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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13895868 No.13895868 [Reply] [Original]

>boomer dad just sent me and my brother a two-person household a cake for 18-24 people
>brother can't eat it because of a food allergy dad conveniently forgets all the time
>i hate desserts and he knows this
>don't have room in freezer because of quarantine food hoard of essentials
what the fuck. why are boomers so wasteful
did he drunk purchase this cake? do i need to put him in a home?

>> No.13895882

hand it of brootha

I live in CA Orange County u around there?

>> No.13895891

you really think i want to mingle with a filthy channer at a time like this?

>> No.13895893

You're lucky. My dad refused to send me Twinkies.

>> No.13895895

My dad sent really cute easter baskets to my two kids, but receipt was on. Made me cry and just feel bad on multiple occasions. I know gift baskets are overpriced by nature, but it was expensive for what it was. I think he realized later too and regretted it because he was kind of salty about it later. :-(

Still feeling pangs of sadness!!

>> No.13895898

dont worry bruh, u just leave it outside somewhere and i will swoop it up with me mum

just tell me where and when home dog

>> No.13895902

your dad sounds dumb

>> No.13895905

I’m going to start crying again.
He was just being nice — can’t see his two grandkids — wanted to send them Easter baskets.

>> No.13895906

on the other side of the country unfortunately
but you gave me the idea to give it away so I'll see if someone in my neighborhood wants it and do the do

>> No.13895934

maybe tell him to do something cheaper next time so he wont regret it

>> No.13895943

>I hate desserts
>brother has a food allergy
Do your poor dad a favor and go away you ungrateful little shit.

>> No.13895950

why are kids today so fucking ungrateful

>> No.13895958

>papa i do not like clams, please do not give them to me again
>alright son
2 days later
>here you go son! clams!

Good parents dont do this

>> No.13895964

What kind of freak human being doesn't like desserts? Oh you.

>> No.13895973
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Give us a region and someone will take this cake off your hands I guarantee you.

>> No.13895987

>waah dad bought me a birthday cake and I hate it so no I have to go whine on social media instead of just throwing it away

>> No.13895996

DC area

>> No.13896018

it was an easter cake
after he offered to buy us fruit and vegetables and we said "we'll take you up on it when we need to"
he usually gets us edible arrangements, which would have been infinitely more useful than this shit
at least you can turn shitty fruit into a smoothie
shitty cake half of your party is allergic to is a paperweight with a shelf life

>> No.13896038

I don't blame your dad for the cake, I blame him for not whipping your ass and teaching you respect when you were young. Now you turned out to be insufferable.

>> No.13896052

boomers are wasteful because they grew up in a time of plenty. that's why they have no empathy for "millennials" and zoomers--they were so privileged that they literally cannot fathom hardship.

you should shoot him.

>> No.13896096

>my action was not met with worship and dicksucking?
>my children have their own opinions and autonomy?
>get me my whooping belt
prime dad material
hope u find a wife :)

>> No.13896118

the guy thought a picture of a playground cordoned off with tape to keep kids from possibly infecting each other was the saddest thing he'd ever seen in his life
this guy doesn't even play with his neices and nephews let alone watch them play
it's kind of weird to see how all of us have changed our lives to adapt to the virus but him. he's STILL trying to get us to plan summer vacation. God willing i will shoot him if he tries to break my arm over it

>> No.13896189

My boomer grandfather cooked 10lbs of mac and cheese for easter, knowing that maybe 5 people would eat any. They just do that shit.

>> No.13896191

>the saddest thing he'd ever seen
imagine having such a sheltered life of privilege. we need to start actively killing boomers in the streets.

>> No.13896199
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>> No.13896206

>cry and just feel bad on multiple occasions
Jesus you faggot, why are you crying over a fucking basket?
Do you weep in front of your wife like this you pathetic limp dick?
This is a god damned shame.

>> No.13896211

Mac freezes well, just fucking freeze it and then put diff. toppings on to dress it up when you thaw and eat.

