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13902135 No.13902135 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of my pizza?
Im getting pretty good at this.

>> No.13902141

Cook the basil on the pizza nigga

>> No.13902156
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Check out underside

>> No.13902157

The dough looks like it hasn't rested long enough and/or your oven's not hot enough.

>> No.13902165

That's not particularly impressive. Definitely not a bad pizza though.

>> No.13902184

Looks tasty bro, don't listen to basil guy. Basil gets a slight cook from the warm pizza that's perfect. What is your dough recipe?

>> No.13902213

I dont have a pizza stone my dude , just getting it brown in the bottom is a huge achievement for me.

I like my basil fresh, i get why some people like to cook it with the pizza but in my experience it just burns. Fresh is unbeatable.

A cup of water
2 tsp of sugar for yeast
2 tsp of instant yeast
280g of tipo 00 flour
About 7g of sea salt
2-3tsp of sugar for browning
A bit of olovol for browning

Mix sugar, dough and salt on a dry container
Heat water a bit, bout 15 secs on microwave works
Mix sugar and yeast on water
Wait for it to get started, bout 10-20mins

Mix yeast water with dough mixture, need well, form into a ball and let it rise until doubled in size, then cut in half and form into pizzas, or leave and make a very big pizza

>> No.13902252
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The bread turned out fantastic, very tasty, very good texture.

>> No.13902267

This time around I rested it for only an hour at room temp.
Usually I like leaving it on the fridge to ferment for at least 3 days.
Oven temp is 260C

>> No.13902282
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Bread came out pretty well for such a short ferment

>> No.13902288
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Browning on bottom is pretty decent too

>> No.13902367

That's a really short rise. Did you ever try a long one? Gives me far surperior texture.

>> No.13902382

Browning is a meme, especially if you have to add sugar to get it
Either you have a good oven and you get it naturally, or you just make your pizza white. It doesn't even mater, white crust can still be cooked thoroughly and be crunchy, who cares about the aspect
Your pizza is still decent, but your dough recipe could get some improvement, you should try to make a biga the day before, this way you'll only use 1/4 tsp instant yeast, and no sugar, flavour will be better and the dough won't taste of yeast at all

>> No.13902402

If I make my pizza in the cast iron pan which oil should I use to grease the surface and cook @ 275C?

Generic olive oil? Grapeseed?

>> No.13902407

Looks great. I would eat this.

>> No.13902419

looks good but cook the basil
with that one improvement i would pay for this meal

>> No.13902437

You need to understand about presentation

>> No.13902438
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>> No.13902464

No, it's a pizza, no one cares about presentation, it just needs to taste good

>> No.13902495

Yes, read >>13902267
I was fucking starving today, thats why I did a short rise.

My dough doesnt taste like yeast at all.
Browning isnt a meme dude, not at all, learn about maillard reactions.

I would use olive oil

Thanks bro

I like my basil fresh

>> No.13902508


That crust is depressing

>> No.13902521

Then don't say browning, say caramelization. Pizza crust doesn't need to be caramelized, it's a fucking meme. Napolitan pizza isn't caramelized at all, it just has black spots because the wood oven is so hot it literally burns the pizza, but the rest of the crust is usually light in color, maybe you just wanted another style of pizza but it looked like an attempt at it. Also I'm pretty sure with this amount of yeast and short rise, your dough will taste yeast, but you probably have some special yeast
>inb4 autism

>> No.13902527

too many leafs for me

>> No.13902539

From your posts i get the impression that you dont really understand cooking in the slightest.
Presentation is absolutely critical, I dont mean your food needs to look excesively fancy like if it were from a pretentious restaurant but if your food looks like shit then the person thats going to eat it is predisposed to not liking it. If you serve me dogshit looking chocolate mousse im not gonna eat it.
And about browning, browning can be incredibly important, if youre not correctly browning foods that ought to be browned youre missing out on a ton of flavors, aromas and textures that should be on your food this is due to something called maillard reactions.
Not correctly browned food will never taste as good as correctly browned food, this is specially true for bread.
Extra sugar in bread is absolutely justified as a home cook because it allows browning to happen in a home oven that simply wouldnt happen. If you have a wood fire oven than you dont need to add extra sugar but as regular oven owning person its literally the difference between meh bread and actually fantastic bread.

>> No.13902547

I was with you until you spouted off with this extra sugar in bread nonsense

>> No.13902564

I never said presentation was not important in cooking. I said it doesn't matter in pizza, it's a rustic food and by putting sugar everywhere in it you're making it disgusting. Give me the worse looking pizza without sugar, it will taste better. And I reiterate, browning in a pizza isn't necessary as long as it's cooked. You literally eat ciabatta white and it's great

>> No.13902576

Its literally 2 tsps.

