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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13895669 No.13895669 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own thread

>My question
What rice cooker should I buy?

>> No.13895673

Zojirushi or Cuckoo fuzzy logic/micom in your price range

>> No.13895675 [DELETED] 
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What age is too young for my daughter to be masturbating with a vibrator?

I can clearly hear through the wall she uses one, the buzzing noise. But shes only 11 years old. Feels wrong. I'd much prefer she just used her fingers on the plastic novelty ET finger torch instead of a proper vibrator.

>> No.13895683

Buy the smallest and the cheapest one. Horrendosly bad rice cookers are almost non existent. I got a used one for 15 euros. If you will really get into rice only then consider buying something more expensive.

>> No.13895709

yuropoor here, want to make american buttermilk biscuits but i want to eat them on friday and i'll only have time to make them on thursday. are they good after a day or are they the kind of thing you have to eat fresh? i can just postpone making them until next week, it's not a big deal

also am going to bed and i won't read the replies until the morning so thanks in advance.

>> No.13895738

Mmmk thanks. I'll probably get the Zojirushi NS-LGC05XB Micom for $139. Mor emoney than I was looking to spend but everyone raves about how good the rice cooked in it is

>> No.13895815

What beans are tasty? Looking to stockpile a bunch of canned beans.

>> No.13895823

That one's got a couple extra features you might not need or want to pay for, like dedicated oatmeal and GABA rice settings.
There ought to be a couple micom models lower than that in cost if you look around more.

>> No.13895900

This is the cheapest new Zojirushi micom that I could find, $99

>> No.13895909

Yeh that's about what I would expect to pay. Check and make sure it isn't a Made in China model though.

>> No.13895935

It is. Lol

>> No.13895998

Dried are cheaper and take less space. Black beans are propably my favourite

>> No.13896011

If you're looking to stockpile. Get dried beans

>> No.13896056

in general, they’ll be fine the next day, and will likely become more crumbly like a scone; but nothing is going to compare to a fresh, flaky biscuit, with lots of buttery layers; if you have to wait a day, strongly suggest you take the sausage (or bacon) gravy pill and make gravy to go with; will help with moisture

>> No.13896067

Can anyone recommend a good herbs/spices starter kit for someone with literally none? Got divorced. Kek

>> No.13896092

if you need help, here’s the simplist way to make gravy: cook your bacon or sausages (patties, not links) the way you normally do, but save the fat; the ratio is 1 Tb fat, 1 Tb flour, 1 cup milk, then heavy pepper/salt, to the point where you think it might be over seasoned; many variables, like using cayenne, using cream instead of milk, tossing bits of broken up bacon/sausage back in, etc exist, but the basic formula is the same (like for any bechemel)

>> No.13896099

Penzey’s is the place to start (and end)

>> No.13896719
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the store messed up and bought too much salami and they marked it down a bunch so I bought like 20 lbs of it. what's the best stuff to do with the salami?

>> No.13896752

Get a box of salt.
Get a small pepper mill and a bag of whole peppercorns.
Anything else will depend on what you plan to make, and more importantly what you plan to make regularly.

>> No.13896762
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Got a rotisserie chicken today. Extra red in thigh and leg joints, pinkness throughout, some rubbery bits. Can I further cook and salvage or should I just throw it out?

>> No.13896770

Kits aren't going to have very fresh spices in them. Your best option is buying whole spices and grinding them yourself. You can even make your own paprika by drying sweet peppers in a convection oven overnight at the lowest setting with the door slightly ajar. Mortar and pestles and Krups grinders are cheap (~$20). Whole spices retain their flavor and aroma significantly longer than pre-ground.

If you don't want to put that much effort into it, find a place that sells spices in bulk buy as you need. Spices you'd want on hand are probably onion powder, garlic powder, some sort of paprika, pepper, and then the other stuff depending on what regional/ethnic kind of food you like. Herbs you'd want are thyme, rosemary, oregano/marjoram, chives, tarragon. Delicate herbs like basil don't take to drying very well.

If you end up wanting to try more niche and rare stuff or need it for a specific recipe and can't find it locally, check out online spice stores.

>> No.13896877

If I soak my beans before I cook them would it make it harder for them to absorb sauces and stuff? Also what is the texture of proper cooked lentils suppose to be? Is it mushy or hard?