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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 1280x720, hotdogbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13940871 No.13940871 [Reply] [Original]

What's the supreme way to cook a tube steak sausage at home sans grill?

>> No.13941130

u r mom enjoyed my tube steak last nite

>> No.13941131

cast iron skillet

>> No.13941135

air fryer

>> No.13941190

? Go on

>> No.13941256

bake/broil. i don't really like doing it in a frying pan because you can't really evenly brown it because of the shape and it rolls around too much.

>> No.13941270

It's real easy, even a cat could do it. Throw a few drops of water in a cast iron skillet then when it starts boiling throw the dogs on it. Watch them and rotate them from time to time. It's not rocket science.

>> No.13941271

Do you mean a hot dog? I'm assuming because of your image. They should only be boiled. If you wanted to cook a sausage some other way you would get a better sausage.

>> No.13941274

Bullshit! They're best done on a grill or a cast iron skillet. Boiling dogs is for fags!

>> No.13941281

Why not butter?

>> No.13941284

bacon grease > butter

>> No.13941733

its a fucking hot dog not a steak

>> No.13941762

split down the middle and in the oven. they get nice and brown and crispy

>> No.13941841

This is actually pretty good, have done it a few times.

>> No.13941872

Unironically boiled. Dirty water dogs are the pinnacle of hot dog technology.

>> No.13941966


Pick one

>> No.13942010

you have to boil them in beef broth for the authentic beef taste

>> No.13942013

I still get nostalgic about mom's boiled hotdogs

>> No.13942402

Reminds me of this titty bar that had a free lunch buffet next to my old office they would just put a pack of ballpark franks in a crock pot they would usually be gray if someone decided to take the plunge and partake

>> No.13942438

I use the side burner on my grill to boil the dogs, and then I grill them.

>> No.13942479

Pan-fry over medium high heat, keep them rolling in the pan until the ends split a bit and they start spitting out a little liquid.

>> No.13942499

Two acceptable ways

>Butterflied lengthwise and seared in a cast iron skillet

>Steamed, the buns should be steamed as well.

>> No.13942573

With your hand.