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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.45 MB, 1253x691, Bob Food Use.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13904624 No.13904624 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the best food reviewers on YouTube?

>> No.13904626

stop shilling your channel faggot, no one wants to watch your shitty videos

>> No.13904781

I do and I think it’s hilarious unlike little bitchboy redditors like you who try to police every fucking thread on this website you snitch cunt can’t let anyone have fun. How was high school for you, probably got picked on and hit with paper airplanes all day and farted on because you’re a little cunt who rattled on people you’re probably weak as shit too while based Food Dip OP could choke your ass out in 2 seconds. What’s it like being such a little bitch on the internet, does it make you feel validated?

>> No.13904821

Joey's World Tour

>> No.13904835

At least reviewbrah has a gimmick. I can't understand just watching normal retards eat fast food in their car

>> No.13904844

>has a gimmick
What gimmick. His “fans” project a persona unto him he is just some faggot man child eating McDonald’s literally no difference

>> No.13904846

very good post

>> No.13904862

Anyone get annoyed how Daym Drops talks ghetto when he can clearly speak proper English ?

>> No.13905060


>> No.13905072

The oversized suits, the hair, the voice and mannerisms. It's like he's out of the 50s

>> No.13905078
File: 55 KB, 634x351, markwiensCurry-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmm. Oh wowh. It's garickly, milky, and that spice from the pepper. Mmmmm. Oh that ginger. Amazing. This is the best _______ I think I have had.

>> No.13905087

*closes his eyes*
*sighs deeply*
*head starts falling to one side*

>> No.13905178

>having mental illness

>> No.13905390
File: 101 KB, 1073x1041, F74737B0-ED78-41AF-915D-70BF00389D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your path

>> No.13905400

I don't know why I can't stand this guy.
I don't watch any food review shows since I'd rather experience the eating myself and for the most part have access to most of the foods they're describing.

well except steve since I don't eat MREs. and I might watch reviews of high end Michelin star restaurants since I wouldn't pay for them.

>> No.13905403

Look at those pin-pointy pupils. Mark is probably running dope and kids out of the golden triangle. The videos are just a cover.

>> No.13905418

goddamn I greatly dislike his content

>> No.13905456
File: 43 KB, 474x474, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Luke Martin, and his girlfriend Sabrina is nice and thicc.
I like the cheeky ass shots he gets of her.

>> No.13905472


>> No.13906105

>shills channel
>gets told to fuck off
>gets angry and posts a tl;dr rant
You need to get better at this.

>> No.13906203

He seriously seems like a very nice man

>> No.13906208


>> No.13906446

>admits he is of too low intelligence to read a post explaining why your opinion was stupid
>instead of refuting, he cries about it

>> No.13906449

He has legit aspergers

>> No.13906502

yikes dude

>> No.13906522

Yeah I picked up that he's socially retarded

>> No.13907002

No way, BOB is here? You are a badass man, stay safe dude, New York is really bad with that Virus. Stay healthy big dude

>> No.13907169

I don’t even consider Steve a foodtuber. He’s just an absolute legend who shares his passion for MREs with us

>> No.13907176

thank god for the coof killing all the fatties and old fucks

>> No.13907194

Reviewbrah can’t even identify Coke vs Pepsi in a blind taste test. No palate.

>> No.13907199

you got fucking rekt kid

>> No.13907201


>> No.13907213
File: 1.96 MB, 1334x750, 24FAEBA2-E8B9-44E1-B9F9-8DBBAE4DFD6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jew Dave Portnoy proved he has a decent palate by saying Chick-fil-A has by far the best chicken sandwich in a blind taste test.

>> No.13908000


>> No.13908855


>> No.13908913
File: 35 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13910596


there aren't any, the genre died with Bourdain, and he wasn't really a food reviewer nor was he on youtube

>> No.13910718

At least bob understands its just stuffing your face in a car. Plus he managed to pull off a 7.5 crazy gf (not kidding) Dude seems like a winner in loser clothes.

>> No.13910804

That's not a gimmick, that's just his mental health issues stemming from his Asperger's

>> No.13910999

I live vicariously through ericsurf6 eating vending machine/convenience store food in Japan

>> No.13911127
File: 185 KB, 1242x1551, 1586613674036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stefan Molyneux.

Fantastic recipes and a fascinating take on the coronavirus and globalism.

>> No.13911144

>tl;dr basically has come to mean "im too dumb to read your post"

>> No.13911161

That is a gimmick, like a midget actor. Just because it's a condition doesn't mean it's not a gimmick

>> No.13911178


>> No.13911188

get it together bro

>> No.13911197


>> No.13911216
File: 1.99 MB, 720x404, american-man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jus gonna eat out dis sanwich