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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13880054 No.13880054 [Reply] [Original]

why is pizza so expensive

>> No.13880057

because you're so poor

>> No.13880058
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Because fat lazy consoomers are willing to pay for it at those prices. Make it at home instead, much cheaper and tastes better.

>> No.13880060

>used to get all kinds of coupons and good deals
>now the pizza places are getting stingy due to the corona virus
At least frozen pizza isn't getting more expensive

>> No.13880062

>Why does X cost Y?
A) Because they're willing to sell it for that much, and you're willing to pay that much.
B) The government forces them to sell it at that price.

I don't know about any pizza price caps/floors, so my money is on A

>> No.13880069

>tastes better
no it doesn't

>> No.13880074

Learn to cook.

>> No.13880077


>> No.13880101

is this achievable natty?

>> No.13880181

It's one of the least expensive foods there is. You can get 2240 calories from $5 and unlike with meme high calorie examples like a bottle of olive oil it's actually going to be something you can subsist on.

>> No.13880187

it's too hard to make at home.

>> No.13880190

Make it yourself bro, it's really good and you're going to get better each time you make one, also pizza is a lot of fun to make

>> No.13880205

It's really not that hard if you're willing to try it. First couple times you'll probably make a few mistakes, but after that you'll get better and it won't seem so hard.

It's just making dough, pizza sauce, cheese, and whatever toppings you want. Most of which you don't even have to make from scratch.

>> No.13880213

i noticed east coast, 16in pizza is around 20bux and in cali it is about $30

>> No.13880214

All the major chains and most local stores have a huge markup. Did you know it never costs them much more than a dollar per pizza?

>> No.13880231

I made it weekly, well no, a bit less than bi weekly on average, for a while the last semester of college and I could never get how to spin the dough out properly. It was almost always uneven and shitty. Even the sauce and cheese was difficult to spread out evenly. Anyway it wasn't inedible or anything, was pretty good, but that was for life in the middle of nowhere. Haven't really bothered since I graduated.

>> No.13880931

Anyone got the code for the 5 topping pizza from papa john? Asking for OP

>> No.13880936
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>> No.13880940

>cali is expensive

>> No.13880950

Its $15CDN for a four topping 15" wood fired Neapolitan style thin crust.

>> No.13880953
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>> No.13880975


My oven is from the 70's and the top heater/broiler literally does not work and is held to the top of the stove by magnets because it fell off.

>> No.13881413

Better question: Why are you so fucking poor? Little Caesar's has $5 pizzas, unless that's out of your price range.

>> No.13881449

Because you're a lazy fat fuck who doesn't cook shit yourself

>> No.13881459

Normal people will order a pizza with friends, each contributing a few bucks and eating a few slices. Fat fucks like you order a full pizza for yourself, so yeah I guess that seems expensive.

>> No.13881475
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It isn't

>> No.13881505

found the forever friendzoner

>> No.13881507

>Each contributing a few bucks
Stop pretending you have friends, dork

>> No.13881514

Stop worrying about pizza and sort your life out.

You've been taking advantage of the quarantine to pass some of the many free professional certifications that are being made available at the moment?

>> No.13881533

ITT /ck/ complains they can't make a bloody pizza at home.

This board is a joke. Pizza is one of the easiest recipes you can make with little to no prep.

>make dough 3-4 days before
>let it rest
>buy toppings you wanna put on
>create a bloody sauce
>bake it

Fucking easy i've been making it since mum taught me in my teens and it's always more delicious than the shit you order.

>> No.13881544

bullshit. are you trying to piss me off?

>> No.13881550

boring. next.

>> No.13881570

bruh selfmade pizza is the shit. i eat meat 7 days a week but still make homemade pizza without it since its so good. any cheese can be your topping (if you cut it small enough) and every vegetable too.

>> No.13881790

Fresh peppers, jalapeno and tomato on homemade pizza is fucking amazing. Bonus points if homegrown

>> No.13881796

Haha look at this cooklet

I make my dough an hour and a half before hand

>> No.13881804

Because you eat too much. Two slices at most, fat Wojak.

>> No.13883478


>> No.13883502

Not surprising. They buy the worst possible ingredients and stick it on some cardboard "dough".

>> No.13883671

>$5 is cheap

some of us weren't born with a metal spoon in our mouths....

>> No.13883708

die black nigger

>> No.13883724

All of you "it's better than you could possibly order" faggots should be literally put in an oven. Stop sniffing your own assholes, no it isn't. Almost every fucking pizza I see on here is like 40% crust and woefully over or undercooked.

But yeah, pizza's too fucking expensive.

>> No.13884006

red barron frozen pizza is tree fiddy. frozen pizzas are great if you cook them on parchment paper on the rack w/ no pan. 13min in my oven for that brand.

>> No.13884025

Pizza based Cognitive dissonance

>> No.13884311
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Domino's in my city

>> No.13884316
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>> No.13884320

what? a bag of flour costs 2 bucks. yeast is basically free, toppings are another 5 bucks or so. for under ten dollars you can get the thing done yourself and get a super delicious and high quality oven treat.

>> No.13884322

>Not aging your dough
Tastelet found.

>> No.13884396

How the fuck did they eat the moldyest parts???

