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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 279 KB, 1200x771, industrial-slaughterhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13946371 No.13946371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you should be legally required to slaughter and butcher at least one animal yourself before being allowed to consume meat from that animal.
(mods, this thread is on topic for this board. please stop deleting my threads and warning me for creating "troll posts".)

>> No.13946376

Sounds good. How do we make this happen? This will masculinize an entire generation of boys.

>> No.13946377

sure id love that, itd probably give me more of an apreciation for the food im eating and it might make me notice cuts i never used before
same applies to people in general so i support this notion
stupid vegan faggot kys

>> No.13946380
File: 843 KB, 1024x883, Pizza_Oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back in the oven kike!

>> No.13946385

well that's silly because toddlers can't do something like that and will have been eating meat for years before they are able

everyone should do that regardless though

>> No.13946386

done it for most things i eat except cows and pigs i think

>> No.13946387

so gotta do it to all the different animals? no probs anon, there is a reason I am at the top of the food chain and I will assert my position.

>> No.13946388

>legally required
How do we enforce this law and what is the punishment for breaking it?

>> No.13946398

ask california, they seem to have this kind of thing figured out
the police have been ticketing and arresting homeless people for being outside and not at home during the lock down

>> No.13946409

thats not true, you can easily teach a 5 year old how to slaughter an animal

>> No.13946417

That sounds sick. Was this supposed to be based or retarded?

>> No.13946421

No we haven't but ok

>> No.13946427

>what is the punishment for breaking it


>> No.13946429

it should also be legally required to suck a man's cock and get penetrated by a man's cock at least once before you can get your cock sucked or penetrate anyone else

>> No.13946439

You should be legally required to take an aptitude test before being allowed on the internet. Score below a certain threshold and be deemed "Too Stupid to Browse the Internet" and only be allowed to retake the test once a month.

>> No.13946453

dont try to defend your behavior with lies

all I see is a fat kid with chocolate on his mouth saying he doesn't know where the cake went

>> No.13946462

>s-stop deleting my thinly veiled vegan shitposting, i-it's totally on topic
>le stonetoss defence
Haha, no.

>> No.13946470

Great idea, We'll have all the toddlers shooting pigs in the head with a .22 before they're allowed to eat cut-up hot dogs with ketchup.

>> No.13946480

ck has always been a low iq board. /ck/ is the board equivalent of a downs syndrome child. Confrontingly stupid but actually pretty harmless and usually happy.

>> No.13946487

How many times has your retarded-ass posted this today?

>> No.13946491

>vegans should be legally required to plow and harvest at least one years worth of soy themself before being allowed to complain about meat on the internet

>> No.13946528

I think at the very least you should watch a video of an animal being slaughtered. People end up being kind of delusional if they eat meat and purposely avoid having to see what's done to produce it. Makes them have less respect for animals and not properly appreciate meat if they never see it either.

>> No.13946534

oh my god kill yourself vegan cuck scum

>> No.13946542

Vegans should be forced to watch what happens to all the wildlife that gets killed by harvesting soybeans for their beyondbeef soy products.

>> No.13946543

What about that post made you think I'm vegan? I'm not vegan. I'm not pushing for veganism either. Just saying people shouldn't willfully remain ignorant about what happens to produce the meat they eat.

Probably. Vegans acting like their diet has no problems either is also an issue.

>> No.13946546

And? If you think there's anything wrong with children killing animals, then don't fucking feed them animals. Either you believe they're worthless, or you don't eat them. I'd say it's more fucked up to make a kid eat a dead animal without fully communicating to them what that involves.
If not that, then just have the kid meet the pig, see it walk around, maybe touch it or play with it. Then tell him to press a button to kill it, and he has to watch. Accepting anything less than that is a double-think implanted in your mind by globalists to make you think industrialized animal agriculture is reasonable.

>> No.13946550
File: 227 KB, 661x644, hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13946552


>> No.13946554

>people shouldn't willfully remain ignorant about what happens to produce the meat they eat.
Is this concern limited only to meat, if so why?

>> No.13946555
File: 161 KB, 1000x718, Ecological_Pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody believes your shitty "veganism is worse for the environment" propaganda, schizo. Samefagging and clogging every thread with this bullshit just makes you fucking insufferable.

>> No.13946560

Are you a fucking psychopath? Or are you just a retarded troll that plagues this site every night during australian hours?

>> No.13946563

and the massive deforestation of mexico to grow fucking avocados and quinoa in the amazon. be forced to look at some species diversity statistics before and after mono-culture farming.

>> No.13946569

>it's psychopathic to make children kill animals!
>it's perfectly normal to make children kill animals indirectly!
Yeah, you're the rational one and I'm the psycho.

>> No.13946571

Yeah, australian troll.

>> No.13946579
File: 704 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200414-152846_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, it's the vegans driving demand for avocados, not the people eating them with eggs on toast or in guacamole with Mexican food. And it's the quinoa farming that's ruining the Amazon rather than, you know, fucking cattle ranching.
Vegans make up less than 1% of the population. Pretending they have any appreciable effect on the environment right now is delusional.

>> No.13946581

What's it like, being such an insecure retard that you can only interpret disagreement as trolling?

>> No.13946583

It's pretty great. At least I have a dick bigger than 4", unlike you.

>> No.13946585

I've done that.
Went to an abattoir during a day trip when I was working as a grill chef.
They let me use a captive bolt on a cow.
Thing went into throws and just lurched over instantly.

If I got to chose how I die it would be that.
It rocks the head completely, you couldn't be consious thorugh it.

