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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13939901 No.13939901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>get laid off because due to wu flu
>have to move back in with my parents
>money for food is tighter than usual, but I try to make something good once a week
>decide to spend the better part of today making gumbo
>stirrin that roux for a long ass time to get it perfect
>wallah, it's done
>tell my folks dinner is ready
>plate some up with some rice for my dad
>"mm this is good anon"
>he turns around, grabs a handful of cool ranch doritos from the cupboard, crushes it over the gumbo and stirs it in
>goes back into the living room to watch hannity

>> No.13939903
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>> No.13939904

Post gumbo

>> No.13939906


>> No.13939908
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Absolutely based boomer dad.

>> No.13939909

i don't understand why people get upset over how others eat their food

>> No.13939913

That's fine
You can ask to spend more time together if you want I guess

>> No.13939936

It's not "your" food you numbskull. It's someone who decided to waste his own fucking time for you to be a lazy piece of shit. You have to respect the effort i had to put for it to be good, for YOU enjoying something good. You're wasting my time and basically saying that you don't care that i made something good for you. You're probably a retard smearing sauce all over any prepared dishes.

>> No.13939951

>I live in their house
I'm usually on your side, but you're a giant sperg. You can take out a life insurance policy and fall off a cliff, if you want to help out.

>> No.13939957

don't cook for people and maybe you won't be a seething fucking retard all the time
wow that was hard

>> No.13939958

Like i do ? Like i do what, eating the actual meal i prepared instead of fucking it and eating like a dog would ?

>> No.13939967

I didn't take a picture and it's already packed away in the fridge

I don't actually care that much. I actually thought it was pretty funny. But it does suck when you spend a lot of time trying to get a dish just right and someone kind of violates it like that. At least he tasted it though. I can't stand when people douse food in salt or hot sauce or whatever without even tasting it first.

we are spending too much time together right now as it is

>> No.13939968


Did you try the gumbo with Doritos crushed up in it? It’s probably delicious you literally autist. Like crushing crackers in chili

>> No.13939974

Cooking for people is my job, everyone can respect the thoughts and time we put on a dish, i would not bother trying to follow a recipe for you if i knew that you would just adds literal shit into it anyway ?

>> No.13939977

Yes. My dog makes gumbo and Doritos on a regular basis.

>> No.13939981

i bet his dad paid for all the ingredients and the ungrateful shit is not paying any rent to his parents.
if i paid for the fucking food, i get to eat it however the fuck i want

>> No.13939983

maybe try taking yourself less seriously
is it really worth being butthurt all the time over people who probably don't even realize you exist?

>> No.13939996

That's not me. But no, I didn't.

I'm not paying rent but it was my food. In fact i've been paying for all the food since it's safer for me to do the shopping so I just take care of it.

>> No.13940007

All the time ? I've never experienced it with anyone at my job or even around my friends and family, maybe because i'm not american and we actually care about food, i don't know ?

>> No.13940016

so you're just crying about hypothetical shit that doesn't even affect you

>> No.13940022

they're letting you live there for free. stop being a butthurt shithead and thank your father for letting you live there you neet.
they're probably dissapointed in you in the fact that your job security was so shit that you got laid off over the chinese virus

>> No.13940023

how is that hypothetical when the whole conversation is about SOMEONE DOING IT you room-temp IQ ? Someone can't understand why OP didn't liked it and i replied to him

>> No.13940041

the part where you were crying about it hypothetically happening to you was hypothetical
>you room temperature iq

>> No.13940059

>Still working despite the Kung Flu Slowdown
>Get a job offer for the instant things pick back up at a significantly higher pay rate

Essential skills make you essential.
Working at Rally's is not a career, faggot.

>> No.13940082

>mom, dad, I hate that you have pleb tastes in food and didn't eat the food I cooked for you. You guys should grow tastebuds
>wait, no don't kick me out, I don't have a job or way to live without sucking dick for big macs
> mom dad please no!!!