>> No.13884405

I love how they got almost 3 slices in before noticing the thing was basically rotting.

>> No.13884489
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he's right though
ive tried all you self-proclaimed chefs who assert that your shitty oven baked pizza is in any way better than even dominos and it always tastes like over saucy doughy shit
pizza hut guaranteed btfos whatever bullshit you make
and that isn't saying much

>> No.13884571

To be fair, the oven would have neutralized the fungi before it was eaten, rendering it all perfectly harmless. Tempest in a pizza tote

>> No.13884802

Chuck e Cheese has $5 pizzas right now so there you go
the catch is, everyone will think you're a pedophile for going there.

>> No.13884807

Also, Red Barron Deep Dish singles frozen pizzas are two for $3.50
the catch is, you catch the coronavirus if you go to the store

>> No.13884890

Where? My Harris teeter charges $8 for a pound

>> No.13885585

You can order them to deliver it through grub hub. It's not like you need to sit down and eat at CEC to get the pizza.

>> No.13885967

as a former dominos wagecuck this doesn't surprise me. the gluten free "doughs" move so slowly i could imagine them going moldy on the bottom and nobody ever noticing at a particularly badly managed branch.

>> No.13885986
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>NO ANON instead of ordering pizza let me make it homemade! I use organic spelt grain dough with truffle oil. I also make sure that the dough is LUMPY AND UNEVEN and only has 2 or 3 ingredients, one of which is always some kind of leafy vegetable and there's NO CHEESE! Except maybe for a sliver of mozeralla, just like they do it IN ITALY! It will be way better than whatever JUNK you'll find at dominos or papa johns! I promise!

>> No.13886000
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There are two types of "homemade pizza chefs". The first is a soylord who tries to use fancy ingredients to give an impression of refinement but it ends up unpleasant and unfulfilling. Usually doing dumb shit like not using cheese or gross ingredients like >>13885986

Then there are the bro cooks who suck at forming dough and usually do something childish like slapping so much meat and cheese on it that it is greasy on the top and not thoroughly cooked on the bottom, like >>13879729

>> No.13886022


>> No.13886039

Becase cheese is expensive and paying someone to make it for you makes it even more expensive.

>> No.13886111

i just made it by myself for the first time the other day and it was crazy simple. Just buy premade dough

>> No.13886253


For flour? What? How is that even possible in even the most expensive countries?

>> No.13886423

because you never order carryout

>> No.13886444

Because you shitpost wojacks instead of making money to buy food.

>> No.13886520

you're a poet

>> No.13886529

>more than one bite gone since beginning to eat that slice

>> No.13886534

it's not fungus it's mold, and microbes often produce toxins which are not neutralized by heat

>> No.13886537

I just made it by myself for the first time the other day and it was crazy simple. Just buy premade pizza

>> No.13886644

This is pretty good. His dough recipe is pants-on-head retarded though.
>in goes a glug of olive oil
Fuck off, Adam. I'll just use my own for that. Starting on the stove works pretty well. I combine this pan pizza recipe with the white sauce pizza recipe, tastes great and you can use the white sauce for pasta too.

>> No.13886715

he doesn't even dough it

>> No.13886739
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Should have made a tripcode to begin with, no way to identify you, otherwise I would have sent you an e-giftcard to any chain pizza place of your choice. Stupid fuck.

>> No.13886858

victim shaming is not a good look.

>> No.13886863


>> No.13886871

Just get little ceasers like the rest of us poorfags. If you have a little c’s by you that has at least one white person on the staff, consider it a blessing too.

>> No.13887123

Next to sushi it has one highest profit margins. ALL pizza no matter the company costs like 1-2 bucks to make a large. Thats with labor, bills, food cost inc. T. Fmr Pizza store manager. Sushi is one of the funniest scams on the plant. Koreans take Japanese poor people food and sell it at 1000x cost of ingredients. Rice, seaweed and a few pennies of frozen fish lol. BTW. ALLL... ALLL sushi meat is frozen. I have had way better sushi in USA than anywhere I have been in Japan. One of the best sushi I had was in Taiwan tho. I dont care for sushi, wife likes it... Come to think of it last time I ate sushi was in Yokohama Japan last summer.

>> No.13887145

2 cups bread flour 1 cup water, tea salt and a tea of oil, sprinkle like 1/4 bag of yeast or less. Mix until dough and let sit one night on table. Next day stretch dough and put in fridge 4 days.

Sauce= caned tomatos, salt and basil.


>> No.13887166

delivery pizza is only expensive for me since i only ever order something stupid when i'm drunk and suddenly decide that i need pizza that very instant. for this reason, i honestly have little opinion on the fast food pizza places by me. making at home is pretty easy, the only tedious thing is the dough since i like using sourdough starter in mine, and i do not always have this on hand. a pizza peel and steel/stone is an absolute must as well, so some investment is required.

>> No.13887429

commit suicide bro!

>> No.13887476

Mycotoxins found on grains take temperatures of between 100-170C for over an hour to destroy, and even then it's not 100% successful. People eating a moldy pizza like that are definitely getting a healthy dose of mold toxins.

>> No.13887953

>Tempest in a pizza tote
although are wrong this line is brain ticklingly clever

>> No.13887968

It's cheap as fuck if you make it yourself.