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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13908320 No.13908320 [Reply] [Original]

How unhealthy is butter?

>> No.13908327

It's good for you, ever heard of keto?
This has been common knowledge for almost a decade...

>> No.13908334

I eat real butter almost every day and I have the physique and the sexual stamina of a teenage rhinoceros.

>> No.13908343

Growing up I always heard the meme that people in the South were so fat because they ate everything with butter, or maybe it was lard...

>> No.13908365

Look it up yourself, faggot.

>> No.13908385

I did. It's about 100 calories per tablespoon. But how much can you eat per day, or per week, without BTFO of your cholesterol?

>> No.13908397

literally irrelevant

>> No.13908428

if your folks ate what mine did, it was margarine
pure vegetable oil

>> No.13908503

Frenchfag here, butter is great and we eat it everyday and pretty much at every meal (on bread for breakfast or while cooking, also a great jambon beurre is the best), we aren't particularly unhealthy or obese.

>> No.13908548

it's better than margarine, use moderation anyway

>> No.13908549

That's from eating too much in general and probably too many refined carbs which are high calorie but low satiety

>> No.13908588

I really think that Americans were almost 100% clueless about nutrition until maybe 15 years ago. My grandparents and parents had no idea what was good or bad nutrition wise. I think part of the "hurr durr butter bad" thing was a big marketing campaign for margarine and butter alternatives. Most people just believed the MSM and the MSM was just basing their info off of fads and PR campaigns.

I think for the most part now though, people here in the US have no excuse for not being able to tell bad food from good.

>> No.13908602

I've asked this dozens of times, but what the fuck is the deal with those breakfast bowls that you fill with coffee and dip bread in? And why does nobody seem to know this is a thing?

>> No.13908612

Look it up yourself, faggot.

>> No.13908613

Picardiefag here and I must argue otherwise

>> No.13908634

It's usually milk and coffee (café au lait, you know) but can be just dark coffee, or chocolate milk for children, some like to dip their tartines/croissants/pain au chocolat in, but not everyone do it as it makes them obviously soggy (personally I just drink dark coffee on the side), we also do it with milk chocolate (usually the children)
It's usually what we have on breakfast, but cereals are also very popular

>> No.13908639

Butter is fine. The primary issue is that it is calorie dense. Just control the amount, like any other calorie rich food.

People in the South are fatter for two reason. One, because they live in warm climates, their caloric needs are lower than people living further north. Two, portion sizes in the south are straight up larger.

Historically they cooked with margarine and shortening(which was cheap and importantly didn't melt when stored at room temperature), and until recently it was hydrogenated, which made it probably the single most unhealthy food item you could eat. Didn't necessarily make them fatter than if they'd eaten equal amounts of butter, but it did cause them to die of heart disease.

>> No.13908641

What do you eat up there then bro

>> No.13908660

>It's usually what we have on breakfast
I know, and it's weird. I lived in France for close to two years and never saw it until I was invited over to a friend's house for breakfast with their family and I had absolutely no idea what was going on when the mom brought out the spread. This was like 15 years ago but I was probably saying to myself, "do the French really?"

>> No.13908674

Well it's just the norm here, but I understand why you'd find it weird or even disgusting

>> No.13908717

The weird thing is just that you never hear about this part of French culture. This was long before /ck/, but it was still common knowledge that the French drank café while uncultured Americans drank drip coffee from a machine, pour it into a bowl, and then dip buttered bread and pastries into it and then drink it like leftover cereal milk. I'm not even judging; it was just the biggest culture shock I had in France.

>> No.13908930

10 times more healthy than margarine

>> No.13910310

>almost a decade
*All of human history

>> No.13910311


>> No.13910312

Bullshit science invented to sell garbage to housewives.

>> No.13910319

This doesn’t even sound that weird, I dip cookies in coffee all the time, and if the bread relatively sweet I could easily understand dipping it in coffee. I’ve even put butter in my coffee once (on a whim, and trust me I’m not even close to overweight) and it wasn’t bad.

>> No.13910583
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it doesn't seem that strange to me

>> No.13911189
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it's baaa'd

>> No.13911227

yes, but its because they over eat like 2000k per day

>> No.13911240

Healthier than seed oils

>> No.13911293

The actual evidence of animal fats being bad for you is very weak and based on deferring to century old speculation mostly.

