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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13914982 No.13914982 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel when someone declines food you made for them or offered to make for them?

I'm asking as the one declining.

>> No.13914988

"I can't believe that fat fuck actually refused food for once, does he have the coronavirus?"

>> No.13914991

I always wonder why your parents didn't really love you enough or just assume you're stupid.

>> No.13915111
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>> No.13915124

i'd assume you're one of those people that have an eating disorder AND like to be annoying.

>> No.13915215

Uh, hurt obviously?
Unless I know you hate something like olives and the thing I made for you had olives in it I'd be upset and disappointed.
Hate it when I put a lot of effort into something and they don't like it, especially if I imagined how they'd like it while I was making it.

>> No.13915252

OP here after a few posts.

No eating disorder, not trying to be annoying. I eat mostly once a day, sometimes twice, and I get frustrated if I have a craving for something or I'm not hungry. People seem to be starving all of the time - I'm not, so I try to avoid eating if not hungry.

I'd love to know how to avoid hurting anyone's feelings in this case. I don't like food as a gift, and I like having control of my diet.

>> No.13915268

social contract blah blah
just take the food
lie and say it was good
throw it out when they cant find out

>> No.13915275

I mostly struggle with girlfriends and my roommate, not people I can get away from. If I could eat it on my own time, I'd eat it (unless it's a cake).

>> No.13915783

Im the same, I'm strict on when I eat because I work out a lot. I hate when people cook for me because I've always cooked for myself, I'm spoiled with always having exactly what I want when it comes to food but sometimes you just have to put up with it, it only happens occasionally anyway.
Ive forced myself to eat some of the most disgusting dishes of my life just to make the person smile, its not worth it to tell them the truth because they won't understand, youre not going to convince them that their food is trash so just man up and eat it or get rid of it if theyre not there.

>> No.13915786

Dunno, I've never been declined once.

>> No.13915795

I feel nothing at all because I know you get what you get and you don't get upset. So if you decline then that's just fine

>> No.13915836

>first time making fresh pasta
>try it with a garlic and oil sauce, whatver the name for that is
serve it up, let the roomates try it
>one guy gets the BBQ sauce to drizzle over it, before even tasting it
>didnt wanna be THAT GUY so i said nothing
come on man, at least try the dish before lathering meat sauce all over it

>> No.13917347

some people need their thang, you know.

>> No.13917525

OP here. It's ironic, my parents cooked up Easter dinner (something they have never done in my entire life) and dropped it off at my door. Now I have a fridge full of food I'm not going to eat.

>> No.13918507

"I appreciate the offer but >insert reason here<. Thanks, though" An offer is not an obligation even though people like to treat it as such. I almost uniformly turn down offers of food

>> No.13918524

Yaaaas kween

>> No.13918740


This is obviously the wrong place to ask as it's filled with autists.

Take the damn food, say thank you, try a bite in front of them, say it's good and throw the rest away.

Alternatively you can try to be charming enough to decline with grace and poise but that is more difficult to get right and requires nuance.

I am not timid, and am brutally honest to most people but I have cultivated an sir of respectable honesty. Still, some people still just think I'm an asshole. The first option is the safest and usually the best.

>> No.13918750

My mom became vegan just as I got serious about cooking. Almost everything I eat has meat or butter in it, so now she has an excuse to never try anything I make again

>> No.13918756
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I don't make food for anyone who says they aren't hungry.

>> No.13918765

I don't get it. What does an unconscious person care whether or not they ingested tea while unconscious?

>> No.13918772

so it's nothing to do with what they're making, you simply don't like to eat food made by others? what a weird hangup. i don't think there's a way of expressing that without at least alienating the person offering. but if they're a true friend they'll get used to it.

>> No.13918774

If I could just take a pan of food or whatever, that wouldn't be so bad. But if someone wants to sit down at the table together, it's not so easy. It's also not easy when they expect that you'll want to cook and reciprocate for them too. Normally these people seem to want to think "everyone loves food."