>> No.13896230

send me some pls, I fucking love cake

>> No.13896232

you conveniently forgot my dad bought this for me and my brother and my brother is allergic to it so... hard to feel any sympathy for my dad when he doesn't bother to remember or if he does completely disrespects it out of spite or pretends it's not real

>> No.13896236


>> No.13896250

>being allergic to cake

>> No.13896266

>no argument

>> No.13896282

this is a boomer thing and i hate it as well
they make or cook X amount of a food that nobody really wants to eat..so it ends up with

A) you force yourself to eat it and your body hates you

B) you dont eat it, feelings get hurt and you also feel guilty for wasting food

C) you now have the hassle of finding someone or a homeless person to give it to

>> No.13896290

just kill that siclky sissy brother of yours already

>> No.13896292
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>why dont you like desserts like meeee
maybe cos not EVERYONE has a sweet tooth?
i prefer salty savory snacks any day over diabetes garbage

>> No.13896305

would rather gorge myself on fries and meat than garbage like sugar
also, your favorite fruit at peak ripeness > any dessert

>> No.13896309

You're genetically deformed if you have an actual life-threatening reaction to milk, flour, eggs and sugar.

>> No.13896327

he's my bro and i love him
can't say as much for my dad

>> No.13896350

it's okay, you're just.. just transitioning.

>> No.13896364

>heart disease is better than diabetes
lol k.

>> No.13896371

I know just the guy

>> No.13896376

your body literally cannot function without salt
salt was so precious there were salt trading routes and even wars fought over salt
but sugar itself is just a degenerate indulgence, as all carbs is converted to sugar upon digestion

>> No.13896415

The best way to handle the situation would be to say something along the lines of "they loved it! But don't spend so much money next time!". Make him feel good while gently chastising him to not overspend

>> No.13896424

This but unironically

>> No.13896458

you're cruising for a bruising kid, hope you get your shit pushed in today.

>> No.13896466

>I don't love my father
I have a feeling this is about more than just fucking cake.
Food pantries are fucked right now, take it over and make some little crack baby's day.

>> No.13896505


>> No.13896515

Just give it away dipshit. Literally homeless fuckers out on the street will repackage it and sell it.

>> No.13896522

Or you stop being a retard and throw it out.

>> No.13896539

bro now I'm crying too

>> No.13896543

excuse me, sir, this is a "no boomers allowed" thread

>> No.13896561

>what is point B

"throw out food?? dont you know there are STARVING KIDS in africa??"

>> No.13896754

>muh starving blackies
Fuck off, this issue wouldn't even exist if whitey would stop feeding that fucking continent and leave africans to themselves. Since the food sourceis secured with free food, they have zero motivation or reason to pick up agriculture to be self-sustaining. Meanwhile they just do fuck all day, make new starving babies and handout HIV to eachother because the missionaries preached them for decades that "condom is bad and unholy"
Just leave that fucking continent alone and let africans think for themselves. Too bad big corporations and china exploit africa for the shit tons of ground resources they got...

>> No.13896786

Not an argument. Also be reminded homeless people pick through trash for food.

>> No.13896838

How did we evolve to be unable to function without a substance rare enough to fight wars over?

>> No.13896856

Your father is based. Incredible power play right there.

>> No.13896896


> Dad orders selection of coffee delivered to my flat
> It's ground perfectly for how I make it
> Would normally take forever to get through it all, but making good progress since I'm working from home
> It's delicious

Thanks dad!

>> No.13896920


>> No.13896946

Agricultural diet =/= hunter-gatherer diet

>> No.13896952

>not putting cakes pieces in the freezer for cake everyday
Not gonna make is, zoomie zoom zoom.

>> No.13896999
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I know like 5 people that will take that cake. Where in DC?

>> No.13897114

kindness is considering the other person and what they might want, retard,, not doing something so you can feel good about yourself

>> No.13897155

He wants to feel like he helped. Ask some neighbors if they want it, and leave it on their porch if they do.

>> No.13897159

this whole retarded thread and not even a single picture of the alleged cake?