>> No.13911312

Butter is a European thing, built upon millenia of animal rights abuses. Fundamentally racist.

>> No.13911332

What's with all the fad pseudoscience bullshit in this thread?

>> No.13911450

Sounds like based to me

>> No.13911523

You dunk donuts in coffee, right?
Same thing but replace the donut with slices of buttered bread (unsalted obv).
I really don't see what's so bizarre about this.

>> No.13911607


>> No.13911870

it's healthier than fake butter

>> No.13911884

Except plant oil derived butter has verified health claims in both Yurope and the United States. Butter doesn't. Sounds like you're pushing fake news kiddo.

>> No.13911889

Welcome to the internet, pal.

>> No.13911922

>Growing up I always heard the meme that people in the South were so fat because they ate everything with butter, or maybe it was lard...
That's because of the african admixture. Especially considering it was mixed with angl* genes, the second fattest people in the world

>> No.13912270
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On a scale of 1 - America

>> No.13912340

>How unhealthy is butter?
If you mold it into a spike, freeze it, and stab it into someone's eye, I'd say it's lethal.

>> No.13912350

>I really think that Americans were almost 100% clueless about nutrition until maybe 15 years ago.
This. Our great-grandparents ate a balanced diet because that's what a normal diet was. They easily avoided over-processed food because it didn't exist in quantities like they do today.

>> No.13912412

it was really the food pyramid that fucked american nutrition forever. thanks US government and public education for pushing that shit on the masses including children. the food pyramid also coincided with the notion that fats are bad for you and shortening is a healthier alternative.
the food pyramid is pretty much the biggest reason why obesity increased so dramatically in the US.

thankfully now the food pyramid has been exposed as bullshit and wrong and is no longer endorsed by the US government or any serious medical professionals. too much sugar and trans fats are now the thing to avoid.

>> No.13912424

Ya sure they did. That's why food fortification was forced on wheat and corn based products. Get fucking real. The past was worse than today.

>> No.13912452

The fuck? The USDA pyramid is generic as fuck and in general makes a lot of sense based on how most people ate. And yes, added fats like salad dressings, mayonnaise, butter and shit is bad for you. Its basically how retards manage to turn a salad into a 300 kcal shit show without even realizing it. Not only that, if you actually read it the pyramid strongly discourages simple sugar as well. It hasn't been exposed as bullshit, it was reformed to myplate because retards like you couldn't understand it.

>> No.13912781

Butter is the concentrated form of the most perfect food for developing mammals. Billions of years of evolution doesn't lie.

>> No.13912827

Why do most boomers hate butter? Theres got to be a reason.

>> No.13912849

Milk powder would be the concentrated form. You're missing the protein and lactose in butter.

>> No.13913743

90s mass media and vapor diet gurus told them its bad at a time when their health risk was starting to rise due to their age. same reason they hate mercury (quicksilver)

>> No.13913769

Keep eating those grains goy

>> No.13913794

LDL bad is NPC pseudoscience.

>> No.13914147

>It's good for you, ever heard of keto?
Keto's not a health program, it's a weight loss program, and not particularly effective compared to other calorie restricted diets

>> No.13914159

And yet there's a consensus that it's unhealthy among every group of experts in the world who study this stuff professionally, while the only people who say it isn't are uneducated laymen who want to justify their diets and individual predatory doctors who use controversy to sell diet books and supplements

>> No.13914160

Eat whatever you want. No one cares if you live or die.

>> No.13914163

>Americans are fat because they eat too little fat and sugar and too many vegetables
Yeah, that makes sense

>> No.13914534

>And yet there's a consensus that it's unhealthy among every group of experts
There isn't. Who do you consider an expert? What is the mechanism by which animal fats are worse for you than plant fats? They are digested, metabolized, and catabolized the same way. There's just some weak correlation that that animal fats may increase inflammatory processes and LDL more than plant fats. The most substantial claim you can make is eating high amounts of red meat and processed meat increases all-cause of mortality. Oddly dairy is fine.

When it comes to the benefits of veganism, over-all mortality is the same though IHD, diabetes, and diverticular disease is lower.

