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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 1575x1838, 4F273AB9-9E87-4D00-98BF-E89C49670EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13892361 No.13892361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Top kek

>> No.13892367


the difference between someone who is in charge of washing the dishes and someone who is not

>> No.13892369
File: 21 KB, 400x400, qDMLymqx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're a fucking hack

>> No.13892406

Both of them are fucking retards. I’d strangle the husband to death for being such a soi boi fagoot. And I’d rape and torture the wife for weeks for being a dumb cunt. She’d be begging me to kill her in the end. But I won’t. I’ll skin her and pour salt and vinegar all over her.

>> No.13892409

Yeah, I leave cleaning for the bitches.

>> No.13892413


>> No.13892414

Take your meds

>> No.13892416

Holy shit based

>> No.13892427

like you wouldn't love to leave claire upside down on a meat hook to bleed out while masturbating to this masterful display of power you've just created.

>> No.13892441

yikes, reporting this post immediately to the BASED DEPARTMENT

>> No.13892446

Your tourist visa has expired.

>> No.13892473

I always wash my dishes as I go or immediatedly after I finish. My roommates will literally leave their shit in the sink for weeks.

>> No.13892519

I'm probably closer to the wife in terms of how I cook. cleaning up AND cooking at the same time is hard when you've got a bunch of things on the stove so I just shove everything in the sink.

>> No.13892551

For me it's a bit of both. I only use the dishes I need, but everything has been rotting in the sink for a fortnight so I first have to wash the dishes I need. Then I put them back in the sink and leave them.

>> No.13892575
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>> No.13892576

still no good, she would probably obtain martyrdom that way

>> No.13892585
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He's right you know

>> No.13892903

that's the post I'd like to see

>> No.13892916

It's the opposite for me and my gf

>> No.13892932

haha it do be like that

>> No.13892934

Yes officer, this is the post.

>> No.13892954
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>> No.13892986
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>> No.13892989


>> No.13893000

That's like me vs. my roommate.

>> No.13893211

Redpilled as fuck

>> No.13893233

Posting in Reddit thread.

>> No.13893565
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Look at me! Look at how useless and QUIRKY I am!

>> No.13893667

pretty accurate

>> No.13893692

exactly the reason why I come to /ck/

>> No.13893718

My parents were the complete opposite of this, and I'm pretty sure that's the norm.

>> No.13893826

Absolutely based

>> No.13893926

When I lived with my parents my dad was so anal about dishes I had to do every single one after cooking. I loved cooking things but I always ate my meals cold due to being forced to clean immediately. That or I cleaned as I went and a simple dish took hours. He also hated the smell of food or me eating period I was always at a friends house and weighed 110 pounds at one point. I hate dishes.

>> No.13893933
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>> No.13893937

Am I an oldfag if I claim to have not felt nauseous after reading this?

>> No.13893943

Nah, shit's pretty tame, really.

>> No.13893965

piss poor larping

>> No.13893974

Woah, he actually simulated that in real life? Evidence?

>> No.13893991

I would have just bought paper plates at that point. I use plastic spoons for this reason.

>> No.13894018
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holy fucking based

>> No.13894020

Unless I spend as much time prepping as cooking I always end up as #2 because my kitchen is tiny and has no counter space.

>> No.13894030

>prepping at home
LOL. You can chop things up in the palm of your hand if you use a steak knife instead of a chef's knife. Just chop the thing that you're adding to the pan first, and proceed sequentially after you've dumped it in.

>> No.13894049

sounds about right

>> No.13894053


anyone that has ever had cockroaches will clean this way since just a small scrap of food or a single dirty dish can cause an infestation

>> No.13894054

Bruh unless I have everything mise en place I end up with a pile of shit and everything dirty; I have like seven square feet of usable counter space. Whenever I make biscuits or pastry I have to use my dining room table because I literally do not have the space to efficiently knead dough or roll out pastry in my horrible 1930s kitchen.