This problem was the worst with my ex girlfriend, who thought I wanted to come home to a cooked meal and would really love her for it. I actually hated it. I felt bad about it, but it eventually was one of the major reasons I dumped her.

>> No.13918809

Nah, I'll eat something someone makes if I'm prepared for it ahead. I'll happily come to a dinner party, holiday dinner, or arrange cooking something up in advance with a girlfriend or whatever. I don't like being surprised with food and being told to sit down and eat right then, or having someone put in a bunch of work and drop off food.

Like today - my mom slaved over a hot oven for hours to make ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, and then just had my dad leave them on the porch. None of that sounds like what I want to eat today. It's also too much. I'll have some instead of having enchiladas like I wanted, but it's mostly going to go to waste.

>> No.13918822

I’m always filled with a tinge of disbelief. Why would you turn down food? If you don’t like it, pawn it off to someone else or throw it out. You lose nothing by accepting it and giving it a try. I once made chocolate chip pumpkin bread with a friend and it turned out amazing. We went around trying to give it to people we knew and I was absolutely shocked by how many people wouldn’t even tried it. It even looked like a something out of a magazine, it was very aesthetic. Like, honestly why not try it?

>> No.13918879

i guess in most communities there's an unspoken assumption that people generally enjoy novelty and spontaneity in their diet so there's no harm in making them food they didn't ask for. you don't enjoy that, and personally i do find that a little weird, but people come in all shapes and sizes. your mom though - moms just do that. she probably won't change, but your adult friends and acquaintances should be able to accommodate you.

in any case i don't really think there's a way of communicating this to a new acquaintance without getting into a long conversation about it or just lying and saying you're on a special diet or something.

>> No.13918885

>chocolate chip pumpkin bread
OP again. I hate sweets. They give me an ashen aftertaste when I eat them (I used to like them as a kid, I don't know what changed). I'm sure it's a medical condition or something, but I never eat them. I'm sure your stuff looks amazing in a magazine, but I just won't want it. I have tested this enough that I never have sweets in the privacy of my own home.

There's a million other reasons though, and one big one is just not wanting to get fat. When you're sticking to a diet and you don't want to break it, sometimes that one sweet treat or whatever can be what breaks all of the discipline you've tried to build. I was on a very strict diet for a while, and your 300 calorie slice of chocolate chip pumpkin bread would be the replacement of a nice healthy salad, which would be way more satisfying and filling.

>> No.13918906

>or throw it out
I would much rather someone decline my food than fucking throw it away. What is wrong with you.

>> No.13918924

>and personally i do find that a little weird
This is my concern. I don't want people to dislike me for a simple quirk. I like people and am a bit of a people pleaser, and in general people seem to enjoy me, but I just struggle to understand this obsession with food that gets them offended.

I love food, just on my timeline and terms.

>> No.13918937

Then we’re just different. Im not giving away a whole loaf, just a slice and for the most part you can just take a piece instead of a slice if it’s too much. The problem is not even trying it. That’s what gets me. I think it irks me because it makes me assume a lot about a person and >>13918885 provides me with confirmation bias. The only kind of people who are so autistic about their diet that they wont even take a bite of something someone they know made either have a medical condition or have an alcoholic-like mentality where they need to ward off all sensation or they’ll “relapse”.

>> No.13918954

you just have to be willing to explain it like you've done for us. if they can't accept the explanation or are too narrow minded to listen to it, just see it as a way of filtering out the idiots. and for those interactions where you probably won't see them again and don't want to have to explain yourself - just give them some bullshit like you're on a special diet or you're not hungry.

>> No.13918978

it hurts

>> No.13918989

>The problem is not even trying it.

>The only kind of people who are so autistic about their diet
How is it autism to know I won't like something? Is it better for you to get the satisfaction of me trying it and telling you I don't like it? Won't that hurt your feelings a lot more?

>alcoholic-like mentality where they need to ward off all sensation or they’ll “relapse”.
It's not about a "relapse," but opportunity cost. I know your bread or whatever is going to cost me eating something I actually want later.