Be grateful they've given you a roof over your head and still decided to allow an adult man child to live in their house Chris. Grow the fuck up, not everyone likes your cooking you twit

>> No.13940083

I'm not that upset, I just thought it was funny really. I just started my first big boy job making real money two months ago, but my company relies on state government offices and permitting, so there's not a way to keep going at full capacity with the state closing most businesses. I was the last in, so I was the first out. They might hire me back if things go back to normal. I guess I could have just worked fast food or at walmart so I would still be working. Fuck you retard.

>> No.13940093

who are you trying to impress?

>> No.13940102

Rally's is still open dipshit. Good for you if you're still working. a ton of highly skilled people are out of work. Get off of your high horse.

>> No.13940105

>Make autistic curry for friend
>It's called autistic curry because it takes me 5 to 6 hours to make
>The best fucking curry you ever had
>I try every piece of the chicken over low until it's pefectly browned all over so it remains crispy after boiling in the sauce for hours and it's completely tender inside
>Serve him the big chicken breast with the wings, a bunch of sauce and a couple big spoons of sushi rice
>Literal perfection
>He cuts the chicken like a toddler and mixes everything together including the rice into some sorth of soup

>> No.13940113


>> No.13940129

ITT, autistic adult men screech about how people don't have the same tastes or eat the same way they do.

>> No.13940159

at least your father said it was good

>> No.13940184

>working at a place that relies on the government for work
god you're such a cuck
>i'm not that upset
>fuck you retard
at least I have a stable job, can pay for my own damn rent, and don't give a shit about how people eat my food

>> No.13940193

it's nice that your dad lied to you about your cooking being good. if it was actually good, he wouldn't drown out "spices" with doritos cool ranch

>> No.13940197


Are you implying cool ranch Doritos in gumbo wouldn’t be absolutely based?

>> No.13940206


How are you supposed to eat that otherwise?

>> No.13940221

your friend is based af

>> No.13940262

Just tell your friend how you feel, anon. Tell him it hurt your feelings.

>> No.13940268

Thank God you're not my son.

>> No.13940295

if you made it better then he wouldn't have need to put the doritos on it

>> No.13940345

Are you okay?

>> No.13940430
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>Make really good red sauce that people bother me to make
>literally every time I visit relative they wonder why I didnt bring sauce
>I am the sauce man
>bring sister in law sauce that she begged for
>she uses it to float Walmart frozen meatballs for our next get together and throws it away after

>> No.13940989

ITT people with manchild tastebuds. Go to a fucking expensive steakhouse and ask for well done with ketchup. They’ll give it to you but everyone in the kitchen will think you’re a retard or a boomer

>> No.13940996

Follow a recipe? Are you sure you cook for a living?

>> No.13941004

Cook the steak, wagie

>> No.13941101

gotta wonder if he knew it would make OP whine to her 'friends' online later kek

>> No.13941128


All cooks follow recipes, even high level chefs. Sometimes it just so happens that the recipe being followed was self-written.

>> No.13941144

How else would you eat it

>> No.13941148

I'm paying good money for steak with chup. They should kiss my feet. Fucking wagies

>> No.13941188
File: 249 KB, 1224x952, 1584636079400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dad
you know what would go great in this? some cool ranch doritos
>your faggot mindset
gosh DAD you can't just eat it how YOU want it, it's all about ME.

>> No.13941251
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>ITT, anons who fell for the bait.

>> No.13941255
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>> No.13941288

WAS your job!

>> No.13941302

What's the bait?

>> No.13941363

At least he tried it first and complimented you before "seasoning" it to his taste, like even you probably do. For the rest, if you wanted dinner at the table, you should have gathered their agreement beforehand.

>> No.13941375

Yeah, fuck him for CUTTING HIS MEAT, what kind of idiot doesn't take great huge bites out of a whole chicken breast like a REAL MAN

>> No.13941457

just cook for u, you fucking retard. Besides eating with other people is probably not a good idea
just eat alone like you suppose to do , cook something decent instead gay rice.