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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13903028 No.13903028 [Reply] [Original]

>go to grocery store
>see this
How do you proceed?

>> No.13903032

I pay with my debit card unless I'm there to spend under 10 dollars in which case I either buy more stuff or use cash

>> No.13903038


turn 360 degrees and go to the nearest chain store and spend over 10 dollars anyway

>> No.13903043

do a 360 and walk away because if they can't spell I'm sure they can't cook either

>> No.13903049

>offer to pay cash
>cough on the money

>> No.13903055

Why do you care if the grocery store clerk can cook

>> No.13903074

That store has prepared to go food for sale. The store prepares the food therefor they cook dingaling.

>> No.13903081

i pay for everything cash or crypto

>> No.13903090

If it's a tiny Food Max tier independent grocery store that has a handwritten cash only sign on the window, they probably don't have freshly prepared food

>> No.13903092

>>go to grocery store
>>see this
>How do you proceed?
Business as usual?
Why would you spend less than $10 at a grocery?
You're there, so grab a few things. Groceries are full of your daily and infrequent essentials both.

If this were a 7-11, I'd be like, uhhhh, no. And, I wouldn't return to any chain convenience with that sign. I don't need to buy $5 mini bottles of water to meet a minimum. I only want to buy exactly the item for why I am there. There's a markup in prices for convenience at those types of shops.
Mom n pop restaurant, yea, I understand they are gigged for service fees without the buying power of a large volume store. Pay cash or else buy more to meet the minimum, throw the leftovers in the freezer or enjoy tomorrow. With a tip, you'd probably spend that anyway.
At a grocery, that's not the case. Shop more, buy more. It's called being efficient with your time. Grab a bag of bagels or a bag of coffee or something.

>> No.13903254

I bustanut on the counter

>> No.13903265

buy $200 worth of toilet paper like a normal person

>> No.13903273
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>> No.13903277


Whoever wrote that sign is a retard.

>> No.13903336

>not excepting Americand Express

nigga I'm trying to churn for manufactured spending. don't do me like that

>> No.13903621

I can't remember the last time I spent less than ten dollars at the grocery store. Or used cash.

>> No.13903640

Since obama first became president, I have used nothing but cash for purchases.

>> No.13903644

>not excepting American Express

>> No.13903646

>Can't use American Express
And that's how you know it's in California

>> No.13903648

Can you give two good reasons why? And make them reasons that aren't conspiracy theories.

>> No.13903662

the fuck kind of grocery store has a credit card minimum?

Anything besides a dive bar that does this is immediately in the trash

>> No.13903663

I spend my $1200 stimulus check on 400 cups of coffee and watch the make each one.

>> No.13903685 [DELETED] 

I'm probably going to quit using cash when they start putting that negress on the $20. Maybe that was the plan all along.

>> No.13903706

I'm probably going to quit using cash when they start putting that negress on the $20. Maybe that was the plan all along.

>> No.13903711

Just a general distrust of the government. No conspiracy theories or anything like that. I also don't trust banks. I prefer to have my money on hand. There was a data leak a few years ago and my grandmother's card info got out and she lost a few thousands which was most of what she had. That can't happen if you have your money in cash form.
>inb4 robbers
I am well armed and my cash is in places robbers would never look. An example is that I once had $1,000 in cash in a ziplock that I put underneath the soil for my houseplant. You are a retard if you keep all your cash in one spot like a safe.

>> No.13903712

There's a psychological connection with handing over physical cash which discourages wanton overspending. Paying with a card creates a permanent record of your purchasing decisions which can and will be used against you if there ever were need to. Cash is an advantage to smaller businesses for which the credit card fee is a significant cut, and disadvantages oversized businesses for which handling large quantities of cash represents a larger expense. Figuring out change in your head is a bit of light mental exercise which helps keeps you sharp. Cash can be given to people with ease. Cash can be used when a store's system goes down. You can take cash out of a bank and retain some of your money if your bank collapses. If too many people stop using cash, we will lose cash forever. We will be trapped with cards, and forcibly tethered to banks.

>> No.13903718

Did they actually go through with that though? I know they were talking about it a few years ago, but I never saw anything happen with it.

>> No.13903723

The 2.9% you "save" by not accepting cards does not make up for the the fact that I and many others are now spending zero dollars at your business. The rest of your arguments are just "I'm bad with money", and are not compelling.

>> No.13903733

>An example is that I once had $1,000 in cash in a ziplock that I put underneath the soil for my houseplant.

>> No.13903741

I put that $1000 into the stock market, and a few months later I had $1500. What kind of returns did your plant give?

>> No.13903743

>Paying with a card creates a permanent record of your purchasing decisions which can and will be used against you if there ever were need to
This is reason enough to never use a card imo. Any government agency can see anything you have ever purchased or used your card for. This has been used in tons of court cases.
>anon buys an onahole
>anon buys right wing books
>anon is in the wrong place at the wrong time
>these things are used to ruin anons credibility
>anon is wrongfully inprisoned
many such cases

>> No.13903747

I saw no arguments that are conspiracy theories.