>> No.13919003


Very difficult to find a girl that will even cook let alone do so on a schedule. You fucked up bud.

I've dated tons of women, only met one that would make me food every day

>> No.13919037

I literally dumped her thinking she was 4chan's perfect girl, and that's before all of the tradwife shit. I wish I could have given her to any of you. She dragged me down like an anchor, but was sweet, excited for sex, had only dated one guy before, cooked, and was super caring.

Wasn't what I was looking for.

>> No.13919046

This is bullshit I eat most things with kechup but I always try the food without it

>> No.13919048

Because it suggests your are narrow minded, a picky eater (which are annoying), closed to new experiences, and unwilling to partake in social bonding activities such as trying food made by a friend?
>Is it better for you to get the satisfaction of me trying it and telling you I don't like it? Won't that hurt your feelings a lot more?
Yes. Because it shows me your willing to try things and give an honest opinion.
>It's not about a "relapse," but opportunity cost. I know your bread or whatever is going to cost me eating something I actually want later.
This is very autistic. Unless you have a medical condition or are extremly obese, this kind of self-denial is extreme and off-putting to others because it is borderline obsessive.
I won’t force you to eat it, but it will make me think less of you unless it’s you turned it down due to a medical condition, allergy or other legitimate excuse.
Also you won’t really know you don’t like it til you try it. Saying you already know you dont like something which the only explict ingredients are bread, chocolate and pumpkin makes me think you’re a picky eater, which are a bane.

>> No.13919050


You're either gigachad sigma or completely trolling. I don't really care but it sounds like you fucked up.

Where did you find this girl?

>> No.13919053

How about unlike a social fucking mongoloid you politely take the food from them and say thank you so much for making this for me how kind of you! Then take it home and if you're so
>in control of my diet because it's the only thing in my autismo cuck life I can control
Either have a bite of the food, throw it away, or simply give it to someone else.

>hey anon I made you this delicious food

>uhhhhh fuck you I'm in control of my body and it only wants mcnuggies

>wonder if telling them to fuck off their food isnt good enough for me hurt their feelings??? I'll ask this Norwegian mule riding forum about regular human emotions

>> No.13919060

>I had a girl that did all she could to make my days easier by having a hot meal for me when I got home from work
>little did she know all I wanted was taco bell and stink pussy

>> No.13919063

you don't have to be a gigachad to lose interest in a relationship with someone who sounds great on paper

you can be all of the things that guy described and still be some sort of vulnerable narcissist or annoying or boring

>> No.13919066


I'm very aware of that friendo. Just curious where he found the near virginal cooking GF.

>> No.13919067
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OP new girlfriend after he dumped the sweet housewife gf he made up to sound cool on the internet

>> No.13919076

by being young

>> No.13919080

If it's someone intimate enough that you can't just hide it later, then skip the pretense and explain to them exactly what you've explained in this thread, telling them "I appreciate the gesture but I don't like receiving food and here is exactly why" will be a lot less hurtful (to anyone remotely reasonable) than a simple no thanks

>> No.13919108

Not trolling at all. I actually found her on OkCupid, but she went to my high school years after I graduated. She went to an Ivy League school too. I know it's weird, but I needed someone more adventurous and adjusted to my lifestyle. It was hard to come back home to the housewife situation when your job and lifestyle promotes being out of the house and more adventure.

I eat everything but sweets. I think your thoughts of "I like this so everyone must" is more autistic, but to each their own. In real life, you'd probably push me into trying it, but I'd spend the next half hour washing out my mouth in private.

>this kind of self-denial is extreme
The reverse of that is "I'm just gonna have a little and it won't count" happening at every moment and explaining why the US is overweight on average. Diets like keto don't forgive on this shit (not that I'm on keto). But you have just a bit of sugar sweetbread, and you knock yourself out of ketosis and kill the entire point of what you were doing.

