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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 439 KB, 1140x700, binging-with-babish-cookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13941312 No.13941312 [Reply] [Original]

>Basics with Babish
>various episodes assume you have an electronic pressure cooker, a posh blender, all sorts of equipment, are willing to buy about a gallon of oil to deep fry in your pan etc

What the fuck is this guy's problem? I think there's like one or two episodes, like the Shepherds Pie one, that are actually practical basics you could put in the oven after a day at work.

>> No.13941320

shut the fuck up bitch go buy your fucking adspace like the rest of the motherfuckers who want to market to fat NEETs on this website you bald motherfucker I'll beat your ass

>> No.13941336

you know plenty of people to own those, and if you dont, dont make that recipe, or improvise
anything you can with with a pressure cooker you can cook without in a different way

and you know oil isn't single use, right?

>> No.13941440

Why would you watch a tutorial on deep fried food and then complain about having to use oil

>> No.13941465

He has a point, marketing the series as basics and then using sous vide to make mashed potatoes is fucking stupid.

>> No.13941478

because he sucks. the only thing he's good at is using a thesaurus and making that fake smart voice all nerds do

>> No.13941484


>> No.13941492


>> No.13941493

Sous vide is pretty basic nowadays desu
Even my grandma does it

>> No.13941522

Rent free

>> No.13941529

because his understanding of cooking is elementary, like almost every other youtube home cook. his delivery is cringe, his personality is flat (he has none), and he makes tv meme food. unless there's an interesting perspective involved (ethnic or pro) or a cult of personality and reality tv component (bon appetit), i don't know why the world needs another basic ass aglio e olio "recipe"

the only youtube cooking bro who has impressed me has been brother green eats, which has since turned into "pro home cooks". he sucked at first, but he's picked up on a lot of stuff and pumps out good content that is both really informative and fun to watch.

>> No.13941536
File: 266 KB, 1480x743, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch babish
>voice seems deeper than average
>everywhere else not on his show it is not
Why is he like that? Why does he put filters on his voice?

>> No.13941539

>marketing the series as basics
Yup, basic cooking with sous vide. It is literally
>put a piece of meat in a bag and in water on temperature for X hours
Very hard, right.

>> No.13941545

The same reason he drinks whiskey and has a beard - he's an overcompensating manlet

>> No.13941549

Do you think he gives good head?
Imagine his "beard" scratching your testicles

>> No.13941621

You know they don't make recipes for those cartoons, Babitch. Knock it off.

>> No.13941627

I was talking about thanksgiving episode.

>> No.13941639
File: 77 KB, 1200x800, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13941650

Hi Babish.
No, no one's projecting.
You're short, shorter than most fat NEETs.
Please fuck off back to obscurity.
And make way for God Emprah Jack.

Sincerely. /ck/.

>> No.13941662

He is of the same height that that short girl from bon appetit. Real manlet.

>> No.13941665
File: 20 KB, 639x439, movie_projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13941734

Jack could strangle babish with one arm tied behind his back.

>> No.13941751

more like memeing with reddit

>> No.13941791

Embarrassing, stop assuming that /ck/ is some intellectual hive-mind, people here are barely past min-wage slave American college student tier cooking.

>> No.13941798

>one arm
not like he would have a choice

>> No.13941893

he's a jew living in new york, that's his problem.

>> No.13941922

Because he's recreating dishes from fucking television shows
go buy a pioneer woman cookbook or some shit, idiot

>> No.13942018

Yes, anon, I'm sure the guy with nearly 7 million subscribers with more money than everyone in this thread will earn in a lifetime feels the need to come here and justify himself to (You).

>> No.13942135

Thanks for reminding me to filter out this cancerous faggots name to avoid you cunts constantly shilling his trash. FUCK you, OP, and every last one of you piece of garbage shills.

>> No.13942157

they even mocked him about it lol

>> No.13942176

Oh anon, you're such a manly man. I wish I could wait all day for you to come home in your wifebeater, hand you a cold beer, then get a black eye as thanks from you.

>> No.13942288

It's not a filter, he just leans in super close to the mic to make his voice sound deeper
He's shown footage of himself recording and it's really obvious
No I do not know why I guess he thinks it makes him sound manlier.

>> No.13942555

the titles refers to his fan base and his screen name.

>> No.13942609
File: 69 KB, 512x700, 1584556792271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13942819


Ja/ck/ is the only e-celeb we deserve

>> No.13942993

I started watching this kike due to Corna-chan visiting my country tooo! I hate him so much from his voice to his stupid hipster beard and ugh, Just everything about him annoys me to no end. I HATE HIM!

>> No.13943545

your fault for thinking that some bald faggot has anything worthwhile to say.

>> No.13944204

Well, he feels the need to record closer to microphone to sound deeper. Kek.

>> No.13944222

How is a chef not on-topic for a food and cooking board?

>> No.13944341


>> No.13944423
File: 26 KB, 350x526, 11b5109e1ba91c55d56dd85c84c39278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried not being poor?

>> No.13944486


>> No.13944492

>What the fuck is this guy's problem?

Typical east coast lefty elitist. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.13944592
File: 743 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20200418-104854_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Molly is tall!

>> No.13944656

How butthurt are you?

>> No.13944683

im dead

>> No.13944704

People watch him because the presentation is good. The videos are entertaining and very easy to watch and understand. That’s really all that matters

>> No.13945044

not another cooking show is pretty good too

>> No.13945309

He's not a Jew himself, but he is most certain Philo-Semite

>> No.13946939

literal fridge body.

>> No.13946961


>> No.13946964

he's wearing boots too

>> No.13947273

don't speak for me you fucking nigger.

>> No.13947508

He's a numale hipster from Brooklyn, did you honestly NOT expect him to be out of touch with the rest of the world?

>> No.13947524

>his delivery is cringe, his personality is flat (he has none)

He just has tattoos and beard as a personality replacement and if you pay attention, it's obvious most stuff he does is just sorta sad imitation. Take for example, his obsession with using a carving fork to plate pasta. Is it possible to do that with one? Yes. Does it look cool to normies? Yes. Is it something any fucking idiot can do with a pair of tongs that they're already using? Absolutely. Add to it that until recently, he basically just plagiarized recipes from more competent cooks (or at best, claimed to be putting a "twist" on it by changing the amount of salt slightly or adding a superfluous ingredient)

>> No.13947530
File: 1.71 MB, 1366x706, manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's also a scrawny manlet, so he's no doubt overcompensating for that.

>> No.13947613

Woah easy there tiger! Who you calling Chef?

>> No.13947622

I love how he changed his whole style after he GOT ripped to SHREDS by the italian cooks.

>> No.13947635


Ah, yes the very basics of cooking: porchetta.

>> No.13947686

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