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File: 96 KB, 1000x1128, carbonara-without-cream-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13921882 No.13921882 [Reply] [Original]

Carbonara virus is going around.

>> No.13921900
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 20191030_221252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still proud of mine

>> No.13921955

How necessary is egg in this fucking dish? I want to make it and have delicious bacon and garlic all ready to go as well as cream, but I really don't want to break a raw egg into food as it grosses me the fuck out.

>> No.13921957

too dry
way too dry

seriously guys? what's with these, theres no sauce?

>> No.13921961

Bacon, garlic, cream and parmesan will make a nice sauce anyway. It just won't be as rich.

>> No.13922025

Oh shit. I don't have parmesan I've just realised. No mushrooms, either. Is that fatal? Got onions, bacon (smoked, very nice), garlic, spaghetti, cream, eggs.

Should I just do an egg anyway? Will it make a difference? What if it scrambles in it? What point do I put it in? And yeah, I know I can google this but I trust you guys more.

>> No.13922032

The cheese is vital Anon. More so than the egg.

>> No.13922057

Oh fucking bollocks. So what? Just wait until my next supermarket run? Ok. What do I do in the meantime? Also, can you add chilli flakes to cream and bacon? Would that be bad? I love chilli flakes in my pasta sauces.

>> No.13922125


Do you ever dabble in aglio e olio? You typically finish with parsley, but you could be big balls about it and try green onion.

>> No.13922195

I've made it before but not well. Plus no parsley or green onion in, either.

>> No.13922218


>> No.13922228

Are you helping? Or are you just being a shitposting retard?

>> No.13922237

Why not both?

>> No.13922276

You don't really understand how the concept of 'both' works, do you?

>> No.13922325


>> No.13922331

You could definitely make a sauce without cheese, but it won't taste as good. I'd saute the onions and bacon, add the garlic, then the cream to make a sauce. You can definitely add some chili flakes for a little heat. Then toss the pasta in, season with salt+pepper to taste, and add a tiny bit of pasta water if it gets too thick. I'd leave the egg out entirely.

>> No.13922392

This is brilliant, thank you. Is it ok if I fry off the chilli flakes at the bacon stage? I know that seems intuitively right but I've never added chilli to a cream dish before (I won't use much) so I just want to check. The tip on the water is good, too.

I'll make sure to get everything for a carbonara next time I do the supermarket hell run, and then check in with you guys again.

>> No.13922402


>> No.13922658

>Is it ok if I fry off the chilli flakes at the bacon stage?
Definitely, a little chili will be nice. I mean people even add chili to dessert based recipes, as long as you don't overdo it, the heat it gives will be nice and stop it tasting one dimensional.

>> No.13922663
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>> No.13922745

What is the name of this dish by the way?
For reference.

>> No.13922865

Alright. Thanks, man. Really helpful.

Nothing. Some sort of variation of spaghetti alfredo maybe? With added little chilli for heat? Dunno.

>> No.13922868

I hate this question. I just cooked some shit, man. Why do I have to name it?

>> No.13922873

You don't break a raw egg in the pasta. You mix the egg yolks with the cheese and stir it with the warm pasta that cooks it thoroughly. I've never heard of anyone getting ill from a carbonara.

>> No.13922879

Oh, wait. It's just egg yolk? I'm not trying to be retarded, I've just genuinely never made it for this reason. If it's just yolks though that might change my mind. It's just the idea of the egg white congealing into some kind of scrambled egg mess that puts me off. I guess I should check the recipe, really but I prefer asking you guys first.

>> No.13922934

I miss the *coof* toxic post format so much. What a funny day that was.

>> No.13922938

Macaroni makes the best carbonara pasta fyi

>> No.13922985

>carbonara thread

>doesn't want to use eggs

what the fuck are you cooking?

>> No.13923012

Not carbonara, obviously. I was just asking questions of people who know about it.

Seems too small to me. Maybe tortiglioni?

>> No.13923080

how am i the one shitposting when youre trying to make carbonara without the fucking eggs lol

>> No.13923089

Ah right, should have read the rest of the thread. Anyways here you go:


>> No.13923114

Oh, I don't care, I just wanted some help but that person helped me so it's all good. Shitpost away.

Cheers very much. Looking at it now.

>> No.13923159

Ok, this was pretty interesting. I wasn't aware that you put the pasta in like this (similar to that agua oleo pasta). Also, I see he deals with what I've always been concerned with which is the egg basically scrambling in so obviously temperature is important, too.

Cool. Great video. Thanks again.

>> No.13923191
File: 2.15 MB, 1120x742, bonara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my effort :3

>> No.13923213

Such a tiny portion. Are you an ant?

>> No.13923220

shut it fatty
I served it with some cheesy ass garlic bread so it was plenty

>> No.13923235

I mean, I can literally hear it all squeaking it's such a mouse portion, but ok, skinny arse ant person.

>> No.13923242

I see you take carbs with your carbs. Has to be over 16 stone this lad.