>> No.13919124

Monitoring this thread, just got diagnosed with autoimmune disease that fucks up my skin. Will probably have to start doing this, since almost every goddamn food is now off limits. Either that or take expensive pills that will fuck up my energy or rape the shit out of my liver and kidneys. Goodbye 90% of food. Thanks genetics.

>> No.13919150

>How about unlike a social fucking mongoloid you politely take the food from them and say thank you so much for making this for me how kind of you!
Again, someone sits down with you to eat it and you can't just toss it. Also, most of these people expect to get something back in return, from what I can tell. You make me food and expect the next time I'm putting something together, I'll make sure you get some.

I'm not eating fast food all the time.

Thanks for this. Over time I figured out we just weren't compatible. She just wanted to stay at home all day, and now that she had me, snacked all day and got chubby. The stuff I thought she liked doing turned out to be a lie to get into the relationship.

I left her with an interest in a fun, athletic girl that worked in my industry, and was an extrovert who enjoyed getting out there and going to nice restaurants, experiencing new things, and was comfortable at large events. It ultimately didn't work out, but I regret nothing, and it's the kind of girl I want to date, as opposed to the kind of girl I'm supposed to date.

>> No.13919152

>your thoughts of "I like this so everyone must" is more autistic
>but I'd spend the next half hour washing out my mouth in private
>”I'm just gonna have a little and it won't count" happening at every moment and explaining why the US is overweight on average
And yes, cause you’re being casually bombarded by friends briging you their homemade food at all times every single day.
>and you knock yourself out of ketosis and kill the entire point of what you were doing.
These diets are obsessive and autistic. You don’t have to micromanage your food intake in order to be healthy and in good shape. If you have a healthy diet, eating one oiece of sugar bread wint maje you unhealthy (source: actual science).
It sounds like you have an eating disorder, anon. And am not being hostile, look it up, this mentality is a sign of ED. You may not have it but you sound like someone who does. Do you feel like most food isn’t “clean”? Do you ever make yourself throw up? You’re apparently already washing your mouth obsessively.

>> No.13919216

>being casually bombarded by friends briging you their homemade food at all times every single day.
I actually made this thread because my roommate is cooking up a storm during the quarantine and keeps offering to make me some almost 5 times a week. I'm trying to ease any tension between us, because I don't want to be expected to be in a situation where we start splitting cooking or ingredients. And as I mentioned, my parents dropped off tons of food I didn't want today.

Back at the office, there was a potluck once every two weeks, and people brought me food or insisted on taking leftovers at least once a month.

>You don’t have to micromanage your food intake in order to be healthy and in good shape.
Yes, you do. You need to count calories and be mindful of what you intake. Especially when your job or the current situation means you spend the vast majority of the day sitting inside. If you don't, you gain weight, and you get fat. I'm all for indulging. Indulge in things you like, not because you feel obligated.

>Do you feel like most food isn’t “clean”? Do you ever make yourself throw up? You’re apparently already washing your mouth obsessively.
None of the above. The "washing my mouth" was a little bit of hyperbole - I mostly only drink water, tea, and alcohol, so rinsing my mouth out means swishing with water as best as I can, since the other flavors can make it worse.

>> No.13919312

Don't care either way, I say i'm not hungry and that's usually the end of it.
When they keep going on about it I tell them I don't wan't to eat your shit food and they never bother me about it again.

>> No.13919524

I don't feel bad about it myself. I have to decline other people's food often enough, being a type 1 diabetic. I don't eat high carb or sugary foods. I assume other people have a good reason, too.

>> No.13919898

I pretend it's cool but take mental note of never cooking or offering the ungrateful bastard cunt ever again in my fucking life

>> No.13919979

>roommate says he's made a meal for us
>the fuck is this, plain pasta and garlic?
>roommate doesn't know the name for it, probably not a real dish
>I should be polite and eat some even though I could make my own not-gross food in 10 minutes
>put some bbq sauce on it to make it edible
>eat greasy plain noodles +bbq sauce (room mate calls it "meat sauce" like a sperg)
>thanks chef roommate, wa-la

>> No.13920614

yeahhh you're autistic, I was mentally trying to work with you through the thread but this is just stupid

>> No.13920618

only person I cook for is mum, if she says she doesn't want anything it just means I got lunch the next day.

