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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 796x588, Kenji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13880514 No.13880514 [Reply] [Original]

Kenji's been very actively lately on youtube. Have you been watching/enjoying his vids?

I like the ones where he is in his restaurant.

>> No.13880573

After hours restaurant cooking is extremely comfy. Reminds me of when I used to work the bar at a hotel. I'd cook up a storm around 3 in the morning before leaving for the night.

>> No.13880576

nigga look like chief crying squaw or some shit

>> No.13880584

Enjoy your 3 day vacation

>> No.13880596

not happening, enjoy your illusionary sense of power

>> No.13880651

Yeah, him grabbing a beer off the wall of taps in an empty restaurant was comfy.

>> No.13880706

The word you want is "illusory"

>> No.13880754

I wrote the word I wanted.

>> No.13880768

No idea who he is but i get youtube rec's on his videos, i watched one and its just him cooking some new pasta dish for 10% of the video and 90% him showing off

>> No.13880983

>no idea who he is
>watched one of his videos

>> No.13881016

Just realized that ragusea and internet Shaquille basically copied his oven potato recipe, among others.

>> No.13881042

one of the only youtube chefs I like which is weird because I haven't made many of his recipes. he just doesn't have any pretence and you can learn cool things watching him cook.

>> No.13881072

He ran SeriousEats for years, might still do so.
Probably half the good recipes you see out there come from him or someone who worked closely with him.

>> No.13881090


why would that mean i know who they are? i don't even know his name, just an ugly face

>> No.13881153
File: 195 KB, 600x585, 1584202953884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust fund baby writes shitty recipes with dumb shit in them to try and stand out in the crowd.

He'll never be as big as Gordon Ramsay. Hell, even that faggot David Chang is more renowned.

>> No.13881331

And yet, if I'm looking to make something for the first time, my first thought is usually

>I wonder if SeriousEats has anything?

>> No.13881382

Enjoy your 60 years living as you because lord knows nobody else would

>> No.13881391

SE is a far better resource than Ramsay is.
I rarely search up Gordon's recipes whereas SE is in my top 3 sources.

>> No.13881398

60 years is pretty generous, anon

>> No.13881412

serious eats is jew owned

>> No.13881418

Congratulations, you are shitty cooks.

>> No.13881422

The banks are all owned by the Irish and I still use those.

>> No.13881425

Trust fund kid or not he went to school for this food science shit so he knows what he's talking about.

He's never made any attempt at wanting to be like either one of those mogul faggots so what's your point?

He's a turbo SJW cuck and uses plebbit but he's a talented cook

>> No.13881431

Well I've so far avoided all of the recipes calling for matza and baby foreskins, so I think I'm doing alright, but thanks for the heads up, I suppose.

>> No.13881435

Then who is a good cook?
Oh please bestow upon me your wisdom master.

>> No.13881685

heston blumenthal did it before those dildos, also internet shaquille sourced serious eats in the description, rarely claims recipes as his own. adam is a faggot

>> No.13881789

anyone that went to culinary school, worked as an apprentice, and actually ran a restaurant
not some tard who went to school for the food equivalent of political science and started a blog dedicated to translating escoffier for manchildren

>> No.13881805

you have been blessed by the t. kenji of gelatin, rich stock and pan sauces will come to you but only if you post "thanks for the gelatin, kenji" in this thread

>> No.13881872

>anyone that went to culinary school, worked as an apprentice, and actually ran a restaurant
So Kenji.

>> No.13881891

I really liked the restaurant videos, but I like the at-home stuff just as well. I know that the reason he hung around the restaurant was to use his backlog of ingredients to feed those that are less fortunate, and now that those have run out he's trying to stay at home like the rest of us (and I admire that he's still trying to raise money despite keeping himself at home).

Either way, I appreciate it. It's easy to see that he's focus is on his business and restaurant, but I like that he's giving some content to his internet/home-cook base while confined to his home.

I just like the enthusiasm and the drive to provide content despite the pandemic. Alton Brown and Kenji have really stood out as far as providing casual content despite the circumstances, but I apprecidate Weissman and Chef John staying on schedule as well.

>> No.13881924

>Alton Brown and Kenji have really stood out as far as providing casual content despite the circumstances
Have you seen Alex make ramen out of literal garbage?

>> No.13881930


You sound like his wife.

>> No.13882148

didnt go to culinary school
didn't work or own a restaurant as head chef

>> No.13882170
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 498282375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*honk honk*

>> No.13882605
File: 526 KB, 540x527, 1541642393090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the gelatin, Kenji

>> No.13882680

His videos are really scatterbrained and need better editing. And he's really kinda boring, honestly. I do respect the shit out of him though and use his recipes often. But he's no Chef John.

>> No.13882684

big mad

>> No.13883223

chef john is annoying as fuck. kenji just does no bullshit recipes which you can't say about a lot of youtubers doing cooking videos