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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.78 MB, 3143x3561, Stupid meme coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13904546 No.13904546 [Reply] [Original]

How do I sue instagram?
This shit was gross, what a waste of 30 minutes

>> No.13904554

>falling for a fad from instathots
You have only yourself to blame. Next time prybar your head out of your asshole before you make a decision.

>> No.13904555

>what a waste of 30 minutes
You post on 4chan, your time doesn't mean shit.

>> No.13904561


>> No.13904563

Hey man, it looked like it might be a nice light coffee based drink. I normally don't fall for this kinda shit, but the pictures of this shit always looked so good.

It tastes exactly like you'd fucking imagine, I don't know what I expected, I don't know why I never thought "Hey wait a minute, whipping sugar and instant coffee together for 40 minutes will not make this stop tasting like instant coffee"
Somehow I just read "Actually the bitter foam and comparatively sweeter milk are really nice together" and thought "fuck it lets walk to the store and grab some instant coffee"

>> No.13904572
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look, OP, i understand you faggotry...I fell victim myself
but you know, this shit is actually delicious

>> No.13904576

Do I NEED to use an electric mixer or something?
I whisked it for like 40 minutes until it stopped getting any fluffier,
I could see it MAYBE being better if the coffee shit gets really light and fluffy, but I dunno man.
What kid of coffee are you using?
Do you do the 1:1:1 ratio for coffee/sugar/water?
How do you make it not just taste like a bunch of instant coffee, sugar and some milk?

>> No.13904580

you know you are supposed to mix the foam and milk right? the layers are literally just for photos.

>> No.13904584

I realized that after my first sip without mixing,
then I said "Why the fuck did I just spend 40 fucking minutes whipping this shit into a foam if I have to mix it into the milk anyway?"

>> No.13904611

It makes the whole drink kinda idk thick/creamier. the quality of the instant coffee probably factors in somewhat. It in no way is worth it if you're whipping it by hand though

>> No.13904662

You know what, I'm sipping on the second one since it made way more foam than I expected, and its kinda starting to grow on me.
Still pissed it took so long to make though, maybe I'll try again with a cheap hand mixer

>> No.13904677

It takes 5 minutes to make at best unless you're a sissy who can't whip instant coffee and sugar in water

>> No.13904681
File: 303 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-11-12-20h29m42s743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean your fucking bong

>> No.13904682

I am a sissy that cannot whip this shit into a foam in 5 minutes.
I dunno how /fit/ you are, but legit impressed if you manage to just fucking turbo whisk this shit into a fluff within 5 minutes. It actually took me somewhere between 30-40 at varying speeds, but I don't do this kind of shit often so maybe speed whisking is a skill you develop over time.

>> No.13904684

I did, it just gets like that cause I'm an asshole that smokes batch bowls

>> No.13904699

What is this diarrhea shit?

>> No.13904707

instant coffee, sugar and water at a 1:1:1 ratio whipped into a foam

>> No.13904711
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>> No.13904715

i rolled the whisk between my palms and got a nice and fine foam in about 5 minutes

>> No.13904720

That shit is just a reversed fucking cloud machiato.

Iced cloud machiatos are the best.

>> No.13904724

You gotta work smarter not harder dude

>> No.13904730
File: 188 KB, 482x315, 42d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i rolled the whisk between my palms and got a nice and fine foam in about 5 minutes
Thats genius, I used a fork like a fucking brainlet

>> No.13904741

Gross bong op. Wash that shit you fuckup.

>> No.13904755

its tobacco gunk cause I smoke batch bowls, its a bad habit that I should probably drop

>> No.13904764

This is just half a glass of milk with dirt-flavored whipped cream on top lol

>> No.13904792

It’s literally made with milk, sugar and instant coffee. What did you think it would taste like

>> No.13904795

do americans really do this?

>> No.13904804

Apparently its a korean thing

>> No.13904807

Instragram/Youtube fake cooking videos are kind of a problem.

They get way more views than legit cooking shows so the legit ones aren't making enough money from ads to stay online and the fakers are way better at gaming the algorithm for views and getting their shit shared because it looks better. They're made by production companies who don't give a shit whether anyone else can make it, just about whether it gets the views and clicks.

>> No.13904908

yuck imagine smoking in 2020 that shit is so fucking 1969

>> No.13904912

what the fuck is a batch bowl you nevertoke piece of shite kys faggot

>> No.13904920

instead of using a screen you use a pinch of tobacco from a cigarette, kinda like the bong equivalent of people that smoke spliffs. But this isn't really on-topic conversation I don't wanna derail the thread with this stuff

>> No.13904934

You know what the ingredients are, yet you still decided to be a sheep and make something that will inevitably be awful to anyone with even a half-decent working palate. More fool you.

>> No.13904940
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I thought something about whipping it might make it taste nice, but I did have my suspicions

>> No.13904960

i'm not him, but one time, when i was 12 years old, and pretty dim in the head, i tried to make instant coffee, i misread the instructions, added one whole cup of instant coffee to one cup of water, mixed it together, and drank the whole thing, i could barely choke it down, it tasted like dirt, i stayed up for 30 hours straight, 12 of those with a horrible dirt taste at the back of my throat

>> No.13904994

I'm sorry what...
>As yes I love my 25g coffee, 25g sugar, and 25g water

Can you break down the whole recipe?

>> No.13905003

He did. Decide how much you want to make for yourself. I guess using your own judgement is a personal revolution for you?

>> No.13905007

No dude I wanted the recipe of the whole thing... Not just the brown slop

>> No.13905011

You make the brown slop then float it on plain milk. That's the whole thing.