>> No.13894060

dob geg :DDD

>> No.13894061

>ermagahd bugs are so icky

>> No.13894069

>just cut everything in your hands aspie

excuse me?

>> No.13895539

influential. sobering.

>> No.13895595


Cleaning up as you go is stupid unless you need a particular item cleaned for re-use.

>> No.13895619


>> No.13895624



>> No.13895635

>hurr me kitchen me MANCAVE
>being fucking slob MANLY
Catch the coof and die already, Jamal.

>> No.13895636

God you are all retards

>> No.13895637

Why is this hard to believe?

>> No.13895775
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Why is this roastie doing a soyface?

>> No.13895825


>> No.13896571

Haha you always were a kidder Steve

>> No.13896576
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>> No.13896583

you just won the interwebz, sir. the next round is on me.

>> No.13896584

Is that a fucking Harvester reference?

>> No.13896594


>> No.13896635

Include me in the screenshot

>> No.13896807

we did it reddit
we acted all tough on 4chan
fucking kill yourself and the other tourist pussy cunts too

>> No.13896824


>> No.13896837

more like you are a massive newfag for even entertaining the possibility that this could make someone feel nauseous

>> No.13896875
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>> No.13896916
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I wanna fuck Claire so badly. Any woman who's good with kids just makes my cock throb like crazy. Some deep primal instinct just shouts within me: "THIS IS GOOD MATE, OOGA BOOGA! IMPREGNATE NOW!"

>> No.13896926

this made me smirk but i'm not happy about it

>> No.13896943
File: 170 KB, 800x800, intellectual feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are women so stupid, dumb, and also possibly even retarded bros?

>> No.13896953


>> No.13896955

fucking this

>> No.13896959

Go back to darkest Africa

>> No.13896961

Only severely retarded people are not good with kids. That's most of this board, admittedly, but still. You must get a lot of erections.

>> No.13896974
File: 151 KB, 750x1186, iq racist sarah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she such a nazi incel?

>> No.13896983

>Only severely retarded people are not good with kids
So far from the truth that you have no idea. You'd be surprised how negligent an apparently normal and well-adjusted parent can be when it comes to the care of their children. I do get hard a lot, though. I eat lots of onions and lift, what can I say

>> No.13896994

stay skinned and vinegar'd adrienne, you incel cunt.

>> No.13897003


>> No.13897017

Plan ahead and clean when you finish
It's not that hard

>> No.13897022

oh please, interchangeable non-content is that cunt on reddit that every comic he makes is literally just meme template bait.

>> No.13897028

she isn't, the sad sack of human refuse that edited this is tho

>> No.13897328
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>> No.13897369

Aren't you so badass, being all edgy anonymously

>> No.13897389

go to grocery store with vegan gf
tons of pasta suaves that contain no meat or dairy for $1to$4 and she wants to get the $8pasta sauce labeled vegan. fucking marketers.

i picked up a huge quantity of food for like $40 and she goes for like 8 items for like $40

>> No.13897442
File: 19 KB, 264x277, 1582087659600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cow now that's edgy.

>> No.13897468

Trying too hard

>> No.13897641

is this accurate? somebody give me the rundown on IQ statistics

>> No.13897744

It's not about being a man or a woman, it's about being childish and allowing your workplace to build up clutter because you're used to someone cleaning for you.
My brain damaged tranny roommate leaves their dishes on the counter for weeks at a time and only cleans up once a month,
in contrast, the butch lesbian in the house across the street keeps everything spotless.

>> No.13897776

shit like that makes my blood boil

>> No.13897802

Lesbians make fucking EXCELLENT roommates. Great division of household chores. You just have to be sure not to be around to be the potential moment-of-weakness straight rebound guy after one of her lesbian flings inevitably implodes.

>> No.13897817

not op but people like you are making this world less fun

>> No.13897844

no, the Hispanic one is pretty low as well

>> No.13897857

damn is this real?????????

>> No.13897875

Nobody ever cleaned for me in my life, and I still leave trash lying everywhere. Allowing clutter does promote creativity, but in my case it's too much.