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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13901211 No.13901211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most you've ever spent on a meal? I spent $204.31 the other day on a date with the wife. Before that it was a $60 meal at Melting Pot.

>> No.13901229

$400 at Kadowaki

>> No.13901267
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Reminder to euros who come over here on vacation; tipping in america is NOT optional . It seems like it is , but its really not , you might as well just dine and dash because thats what you are doing

>> No.13901283

$30 and I thought it was excessive for a single meal.

>> No.13901301

waiterfaggot spotted. get a better job if you wanna bitch about tips

>> No.13901309

why do servers think they're entitled to big tips? maybe you had to carry out a few extra trays but the kitchen staff is putting in the overwhelming majority of the extra work for a large order, not the server. if you wait on the table for the same amount of time, you don't deserve a larger tip. a $15 supplementary tip is still a good amount of money for the amount of time you're usually serving a table, especially if you're working other tables at the same time.

>> No.13901313

It's called a gratuity and no one is entitled to it. Get a normal job with a stable income.

>> No.13901315

I spent $500 at tootsies in Miami on chicken wings and some bottles of Hennessy and Patron

>> No.13901322

waiters aren't working right now at all.
20% is the normal amount. if you ordered $200 of food then you owe your server $40. math is hard.
>I tried to cheat therefore my victim is the bad guy
If you can't afford to eat out, lrn2 cook.

t. six figure tech worker who hasn't tipped anyone in six weeks but not by choice

>> No.13901327

you fucking reek of insecurity, manbaby. and I guarantee you're some effete cuck of a waiter

>> No.13901336

>gyps servers with 20%
if you can't afford to pay 30% for standard service, stay home and ocok

>> No.13901349

Is there a word in the english language that screams "I'm poor" more succinctly?
I'll usually tip >20% if I'm taking up a whole table alone at peak dinner hours but that's only when I'm traveling for work and therefore not coming out of my pocket. I wouldn't go to a restaurant alone for dinner if I wasn't on the road and 20% of a two-person tab is enough to keep a roof over their head

>> No.13901360

if you're travelling for work what's the fucking point isn't it works money? isn't it also some place you're not going to go back to so might as well not tip. at peak dinner hours there are plenty of other tables to tip them anyways so it's not like your tip will be missed much

>> No.13901363

Wow someone fell in love with their attractive server at Ruby Tuesday. Tipping is based on performance, not a flat percentage, cuck.

t. Professional chef

>> No.13901367

>20% is the normal amount

10% is the normal amount. 20% is virtue signaling and propagating socialism.

>> No.13901377

>if you're travelling for work what's the fucking point isn't it works money?
Yes? What are you trying to say?
>? isn't it also some place you're not going to go back to so might as well not tip.
No? 80% of my trips are to either Chicago or Silicon Valley.
> Ruby Tuesday.
Hello poorfag!

>> No.13901394

It's due to the fact that usually the employers pay the shitty minimum wage at start and only way to make decent wage to essentially rely on tips for their income. It's the reason why I don't bother tipping anymore outside of restaurants and only if the service was excellent. The waitress bitch thinks she's entitled of her 20% because she thinks you greeting the customer with a smile and gave out their order with likely help of another waitress/waiter gives them the right of 20%.

>> No.13901406
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>> No.13901407

80€ at a friends restaurant, about 8 years ago. Now that I think about it it's probably time to do it again, if only for the cauliflower mousse.

>> No.13901426

No. Zero percent is the normal amount. If a server wants an actual wage, they should get an actual wage. Purposely relying on others to donate them money, then getting mad when they don't is 100% their own fault.

>> No.13901429

The most I spent for the least quality meal was 120 cdn for two people at a fondue place. You got a few pieces of chicken breasts with different sauces a few pieces of beef, some bread and a shitty beer dip and cut strawberries with chocolate for desert.
Was just bland and boring but I guess you pay for the novelty.

>> No.13901460

$80 at an upscale Korean bbq restaurant with some friends out in LA, super pricey but the meat was out of this world.

>> No.13901461

It's not a "donation", it's a wage. You agreed to the transaction by eating there. Your pretending to be dumb, or stamping your feet and going "nu-uh! nu-uh!" doesn't make you right.

>> No.13901506
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>> No.13901508

stay mad, you grumbling little faggot
I'm still not paying

>> No.13901520


I don't recall signing a contract when I ordered my food. Refuse my business if you don't like the reality of things. But you won't, will you?

