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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 996x776, B7D65C7F-08AB-4B20-B1DE-48FF1905F98D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13943258 No.13943258 [Reply] [Original]

>born and raised in Canada
>Have never left the country
>go to Europe to visit friends I've made online
>go to friend's house for dinner
>Friend says "He is preparing roasted chicken"
>go to his house early
>enter kitchen
>friend is emptying chicken out of a can and placing it on baking sheets

Is this common in Europe??

>> No.13943382

Probably pretty common. I've seen canned horse meat in Europe.

>> No.13943401

Yuro here. I've literally never seen canned chicken.

>> No.13943467

>thinking anyone will believe this

>> No.13943484

How do i make friends 0nline?

>> No.13943486

do americucks really do this, holy lol

>> No.13943495

>YET ANOTHER frogfucker iphoneposter trash spam thread
Phoneposters should be blocked from starting threads. Change my mind.

>> No.13943498

Europe for me was just vodka, liverwurst and good blow but I went to Warsaw.

>> No.13943665

Lying leaf faggot detected.

>> No.13943718

Admit it OP, by Europe you mean England. Only inbred Bongs would eat canned chicken.

>> No.13943742

Is it common to make up stories in Canada?

>> No.13943746
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>> No.13943766

Imagine having a full sized desktop and using it to post on 4chan, lmaoooo

>> No.13943769

There is no canned chicken in any supermarket in England or Europe.

>> No.13943830

>Is this common in Europe??
no. but prob you're fren were from romania, albania or some other shithole or that was your DMT trip

>> No.13943837


>> No.13943854

Not common at all since there is no food is yurop. That's why they all depend on the food crates we drop into their villages so much

>> No.13943857



>> No.13943863

Do Euros really?

>> No.13944036

>willingly calling yourself canadian because you happened to be born in imaginary lines decided by someone else

why not decide something for yourself for a change.

>> No.13944048

Not surprising that a frogposter's friends are subhuman euro trash

>> No.13944106 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 304x251, 1587097641313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay at hostel in texas
>meet eurofag
>where are you from?
>"im from europe"
lol do europeans not know that there are 28 separate countries on their piss stained continent and that europe is not a country? i think its time we liberate them again.

>> No.13944539

Either name the country or stop with these retarded fucking bait threads

>> No.13944578


>> No.13944623
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>> No.13944673
File: 1.42 MB, 258x193, 1531514064396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having a desktop
>Not using it for a variety of tasks
I bet you have a console too, poorfag.

>> No.13944692
File: 202 KB, 978x1024, 1586590525613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say this every time, but I am posting on my laptop while naked in bed.
Phoneposters need to be blocked from starting threads.
Joke's on you, I'm on the ascended level.

>> No.13944749

What is actually bad about mobile phones? They are way faster and easier than computers, use less electricity, and the phone has nothing to do with content posted.

>> No.13944761

don't eurofags think europe is one country now? which one is it?

>> No.13944773

400, 20 mins

>> No.13944823


This. The ones bitching about it are poorfags who can't afford smart phones.

>> No.13944934

Even poorfags have smartphones these days, phone posters are hated because they primarily consist of newfags/election niggers and shitposters.

>> No.13944957

Yeah but the way people latch onto an insult and mindlessly repeat it is getting old. Faggot, redditor, new fag, phoneposter, take meds schizo etc its all sheeple repeating the same insults.

>> No.13944971

At least for the redditor comment, the people screeching redditor the loudest are from reddit themselves, guaranteed.

>> No.13944983


>> No.13945004


>> No.13945007

>but I am posting on my laptop while naked in bed.

You could be hurting your spermies

>> No.13945015

I’ve been posting for 7 years now and have almost exclusively done it on a phone. 4chan on the compu feels awkward to me.

>> No.13945022

here, for example. or on /pol/, I have lots of frens, with a few we met IRL, and there was even a one girl. were you from mate?

>> No.13945061



>> No.13945066

Australia, do you go on cams and meetups page?

>> No.13945100

Low-quality shitposters who spam shit threads with impunity because it takes them two seconds to ban-evade. The majority of phoneposters do nothing but contribute shit content and spam threads. All mobile IP addresses should be rangebanned from starting threads or posting images. They've started doing it on some boards, and I think it should be expanded to all boards and ISPs.
Every poorfag and twelve-year-old has a smartphone. Notice how OP has an iPhone and the coherence of a mentally retarded child.
Block phoneposters from starting threads, and the site quality will instantly benefit.

>> No.13945129

It also takes less than a minute to reboot your modem, dude.

>> No.13945131


>implying its hard to ban evade on a PC


>> No.13945135

>The majority of phoneposters do nothing but contribute shit content and spam threads
Absolutely zero evidence or empirical data to prove this. Mere conjecture based on a digital custom and myth from early online commuties as a response to the influx of new users brought on by smartphones.

>> No.13945140

If you haven't already, download 4chan X on your desktop. The difference is night and day .

>> No.13945149

>reboot modem
>ISP reassigns you the same IP address because the pool for dynamic home IPs doesn't cycle as fast

>reboot phone
>ISP reassigns you a new IP every time
Also, phonefags constantly brag about ban-evading. Almost every single shit-post off-topic irrelevant thread with "CLEAN IT UP JANNIES" is some fucking child on their phone.
Just fucking look at how many shit low-effort threads are started with a default Apple filename. If you haven't noticed this, then you're probably a part of the problem, and I urge you to eat shit.

>> No.13945175

never. you can't find more degenerate people then on special meetup boards or meeting sites. good solid ones just making jokes and sending each other to fuck off kek. but why can't you find buds, mate? most aussies I knew (and know) are bro-tier men.

>> No.13945196

m8, you sound like you dont post any quality posts yourself and probably use the word reddit or soy in every other posts

>> No.13945815

>and the phone has nothing to do with content posted.
True in theory but in practice it seems like a lot of shitposting threads are made by phoneposters. The majority of shitty threads started with a screenshot from Twitter, YouTube, etc. also come from phoneposters. Phoneposters don't seem to do anything except browse only the biggest sites and they're a lot less likely to make original content, so their threads are generally worse all around.