>> No.13902589

>ny-style pizza

>> No.13902600
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The amount of extra sugar is so.small you wont even taste it dude.
Watch this >>13902576

>presentation doesnt matter with pizza
Would you find picrel appetizing?

>> No.13902602

Hi Adam.

>> No.13902626

Dont get me wrong, I'd eat the hell out of that, but it looks like shit. Whatever browning you are talking about looks awful.

>> No.13902635

Of course there's a minimum amount of presentation, I won't eat something that looks disgusting, but browning a pizza with sugar is unecessary, and it won't make it look better, but it will eventually make it taste worse

>> No.13902649

even the pepperoni curls away in disgust of what it has to sit on. yuck.

>> No.13902655

>it will make it taste worse
Look dude, one of my best friends has a wood fire oven in his house, as we both like cooking we usually go there and make woodfire pizza. The only way I can get pizza made in my home oven to be on the same level as pizza made on the wood fire is if I add a bit of extra sugar to help with browning, otherwise home oven pizza gets btfo.
Theres also chemical reasons to why this is true.

>it doesnt look better
It absolutely does

>> No.13902689

Next pizza I make i'm gonna try this, but if it doesnt work out i'm gonna cap your post and call you out.

>> No.13902693

It doesn't look better, OP pizza would look better without the sugar/browning, here it literally looks like a pie crust. The pizza you linked is literally brown but it has absolutely NO crunch, look how he folds it, it's absolute shit. Adding sugar to your pizza won't make it on the same level as a wood oven one, wood oven pizza crusts, aren't even brown they have black burnt spots, also I will absolutely taste 2 teaspoon sugar in a pizza, if you don't your tastebuds are fucked

>> No.13902699

You wont regret it my dude, it really does make a big difference.
Remember, its a small amount of sugar. If your dough goes sweet then its your own fault.

>> No.13902711

I'm gonna add a tad less than you suggested in case it turns out bad, but I'm trusting you. 2 days until I make pizza for my family so I'll post the finished result then, good or bad.

>> No.13902738
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very nice anon. i made this the other day

>> No.13902743

Make the dough right away, let it rise slowly in the fridge. Youll get amazing taste and texture that way

Ill taste 2tsp of sugar in a pizza.
No you wont, 2 tspn = 8g of sugar, from my recipe you have a dough weight of 516g (280g of flour + 236g of water) so 2tsp of sugar amounts to 0.77%of your total mass compare this to something actually sweet, like an oreo, which is composed of 38% sugar, moreover a considerable part of that sugar gets eaten by the yeast during fermentation, so its even less.

>> No.13902759

I will absolutely taste it. But if you let it rise slowly in fridge, then I won't, of course. But then the fucking sugar won't help for BROWNING which was what we talked about. Putting sugar in your biga is totally ok

>> No.13902768

I coomed as soon as i saw that in the catalog

>> No.13902833

I let my dough rise on my windowsill :/

>> No.13902860

Looks pretty good.

Lmao dont overcomplicate it. You add a small bit of sugar to help with browning at lower temps. Thats it.


If that works for you then its perfectly fine. Try the fridge tho, for at least a single doughball

>> No.13902868

thanks bud. sorry for the haters, i'm gonna actually give this a shot.

>> No.13902994

Dont sweat it dude. Youll see the pizza will turn out fantastic

>> No.13903006

Not bad at all. That crust makes me sad though, you should get a stone if you plan on making pizzas semi-regularly

>> No.13903015
File: 1.80 MB, 2880x2160, 20190805_170632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a pizza I made a while back. It was one of my first attempts. Ended up pretty good. Even if it isn't pretty.

>> No.13903144

>Im getting pretty good at this.
No, you're not.

>> No.13903204

No you fucking aren't.

>> No.13903532

Seems nice, whats the problem with my crust?

Post your own pizza then faggots

>> No.13903605

Looks tasty. Would eat/10

>> No.13903915

The picture makes your crust look kind of dense and colorless, but that might just be the lighting, also I hadn't seen >>13902288
until after I made my first post. That is pretty good browning for a home oven pizza. I would still suggest getting a pizza stone/steel.

>> No.13903919

The best pizza I've ever had in my life and my wife says the same was made by my boomer mechanic father.

>> No.13904187

Not sure if I've missed this, but how long have you been making pizza? I can't say much since not been able to get new groceries since the shutdown started (out of yeast).

Only complaint is the basil, but that's your preference. Keep at it. If you have a cast iron, give that a shot.

>> No.13904633

About a month.
I have instant dry yeast that still works just fine.