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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.85 MB, 3024x3024, 20200417_154000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13943701 No.13943701 [Reply] [Original]

Post a picture of your fridge, right now, no cleaning it up. COVID QUARANTINE PLEB EDITION


>> No.13943703

>sideways picture
Christ, can you phonecancer do anything right?

>> No.13944101

Am I the only one that eats my food before buying more? Are you polite fellows really stockpiling groceries as a matter of course?

>> No.13944471

how many people do you live with OP?

>> No.13944626

I do that too, but i live alone
OP probably lives with his family or roommates

>> No.13944659

As someone who grew up in a poor family, we were always taught to treat food as an investment. Never let the cupboards go empty, and always keep non-perishables on hand. You never know when you might lose your job or get into a car accident. Why risk getting caught with your pants down and an empty pantry later when you can afford to fill it now? I'm not saying you should always buy in bulk and in huge batches, but only buying what you need is just asking for trouble.
You can call it "hoarding" or "prepping" or "stockpiling", but to me it's just common sense. Perhaps you've just been lucky enough to not have to worry about food, or maybe you have and didn't learn a lesson from it.

>> No.13945433
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Freezer just has ice cubes in it.

OP I envy your condiment collection gg.

>> No.13945438

Maybe you should put some food in it.

>> No.13945489
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>> No.13945498
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>> No.13945504

Bruh what the fuck

>> No.13945520

It’s not all mine it’s my families

>> No.13945521
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>> No.13945522
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Need to restock on fresh shit.

>> No.13945526
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Then you need to slap your family around. Why the fuck do you guys have so many sauces???

>> No.13945527
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>> No.13945528
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Whoops sorry that was my stash. Doesn't look like it but it's about 45 days of food if rationed. Here's fridge, kinda empty.

>> No.13945533

Based post.

>> No.13945722

For chips?

>> No.13945836
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x3024, 20200418_151938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13946863

>Lets add more fat to our fat!
Retards that dont know why they feel like shit all of the time for you. Can you at least spend 20 minites out of your day as a family and clean your fucking fridge?

>> No.13946895

God I hope this is real. Can you post more? Please pull some stuff out from the back. I need to see how mouldy it gets.

>> No.13947840

>heating up the fridge every time you turn the oven on

>> No.13947872

Well yeah. You should be stockpiling food.
At the very least, you can make grocery store trips shorter by only having to buy certain perishables.
The longer you spend out in the public, the more likely you'll get the rona

>> No.13947895
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>> No.13947899
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>> No.13947903
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Hopefully this is correct orientation

>> No.13948483

>boxes of cereal not closed properly
>marshmallows on bottom shelf where pests can get into them

you're not a very good prepper

>> No.13948523

how is nihon brother?

>> No.13949243

Leaving things on a plate or in plastic baggies bugs the shit out of me. Buy some tupperware

>> No.13949330

The plastic bag thing is my girlfriend's doing. The shit on the plate is covered in plastic wrap and I ate it again in the morning. It was left over spaghetti meat sauce which I ate with toast for breakfast

>> No.13949400
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Ketchup in the fridge. You are not welcome in the mgtow compound

>> No.13949466

>eggs in the fridge

enjoy your cancer, retard

>> No.13949500

I don't eat red meat anymore so I guess it balances out

>> No.13949542
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sure whatever

>> No.13949748
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On a diet, I don't keep much in the house except what I need. A lot of stuff doesn't need to be in the fridge anyway. Tupperware is basically vegetables/chicken thighs/egg casserole slices.

>> No.13949847

>buying pepsi minis
Why they cost more than a 2Liter...

>> No.13949909

well what tastes good isn't determined by the price

what kind of person is so frugal they chase pennies on the pepsi

>> No.13949991

>spend $6 for 6minis
>spend $1 for 2liter
Well it's your money you can do whatever

>> No.13950008

they're 43 cents a can and they taste better

and that's assuming I didn't get them on sale which I probably did. not everyone is scrooge mcduck

>> No.13950016

>falling for soda in a can taste better meme
Yeah 43cents a can is expensive when you can spend double and half and get quad the soda but like I said it's your money senpai do whatever

>> No.13950027
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but I don't want quadruple the amount of soda. I'm not going to drink 4 cans of soda just because it was cheaper. I can barely finish one of the big cans. That's why I get small cans.

>> No.13950040

>big cans
You mean regular 12oz can? How hard is it to finish that? Nobody is telling you to chug your soda all at once homie.

>> No.13950045

I drink the amount I want to drink, not how much people tell me to drink.