>> No.13897165

you're a special kind of idiot

>> No.13897181

OP already ate it all by himself and is now hating on it to allay regret.

>> No.13897290

you know what they say
you can't have your cake and see it too

>> No.13897312

We're still living in a time of plenty and think that having our liberties mildly curtailed is actual hardship.

>> No.13897322

There is a lot of naturally-occuring sodium, enough that seasoning with an average diet is unecessary. I think the minimum DV is something like 200-500mg

>> No.13897365

I'm not OP and I also hate desserts. Everyone always tries to insist I "just haven't had the right one" and then gets all butthurt when I either refuse to try it, or try it after they've bitched and moaned and I hate it.

>> No.13898147

are you going to hAVE SEX WITH THEM FOR THE CAKE?

>> No.13898169

hang on. is this op or the guy who cried at the easter basket? i am lost

>> No.13898171

He sounds pretty based. He's probably laughing his ass off knowing how mad you probably are.

>> No.13898217

>Still feeling pangs of sadness!!
fuck off

>> No.13898220

Hopefully this. OP seems like a whiny little sissy pants anyway and his brother is allergic to cake. lol.

>> No.13899467

No, youre just a disgusting amerikek bottomfeeder who does not want to see the future in a bad light. Americans are natural boomers.

>> No.13899482

More like agricultural """diet""" for thousands of years the agriculture jew has had everyone on earth malnourished as fuck, just so that some rich landowners and herders could have 5 wives. Fuck agriculture.

>> No.13899573

>milk, flour, eggs and sugar
Sugar is the only one of those that doesn't have a sizable portion of the population allergic to it.
And sugar is teh diabeetus so I try to avoid that too.

>> No.13899582

>How did we evolve to be unable to function without a substance rare enough to fight wars over?
It's not especially rare, it's just that we really like it so we want much more than we need.
And wars have been fought over some truly petty shit so that's not a good gauge of how important something is. In this case though, the war is a good gauge of how profitable the salt trade is.

>> No.13899603
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Even cranachan?

>> No.13899607

This isn't a cake anon, it's pasta.

>> No.13899826

The ocean is literally made of salt you fucking idiot

>> No.13899829

>every country in the world has access to seawater
>in peasant in 1200 austria could have just taken a plane to the sea

>> No.13899835

Who're you quoting?

>> No.13899852

im saying salt was precious in the past without modern transport and modern production facilities

>> No.13899854
File: 112 KB, 1122x900, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad did something nice and you come here to a bunch of strangers to bitch about him expecting some sort of sympathy. Sounds to me your dad is fine, it's you that needs put in a psychiatric hospital for the rest of your life and your genetic defect of a sibling needs to be join you in as wheezer bubble boy on account of being a weakling that lost the genetic lottery. Hopefully wheezer bro dies of anaphylactic shock and hopefully you kill yourself once you realize you're a worthless, good for nothing and awful son.

>> No.13899860

What did your greentext represent?

>> No.13899861

>hey anon, I care about you, heres A HUGE ASS SUGARY CAKE JUST FOR YOU
>but dad I dont even like sweet things and brother is aller--

>> No.13899862

>the based department has now joined the chat

>> No.13899865

your assumptions

>> No.13899866
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Who buys cake from filthy crackhead bums?

>> No.13899868

What's wrong with
>thanks dad, I appreciate it, I'm not eating anything sweet and Jack's allergic to almonds, so you eat it.

>> No.13899874

You could at least be grateful for the gesture, kill yourself you worthless sack of shit

>> No.13899876

It's the dad's fault for thinking OP has any friends.

>> No.13899877

Don't be grateful for thoughtless gestures. They come from people who don't care about you but want to feel generous anyway.

>> No.13899885

You don't need modern transport and production facilities to scoop up some water, most of the water in this planet contains salt, calling salt rare is a sign of retardation

>> No.13899896

>mineral spring water contains salt

it had value enough to be traded as a commodity, along with spices like pepper etc.

of course nowadays things like pepper and salt are worth jack shit

but back then the european countries literally had colonies producing pepper, rubber, cloves etc


>> No.13899897

If your dad didn't care about you you probably wouldn't be literate enough to be here

>> No.13899899

No it doesn't, leftover pasta is always shit.