>> No.13901526

>not just dine and dashing or at a minimum not tipping when you know you won't be coming back
who cares

>> No.13901529

b-b-b-but I did all this working walking around!!!!!!! NO YOU CAN"T JUST NOT TIP THATS STEALING

>> No.13901531

its 20% because jews haven't increased wages in years.

>> No.13901532

I cant stand people expect a tip based on the cost of the food. I tip based on the work they do as a server.

I mean why do you serve more of a tip for a $200 meal than a $20 meal?

>> No.13901539

thats a chad move

>> No.13901547


>matching tips to inflation

That's not how this works.

>> No.13901559

Not my reputation, not my food getting spit in, 0/10 not impressed
You're not eating there again anyway so I guess good for you?
I didn't sign a contract with the government to tax my income and yet, 32% of each additional dollar I make this year goes to Uncle Sam... funny how life works huh? You could also do what this guy does >>13901526
Deadbeat losers have lots of options, see? Those of us who can afford to not be losers though, we'd rather just keep the system running. Because having a system means more to us than punishing loser freeloaders like you.

>> No.13901580

I never tip. Love seeing these loser waiters seethe like a little bitch they are

>> No.13901598

Who actually gets a job as a waitress expecting to make REAL money? You agree to work for $2.50/hr and spend the rest of your shift whoring yourself for the generous mercies of fucks who don't give a shit about you. If you want real money, get a real job. Not a high school/college pocket money job.

>> No.13901608

Minimum wages should be matched to inflation generally. Disagreeing makes you a cuckold

>> No.13901610

>OP pic

here in Germany, if you give between 5% to 10% tip, that means the meal and service were good and you are satisfied with the place

>> No.13901615

You're not entitled to a good tip

>> No.13901617

If I leave a tip it's either 10% or $5, whatever is less.
And that's a big if.

Although once, when some ladyboy with dyed pink hair and bleached fucking eyebrows forced his way into replacing our original waitress, we told him our 12 person group was splitting to individual checks and agreed to stiff him entirely. We were seated near to the door to the kitchen, called one of them from the door and loudly expressed our enjoyment of the meal while handing over a stack of mixed $20s and $50s while the kitchen staff and our original waitress cheered.
The utterly crushed look it had was the greatest dessert I've ever had.

>> No.13901621

I never tip, and I rarely hit up the same place twice. I'd rather get takeout or go to Popeyes.

>> No.13901627

>tipping 40$
Lmao fuck that. They can starve to death for all I care. I've never had to work at a job that made me rely on tips. Not my fault they do.

>> No.13901628


i was unemployed for a while, then i found a job and miraculously the pay was around 2.8K euro a month wich is a lot in france, so i took my litle brother to a one star michelin chef we oredered the most expensive menu, it was composed of 12 different service, it was 135 euro each, and he bought the wine, but his card was denied so i bouht it all. so about 320 euro. it was worth it

>> No.13901633


>> No.13901637

Why are black people like this?

>> No.13901642

Not even black. Seethe, cope, dilate. Only poor people tip high because they live off of handouts and welfare.

>> No.13901643

I work a non-culinary topped position and I couldn’t agree with this more closely. I have co-workers EXPLODE when foreigners don’t tip them. In my position, we make an alright wage and the tips are an icing on the cake, maybe a third of total take home amount.

I’ve worked BOH in several positions and all servers are good for is eye candy and the occasional fuck. They constantly complain over the dumbest shit despite working less hard and getting paid more than BOH

>> No.13901644

I don't get how the waiter deserves a bigger tip because the food itself was more expensive.

>> No.13901647

You can't fool me, Tyrone. No one except blacks can just randomly say "Popeyes" as a name of a restaurant. And yet it just rolled off your tongue like it was nothing.

>> No.13901652

Holy cringe

>> No.13901657
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>> No.13901664

Paying taxes and tipping makes me a far right wh*teoid militiaman who listens to pink floyd?

>> No.13901675

An entitled generation wanting more money because they do normal human functions.

>> No.13901677

Lol black people never tip unless they do, in which case you receive four crumpled one dollar bills. They are tied for worst tipper position with Asian Indians. You can tell how rich (and how/when they got rich) by a combination of their tip and how they act.