>> No.13920641

You’re trying to persuade him to be a different person. That’s indicative of low maturity/emotional intelligence.

>> No.13920656

I haven't done any persuasion or anything like that, this is my first time posting. And that's kind of a dumb argument anyway, if someone is a thief you have reason to persuade them to be different. I mean yeah in this case it's not a big deal but it just seems indicative of some kind of undiagnosed mental illness. Maybe it isn't but a little spontaneity never killed anyone. I don't really care either way

>> No.13920659

have a fucking bite of it at least you piece of shit
taste it and tell me what you think
even if you don't like it fucking put it in your mouth and chew it up and tell me that you don't like it

>> No.13920708

One of my friends parents will sometimes offer me food if I’m over around dinner time, but they can’t seem to ever remember that I’m a celiac and get an offended look on their face when I ask what it is, as if I’m being picky.

>> No.13920712

You’re like a fish thrashing on the deck of a trawler. It’s over man.

>> No.13920741

Because maybe the people you're trying to foist food on didn't want any you fucking mong?

>> No.13920857

yeah dude this shit is a war let's write poetry about it. retard

>> No.13920865

*prepares marinade*

>> No.13920946

ITT: Weaponized Generosity and other Social Manipulation. Nothing better than having 'friends' and 'loved ones' because you did them a favor and now, THEY OWE YOU LOVE

>> No.13921023

>t. Wonders why nobody calls him during quarantine

>> No.13921025

>people show that they had you in their thoughts
>try to give you things for free
>REEEEEEEEE why are they trying to make me like them by doing nice things for me!
I can’t fathom being this bitter in life.

>> No.13921032

i don't care
more for me

>> No.13921042

They’re not trying to make you love them, you autist. They’re doing a nice gesture to let you know that they care about you. It’s then your decision to return the gesture or not. If you don’t, then you’re letting them know that you don’t care about them. If you do care about them then it costs you absolutely nothing (and should in fact be a pleasure) to do something nice for them too. It’s social behavior 101.

>> No.13921096

>try to give someone something they didn’t ask for
>they don’t want it
>get offended and make them feel guilty for not taking it
I can’t imagine being this much of a narcissist

>> No.13921100

No one is saying you shouldn’t recognise the kindness of the gesture. You simply aren’t obligated to accept the gift. Having food in your possession that you don’t want to eat is not actually a good thing.

>> No.13921705

>”hey anon, try this muffin I made”
>”I just don’t want to”
>”ITT: Weaponized Generosity and other Social Manipulation. Nothing better than having 'friends' and 'loved ones' because you did them a favor and now, THEY OWE YOU LOVE”

>> No.13921754

I guess you just skipped past the 50 odd posts telling the guy to just take the damn muffin to show how much he loves you

>> No.13922677
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I got a good one for you guys, one time one of my room mate made pasta, didn't taste anything in particular but I asked him what he used for it, pic related and I went to puke it all out (at least I didn't eat a lot before he told me.)

>> No.13922690

I think you are retarded.

>> No.13922895

Why would that make you puke

>> No.13922921

its fine, I assume the person doesn't like that food or they have already eaten.

>> No.13923520

Just saying that the other guy is right. Just because you're on a xxxx a day diet doesn't mean you can't eat xxxx+200kcal in a day and a little less in the next meal, next day, whatever.
Don't engage in snowball-fallacy thinking and don't be so autistic about things

>> No.13923540

Extremely annoyed.
I put my heart and time into making this food for you and you won't eat it? How autistic are you? Easy way to go from 'friend' to 'asshole'

>> No.13923595

>If I've already made the food
I'd make a scene about them being an asshole because they said they wanted some prior to cooking and they've wasted my time, effort and food
>Offered to make
Glad because now I don't have to use as much food

>> No.13923598

why would i accept food from someone who posts here?