>> No.13950051

Nigger I've been telling you to drink as much as you want now how much. My point was why waste money for small amount when you can get more.

>> No.13950161
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It's mostly clean already except for the panel the bread is sitting on is kinda sticky.

>> No.13950397
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Barracks life

>> No.13951441 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13951458

nigger... wtf are you putting meat in containers for? just use ziplock bags and they will stack deeper and last longer.

>> No.13952226

Yo how many people in your household?

>> No.13952239
File: 3.29 MB, 3024x3756, gdfgdfgdfgfdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fine i have lemon juice and dollar store lunchables

>> No.13953516
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, C3FF38C4-D9AA-454B-BB3A-DA3AAF83721A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13953635

how often do containers fall off the counter and soill all over the floor? my family stacks the fridge like this (they keep it clean, tho) and when shit just spills to the floor when i open the door, i just leave it there cuase fuck those hoarders

>> No.13953682

You were upper level poor.
Lower level poor can't even afford to stayed stock

>> No.13953772

i buy non perishables and canping camping food at discount grocers and look for 80% off sales and stock pile on that shit. i was shopping for fun the other day and then realized i was overloaded with food and had everything i could think to use for the bext three next three mobths months... and then a few days later i saw cvg panic thread in pol

>> No.13953872


Because we clean our eggs here we have to refrigerate them low info puke.

>> No.13954127
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this if for a family of 5 +1

>> No.13954173
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>> No.13954242
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I will clean my fridge TODAY

Are those all magnets? I can't bring myself to actually stick stickers on my fridge but I have a few magneted on there
Costco didn't have that Pacific brand chicken stock last time I went. I'm really hoping it isn't gone forever because it's the best stock on the market imo

>> No.13954265
File: 3.13 MB, 4032x3024, 20200419_144409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13954266

yeah they're all magnets. I took stickers and put them on magnets and cut them out. one of my roommates hates the racier ones and will remove them so I might go with stickers in the future dunno. if they give so much of a shit they can just put a magnet over them. I can't post my fridge door or I'll be banned

>> No.13954279

>I took stickers and put them on magnets and cut them out.

>> No.13954287

i give money to people who aren't the beatles so I can have proof that I heart the beatles to everyone who sees my fridge(no one I live alone)

>> No.13954301

I bought a 500 pack of random stickers on amazon they were less than $0.04 each. either way fuck record companies. I'll get more stickers in the future and replace the bullshit ones as I find better stuff

>> No.13954754

i've got 3 pounds of oatmeal, 3 cans of black beans, cous cous, frozen corn, frozen peas, nutritional yeast, some dum dums, 3 beers, and spices. havent been shopping since lockdown a month ago. time for a big shop. at least i have butt paper

>> No.13954766

i had a turkey sandwich from 711 and 17 beers yesterday. shit's getting wild

>> No.13954804

why did you reply to my post with this?

>> No.13954971

so you'd get a dopamine rush from the (you)
im kinda drunk and just clicked a post so the reply box came up.

>> No.13955029

im pretty drunk too that's cool dude. I've got a couple of threads going so I get plenty of (you)s to satisfy my dopamine cravings

>> No.13955039

Lower level poor in Western countries can 100% keep food in the cupboards, and if they couldn't manage that, they deserve it with every handout and opportunity they're given.

>> No.13955849
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Only things in my freezer are chicken breasts, frozen veg, cooked rice, and ice cream

>> No.13955882

yeah but you can wash these containers, think of the environment

>> No.13955922

What are you going to do with that eggplant?

>> No.13956012
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>> No.13956020

I have no plan, but I usually just cut them in half, rub olive oil, salt, and garlic into the exposed surfaces, and roast them

>> No.13956743


>> No.13956872

damn bitch you live like this

>> No.13957376

Fattest reply chain I've seen in a while

>> No.13958263
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>> No.13958651

>stayed stock
Just because niggers, spics and wiggers sell their food stamps to buy drugs doesn't mean poor people can afford to stock up on food. You can literally just go look at snap assistance per state, wasting it on cold fried chicken to reheat and or nowadays just buying fast food with it doesn't mean they can't afford a pantry of food.

>> No.13958787

what happened to the shelves?

>> No.13958794

why do you keep the can tops?

>> No.13959042

Me too since I live alone. If I bought my food in bulk, it would go bad and I like it when it's fresh.

>> No.13959121
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>> No.13959262

moat moar of this fridge

what saucs are these?

>> No.13959271
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>> No.13959281


Do you just eat sauces jfc