>> No.13901782
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>> No.13901845

Can't possibly because a table of 6 is more work than a table of 2

>> No.13901847

I asked it back then and ill ask again, what the fuck is tipping? You already are getting paid for the job, why would a random person pay you for doing your job?

>> No.13901869

I didnt agree to pay their wages, by going to a resturant i agree to eat, and pay for the food, not all of a sudden for the worker, if your retarded brain thinks like that then it should realize that i would need to recieve profit from your work, because, after all, by your logic, im paying your wage.

>> No.13901871

>the wife
You have to go back

>> No.13901872

Naw, I think I'll keep going there. Run a high bill, pay it, not tip, then get the place shut down after I sue their asses penniless for spitting in my food, you hoard of greasy low-income wagie goofs. Waiters should have their tongues cut out.

>> No.13901892
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fuck dude, you're up here
take it down to here

>> No.13901917

i just spent $300 on one steak that i have to cook myself

>> No.13901921

Would you not rather have them stripped naked and gang raped by a pack of wild niggers? This is your sexual inadequacy talking, right?

>> No.13901939


unemployed! HAHAHAH!!!

>> No.13901948

Says the little queer who brought up sex in the first place. I'd rather just have them shut the fuck up for once and have them wake up from their fucked fever dream and see their true place in the world; rock bottom.
I'd rather hire a junkie then somebody with "waitstaff" on their resume
I'm perfectly calm, what do you mean?

>> No.13901968

what are you gonna do, call the cops?

>> No.13901980

Mother once gave me and some buddies a voucher she had for $150 at Peter Luger... That should be enough to cover 3 young men, right? Not only was it not enough, even after putting our on-hand cash together we didn't have quite enough to properly tip Mr Belvedere and he made us look like dicks for it. It should be a crime to charge that much for steaks.

>> No.13901989


>> No.13902003

>the little queer
>rock bottom
>see their true place
Do you think you'd have the balls to hire a junkie and sexually abuse them though or is this just your tough talk?

>> No.13902004

I think somewhere around 15 dollars, probably less.

>> No.13902022
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go a week, cold-turkey, I fucking dare you

>> No.13902032

>spelled Cumbrian wrong

>> No.13902043

You're the one with the bottled up sexual frustration though. I think in your case you might need to jerk off more.

>> No.13902045

Tipping is tax evasion.

>> No.13902056

rent free

>> No.13902064

>See an American do something stupid
>Remark on it immediately
>le rent free
Dumb Americans don't even understand the phrases they use

>> No.13902074

At some places the waitstaff splits the tip with the back of house and the employers are legally allowed to pay far below minimum wage in certain states because the servers are expected to make the difference in tip.

>> No.13902079

And obviously you know the image was made by an American because....?

>> No.13902084

>in certain states because the servers are expected to make the difference in tip.
Not sure how that's my problem. I still tip but that's really on the restaurant.

>> No.13902090

No, you fucking loser, IT'S ON YOU

>> No.13902091

Because they're much stupider on average than Europeans while also being the majority of this site especially during these hours. So when I see a stupid post it's most likely from an American. Are you Americans too stupid for basic statistical inference?

>> No.13902099

>It's not a "donation", it's a wage.
>You agreed to the transaction by eating there.

Nope. Yes when you buy food at a restaurant, you entered into a sales contract, but the terms of the contract are the price of food on the menu + tax. I did not contract to pay a server's wages. In fact because a tip amount can very, it literally cannot be a term of the contract because terms have to be exact to be an enforceable contract.

>> No.13902100

It really isn't.

>> No.13902104


>> No.13902110
File: 50 KB, 600x387, 1586218976584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago I ate at a restaurant with my then bitch of a wife. It turns out that I didn't have enough cash for a tip, just the bill. So we left without tipping. Seconds later the manager came out, screaming at me why I didn't tip. I told her I didn't have any extra money. She couldn't say anything after that and just walked away angry. Obviously I never went back. Haha fuck you sweetie.

>> No.13902172

Erica is getting 0% next time.

>> No.13902273

Tipping is for chumps and yanks.

>> No.13902314

>Reminder to eurofags who come over here on vacation; tipping in America IS optional . It seems like it isn't, but it is. You have the option to and don't let cucks like this force their opinions down your throat. If your server left a good impression, toss a few bucks their way. If they were cold or ignored you, don't. Easy.