>> No.13903749

Peace of mind. I don't struggle with money and live a simple life. My hobbies are all free. ie hiking/bushcrafting/foraging edible mushrooms

>> No.13903750

motherfucker have you tried to moonwalk over six meters before?

>> No.13903751

I didn't say anything about businesses not accepting cards. I said they're copping a loss because of them being overused.

>> No.13903775

How do you deal about cameras who identify you by the glimpse of your face or the odor identifier?
If the governament tracks your transations and they have technology to instantily identify what you buy with a simple machine learning software and camerad, how you buy things?

>> No.13903781

Imagine being so poor or basic that you'd go to the grocery store for less than $10 worth of shit lol

>> No.13903786

The government doesn't actively track transactions, there's just an itemized record available for government bodies to access if they manage to acquire a court order for the bank to provide it.

>> No.13903789

So don't break the law.

>> No.13903806

I politely inform them that minimum purchase requirements for credit cards is illegal.

>> No.13903810

everything is spelled right

>> No.13903815

And they politely inform you that they are not.

>> No.13903816

Uh huh. Doesn't matter what a goodboy cuck you are. Anybody can have one bad day. Then it all goes to shit.

>> No.13904255

There was a guy who got accused of rape by his ex-wife, who was severely battered and bruised
his only alibi was buying a sandwich at the accused time
bitch beat herself up just to try to get him in trouble
moral of the story is there are some benefits to it

>> No.13904276

>accepts Diners/Discover
>doesn't accept Amex

>> No.13904297

>grocery store
that's a liquor store

>> No.13905689

imagine being so fat that you've never stopped on the way home from work to grab some fresh vegetables or fish

>> No.13905730
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>jannies won't let us have al/ck/ because they don't believe it's food related
>thread where a bunch of faggots blog about keeping money in their mattress is fine

>> No.13905732

Wall out because this isn't a grocery store, it's some spicnig hovel Bodega for poor people

>> No.13905744

It's not illegal but it is against the credit card companies terms of service

>> No.13905768

"Not excepting american express"

>> No.13905781

Mods truly are fags, al/ck/ never hurt anyone.

>> No.13905842

new management is a bunch of faggots. the long-standing institution of al/ck/ gets banned on sight, but just look at anything on the frontpage and half of it is low-effort shitpost and non-food related

>> No.13905879

But it is spelled correctly.

>> No.13905897

are you dumb or just retarded?

>> No.13905908

A one off "slightly off topic" thread harms no one, a persistent off topic circlejerk thread is much more of a problem.

>> No.13905944

It's only a problem if you want original topics which anyone can freely participate in, and not namefag hell where people go for validation while inebriated.

>> No.13905947

yeah, they are a bunch of fags. the other day I got a 3 day for being "racist" or something.

>> No.13905981

>refuses your business

>> No.13905988

Is instant ramen still being panic bought?

>> No.13906008

>plan on spending the next month indoors because the office is closed
>buy a month worth of food in preparation
>actually eat the food over the course of a month while not going to the office
do people not get what "panicking" means or is this just a way of trying to sound smart?

>> No.13906034

Are the grocery stores closed where you live?

>> No.13906036

>believing the hype

>> No.13906066

no, why would they be?
oh yeah those piles of dead bodies being trucked around the city and buried in mass graves are just a democrat hoax to make the president look bad. just the flu!

>> No.13906088

>no, why would they be?
I didn't think they would be. Which is why I don't think there's a reason to shop for an entire month in one go.
I don't care if you do, though. I usually shop almost every day so I can have fresh produce, but maybe you have a long drive to the store or a tight schedule or something.

>> No.13906098

Ok. Is rice still sold out? Can I buy 10 pounds of rice?

>> No.13906104

>I don't think there's a reason to shop for an entire month in one go.
Less trips to the store = less transmission. What do you think, they just closed the restaurants for shits and giggles?
Last I checked, yeah. But not at the wh*teoid store.

>> No.13906117

>turn 360° and litterally end up facing the same door because i know nothing about geometry.

>> No.13906141

This has gotten annoying over the years. Luckily in some instances I had a visa debit card on hand. Recent I luckily set up the phone for contactless. This was for a 100$ purchase from a bakery too and they couldn’t accommodate even when I said to add 3% to the bill to cover the amex charge. The small garden center I frequent I tell them to add a few to the bill for the same thing and they have no problem doing so

>> No.13906145

Amex is fucking useless dude. My work uses amex and half the time I have to file reimbursement because nobody takes that shit. Why does anyone still bother with anything except visa, mc, discover, and jcb?

>> No.13906147

Try learning some more english words before attempting to correct other people.

