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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 500x500, Simpsons-Doughnuts-4238-Copy-1-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13883268 No.13883268 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there people on /ck/ who act like an old man from the 1700s that's eaten nothing but bitter roots his entire life and act like anything with a bit of sugar is a crime against the universe? They'd say oatmeal is too sweet

>> No.13883278

Defensive op.

>> No.13883300

> he doesn't like knawing on a ginger root

>> No.13883306

OP's just a picky eater.

>> No.13883307

Because there's been a pretty big health revolution within the last decade or so, people have come to realize how bad and addicting sugar is as well.

>> No.13883312

Any time I eat sweets, I get an ashen aftertaste in my mouth that I HAVE to wash out with water.

I liked them when I was younger, kinda stopped eating them as I got into my teens for no good reason, and then eventually started to hate it.

>> No.13883324

No quite the opposite, unlike some I don't blow my top at the mention of something sweet, nor do I claim that anything with a crystal of sugar in it makes my head hurt or anything ridiculously stupid like that.

>> No.13883374

Riight, denying that you're a picky eater puts you in denial. Seek therapy!

>> No.13883391

Denying reality is why you should seek therapy before shooting a school.

>> No.13883396
File: 8 KB, 234x216, ghiugikfiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a fucking tool man, no well-adjusted adult eats sugar regularly

>> No.13883807

Two options:
1. Media-brainwashed ameritard, the same kind who thinks butter is healthy but cream is "décadent".
2. Autist
Make your bet

>> No.13883811

The obesity rates keep going up, not down. Do not incentivate sugar consumption.

>> No.13883843
File: 912 KB, 640x480, 1579028499237.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no well-adjusted adult eats sugar regularly

>> No.13883889
File: 1.83 MB, 333x358, ..........gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obesity and diabeetus epidemic
>whiteknighting for the trash food responsible
Oi vey, keep buying the junk food anons, nothing to see here, have another energy drink.

>> No.13884601
File: 87 KB, 667x891, 1578776122348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a "bit" of sugar

>> No.13884604

Processed shit is honestly unpleasant to someone accustomed to the highly satisfying nutrient density of whole plant foods. I don't need anything sweeter than dates. I buy that caramely goodness ten pounds at a time.

>> No.13884605

I have nothing against occasional donuts, but sprinkes are cancer and have to be destroyed.

>> No.13884608


>> No.13885628

OP is a punkass fairy with frisbee nipples

>> No.13885634

I find that my sugar cravings correspond to my manic depressive cycles. when I'm very sad I crave sugar. when I'm very anxious/manic I crave salt. interesting, isn't it?

>> No.13885658

brainlets who cant into biology/nutrition actually believe sugar is bad for you

>> No.13885707

That's pepperoni nipples

>> No.13885711

based and Peatpilled

>> No.13885822

SIDF out in full force today. Fuck off, shill.

>> No.13885825

The obesity rate of your country is probably over 40%

>> No.13885835

>not acting like a little baby bitch about a bit of sugar 24/7 means you're obese

>> No.13886168

>acting like a little bitch about people pointing out the negative impact eating sugar filled garbage has on them and society

>> No.13886361

Meat is far worse than sugar and until people regularly act the same way about meat on here then sugar is allowed

>> No.13886390

Have you not seen our vegan threads? We have far more of those and they're far more militant than our anti-sugar threads.

>> No.13886412

For me it's because I weaned myself off sugar and enjoy everything else so much more as a result.

>> No.13886416

I dont know why you are getting responses like that
What would you even call that strawmen, gaslighting?

>> No.13886443

>meat is worse than sugar

By what metric? Apples to oranges thing

>> No.13886453

>Meat is far worse than sugar
It's not the sugar, you child, it's the QUANTITY of sugar that's the issue.

>> No.13886454

supplement zinc, you may be deficient

>> No.13886492

By the metric that its bad for your health. Eat meat and you get diabetes and die early.

A overconsumption of anything is bad so thats a really stupid point.

>> No.13886514

>overconsumption of anything is bad
Which is exactly why we're shitting on the sugar filled products we are, as they lead to overconsumption. Grapes and fruits have sugars too, but you don't see people shitting on them the way they do "energy" drinks, candy, or any of the other garbage that gets shilled here.

>> No.13886700

How does meat cause diabetes and early death?

>> No.13886832


>> No.13886857

My gf annoys the shit out of me sometimes with this. She’ll eat something like ice cream or a donut and then say “this kind is too sweet” and refuse to eat it. Bitch, what the fuck did you expect? It’s a fucking dessert. Of course it’s sweet, do you want to eat a salty fried chicken ice cream cone or something?