>> No.13923603

Annoyed as fuck. When someone offers to make food for you, it's a strong sign of friendship, IMO. You'd be pissing on that if you did some shit like that to me.

>> No.13923606

make sure to put your foot down. I tried to decline one time and they fixed me a plate anyways and then when I didn't eat much at all they put it in tupperware for me to take home. I don't want your shitty meatloaf goddammit

>> No.13923611

More for me

>> No.13923618

seriously? i love my friends but i would never eat any food that has even been near their hands desu.

>> No.13923635

You can’t just accept it and toss it once you get home? Are you that much of an asshole?

>> No.13923638

What if one of them is known among your friends as a decent cook, though? That changes things especially if you know that they take pride in cooking tasty things for others to enjoy. If you told them to basically fuck off, you'd be one shitty friend.

>> No.13923645

lol no because i think i owe it to my friends to be an honest asshole instead of a lying sack of shit nice guy

>> No.13923655

Not him but I doubt your autistic ass even has any IRL friends. Online vidya buddies don't count.

>> No.13923662

no dude, you're not my mom. stop trying to put stuff in my mouth.

cope harder, janet.

>> No.13923669
File: 65 KB, 540x960, ETU9KzqUYAQVn2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess it's because of your autism that you are declining food

>> No.13923678

If you're an asshole, no one would be offering to give you anything IRL except an asskicking desu senpai
You're the type of dude drug dealers sell oregano to while claiming it's weed.

>> No.13923685

our in house schizo is going off again

>> No.13923693

>You can’t just accept it and toss it once you get home?
no one actually wants their friends to do that you huge autist. they would rather not spend money and time making food that goes in the bin

>> No.13923694

What are you rambling about, you moron? You come off like a bitter autist, dude.

>> No.13923707

>You come off like a bitter autist, dude.
have some self-awareness.

>> No.13923709

You don't hang with any friends with similar interesst like cooking? lmfao I bet you're the tool of your group that everyone fucks with.

>> No.13923723

Nothing I've posted ITT comes off as bitter lol. You're just assblasted for some reason.

>> No.13923728

kek, must difficult being you.

>> No.13923745

I'm not the only one ITT calling you an asshole, dude. Unless you're some tourist everything I posted most likely describes you. It also describes me to an extent but I've never turned down anyone else's cooking just to be an ass. The only people that have ever offered to cook for me knew what they were doing in the kitchen.

>> No.13923752

>oh thank God, he called my bluff, I don't want to share any of my food
I would NEVER offer to cook for ANYONE. I would NEVER share my food with ANYONE. NO ONE gets a free meal from me.
Of course, I'll eat anything anyone offers me, if it's free.

>> No.13923759

how is it possible to miss the point this hard?

>> No.13923864

You aren't obligated to but I doubt anyone would offer to cook something for you unless there was good reason for it. You can also learn a lot by eating a dish prepared by someone else. I used to know a boomer (an actual one) that at one time owned a restaurant (which went under due to him being a drunk and mismanaging money). He offered to cook something for me one day and it was the shit. I asked what he did and then he gave me various tips.

>> No.13923889

>I doubt anyone would offer to cook something for you unless there was good reason for it
what is a 'good reason'? every time i've cooked for someone it's just because i've wanted to give them something you'd enjoy. i don't want to engage in the charade if you won't enjoy it.

no one is telling you that you should feel the same way as OP. he's just a different kind of person to you or I and the thread is completely littered with people who refuse to understand that.

>> No.13923892

just give people money or dope

>> No.13923904

>what is a 'good reason'?
Well, in my case the reason why the boomer offered to cook for me is because I told him that it was one of my hobbies. I described some my methods, he mocked them, and then I called bullshit on him ever being a professional cook (since he was just another drunken laborer like myself). After eating his food, we became friends and then we'd drink together while cooking shit.

If I never accepted his gumbo that one time I'd have never get to know the dude.

>> No.13923930

OP here. Someone else picked up my thread when I thought it was dead yesterday. Thanks for fighting the good fight, I think, anon.

