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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13906473 No.13906473 [Reply] [Original]

I live under the totalitarian rule of an unfair, despicable ogre AKA my father. Just because I am not employed, he thinks he has the right to enforce arbitrary dietary restrictions and treat me like a child. Okay, I am overweight and it is "his" house, that still doesn't give him any right.

Anyway, one of the humiliations he puts me through (and in front of my cunt of a stepmother) is to "allow" me one can of Pringles per week as a "treat" (as if I am a dog and not his human son). Of course the first time he did this I ate them in one sitting and he of course shamed me and refused to buy me a new can until the following week. Now I have to walk for 30 min 3 times a week and can only eat certain amount of Pringles per day - yes, he actually draws 6 lines on the can and occasionally checks to see if I surpassed them. If I eat too many he throws the whole can out and doesn't buy them for an additional week because he is an asshole who cheated on my mother and has to make my life hell.

With that background, now you know my predicament. I ate 3/4 of a can Wednesday night due to my diagnoses depression and in a fit of creativity and intelligence, I cut the appropriate length from a paper towel cardboard tube and balanced the remaining Pringles on them. The weight isn't good but they clearly look like they are at the appropriate line.

But I'm worried this won't go unnoticed for the next 5 days and am wondering if /ck/ can give me advice on how to make homemade Pringles? This way I can use them as "filler". Please /ck/ I really need this and the flavor doesn't matter, the prick doesn't scrutinize that much.

>> No.13906485
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Pringles fucking suck. They get progressively worse the further down the can you go, your father is a dick, but serves you right for having a shit taste in snack.

>> No.13906497

what the fuck? how old are you? are you trollig? is this some sort of meme?

>> No.13906503

nice copypasta
please fucking be copypasta

>> No.13906512

well if it isnt, it will become one.

>> No.13906523


Google exists, you know. Bon appetit you sperg.

>> No.13906599

glad this is happening to you fatty. maybe if you ran instead of walked those 3 times a week you'd lose weight. You're a pathetic sack of shit and a shame on your family. Now go eat your pringles you dribbling autistic neet freak

>> No.13906606

I've read this post before, newfriends

>> No.13906611

You honestly should get a job and get out of there. Stop eating snacks, it's an addiction and if you dont make changes, youre gonna die very soon and very unhappy. It seems any changes will help at this point.

>> No.13906639


why is that gay man's teeth so white?

>> No.13907235



>> No.13907257

>that fag
>Arabic music plays

>> No.13908841

He's American so fake teeth.

>> No.13908879

Get a job. Move out.

>> No.13909350

how can you use this site with any regularity and not know bait when you see it?

>> No.13909356

Howd you get passed the age verification?

>> No.13909439

Dad sounds based. Hope he takes a switch to your backside when he finds out about your little cardboard deception!

>> No.13910046

>a switch
Like a light switch?

>> No.13910069
File: 225 KB, 700x609, 1182115791591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

havent seen this post since ~2016, brought a tear to my eye. thanks op

>> No.13910119

stained by semen

>> No.13910122

Retards don’t know they’re retarded

>> No.13910761

Your dad is not obligated to buy you anything. Get a job you fat fuck