>> No.13946586

No, I wish people would appreciate food more in general. I think it's most important with meat because it involves necessarily directly having to kill an animal for it, but I hate seeing people waste any kind of food.

I'm pretty sure there's enough food being produced to feed everyone already. And considering most people are overweight today, just telling people to eat less without changing anything else about their diet would also have those benefits.

>> No.13946587
File: 8 KB, 155x153, assam019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please stop deleting my threads and warning me for creating "troll posts"

>> No.13946588

Hoo rah

>> No.13946591

Watching animal snuff is just propaganda.
It disassociates from the packaged stuff on the shelves and just becomes gore videos.

If you want to show the killing of animals to further your delusional motives you need to show people the entire process, not just focus on the killing.

>> No.13946596

Meat consumption is rising rapidly in the developing world. Even if everyone cut back dramatically, the fact that so many more people are eating meat at all is enough to increase the share of our fresh water it uses beyond 50% in the coming decades. There's no environmentalist defense for eating meat, no matter how much your socially conditioned double-think makes you wish otherwise.

>> No.13946602

do i need to murder op before I can respond to OP's thread?

>> No.13946605

No, the mods will do that for us.

>> No.13946609

Fine. And vegans should be required to visit farms and shoot 30 pigeons for every loaf of bread they eat, and thrice yearly they can visit vegetable farms (if they eat vegetables) and shoot one deer and twenty rabbits each.

Vegans are intellectually honest, so you agree with me 100% correct op?



>> No.13946610

Yes. You also have to get shot from a 12 gauge buckshot shell before you're able to purchase a firearm.

>> No.13946619

>There's no environmentalist defense for eating meat, no matter how much your socially conditioned double-think makes you wish otherwise.
I'm not trying to say that. I'm interested in lab-grown meat too because it seems like it could deal with all those issues. And it seems more likely to work because it would still let people have meat, trying to get everyone to go vegan seems really unlikely. Doesn't seem like the best idea either since humans didn't evolve to be vegan.

>> No.13946624

>samefagging this hard
I hope someday you break out of the schizophrenic reverie that keeps you spewing retarded propaganda all over this board. It's sickening imagining how sad your life must be, that you've taken so obsessively to this issue.

>> No.13946630

What the fuck do you mean by samefagging? Are people not allowed to respond to your retarded shitposting more than one time?

>> No.13946631

>ask California
Do you have any idea how big California is nigger? It's not all LA and San Francisco

>> No.13946632

I think at the very least every vegan should watch a video of an animal being massacred on a vegetable farm.

Vegans (who think they are "helping animals")
end up being
kind of delusional if they eat wheat, vegetables and soy and purposely avoid having to see what's done to produce it. Makes vegans have less respect for animals and not properly appreciate the animals that died for the mock meat and soy products on their plate.



>> No.13946635

>what are milk and eggs
Is it that hard to understand the middle ground here? And regardless of what we "evolved for", a vegan taking a multivitamin is going to be healthier than your average lardass nine times out of ten.

>> No.13946639

I thought this was a based idea about learning about different cuts and the anatomy of what you eat. Apparently its a gay vegan troll thread. Dissatisfied.

>> No.13946640
File: 9 KB, 230x219, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I just keep believing in my disgusting, transparent propaganda, surely everyone will forget that I'm an obese schizo who everyone pities too much to argue with.

>> No.13946641

Micro-dick faggot.

>> No.13946645

Like anyone gives a shit what a wojak poster says.

>> No.13946648

As opposed to an obsessive shizoposter who shoves his clickbait for politically frustrated farmers into every goddamned thread? I think wojaks are about the level of discourse you deserve.

>> No.13946650

I don't know, maybe? Maybe not? I don't know why you're accusing me of shoving anything anywhere, except for my non-micro dick into your mom's mouth.

>> No.13946651

having a connection to ones food and being conscientious about hedonistic consumption is Jewish influence?

>> No.13946652

you should be legally required to till land, grow and reap wheat at least one crop yourself before being allowed to consume bread

t. carved a goat

>> No.13946653

Why are you here again?

>> No.13946654
File: 61 KB, 821x547, 1584963205867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let it go. According to the vegans, who are insane btw, we are all the same person.

Vegans make a post which seems reasonable like the OP post, then if anyone doesn't agree , the nutjob vegan goes on a seething REEEEEEEing rageposting spree. He's not far from suicide, or dying from vegan malnourishment which is so common.

>> No.13946660

>milk and eggs
These are great, in some ways nutritionally better than meat. But I don't think you can produce enough eggs and dairy without meat consumption. What would you do when they stop producing eggs and milk, or with all the male animals? I guess the ideal in your scenario would be to ensure only female animals are born, and that they're only slaughtered when they stop producing milk and eggs?

You're right about vegans being healthier if they understand how to get complete nutrition, since they're generally closer to a healthy weight than an average omnivore. But the ideal diet for optimal health still includes some meat.

>> No.13946661

>has a carefully curated album of photos of people he dislikes, which he shares incessantly any time their mentioned
>"Yeah, those vegans sure are nuts, they're so obsessed with this stuff"

>> No.13946664
File: 959 KB, 1476x1340, Thriving Vegans Ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're right about vegans being healthier

>> No.13946667

I've noticed that. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go shove my clickbait of something somewhere.

>> No.13946669
File: 54 KB, 903x508, Screen_Shot_2019-11-14_at_12.59.03_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since they're generally closer to a healthy weight than an average omnivore. But the ideal diet for optimal health still includes some meat.

>> No.13946671

*our* retarded arse anon. /ck/s stupidity is truly a group effort.