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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13935474 No.13935474 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, Hawaiian anon here.
Down here in da aina' we take pride in our local cuisine. There's two varieties of Hawaiian cuisine that I know.
1. 'Authentic' Hawaiian Food.
Examples: Lau Lau, Chicken Long Rice, Poke, Kalua Pork, and Poi.
Authentic Hawaiian Food is Hawaiian food that is meant to be kinda like what the original Hawaiian natives ate pre-contact with Western explorers. It's typically meant to be made with ingredients native to the islands (or at least native for the past few hundred years). Overall it's supplanted with Poi, mashed up taro root which is eaten as the main starch alongside fruits and the main courses I've listed. Fairly hearty food which compliments the native Hawaiian life of seafaring and island hopping.
2. Creole Hawaiian Food.
Examples: Spam Musubi, Saimin, Garlic Chicken, Malasadas, and Chicken Katsu.
Creole food is often lumped with the above but I consider it a separate 'genre' of food in of itself. Creole Hawaiian Food is the food that plantation workers in post-annexation Hawaii brought from their countries and combined it with other workers to then be eaten. It has a lot of origins from the various countries workers came from, not limited to Japan, China, Korea, Philippines, Portugal, the other 49, and some others across SEA.
For example, Saimin is an adaption of Chinese and Japanese soup noodles.

What are your thoughts on Hawaiian food? Tried any?

>> No.13935509

I was once in a Hawaiian restaurant. Ate some salad with some good sauce, but it was pretty much a boring food. Idk how it was called

>> No.13935546

a friend who works in the navy told me Hawaii is a shithole and should be nuked.

>> No.13935563

Salad with sauce? Hmm I haven't heard about that before. What kind of sauce was it and the vegetable?

>> No.13935565

In its current state he might be correct.

>> No.13935573

Poke bowls > Chirashi sushi

>> No.13935601

I like their pizzas

>> No.13935611

I agree

>> No.13936133

I could go for some loco moco

>> No.13937565

Born and raised in Kaneohe but I live in the midwest now. I miss local food every single day. But on the plus side, that's what got me to learn how to cook.

He's not exactly wrong

>> No.13937605

Hawaiian food these days is basically just japanese food, but with bigger portions and covered in gravy.

>> No.13937619

Lived on Oahu for two years, love the food, miss it dearly, but god is it bad for you. I crave those late night Zippy's runs, L&L drive-inn, and Curry House like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.13937626

>islander food
Spam. Lots of spam.

Regardless, y'all are down with pork, so you're alright with me.

>> No.13937815

oh hi Josh hows denver

>> No.13938103

Cold and get choke haole's. I'm not actually Josh, I live in Minnesota. But I've been to Denver a few times so I think I can answer that for him

>> No.13938120

sounds like trash

try again sweety

>> No.13938142

Aloha from the big island! Love hawaiian food and dont know how I ever lived without it. Lau lau, poke, poi, and kalua pig are all favorites of mine and IMO fresh poke is the best food in the world

>> No.13938155

I went to a Hawaiian place and got the chicken katsu bowl but it tasted like a Tyson frozen chicken burger patty chopped up. Later I tried their BBQ meats and those were better but I still feel like it's overpriced.

>> No.13938192

Only country outside Europe i have ever been to is Turkey and it was ok, Will try Hawaii if my gf agrees to it but it's like on the other side of the world.

A long trip and then some but if we ever get there i will try some hawaiian food.

Tried Finnish food and ok, tried Norwegian food and ok, tried Danish food and ok, tried Bulgarian food and it was ok, tried Turkish food and ok, tried Greek food and ok, tried Spanish food and, tried German food and ok, tried chinese food and ok, tried japanese food and (i just love sushi), tried indian, thai, Polish, Czech and even Russian food and ok.

So US food and Hawaiian food remains, not this corona year but maybe 2021 or 2022.

>> No.13938225

Ahhh yes never ate African foods or South American food, so African, US, South American and Pacific Hawaiian foods is on the list :D

>> No.13938486
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If it wasn't for white man those noses still be smushed

>> No.13938507

Chicken Long Rice isn't authentic.

>> No.13938581


>> No.13938616

Well Japanese, Chinese, Indian or Thai food is allover Europe.

African food i have no idea what it is, Mexican or south American the same except tacos European style, US foods i have seen grilled beef shows but i guess there's more to that.

Hawaiian foods i have no idea, ananas, kiwi, meat over open fire, banana, coconuts, seafood? i have no idea.

>> No.13938635

Hmmm to many beers in corona quaranteene tonight i guess :D

>> No.13938639

Poke is absolutely Hawaiian. Those "poke bowl" places that started popping up in strip malls on the mainland a few years ago aren't really poke.

>> No.13938648

>stir a bunch of sushi in a bowl
>call it "Poke" and pretend we invented something new
Hawaiians really are subhuman.

>> No.13938666

This is too stupid to even count as trolling.

