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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13924681 No.13924681 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow is my daughter’s night to make dinner. One of the boys pissed her off over the weekend, and she is making Spaghetti Tacos to gross them out.
What am I in for /CK? Is this in any way worse than tossing leftover meatballs on a piece of bread, just crunchier?

>> No.13924695

Imagine spaghetti and chips. That’s literally it OP

>> No.13924764

How old is ur daughter? ;)

>> No.13924770

first we need to learn more about your daughter haha

>> No.13924773
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i wouldn't say it's ideal, but gross, nah senpai

>> No.13924776


>> No.13924777

The worrying thing was when my wife asked if she needed the usual sauce recipe we use. She said “We don’t need spaghetti sauce silly.”

>> No.13924788

Fuck yeah! iCarly is the best show ever, dude.

>> No.13924798

ask her to pee in it

>> No.13924838

First of all, thanks for reminding me that /ck is still 4chan, now fuck back of to /r9k.
I googled the recipe from the show. It uses taco seasoning. Basically you make taco meat, then combine it with the noodles and a very basic weak ass red sauce, shredded cheese and salsa.
This is sounding less funny by the moment.

>> No.13924841

you forgot pee
the pee is what makes it funny

>> No.13924893

What happens if they just remove the spaghetti from the shell and just make it spaghetti?

>> No.13925053


>> No.13925983

nono use taco meat and shell pasta, spaghetti tacos is a defilement of gods green earth

>> No.13925985

Billy ray cyrus pls go

>> No.13926116

post pussy

>> No.13926181

>having a daughter
>/r9k/ poster

>> No.13926184
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Your daughter likes iCarly, she is based

>> No.13926223

I wouldn't mind eating your daughters spagetti tacos ;-)

>> No.13926244

>this strange curved baked corn chip
>spaghetti but not baked and all cut up
>passata with too much sugar
>meatballs but not grilled or broken up

Only an American or a 15 year old Mexican girl could have made this

>> No.13926665

iCarly called. They want their lousy idea back from your daughter.