>> No.13899902

Do you also think air is a rare commodity because it's hard to come by on some places on earth?

>> No.13899904

No, all developed nations require that people send their children to school. There are penalties for failing to do so.

>> No.13899908

>Why was salt so valuable?

>Prior to industrialization, it was extremely expensive and labor-intensive to harvest the mass quantities of salt necessary for food preservation and seasoning. This made salt an extremely valuable commodity. Entire economies were based on salt production and trade.

>In the Iron Age, the British evaporated salt by boiling seawater or brine from salt springs in small clay pots over open fires. Roman salt-making entailed boiling the seawater in large lead-lined pans. Salt was used as currency in ancient Rome, and the roots of the words "soldier" and "salary" can be traced to Latin words related to giving or receiving salt. During the Middle Ages, salt was transported along roads built especially for that purpose. One of the most famous of these roads is the Old Salt Route in Northern Germany, which ran from the salt mines to shipping ports.


do you feel retarded yet?

>> No.13899911

Why did you post this? I'm asking you why you think salt is rare when the ocean is full of them, are you illiterate?

>> No.13899915

we're talking about THE PAST you doofus

learn to read the thread


>salt WAS so precious

>> No.13899916

No. Sounds pretty easy to obtain salt even before the industrial revolution. Just boil seawater. Easy as fuck.

>> No.13899919


>> No.13899921

yea just turn on the gas and boil seawater right? maybe even use a induction stove so it boils faster. Hurrr so easy. Ancient Rome made the best electrical stoves.

>> No.13899922

So you think the ocean is not full of salt in the past? Thanks for confirming my suspicion, you're retarded

>> No.13899928

stop embarrassing yourself and find a better hobby in this corona lockdown other than acting retarded on a weebaboo website

>> No.13899930

Its a cake, cake is universally loved. Just cause you got the wrong loving from your gym teacher doesn’t mean you shud shun free cake

>> No.13899931

Everybody knew how to make fire, kid.

>> No.13899932
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>cake is universally loved

>> No.13899933

Quite a lot of whiny, ungrateful cunts in this thread. I'd bet they're also salty Berniebros too.

>> No.13899936

>stop embarrassing yourself
I'm not the idiot who thinks salt is in anyway rare, remember to take shallow breaths though, air is rare as fuck at the top the himalayas

>> No.13899938

Oh they're not salty, didn't you get the memo? Salt is SUPER RARE!

>> No.13899943

oh great, just let me find 89781218 lbs of firewood in the middle of medieval rome to boil the massive amounts of water to supply the huge amount of salt that was needed for food preserving before the invention of refrigeration and freezing

dont worry, the trees will grow back overnight, its easy as fuck bro

>> No.13899949



>In the past, salt was difficult to obtain in certain parts of the world. This means that areas producing salt had a valuable trade item, one that they could exchange for gold. In Medieval West Africa, salt led to the development of trade routes, and brought great wealth to the cities and states which they passed through.

>> No.13899953

Both of ya get nekkid and wrestle in the cake.

>> No.13899964

Nice invented number. Not even remotely inflated.

>> No.13899983

>what is hyperbole

anyway, you needed firewood, and woodcutters, and transport, all these needs $$ that added to the cost of the salt

the other method is via evapouration but that is only really possible in certain areas and climate

>> No.13900219

You realise you need sugar to survive right? It's literally in all foods, have you ever wondered why you need oxygen and *glucose* in respiration

>> No.13900256

Sugar as referred to in most food labels != Glucose bro. It's fructose-glucose, and fructose is processed by your liver the same way as a alcohol. There's a reason the devil tempted Eve with fruit - its delicious poison

>> No.13900358

Dude my mom pulls this shit ALL THE TIME

I think they're just retarded at that age, and food is the only thing they know to do. It's like TV and Food and Sports and that's it, so they try to be friendly and helpful by bringing food

But also their stupid boomer taste buds are like shot from years of fast food and restaurant slop, so the only thing they can taste anymore is super sweet food, and that's why you get it.

