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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 704 KB, 1820x1366, carnivorediet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13932808 No.13932808 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have this feeling where you need meat in every dish because a lot of foods taste bland without it?

>> No.13932888

yeah, hard habit to break
at the very least I need something hot, filling and relatively dense, like some eggs or roast veggies
haven't had just a piece of fruit in a week

>> No.13932898

No. I would be ashamed to have such a shitty palate.

>> No.13932937

Yeah, I don't really eat meatless meals

>> No.13932942

Maybe not meat but some kind of protein.

>> No.13933025

I tried to have a vegetarian meal every week but I'm just not into it. The only thing I really like is vegetarian chili.

>> No.13933038

essential boomer core

>> No.13933087

Something something vinegary shits

>> No.13933103


>> No.13933112

What are you, 13? 14?

>> No.13933458

I went pescetarian for a month because I was sick of meat but didnt want to give up fleshy food. It wasnt that bad I just didnt know enough recipes and got bored very fast

>> No.13933735


>> No.13933745

It's called not knowing how to cook. Keep at it and you might eventually get over it.

>> No.13933839

why is fish so often not considered a meat
I don't get it

>> No.13933891

iirc chrisatian monks were forbidden from eaitng meat on fridays because they were too wealthy or some shit so they made up a bunch of loopholes one being fish the other being duck because they live on water therefore fish.

these days they aren't/weren't farmed therefore better than slave cattle & they're a lower lifeform compared to cattle so people feel less mean

>> No.13933893

Yeah and I'm trying to get out of this habit. But that's mostly cause I really don't know how to cook.

>> No.13933899

Foe health reasons I always eat meat with every meal, large amounts of

>> No.13933917

Traditional Christian fasts (like during Lent) allow fish but not poultry or beef. I'd guess the reasons in that case would be:
-fish is not as satisfying/filling as "real" meat and is still appropriate for self-denial
-A lot of early Christians were poor fishermen who might get hurt abstaining from their primary protein like that
and the idea just absorbing into the general culture from there.

>> No.13934070

that is called "carnism" and is a form of mental illness

>> No.13934108

I wouldn't say meals taste bland without meat protein, but it's true they aren't nearly as filling. Dishes don't need much to make a difference, e.g. pasta salad or mapo tofu. I've tried vegetarian-only meals with beans and soy nuggets to make up for protein, but it just wasn't the same. Although that being said, my body will start to crave for vegetables after a few meals with minimal produce.

Gotta get that balanced diet, man.

>> No.13934272

is this the support group for boomers who can't cook

>> No.13934302

hare/ rabbit meat is (or was) considered fish by the old catholic church and therefore permissible for eating during lent

>> No.13934529

Not every dish, but dinner doesn't feel like a meal without it. Not even a taste thing. I'm just used to having meat somewhere on my plate. I associate a meal that doesn't have it with a meal I was too lazy to prepare properly, and that always reminds me of depression.

>> No.13934561

I’m actually really bored with meat. I don’t like most cuts of pork, factory chicken tastes like nothing, I am not on the coast so fish choices are limited and expensive. Beef is everywhere but I can only eat so much of it. I like pork sausage and bacon but I treat that more as a flavoring / cooking fat source. I have gotten used to beans or eggs as my protein filler. I feel like you can season the shit out of beans and lentils and end up in the same place you would be with a flavorless filler meat like ground beef or chicken, while saving money. I have no economic or moral reason to eat vegetarian but I have no problem doing so. I don’t go out of my way for it.

>> No.13934626
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, 4AgWD2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same. If I don't have any protein in a meal I'll still be hungry after.


Nah, it's called being white. Of all the ways you little activist goblins want to disassemble our culture I find this one the most annoying because it makes me imagine being vaguely hungry all the time.

>> No.13934639

Why do I have to eat anything but meat to begin with you flaming faggots?

>> No.13934661

fish doesn't count as meat

>> No.13934717

vegan shills are getting smarter, but they're still as transparent as a window pane cause some of them >>13934070 can't stick to the focus groups' lines

>> No.13934776

>being white
>our culture

>> No.13934802

>i need meat with every meal
do you also need 32 oz of Coke with every meal?

>> No.13934808


>> No.13935318

Most of university, I not only had meat in every meal: I would go 2-3 days at a time eating only meat. Strongest, healthiest, fittest I have ever felt.
I got tricked into having bread in my diet again to save money, and all of a sudden I feel sluggish.

Even Bread is a poison.
Avoid sugar at all costs.
Meat is the most nutritious substance.

>> No.13935346

If it's just for flavor then use soy sauce, mushrooms, aged cheese, tomato, etc. anything that naturally has MSG.

>> No.13935357

No, I'm a vegetarian

>> No.13935385

My mom is super paranoid about not being able to have meat with every meal due to the 'rona. I keep sending her great non-meat recipes but she HAS to get it in there somehow, even if it means adding shit like potted meat to it or budget corned beef with like 4k mg sodium per can. I like meat just fine but fuck me, there's a whole world of good food that doesn't feature or require it and no meat is better than some of the shit she's stocking up on. She's gonna kill my dad before this is over.

>> No.13935392
File: 160 KB, 630x354, mongo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongo need meat!