.

>> No.13948980

>100, 2, 300
>not 1 hectogram, 2 eggs, 3 deciliters
truly, metric units are better than imperial.

>> No.13949451

no sugar?

>> No.13949467
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>adding sugar to pancakes when you are going ot be putting sugar shit on top of it anyway

>> No.13949490

>putting sugar shit on top of your pancakes when fresh fruit is better and not a diabeetus bomb

>> No.13949514

I hate syrup I eat my pancakes with over-easy egg. Savory pancakes are better

>> No.13949540
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>> No.13949541
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>Savory pancakes are better
I'm....intrigued. Can you, or do you, include butter when doing this?

>> No.13949563

>triggered beta virgin accusing somebody else of being triggered
Every time.

>> No.13949574

Your best bet is to look up crepe recipes and hybridize it.

>> No.13949581

separate the yolk and white, beat the whites
makes uber fluffy cakes

>> No.13949590

The thing is, I rarely eat breakfast. Usually just when I'm out hunting with my dad. We eat at a small local place then. So I'm just curious as what to order then. If I get a stack of 3 pancakes do I order 2 or 3 eggs to sandwich with the cakes? Do I butter the cakes?

>> No.13949880


Different Anon, but you can omit any sugar in your pancake recipe, increase salt, and make them smaller when you cook them. Then butter them and eat them with eggs/bacon/potatos/whatever you want. They would basically replace any toast or bread you would eat with a meal.

>> No.13949906

>scrambled egg
>sauted onion and bell pepper
>fresh tomato

Try that. Yw.

>> No.13950883

Krusteaz just add water mix.

>> No.13950911

Those pancakes look dumb

>> No.13951329

cook it in a mix of bacon fat and butter. its the best thing ever. and no im not fat im actually unironically swole

>> No.13951337 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13951339

I have that plate set

>> No.13951359

epic comeback.
You've literally got a book that shows you pictures of what eggs do in pancakes.
Damn i need more books in my life

>> No.13951364

as in swollen?
Sure buddy i'm sure its just water weight

>> No.13951366

What does that taste like?

>> No.13951377 [DELETED] 
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Like sweet white chocolate

>> No.13951386

That your mom, anon?

>> No.13951390

I weigh 180lbs and deadlift 500. the lifting helps because I can eat alot more calories than most people while still being in decent shape. I used to be fat as a kid tho lol never again

>> No.13951399

Fucking land whale.

>> No.13951400

Call me a faggot or whatever but I use Matty's pancake recipe, only difference is I cut back on the sugar.

>> No.13951452

>sugar in pancakes
I don't get it....is it for browning or something, or just diabeetus?

>> No.13951459 [DELETED] 
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You have to be 18 to post here, junior

>> No.13952006

Don't overbeat the eggs.

>> No.13952037 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 642x529, pancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite pancake recipe. It's good just like this, but sometimes I like to add a little bit of ground clove/dry ground ginger/vanilla too.

>> No.13952045
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This is my favorite pancake recipe. It's good just like this, but sometimes I like to add a little bit of ground clove/dry ground ginger/vanilla too.

>> No.13952564
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>> No.13952579
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Use this one actually, I think if you add the melted butter with the buttermilk and egg like in the other pic it'll clump up and won't end up mixing properly with the dry ingredients. This pic just fixes that and has you add the butter later.

>> No.13953788

Not bad, anon.

>> No.13954038

There really is no reason to overthink pancakes. After things like scrambling an egg, they are LITERALLY the easiest recipe to get right. This is what I always use so you don't need to fuck about measuring. Adjust ratios as you need:

1 cup flour (either)
1 egg
1 tablespoon sunflower oil
1 tablespoon sugar (if you want sweet)
1 pinch salt
Add milk as you need

That's it. The most important thing is not to overbeat the batter. This is the single determining factor between a beautiful, light, fluffy pancake, and a piece of rubbery shit. The lumps are absolutely fine. Just whip it in big loops so you get a bit of air in there. Overworking does the opposite and takes the air out which makes them shit. If you want a bit of height to them, then add half a teaspoon of baking powder.

That's it. That's all you need to remember. One to one of each measure of those essential ingredients.

>> No.13954057

What does Mimi Moore's Famous Penis Pancakes taste like?

>> No.13954359


>> No.13954381

>separate them and beat the fuck out of the mix to add air
Tried this with my banana pancakes this morning. Worked like a champ. 10/10 advice.

Ty anon.

>> No.13955316

that one on the bottom looks thicc and firm. im going to try that one out.

>> No.13955388
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Does anyone know how to make the Cracker Barrel pancakes?
they was the tastiest sum bitches i eva di ha

>> No.13956193

I have some batter for your mom

>> No.13957173

Minus the oil (or sub for butter,) add a bit more sugar and this is pretty much what I use.

>> No.13957179 [DELETED] 
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You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.13958053

Came here to say this.

>> No.13958077

my babybatter on your mom's rack.