>> No.13923253
File: 24 KB, 525x525, 1557428787257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im being called fat and a skinny ant at the same time
I just wanted to show off my nice carbonara for petes sake

>> No.13923256

Hello American

>> No.13923290
File: 2.43 MB, 2328x1746, 20200408_130015_compress70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what you want, but the carbonara I made the other day was perfect.

>> No.13923315

It actually looks pretty good. I was just fucking around with ya.

Actually, no!

>> No.13923330

>It actually looks pretty good
thank you lad
I made a lot of carbonaras at uni so I reckon I got pretty good at it

>> No.13923334

that looks good but i'm so full of pizza it's having no effect on me
i've only tried a handful of times, feel like i never got the sauce right

>> No.13923337

ha i remember seeing this pic
god i have no life

>> No.13923353


>> No.13923356

So, just to confirm - when you added in the egg and parmesan mix, did you do that straight into the pan like this guy? >>13923089. If so, were you careful on the temperature so the egg wouldn't scramble as such?

But it does look really good, yeah.

>> No.13923368

Give it a few hours and you'll be a walking sack of poop.

>> No.13923393

Yea I cook mine using the same method. It was the video that was previously linked (as well as this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihB53eEwLbs ) that I based my carbonara off.

if you add the pasta water you can normally tell if the pan is cold enough to add the egg. If the water steams up and boils you should wait a bit longer.
That being said it takes a bit of trial and error. Don't be afraid to undercook the eggs otherwise you'll fall into a loop of them curdling every time. The pan should be off the heat for probably at least a minute or two.

>> No.13923415
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>> No.13923456
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My very first attempt at making it. I've been told it's too oily and needed more water so I'll try to improve on that

>> No.13923470

think you need more sauce in general, and less oil
if you added extra oil to the meat, try not doing that in future, as it will release oil as it cooks anyway

>> No.13923487

Great tips, thanks, man. Very helpful. I retract my comments about you being an ant - you are clearly just based. I will check out that video now.

>> No.13923490

Thanks for the advice. I saved some of the pancetta fat and added it afterwards but I think I added too much. I also didn't add as much of the past water as I should have so the sauce was pretty thin.

>> No.13923526

Ok, so this is pretty interesting. Unlike the other guy, he uses egg yolks more than whole eggs (just one to three ratio) which I think I prefer. Also, did you also add oil and butter? At first I couldn't understand this (intuitively, I'd just use the pancetta fat to fry off) but now I'm thinking this together with the pasta water may be what emulsifies the sauce. This might also be why I've always mistakenly assumed cream goes in this dish so that's also really interesting to me.

>> No.13923609

well adding more egg yolks instead of whole eggs will give you a richer tasting sauce. Normally if Im just making a single portion I would use a whole egg and one egg yolk.
I don't think I've ever added butter to to the sauce but as long as you dont add too much, it would probably be nice.

The emulification comes from whatever sources of fat you use (that being both the oil in the pan, and the fat contained in the egg/cheese) being bonded to the water via starch, so really as far as Im aware you can make the sauce using any oil/fat. It doesn't necessarily need butter.

I would typically just allow the fat to render from the pancetta and use that, but again the butter would probably make the end result richer.

>> No.13923630

Alright, cool. I know I've been criticised on here before for letting my agua oleo be too oily so this is something I work on trying to get right. But yeah, overall, I think I prefer his approach. The egg yolks seems key. I think I may add a little butter and oil to the pan too when frying off the meat but not too much.

>> No.13924200
File: 1.68 MB, 2940x3316, A457180E-F0E9-42FD-955E-5D737A6B42EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done! What do you think. Only thing I did slightly differently is added a little white wine to reduce before adding cream. You were right about the chilli - it’s given a little heat that’s definitely rounded off the cream. Tastes nice and rich with just a little heat. Shame I haven’t got any Parmesan or something to put on top. Would definitely have added that final something.

>> No.13924219

you're supposed to take everything off the heat before you add your eggs and cheese so the eggs cook in the residual heat, but don't scramble

>> No.13924268

Looks good! I think I'm gonna try this the exact same way because I fucking hate eggs

>> No.13924304
File: 391 KB, 800x593, 67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better run, egg!

>> No.13924361

Oh good. Thanks :)

I landed up making it for my sick friend so I wanted to check with you guys first before showing him. Honestly, it's come out very similar looking to the carbonara dishes and I should imagine it tastes similar-ish. Although I don't know and that's probably wrong. Anyway, I will try the usual way like >>13923191
>>13923393 suggested and posted up. Just to try it out. The chilli is definitely great, though. I never thought it would go so well with the cream but it's a subtle little twist that's worked pretty well so I'm actually really pleased. I know, I know, my presentation skills are crap but imma work on that too. And yeah, I think a bit of smoky parmesan sprinkled on top would definitely have finished it off perfectly.

>> No.13925103

I named it in the end. Pasta de Lawrence :)