>> No.13906173

>Less trips to the store = less transmission.
That's fair. Although grammatically incorrect.
I just don't worry that much about actually catching the virus myself, I suppose. For all I know I already did.
And yes, I think they closed a lot of places for "shits and giggles". Or rather, they closed them to appear to be doing something even if what they're doing is not very effective.
My library is closed by the grocery stores are open. Do they really think the library posed more of a threat of infection, or are they just issuing broad decrees because they can?

>> No.13906175

welcome newfriend

>> No.13906180

In the last 6 months I have encountered one business that doesn't take Amex. And I use them because they offer the best cash back, the best rewards, and have the best customer service.

>> No.13906184

Try learning the definition of context before attempting to correct other people and trying to sound smart.

>> No.13906233
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>> No.13906244

>American express is not except from the rule
no u

>> No.13906245

Pay in cash as usual

>b-but muh plastic jew credit score

>> No.13906260

Thank God I generally never spend less than $10 at a grocery store.

>> No.13906270

I had my card number lifted a few years ago and amex had a new card delivered for me the next morning. It was about a 5min call to report, get refunded and new card issued. Easily the best customer service so far

>> No.13906289

Simple, dont do things you are ashamed of and you cant be shamed.

>> No.13906346

Credit card? You got it!

>> No.13906359

it's actually grammatically correct

>> No.13906369

It is, but it is not the word they intended to use. They meant "Not Accepting American Express". "Not Excepting American Express" would normally imply that they are not taking cards, except American Express.

>> No.13906370

>oh hi, anon, ive cleaned up your home. i can't understand how you can live with all these dead plants all around so i threw them out and got some living ones

>> No.13906373

>They meant
How do you know, faggot?

>> No.13906376

What else would they have meant?

>> No.13906384

That the rule about a ten-dollar minimum applies to AmEx too.

>> No.13906391
File: 125 KB, 904x616, expecting ck to be smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to be edgy
You're not, faggot

>> No.13906396
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>being this new

>> No.13906400

>Amex symbol blanked out on right side of door
>we accept Amex
how dumb are you?

>> No.13906401

You're just making an assumption here.

>> No.13906406

Ignore him, he's one of those LessWrong faggots.

>> No.13906418

Probably pay in cash. Also that's clearly a liquor store.

>> No.13906454

Most banks will return that money to you. I've had it happen before but it was only small amounts.
I had a friend who lost $300 but the bank returned that money to them.

>> No.13906467

Call the credit card company and report the store for violating their terms of service.

>> No.13906469

It's not a violation.

>> No.13906474

Can you actually make out that it used to be AmEx? I can't.
Not trying to be contrarian, just wondering how you can tell.

>> No.13906475

it's not 2009 anymore

>> No.13906476

>a) not worry cause who goes to the grocery store to buy less than $10 worth of goods
>b) buy more shit because i'm not a worthless poor fag for whom $10 is a meaningful sum

>> No.13906481

please wait a minimum of 10 years before posting
>t. mgmt

>> No.13906484

>licking banker boot

>> No.13906490

They pay a fee for credit processing. They are not allowed to set minumum prices to cover this fee.

>letting the grocer step on you on behalf of the banker

>> No.13906496

You can't pass on the fee, you can set a minimum. You are conflating two different issues.

>> No.13906501

Bruh all cards do that

>> No.13906543

I don’t think I have spent less than $100 at the grocery store all year. Do you fags go every day or some shit?

>> No.13906579

Setting a minimum -is- passing on the fee.

>> No.13906582

It is not.

>> No.13906594

Since we're blogging now, anyone want to hear about my day?

>> No.13906595

I pay cash to avoid being tracked or hacked.

>> No.13906601

When I owned a retail store, the contract with the credit card processor specifically stated you could not set a minimum. I can't imagine that has changed.

>> No.13906604


>A PCN cannot stop you from setting a minimum dollar amount for accepting credit cards for payment as long as the minimum is the same for all credit card issuers and PCNs, and isn't more than $10.

>What's new about that? PCNs sometimes prohibited merchants from refusing to accept a credit card as payment if the customer's purchase didn't exceed a certain amount. For example, if you accepted credit cards at all, the PCNs or banks might have said you had to accept a credit card for even the most minimal purchases.

>> No.13906630

>anyone want to hear about my day?

How was your day? I haven't met up with anyone for a month, eating what I brought before, have frozen greens, miss fresh fruit.

>> No.13906686

Okay Mr Stallman

>> No.13906699

This is the newest guy I've seen in literal years.

>> No.13906706

imagine being this new

>> No.13907262

In some places, businesses make up that loss of business by avoiding taxes, which is something they can do much more easily when they're cash only.

>> No.13907292

You only eat at chain restaurants

>> No.13907303

Lot of redditors in here I'm not gonna give Yous too. The guy who pointed out the 360 thing just trolled the fuck out of you, because you are retarded and take everything at face value.

>> No.13907404

the quarantine is attracting people so desperately bored they come to this board