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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13887328 No.13887328 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13887333

Any guest too fussy for some simple bachelor chow is too fussy to in my god damned home

>> No.13887338

just all my meals

>> No.13887342

Probably a breakfast skillet with hot dogs instead of a proper sausage, ham, or bacon. Sometimes I'm just lazy, but if someone was over I'd make sure I had something decent for them.

>> No.13887391

Cocoa powder, sugar, and peanut butter, not baked or anything just eat it with a spoon. I can't get enough of it but I fear being called a degenerate should I eat this in front of others.

>> No.13887397

Some restaurants will literally serve you the same

>> No.13887433

Oh I know, but I ain't a shitty bottom-linin' bitch when it comes to my guests.

>> No.13887445

Probably 1/3 of the stuff I make. I don't even serve my girlfriend my usual plain pasta drenched in olive oil and butter.

>> No.13887554

Chicken curry. I'm Indian and all my friends are white so I'm worried about the spice level. If I tone it down I won't enjoy if not they won't enjoy it.

>> No.13887576

I eat vodka sriracha with al dente pasta al tonno. So that

>> No.13887580

tenderoni. it’s the tenderest.

>> No.13887609

>I'm such a degenerate I eat peanut nutella teehee

>> No.13887639

Have you ever thought of reducing the spice level so flavors of the curry actually show through on the palette? Spice isn't a flavor. It's time your people learn that.

>> No.13887642

Fried bread.

>> No.13887646

t. delicate whiteboy who makes a "help me /ck/ my butthole is on fire" thread every time he gets an angry whopper at burger king

>> No.13887648
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most of what i eat during the week looks like this.

>> No.13887653

I'd go for scrambled and the corn is a little weird, but that's a perfectly respectable breakfast skillet.

>> No.13887657

One of my go-to lazy meals is pasta with jarred pesto, that's it

>> No.13887663

girls love that shit

>> No.13887664

Literally everything I make. I'm inherently incompatible with other people.

>> No.13887666

I like spice when it doesn't overwhelm the flavor of the pepper. Like I said, spice isn't a flavor.

>> No.13887670

If you think spice overwhelms the pepper then you're a soft cunt.

>> No.13887677

pasta with butter, chili, garlic, shallot, and msg
that's the big one anyway

>> No.13887684

it's not the delicacy of the eater that the spice is overwhelming, it's the delicacy of the ingredient. the hardest motherfucker in the world still won't be able to taste something if you drench it in chilli

>> No.13887696

I would prefer a delicate palette that can decipher between hundreds of flavors and spices over a palette that can just barely stomach an over-spiced (under-flavored) meal without tasting any other flavor notes in the dish. But, hey. That's just me. I know Indians need to overspiced their meals since most of their meat is spoiled. No judgments.

>> No.13887700

Beanie Weenies

>> No.13887720

The mac'n'cheese from a box I eat all the time. Most people would add butter, warm the mac back up after adding the milk and mixing in the cheese to burn off some of the excess liquid, etc., but I have really low standards for mac'n'cheese.

>> No.13887728

Seems pretty good to me.

>> No.13887733

Garlic recipes since I use a whole bulb.

>> No.13887744

same, i like the cheap taste of mac n cheese. it reminds me of simple childhood.

>> No.13887751

I'd like to think they show through even at my current spice level. Apparently not though.

>> No.13887764

Spice tolerance is genetic, so it may for you, but not for me, and that's okay.

>> No.13887767

>spice tolerance is genetic

>> No.13887776

I agree, anon. I'm trying to learn other cuisines that I can cook which basically don't use spice. I've been taking an interest in French but my attempts to mimic the techniques are shit thus far.

>> No.13887787

It literally is though. Spice tolerance developed in certain temperate zones that had to use spice to kill pathogens in their food, as opposed to white cultures who either pickled, salted, or dug cellars to store their food.

>> No.13887798

spice isn't sufficient to prevent foodborne illness and spice tolerance develops simply by eating spicy food.

>> No.13887801

>spice isn't sufficient to prevent foodborne illness

>> No.13887815

i'm brown and the tiniest amount of spice turns my face redder than chilli pepper.

>> No.13887817

good luck with that

>> No.13887825


>> No.13887836

put some hot sauce on a raw steak then eat it

>> No.13887840

Peanut butter and cheese toastie

>> No.13887851

Raw streak chopped up is just steak tartar. A little hot sauce on that might be nice.

>> No.13887855

my peach-tuna-mayo sandwich. it's very good but I spoke of this to some people and they were shocked so I wouldn't give it to a guest

>> No.13887858

Indians use so much spice because they don't actually want to taste the food.

>> No.13887916

I want the recipe.
I like peach. I like mayo. I like tuna.

>> No.13887930

t. shitskin whose favorite flavor is "early death by heart disease"

>> No.13887936
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>> No.13887937
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>> No.13887938

cut bread (french here, so baguette) in half, put some slices of peach on one side, fill the blanks with tuna, spread mayonnaise on the other side, and voilà. you can make it more sophisticated without the bread though, just take a confit (candied, I think, is the word in english) peach, put tuna in (like you ould do with a stuffed tomato), cover with mayo

>> No.13887942

Nice. Canned peaches or fresh?