I brought up keto as a thing... if someone in ketosis eats a big carb packed slice of sweets, it fucks over their ketosis, which takes another three days or so to get back into. You can't just "balance it out," because now all of those fats go right to your body.

Why did you bother? Invite them over for a dinner. What if they had plans for themselves that night?

See above.

As mentioned, I don't see how this is anywhere nicer than not accepting. Now I've wasted your time, money, and likely will in the future, as you keep making meals for me that I'm just gonna toss.

My friends have a lot of varied interests I don't share, and vice versa. I like comic books, but I don't expect my friends to borrow my collection if that's not something they like.

cont. after reading more

>> No.13923942

No, it's because I'm not hungry, have other food plans, and don't want to get fat. Especially when someone is going to start questioning why I don't reciprocate back with food of my own and question our friendship.

I hate friendships that are about "what can I get back from my investment." That's not what it's about, it's about having fun and enjoying each others' company.

>> No.13923945

>Well, in my case the reason why the boomer offered to cook for me is because I told him that it was one of my hobbies
exactly, it's your thing. if someone told me they weren't into it i wouldn't force it on them

>> No.13923963

Why do you perceive it as someone trying to force anything on anyone? I'm not sure why anyone would willingly try to offer food to "someone that wasn't into it." Shit just doesn't make sense. If it's like a grandmother or something that's trying to feed you when you aren't hungry that would be different. That's just what they do lol

>> No.13923971

>I'm not sure why anyone would willingly try to offer food to "someone that wasn't into it."
this is the scenario the OP presents to us and all we have to work with.

>> No.13923974

Do you even know what baking powder is used for? Why the fuck would you eat that mixed with pasta, can't be good for the stomach.

>> No.13923983

so he like...coated the pasta in the baking powder? made a sauce with it? i was under the impression he'd just tried adding it to the dough.

>> No.13923989

OP here. I have declined my roommate's offer to cook approximately 10-15 times since the quarantine fired up and he keeps going. It would happen all the time at work, too. And as I mentioned, with my ex-girlfriend, who I tried to please too much by not saying anything.

These people are acting like grandmothers or mothers.

>> No.13923997

That's really too open to interpretation. If that was describing my old boomer friend (RIP), it would be a dick move for me to turn down something that he made and vice versa since we tended to do that (both as a show of friendship and a sort of dick measuring contest where we tried to outdo each other). That was our thing like you said.

If it's some annoying grandmother trying to constantly feed you her burnt cookies when you aren't hungry, that's an entirely different situation.

>> No.13924012

I was just taking your first post for what it was and didn't bother to read the entire thread. Tell that asshole to eat shit lol

>> No.13924018

And as the OP again (I don't wanna say it each time, just being clear about the message), it's literally about people I don't share food with in any other case trying to force it on me. I don't want to share with these people, and if I have a conversation with food well in advance with someone and say "I'd love to try that," I come up with a way to reciprocate.

>> No.13924025

at a certain point you just have to accept that someone doesn't want your food. you might find it rude the first time but when you realise it is just their thing trying to force it on them would just be oppressive neediness. just like trying to get a teetotaller to drink or some shit. ultimately you have to socialise with people on their own terms or you have the right not to try.

>> No.13924126

Idk why you would make food for someone that didn't either explicitly want it or that you didn't ask first but it goes like this for me
>I'm sorry I'm not hungry but I'll try some later if I
get hungry
Yeah alright man. Np. More for me if you don't
>I didn't realize there was x in it, I'm allergic/do not like x
Yeah alright man. Np. More for me.
>I don't want that
Kinda hurts desu.

I really like when people cook a real meal for me and I'll usually try anything once but there are a few ingredients/textures that I absolutely cannot stand even if "you can barely taste it." so I generally don't get mad if someone turns me down as long as there's a halfway good reason. But if the plan is to cook for someone and they don't even try it with no real reason I get kinda upset.

>> No.13924182

>But if the plan is to cook for someone and they don't even try it with no real reason I get kinda upset.