>> No.13938670

Poke and sushi are completely different. Just because either involves raw fish doesn't make them the same. Do you think ceviche is "a bunch of sushi in a bowl"? Go read a fucking book, Jamal

>> No.13938671
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For me, it's the loco moco

>> No.13938674

King shit

>> No.13938680

>Ah but you see! OUR raw fish hodgepodge is VERY unique!!!

Right wingers are so fucking stupid

>> No.13938879

Its not bad
Personally, i love spam, and the shit they do with spam is magical, that spam sushi roll shit, amazing, you would think that spam, sea weed and soy sauce would have too much salt, but no
They know their meat too, some of the best pork and steak ive had
The one thing i will say, they are the niggers of the pacific, those bastards will rob you blind, try to scam you, as people, they are pieces of shit, but their food is wonderful

>> No.13939799

>Do you think ceviche is "a bunch of sushi in a bowl"?
ceviche has no rice you stupid nigger hawaiian

>> No.13939824

i went once a few years back but only for a few days. the only hawaiian foods i remember having was loco moco, poke, and the garlic shimp. everything else was just subpar shit for tourists but i blame myself for not doing enough research and going to actual nic eplaces

>> No.13939839
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who ever decided to call pineapples on pizza a hawaiian pizza needs to be taken out back and shot
no one here eats that shit, and we barely grow any pineapples anymore

>> No.13939845

>Fish is same
>Things are similar
>But made with different stuff.
>But made with a different culture in mind
>Somehow this is right wing??

>> No.13939856
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>a fucking leaf

>> No.13939864
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thanks for doing the research. i now know where im gonna vacation after this whole shit blows over

>> No.13939921
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I know this will deflate you but maybe hes got a grave you could piss on

>> No.13940609

He really, really isn't wrong.
>t. native Hawaiian who moved to Nevada

>> No.13940629

is loco moco a breakfast meal
or its suppose to be for lunch/dinner?

>> No.13940639

Kalua pork, chicken katsu and Musubi are good. I could eat musubi all day, especially spam

>> No.13940703

Are Poi donuts any good? I always wanted to try one.

>> No.13940707

Poke doesn't have rice either, retard.

>> No.13940714

Anytime's good.

>> No.13940728


>> No.13940729

Only a fan of poke, nothing else. Even then, with poke, I don't use a traditional recipe, because Hawaiian food is usually bland (whenever i have it in restaurants)

>> No.13940770

Really? I don't think I've ever eaten loco moco for breakfast. I don't see any problem with it, but plate lunch type stuff is usually eaten for lunch or dinner.

>> No.13940800

It has egg, which is a breakfast food in America

>> No.13940804

What's wrong with hawaii? Is it like Australia where the natives are all bitter, violent drug addicts lamenting the downfall of their people and culture? Or did the tourism industry just fuck everyone who lives there by reserving everything good on the island for rich mainlander tourists, leaving everyone in unaffordable squalor on the shittier parts?

>> No.13940807
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>we breakfast now

>> No.13940826
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Lived in Hawaii for three years. Never liked spam or poi. Loved kalua pork. Mostly stuck to chain restaurants and shit because I was a stupid little kid and didn't know any better.

>> No.13940844

The first one because of the second one.

>> No.13940861

Basically both of those. I'm the native dude in NV, and it's just shit to live back home, especially if you're white (felt real bad for my few white friends from high school). Everything's price jacked because of shipping costs, you have to pay like $10 just for a gallon of milk. Meth is a massive problem, involved in like 80-90% of all HI's crime, and we got it decades before the problem flared up on the mainland because of the yakuza. Everyone's just a dick to each other, and my own people are for the most part honestly so lazy while passing it off as being "easygoing" it pisses me off, they just rely on gibs while complaining about haoles and the government. Mainlanders may complain about black people, but they're a hell of a lot harder working and friendlier than your average Hawai'ian.

>> No.13940895

I'm white and the main problem I saw was that back in the 90's mainlanders started buying up all the property for vacation rentals, which are empty most of the year, and that drove the price up on everything and dislocated a ton of people.

>> No.13940909

Essentially. That was right around when I was born and people have been pissed off about it ever since, and they'll take it out on white dudes who are just living life in Hawaii. My high school literally had a "kill a haole" day every year where kids would just look for a white guy to beat up. Bullying got pretty bad (at least at my school in Honolulu, which was a sorta even mix of poor natives, poor whites, and poor filipinos), even though I didn't get any of it other than ribbing for being a nerd it still felt bad to watch.

I get why people are upset, but it's a fucked situation all around in that state. I love my culture and all, but I'm glad to be away from it. There's a reason a lot of us who can move here or to California or something.

>> No.13940937

>"kill a haole" day
I never really got into too much trouble because I went to kindergarten with most of the guys on the side I lived on and had a little bit of cred - and knew which beaches to avoid. I still want to go back, but I don't think I'll ever be able to afford it.