>> No.13887945

of course if you take canned peach slices, you may want to dry them up a bit with some paper towels before

>> No.13887948

oh sorry I didn't see your post before posting mine >>13887945

>> No.13887952

no problem my dude, I think I'm going to try that sandwich, thank you.

>> No.13887959
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have a nice time ! if this thread isn't dead by the time you try it, please report so I know if I'm not the only one enjoying this

>> No.13887960

how did you come to think of this monsieur

>> No.13887985

I live right next to the Belgium border and the "sophisticated" version I speak of here >>13887938 is considered an entrée here (not very known of, though, even there : I discovered it through dinners with belgian friends). my mere contribution was to make this a sandwich

>> No.13888052

I like offal and enjoy a vast variety of foods that can be unfamiliar to many people even if there is nothing exotic about them. For my deep southern in-laws, I wouldn’t make anything that could be considered exotic, unfamiliar, cooked less than medium well, gamey, fishy, or too bitter (by sweet tea tongue standards). While I would gladly put time and effort into a nice meal that I’m certain they’d enjoy, I wouldn’t bother to go outside of their absolute comfort zone, which is very narrow. I would avoid offal with all guests. When I’m alone I skip some meals and just eat some bread and cheese for meals sometimes, but I wouldn’t make guests skip a meal or eat meager portions of food.

>> No.13888946

I mix sauerkraut with plain greek yogurt sometimes and eat it for breakfast

>> No.13888950

My cum on some garlic bread.

>> No.13888956


>> No.13889657

That's fine though. All you need to do to make it presentable is skip the corn and garnish it with some fresh herbs once it's plated.

>> No.13889734

open toaster put some butter in first bread then some cheese then some cocoa powder close with another buttered slice, it's disgusting but it's my goto sugar craving bullshit.

>> No.13889852

anything with deenz. normies don't like them
>ewww sardines, anon?
>don't open those in the house
>sardines smell bad, anon
>why would you eat canned fish?
fucking sucks, man. even in a recipe where an anchovy fillet is needed, people I've cooked for say "ewww don't add that, I don't want this tasting like fish"

>> No.13889917

combining greek and italian cuisine i see

>> No.13889984

unironically almost all of my meals. I usually don’t eat side dishes with my meals but if im cooking for someone I at least steam some veggies or something.

>> No.13889991

I don't think it's disgusting, but in my country we have all kinds of weird combinations of sweet and salty.

>> No.13889996


1. diced steak that's been seared and then simmered in a can of beans

2. ground beef that's been simmered in a can of condensed soup and then topped on rice

3. macaroni & cheese powder topped onto basically any noodle.

>> No.13890003


some food tastes better with some spice in it.


t. pajeet who's butthurt that white people foodies co-opted spicy food and bred the hottest peppers in the world, so now every white boi is a boomer born in the 50's.

>> No.13890023

Bullshit, my parents can't take anything hotter then Tabasco but I use el yucateco all the time with no problem.

>> No.13890050
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King fucking Crab. All my freeloader friends get Dungeness at best.

>> No.13890079

Chile ramen, drained and mixed with crumbled goat burger and a can of mushrooms.

>> No.13890084

>chop whatever veg i have lying around
>saute in a skillet
>scramble a couple eggs too
>add seasonings

Bland af but fills the stomach and doesn't require thinking.

>> No.13890112

peanut butter and raspberry preserves stirred together in a bowl.
10/10 weirdo snack

>> No.13890131
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do you also like the backed potato my friend?

>> No.13890154

my fried rice is left over trash im trying to get rid of. that's for daddies only.

>> No.13890168

seems good

sardines are delicious, though

>> No.13890173

that just sounds like a pb and j without the bread

>> No.13891054

Augmented instant noodles

>> No.13891331

I guess your mom was a whore with the Mexican mailman, eh?

>> No.13891336

>feel too lazy to cook
>scramble 2 eggs
>mix it with wathever the fuck I have in the fridge, mostly cheese and veggies
>drop the slop on a tortilla and bake it for a while
>tastes like sandpaper with a tint of black pepper, but its filling and healthier than ordering takeout

>> No.13892221

Fried sardines with pasta and cheese. Looks like shit and is really fishy but I like it.

>> No.13892235

other than the corn it looks pretty good

>> No.13892266

literally just any sandwich but microwaved, im too lazy to try and grill it properly, but if a friend wanted one I'd make one

>> No.13892284

My family makes a dish we call Stack. It's very simple.
Seasoned and cooked ground beef combined with cooked brown rice, cooked peas and grated cheddar cheese.
It's pure flyover food, but I like it.

>> No.13892286

Nigga what

>> No.13892295

Baked ground beef & roasted potatoes with cheddar cheese in a bowl.