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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13875799 No.13875799 [Reply] [Original]

>Went to cook for my gf and her parents
>cooking in kitchen, her dad blurts out what is he fucking Chef Boyardee?

Was that an insult or compliment?

>> No.13875807


>> No.13875825
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>didn't immediately fuck him in front of the others to assert dominance


>> No.13875838

He's actually pretty big and could prob fuck me up

>> No.13875841

He probably thinks it's feminine for a man to cook. Make sure to mess with him by having his daughter be extra loud next time you have sex at her parents place

>> No.13875859

That reminds of a family cookout I held during the steamy hot summer of 1992. Without boring you with a big long and pretty dark story let's just say my father-in-law and his brothers laugh and call me a sissy every time they see me.

>> No.13875900


>> No.13875912

It means he's an aggressive asshole and your girlfriend probably has massive daddy issues. Congratulations.

>> No.13875918


>> No.13875920

He is, and quite the drinker.

>> No.13875927

He thinks it's weird as shit for you to cook for her parents at their place, which it is.

>> No.13875931

You're grandfather's parents are still alive?

>> No.13875941

How is it weird?

>> No.13875978


>> No.13876008


>> No.13876016

probably leaning towards insult

>> No.13876026

That's what I figured

>> No.13876048

Because you're their guest. Helping is fine but full on cooking is weird

>> No.13876049

Especially when you're male

>> No.13876056

I bet you did it so you wouldn't have to sit around and drink beer with the other men while the women prepared the meal. He should've called you Julia Childs.

>> No.13876068

kek what a bitch

>> No.13876122

If you are a guest you don't work, that's just common sense anon.
It's okay to offer helping with chores to try and be nice, but even then the expectation is absolutely for the host to refuse and do it all themselves.

It might be okay kinda potentially if you and your girl were married and are at her parents place literally all the time, ie a family, but if you are just visiting them it's downright rude to cook for them and makes you look like an autistic shitbag. If you really want to help ask what dish they plan on making beforehand and bring a salad/ side you prepared at home to add to the table, even that's already skirting the line a bit for some traditional folk though. Save bet would be to bring a fitting wine and leave it at that.

Your girlfriends dad probably thought you were a completely tactless loser that doesn't have the faintest idea about common courtesy and thinks his cooking is god's gift to mankind.

>> No.13876220

To be fair I am a better cook than anyone at that house

>> No.13876240

Fairness is crucial.

>> No.13876254

is it that hard to believe someone on the cooking board enjoys cooking?

>> No.13877396

lol this

>> No.13877420
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>> No.13877426

Who the fuck are you, Chef Boyardee?

>> No.13877436

He's a dipshit, but yeah, don't ever cook as the guest in someone's home unless they explicitly offer or ask you to.

>> No.13877460

You should have raided their canned goods, found a can of Chef Boyardee and served it to him for dinner as a funny joke :^)

>> No.13877473


>> No.13877511

he means that cooking is for women and he's ashamed his daughter is being courted by such a weak man

>> No.13878343

you should fuck your girlfriend in front of them to show dominance

>> No.13878359

dump her

>> No.13878363
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FACK! he's got a bicycle! You wanna play 21? I've been in the danger zoneJEEZUS! We comin' fo you, nigga! THE YAPAPI! Jeff Harvey FUCK IT Here comes Mungo! MINUS...FIVE...STARS! It's Tazz! How much does this guy weigh? Bullshit! Look at the adjective! Huh? I DUNNO! Super Dragon!

>> No.13878397

>Get invited over for a BBQ and drinks
>GF's dad is a 6'3 ex-marine and contstantly tests me
>He gets way too drunk
>Spends the day calling me a sissy because I don't care about sportsball
>Take over the grilling because he can barely stand hours later
>Her dad spergs out and won't let me use the grill unless I beat him in a 'fight'
>Start wrestlan'
>Get over excited and fake hump him, call him my bitch and slut and a faggot
>Everyone goes quiet and I get asked to leave
>Apparently he was sexually abused as a child
>Now my GF won't reply to my texts

>> No.13878418

damn dude
that's just gay

>> No.13878611

Next time you cook for them, serve him a bowl of cold Chef Boyardee with a big smile on your face

>> No.13878629

>he cooks FOR FREE
Are you applying to be a jannie as well?

>> No.13879480

Did you move out of the trailer park

>> No.13879489


>> No.13879495
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>> No.13879522

Yes but you're not on the "board" irl dipshit. People can't relate to your gayness like we do here. Older generations don't care how liberated you are. Clueless dope.

>> No.13879600


>> No.13879605

>Went to cook for my gf and her parents
I can only imagine how cringe this entire ordeal was. Kill yourself dumb faggot.

>> No.13880538


>> No.13880552

Do people like you really exist?

>> No.13880569

You gay need to put penis in vagina

>> No.13880587

Tell us the big black story anon

>> No.13880589


>> No.13880595

Fake story but if it was real, dad got btfo

>> No.13880597

Hey, I was there! Man, Sid really makes the best crossface chicken wings.

>> No.13880626

You do the cooking when you invite guests over you fucking virgins. You don't go to someone elses house and start fucking cooking shit.

>> No.13880649

Weirder when male, still weird when female.

>> No.13880682


>> No.13880756

I know a lot of people think this sounds fake (and gay) but I have a friend I could honestly imagine doing this IRL and telling me about it, so i’d Say this might’ve actually happened.
I’ve seen a lot of fake shit on 4chan but god I hope this one is real.

>> No.13880763

Again why not? They should be thanking me desu

>> No.13880830

He knows your secret of being a degenerate man child insufficient of taking care of his princess daughter cause you cook for shit. Either that or your a fat hairy Italian an no man wants his daughter to bring an Italian or shitskin home.

>> No.13880842

I'm mixed retard. Her dad is just an asshole.

>> No.13880865

if you aren't bitter about both food & cooking you obviously don't come her enough

>> No.13880887
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>> No.13880898

Sounds like some passive-aggressive garbage. He probably hangs his boomer masculinity on some obscure fucking skill or ideology and gets insecure whenever someone with a different skill challenges his lack.

Pat yourself on the back, ignore it, and kill him with kindness. It may not change him, but boy is it going to bug the fuck out of him when his shitty digs never land.

>> No.13880923

More like Chef Boy-are-dumb

>> No.13881498
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