>> No.13900386

You shouldn't be a wasteful piece of shit just because you're trying to be nice.
My boomer dad does retarded shit like this too. He buys a week's worth of groceries and then comes back with takeout like 5 days a week anyway because he's too fucking lazy to cook. So why buy the groceries then? He also buys paper plates as to not wash anything AFTER he bought real plates to eat on.

>> No.13900396

I live in Alexandria, gimmie the cake nigga

>> No.13900407

>i hate desserts
You're the problem here.
Who the fuck hates desserts

>> No.13900496

lmao this guy thinks saltwater extraction was easy before mass industrialization

>> No.13900850

Bull fucking shit, good parents don't raise picky ass eaters who think they can turn their noses up at the godly winking eye of the food pyramid, that's what good parents don't do.

>> No.13900929

>be me
>not really a cake kind of guy
>would always ask for pies, cookies or icecream as a kid over cake
>mom always makes shitty boxed cake with store-bough frosting when I visit
>never eat that cake
>never eat any desert there anyway
>mom always try to make me bring back half of it
wtf mom what's your problem

>> No.13901134

Mom wanted you to grow up to be a big boy. You should thank her.

>> No.13901163

>wtf mom what's your problem
She was trying to not raise a faggot, too bad she failed.

>> No.13901164

Can't you just give it away to a local charity? Or an old folks home or something?

Also, what kind of weirdo doesn't like cake?

>> No.13901171

I'm in Potomac if u close

>> No.13901353

Considering most cakes are sickeningly sweet I'd say it's understandable

>> No.13901393

oh so you're Asian. now it makes sense.

>> No.13901404

nah, white
>As of 2010, the racial makeup of the CDP was 75.8% White, 4.6% African American, 0.1% Native American, 15.9% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.90% from other races, and 2.6% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.4% of the population.

>> No.13901413

I don't like coronachan either, no.

>> No.13901431
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Homemade cake is one thing but those store-bought cake are terrible desu.

>> No.13901439

liar. post hand.

>> No.13901444

to be fair, there are some decent bakeries out there that will do a nice quality cake delivered.

It just wont be anywhere near as cheap as a mass produced grocery store cake.

>> No.13901456
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>> No.13901487

Maybe dad got it for free and thought you two would like it? Either way, perhaps remind him that his son would die if he ate it, and that you aren't into sweets and then give the cake to the homeless or a food shelter.

>> No.13901545

Nice blogpost faggot

>> No.13901752

Good thing the ocean is walking distance for everyone. Retard

>> No.13901934


>> No.13902127

This is the same kind of boomer retardation that led to $24 trillion of federal debt, somalis occupying Maine/Minnesota, the street drug epidemic, the Rx drug epidemic, and the permanent welfare class. That generation in particular has no concept of unintended negative consequences. Even if it's plainly laid out in front of them, their dumb brains just don't process it. I think it's genetic, and boomers are particularly prone because people who weren't fit to fight in WW2 survived in far greater numbers than they should have as a result of being assigned to menial labor tasks.

The worst generation, right down to genetics.

>> No.13902154

He didn't say it was rare, retard, he said it was valuable. Diamonds are made of carbon, which is one of the most common elements and an industrial waste product, but they're still valuable.

>> No.13903035

>one generation clearly stupider than all the others
>it's genetic
I want to be this retarded, just for a day.

>> No.13903676

What lol? You literally just let the sun do the work for you. Americans and their industrial fetish.

>> No.13903682

This is one of THE best b8s I've seen in a while.

>> No.13904504

I would

>> No.13904881

>The worst generation

>> No.13904901

Holy revisionism, Batman.

>> No.13905420
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>> No.13906750

dosen't look too bad, at least its not the whipped frosting shit.