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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13894013 No.13894013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Food for this feel?

>> No.13894016
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>> No.13894019

Raw bitter melon. That is not her child and you can see the agony behind her smile.

>> No.13894023

egg yolk in concentrated fish sauce

>> No.13894035

I want to put my Aryan seed in her so badly.

>> No.13894067

Too bad she only gets engaged to chubby ugly dudes. You're not attractive enough for her.

>> No.13894112

Mmmm, gourmet baby

>> No.13894117

Clear has sweaty penis

>> No.13894196

I think I finally understand why the manchildren here like her so much.
She's old, she's fat (not in a healthy way), she's a jew. Your senses should be screaming at you to not put your penis anywhere near her. But somehow you feel this indescribable attraction.
It is because you want her to be your mother. Because inside you are still a child. You are not yet a man. You need an (old and ugly) woman to tell you it's all going to be alright. That she's going to take care of you, hold you, and put her tit in your mouth and make you feel better.
My advice: grow the fuck up. Look for girls in their prime not this old hag.
Ps: I'm sure she's a wonderful person, oldness and fatness aside.

>> No.13894219

>women steeped in plastic surgery are so hot and in their prime wow look at that plastic slut what a classic beauty why are you lusting after claire when any obese asshole has 1000 25 year olds who look like 16 year olds if you don't know what youth really looks like to choose from

>> No.13894233

Strawman nonsense.
If your only choice of women are old hag or plastic slut, you're hanging with the wrong circle.

>> No.13894242

If you're choosing women on the basis of appearance your offspring is 80% likely to be a shit.

>> No.13894253

Life's hard and everyone deep down wants to be taken care of. Your ideal screams sheltered clueless early 20s kid.
A nurturing understanding partner is preferable to a fuckhole

>> No.13894260

You're weird.

>> No.13894261


>> No.13894268

Don't have babies with them then.
As if the people lusting over this fat chick know anything about her other than her appearance.
Again the choice is not between a fat chick and a fuck hole. What makes you think this fat one is understanding and caring and all that anyway?
And no I don't need to find a woman to take care of me. That's the difference between you and me.
And I bet I'm older than you. Not that age matters at all really.

>> No.13894277

I would never sexually interact with a woman that I didn't think would be my life partner. But, then, I'm not a useless slut.

>> No.13894290

Is that right? Or maybe you just don't sexually interact with any women? Probably more accurate description.

>> No.13894299

Slut cope is so pathetic. You're either going to hell or reincarnating as an inferior creature. That is a fact.