>> No.13905015

It's milk, nigger. Just milk.
Such is the creative power of influencers.

>> No.13905026

dont drink this shit, too much coffeine, too much sugar, it's really not even that good

>> No.13905066

I made this and hated it. I don't like sweet coffee. This is beyond sweetened coffee. It's like a coffee dessert. If you want a quick easy coffee milkshake, make this.

>> No.13905074

the recipe I used called for "two tablespoons" of each, but this made more than enough for two cups.
I don't recommend making it, but if you do only use one tablespoon of each, because the two tablespoons ended up with like a cup and a half of instant coffee foam.

>> No.13905086

>using instagram for anything ever
>attempting recipes from instathots
>smoking marijuana
Oy vey

>> No.13905493

i made it and since i'm a functionning human being and not a fucking sociopath like you, i dont have a burning hate for instagram.

so i did it, i steamed some milk with my coffe machine, i 1:1:1 sugar coffe milk with a mixer in like 20 sec, then mixed it with the hot bubly milk, added more sugar.

and it tastes great it's like a creamy ++ capucino very sweet but that's the point.

i have no reason to hate it with boiling rage, i will probably make more.

my mom hates it tho, she must be redpilled like you cool cats and kittens

>> No.13905497

You spend your time on 4chan. Clearly 30 minutes of your time does not meet the $100 minimum for small claims court.

>> No.13905517

hey man, no worries, here's that "wow, you seem so different!" you ordered

>> No.13905839

>i made it and since i'm a functionning human being and not a fucking sociopath like you, i dont have a burning hate for instagram.
you have to go back

>> No.13906236

>beating it for 40 minutes with a fork
lol this is what clickbait recipes do to people

>> No.13906251
File: 278 KB, 750x741, fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light up controller
i have one myself only cos it was the cheapest in the shop and never turn the light on

>> No.13906737
File: 187 KB, 1280x958, 5AB48E38-A804-4819-84D1-2449EA144FEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you sitting at my desk?

>> No.13906754

Where' s the coffee?

>> No.13906760

I heard the name "content farms" and it' s really a bleak outlook for the future.

Creating videos just to create videos. Kinda sad.

>> No.13906761

Yes use an electric mixer.
I think you can also use whatever coffee you want so long as it’s ground.

Can’t we find a way to improve this drink instead of writing it off as shit from the get go?

>> No.13906764

I'm a the only one not using FB, insta. Snap.twitter?
I'm a digital hermit.

>> No.13906775

You aren't. You use 4chan and see screenshots of Twitter all day. We're all just as "in touch" as the rest of the assholes out there.

>> No.13906777

That foam at the top is instant coffee, water and sugar beaten to stiff peaks.
Originating in India as a kind of at-home capuccino, where they actually just pour hot milk over the foam and stir it up, somehow Korea made it a meme to make it upside down and not stir it.

>> No.13906812

its set to change colour based on which way the stick is tilted, helps me keep my inputs clean in fighting games since hard right and hard left have specific colours

>> No.13908512

shits so cash with baileys and kahlua
get fucked losers

>> No.13908587

Why not use milk?

>> No.13908608

Ann Reardon is based, always.

>> No.13908645

Based Mexican Nescafe is actually good as far as instant coffee goes.

>> No.13908974

Going to try this tonight, will report back with the progress
Remember to follow me on instagram

>> No.13909034

Especially when you remember what a breakthrough in accessible creativity YouTube was prior to Google purchasing it. I will never be able to recreate the high quality shitposting that I was once able to maintain in their comments sections.

>> No.13910210

Is the dalgona what Beastie Boys meant by liking sugar with coffee and cream.

>> No.13910291

I do too but if you clean often, it won't look disgusting like that.
You're just a slob. You give stoners a bad name.

>> No.13910304

Because it literally makes no difference? You add what you get on top of 3/4 milk in the cup, though. Correct way of serving this is to obviously have some of it in the cup, dissolve with hot milk and then add the rest as topping.

>> No.13912107

I dunno man, I change the water once or twice a week, I can't imagine what else you should be doing with it. Its not like the glass being squeaky clean on the inside changes anything aside from how much time you waste keeping weed gunk off of the inside of your device that only exists for smoking weed

>> No.13912130

Kill yourself.

>> No.13912167

Instant coffee is so hit or miss.

>> No.13912215 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 819x1024, 1585961975362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sue the globalist leftist Zionists that profit from the same conditions that led to the coronavirus. Multiculturalism caused the coronavirus.

White countries for white families. We've shared ENOUGH.

>> No.13912255

I just made it, it took 1 minute to make a thicc emulsion.

Wasn’t too sweet because I used unsweetened instant coffee, however it tasted like...instant coffee.

Pouring this over cold milk is nonsense, it will be nice over some whites chocolate and coconut cream, as a topping.

With that said I’m making a tiramisù and I’m doing making the top layer with this shit and chocolate chips.

>> No.13912311

and id like to fuck her rear

>> No.13912624

Die, normalfags.

>> No.13912639
File: 51 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They get way more views than legit cooking shows so the legit ones aren't making enough money from ads to stay online and the fakers are way better at gaming the algorithm for views and getting their shit shared because it looks better. They're made by production companies who don't give a shit whether anyone else can make it, just about whether it gets the views and clicks.
*Baudrillard intensifies*

>> No.13912692

The only people contributing to this thread in a productive way

>> No.13913777

This fucking upside down frappe
Greeks did it first

>> No.13913815

it's threads like this of people falling for instagram food memes that are more about looks than tastes that truly confirms over the years females have penetrated this board too much

>> No.13914936

That's fucking frapé you mongs. It's nothing new