>> No.13914569

butter is good for you
your body needs calories, your body needs fat, your body needs vitamin A and your intestines benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of some of the compounds.
Those same compounds are linked to increases of metabolism and helping prevent diabetes.

of course, it's best used in combination with other foods, butter and carrots together will be far healthier for you to get your vitamin A than eating more than a stick of butter to get your daily 100%, but I'd argue it's especially healthier than eating carrots for that 100% without butter, as vitamins ADE & K are all fat soluble, they require fat instead of water to be absorbed and processed, so you can think of butter as it's own self contained vitamin A delivery system

of course you can eat too much of anything and then cry that the big bad food hurt you, but 100% of medical professionals will tell you that water is important to stay alive longer than 3 days, and you can consume enough water that you will straight up die https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication
so you know, don't eat like 6 pounds in a sitting and you'll feel pretty good, stressing about what you eat is a lot more negative on your health than butter

>> No.13914573

it's not unhealthy.

food is not healthy or unhealthy, food supplies energy and nutrients. eating habits may be unhealthy. but genetics is the prime reason people are not healthy.

>> No.13914588

found the moron.

>> No.13914599

>boomers hate butter
since when?

>> No.13914652

>There isn't. Who do you consider an expert?
"Most medical, scientific, heart-health, governmental, and professional authorities agree that saturated fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including the World Health Organization,[1] the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Medicine,[2] the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,[3] the Dietitians of Canada,[3] the Association of UK Dietitians,[4] the American Heart Association,[5] the British Heart Foundation,[6] the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada,[7] the World Heart Federation,[8] the British National Health Service,[9] the United States Food and Drug Administration,[10] and the European Food Safety Authority.[11] All of these organizations recommend restricting consumption of saturated fats to reduce that risk. "
A better question is what group of medical professionals disagrees?

>What is the mechanism by which animal fats are worse for you than plant fats?
Saturated fats raise LDL cholesterol levels, while unsaturated fats are either neutral or lower LDL cholesterol levels
Elevated LDL cholesterol is causal in developing heart disease
There's very little wiggle room to be able to deny this.

>> No.13914681

Yes saturated fats. Saturated fats can be found in plants and animals.

>> No.13914683

But they're characteristic of animal fats and are particularly abundant in butter, the topic of the thread

>> No.13914692

My bad, there was another thread about veganism earlier and I got confused.

>> No.13915119

Like most food items, it's not unhealthy for you as long as you eat it in moderation. Don't use copious amounts of butter on food and don't eat it daily. You should be fine as long as it's real butter and not that processed shit with 50 different chemicals.

>> No.13915177


studies are always back and forth on the topic, eat what you like and don't treat anything like a miracle cure and you'll survive

>> No.13915192

>His balls haven't descended

>> No.13915216


>> No.13915217

Like everything in the universe except smoking and drinking, everything is good/alright in moderation. No one is going to need to start renting a mobility scooter to get around in life because they put A LITTLE bit of butter on their toast or when cooking their breakfast meats. But if you're lathering everything in a thick coat of butter, you shouldn't be surprised when you have health issues.

>> No.13915219

>studies are always back and forth on the topic
Depends on the kind of research you're looking at. What I posted was a meta-analysis of ~300 tightly controlled metabolic ward experiments proving without a doubt the effects those fats have on LDL cholesterol and then a paper put out by the European Atherosclerosis Society analyzing decades of research including genes related to LDL disposal that finds the evidence against LDL to be strong and consistent enough to state categorically that it's causal.

What you posted are meta-analysis of epidemiological studies, the least controlled and most prone to confounding, that just pool the data together and don't take into account the quality of the individual studies and the methods by which they differ from each other, the first of which is notoriously flawed and experts warn against spreading its misleading conclusion
and the second of which clarifies "but the evidence is heterogeneous with methodological limitations"

When you look at the totality of evidence, and particularly that showing the underlying science of why, it's pretty much impossible to invalidate it. We're 60-70 years past the point where you could cast reasonable doubt on saturated fat being unhealthy

>> No.13915291

>60-70 years
Well, let me dial that back to 40-50 years, but still

>> No.13915696


>> No.13916575
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Oh anon... Please don't tell me you use margarine.

>> No.13916618

jambon, doesnt that mean ham butter? lmao

>> No.13916704

>They easily avoided over-processed food because it didn't exist in quantities like they do today.