In my experience, this only happened if the person was sheltered and very picky when it comes to food. Like, they'd be the type of person that would write something off because it had seafood in it or some shit despite never trying shrimp or crawfish. I knew a guy that hated Asian food despite never trying it once (crazy, I know but those people exist). It wouldn't offend me because that's just how they are. They'll probably eat tendies for life.

>> No.13924241

Yeah it doesn't happen often but when it does it kinda sucks. I still am a pretty picky eater as to what I like to eat on a daily basis but I'll eat most things if it's made for me. I have a friend from Russia that cooks all kinds of shit for me when I'm in town and a lot of it has turned me onto a lot of new foods despite not liking something previously in a different dish. It took me a longer time than I'd like to admit to figure out that just because something is in a dish doesn't mean it's going to taste the same as when you had it before.

>> No.13924286

Only time I'm annoyed when it comes to food, is when a friend comes over and eats like a half a bag of chips.
Like nigga if you're hungry, I'll make you some fucking food. Don't go be eatin all my chips!

>> No.13924364

>Yeah it doesn't happen often but when it does it kinda sucks.
Some people that are extremely picky (for no good reason) are actually embarrassed to admit it. Many of the people that flat out refuse to eat something without explanation may fall into that category.

>> No.13924408

>it's literally about people I don't share food with in any other case trying to force it on me.
Your roommate sounds like an intolerable asshole. I'd move away ASAP.

>> No.13924525

Does it have to be "picky" to want something else that particular night? Or just know you don't like something? To me, picky is someone who has a list of a bunch of small ingredients that can't be in their dish. If they don't like beef stroganoff, and they know they don't, stop insisting your beef stroganoff is better than everyone else's and wildly different. Do you not have a single dish you're not a fan of?

He's a great dude, but do you cook for a roommate all of the time without expecting them to cook for you too at some point, or pay for ingredients?

>> No.13924546

>Do you not have a single dish you're not a fan of?
I can't really think of one off of the top of my head. Anything that is prepared correctly and is tasty isn't something I'll turn down. I'm not a picky eater at all, have no known food allergies, and will try anything once. However, if you're burnt out on something or don't like something, just fucking say that and be done with it. If your roommate keeps insisting that you eat X dish after the fact, he is definitely an asshole on some level.

>> No.13924551


>you need to count calories

Fuck no you don't. You just have to be mindful of your eating.

t. Someone who lost almost 20 pounds just being mindful of what they eat.

>> No.13924578

Oh, and if by some chance that you've pretending this entire time to like X dish but secretly loathe it, just man up and admit it, dude. If you're his friend, he will understand that shit.

>> No.13924622

>If your roommate keeps insisting that you eat X dish after the fact
He cooks a variety of dishes, and everything he's ever made is good. I don't want him to waste his resources and time to feed me though, because eventually he'll get nothing back and build resentment.

>Fuck no you don't. You just have to be mindful of your eating.
Counting calories is the same thing as being mindful. I don't measure out everything I eat with a scale, but I do know that a piece of cake (one that I don't want but am only eating for someone's approval) means extra time on the treadmill, cutting dinner in half, not having beers after work, however you want to frame it. All things I would like to have.

>> No.13924630

>I don't want him to waste his resources and time to feed me though, because eventually he'll get nothing back and build resentment.
So you feel guilty? Then just tell him that for fuck's sake. This thread seems more like something that should be posted in /adv/ since apparently the quality of his food and your tastes aren't the problem.

>> No.13924921

I expected this thread to end up being 8 replies before dropping off the catalog. I really wanted to know if people actually felt offended by people refusing food or not - and I'm guessing /adv/ doesn't cook.

>> No.13924936

>means extra time on the treadmill, cutting dinner in half, not having beers after work, however you want to frame it. All things I would like to have.
This is legit autistic af

>> No.13924961

I'm generally quietly relieved because it means I get to keep the delicious food and enjoy it myself but I get to look like a good person for offering it.

>> No.13924964

post height and weight

>> No.13924979