>> No.13941820

Rainbow Drive In, best Drive In.
Also I swear to god if this shut down leads to the following restaurants or bars closing, I am going to firebomb Ige's and Caldwell's houses in Minecraft
>AAA BBQ @ Don Quixote
>Sik Do Rak
>Club Mermaid
>Kats Sushi
>Greek Marina
>Anything at McCully
>Ramen Ya
>Texas 808
>Steak Rave

>> No.13941822
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>> No.13942180
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a slice of REAL Hawaiian 'za for me thanks- fresh pineapple, spicy chiles, succulent pulled pork (all island grown). mainland frozen ham and canned pineapple pizza is revolting

>> No.13942191

see >>13942180 actual hawaiian pizza is nothing like pizza hut garbage

>> No.13942203

it's called dressing

>> No.13942206
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I saw these in the Hawaiian section at a Japanese grocery store

>> No.13942319

>Poke doesn't have rice either, retard.
hawa**ans don't even know their "own" cuisine
how pathetic

>> No.13942390

This guys got his priorities in the right place.

Also, fuck yea Rainbow Drive In

>> No.13942435

Goddamn do I love being white.

>> No.13942457

Did you make up this term "creole hawaiian" because it's French. Did French Polynesia use it?

>> No.13942550

I went to hawaii a while back
Jesus, there's so many homeless people and they're violent too, I saw a bum get beat up by another hobo on a tourist street
Also you'd think the natives would hate the Japanese more than the whites since there's more nips there

>> No.13943404

"Creole" doesn't refer to any specific ethnicity..

>> No.13943588
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yeah. I miss that shit. poke from a real kine hawaiian place. get some of the opihi too bra. also cracked seed. rice cake. huli huli chicken. palusami. Zippy's chili. ono ono shake. lomi lomi salmon.

>> No.13943657

BASED. Love these from Anna Millers.

>> No.13943678

Its funny how Micros and Polys hate each other but do the same shit.

>> No.13943692

must be expensive traveling from island to island

>> No.13943723

I live in Vegas which for some reason has a ton of Hawaiians here. So many that we're considered the 5th main island in Hawaii even though we're a fucking desert. This means that there's literally Hawaiian BBQ places in every corner. Loco Moco or Curry Katsu is my go-to when I want just meat and rice. Those Teriyaki bowls was my shit when I was out with friends back in High School.

>> No.13943724

It seems really lonely. You have to catch a flight to even go to the next island. There are no ferries for some reason. I feel like the isolation would be claustrophobic

>> No.13944691

I've never heard anything referred to Creole outside of the coastal south. did spanish/blacks move to hawaii, is it definitionally just a mix of foreign cultures, or are you the single person that refers to it as such?

>> No.13944726

Not him, but I grew up in Hawaii and always thought that pidgin was just a Hawaiian thing, but it turns out Hawaiian pidgin is actual creole. Turns out words don't always mean what you think they mean.
>tfw always thought that 7-11 was a hawaii brand because of the jingle

>> No.13944744

My fiance lived in Hawaii for a bit in two separate times in his life and during my time being with my fiance I've learned how to make spam musubi to satisfy his cravings. It hurts my back to stand for hours to form all the musubis (I need to buy a mold...) but it's well worth all that effort. I didn't eat spam until I had spam musubi.
The other dish I learned is the next best thing to "authentic" kalua pork. It's probably one of the best things I've ever learned how to make, and it makes me want to visit Hawaii to try the real thing.

>> No.13944757

>I've never heard anything referred to as Creole outside of the coastal south

That's on you.

>> No.13945186

Guam food is better than you stinky Hawaiians own.

>> No.13945212

Guam sucks. All there is to do is fuck your Hookers at the Strip Clubs.

>> No.13945233

>Hawaiian food that is meant to be kinda like what the original Hawaiian natives ate pre-contact with Western explorers
>includes pork, and chicken dishes.
Anon, are you retarded?

>> No.13945285

>he doesnt know Hawaii has wild hogs and chickens

>> No.13945978
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>> No.13946005

The Hawaiian food scene is extremely unexceptional, due to literally all food having to come in via freight from the mainland making everything very expensive, which means higher price sensitivity among consumers, which explains the popularity of shit like ramen and canned meat and nonperishables at the expense of fresh foods.

>> No.13946018

why are hawaiians so belligerent and stupid?

>> No.13946020
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Went to Hawaii for vacation.

Had Rainbow diner.

Shit was cash.

>> No.13946036

I spent nearly two whole months in Hawaii, on Oahu living in a house in Kaneohe and on the west coast of Maui in the middle of fucking nowhere.

Oahu was great. Plenty to do and see and beautiful scenery. Maui is quite depressing. It was very sad to see that the most hustle and bustle you'll find in the whole of Maui is at the Costco which serves as the island's main economic and cultural hub.

>> No.13946046

Oahu is a shit hole, and if you go to Hawaii looking for "hustle and bustle" you're doing it wrong.

>> No.13946060

Do you speak hawaiian pidgin

>> No.13946062
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>> No.13946934

Based Anna Miller's poster. I miss Sumo Ramen with its dope ass mom and pop vibe.