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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13866301 No.13866301 [Reply] [Original]

I present the grimiest beverage known to man: pork n beans booze.

This is day 1

>> No.13866308
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Still day 1, it separated into liquid jooce, bean goo, and bean solids.

>> No.13866314

Welcome back porkandbeanon

>> No.13866317
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Day 2: it began to develop a sort of scum atop the liquid. I removed it.


>> No.13866321

Fuck off to >>>/b/ with your junior high trash.

>> No.13866339

hahaha porkistan with rags and diapers on their headsa

>> No.13866341
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Today I removed more scum from the top.
what's good


>> No.13866346

>this friendless faggot was never part of a jenkem crew
I feel bad for you.

>> No.13866352
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Demirelatedly, I made a booze out of 4:1 dark corn syrup to molasses with lapsang souchong tea as the liquid. The hell would I call this? It's not a wine, nor a beer, and certainly not a liquor or a cider.

>> No.13866355

Probably because we had this thread yesterday

>> No.13866356

tell us more
did you add sugar?
is it yeasted?
what kind of yeast if so?
how long are you planning on fermenting?
what ABV are you aiming for?

>> No.13866381

thing one: no.
thing two: yes, using my homebrew mead as the starter
thing three: it's a wild yeast I started with bout two years ago. Its name is Steve.
thing four: until it stops bubbling.
thing five: as high as possible in order to survive whatever hell I am going to put my organs through drinking this.

>> No.13866392

You made corn wine or corn mead.

>> No.13866529

ok cool. Making some more right now. Cuzza the tea imparting caffeine this stuff is basically 4loko blak. The smoky flavor of the lapsang souchong agrees nicely with the earthiness of the dark corn syrup and the richness of molasses. All in all, I would highly recommend it for any homebrewers.

>> No.13867322

monitoring this thread

>> No.13867393

You don't need to rehash what you did in the previous thread. Just link the previous thread in the OP.

>> No.13867554
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Previous thread died

>> No.13868049
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Here’s my quarantine hooch. It’s a ginger beer which I made with about six inches of ginger.

The starter I made by grating ginger into a jar of water. Add sugar and shake. Repeat for a few days til it’s really bubbly.

Next, I grated the remaining ginger into 1/2 gal water, boiled for 15 mins, then mixed with cool water in the jar (about 1 gal total). Added 2 cups sugar. Once cooled I added the starter. After one day fermentation hadn’t really kicked off, so I added a package of dry cider yeast I had on hand plus some yeast nutrient (feel like I cheated a bit on this).

Still bubbling away four days later. Tastes a little boozy now, and the ginger is intense! Hits you right in the face. Stoked for how this will turn out. Homebrewing experiments feel like alchemy.

>> No.13868567
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solid stuff fellow rotbro

Latest image of porknbooze
gonna name it blarnjee

>> No.13868704

did you write your timestamp on rolling papers?

that's hot.

>> No.13868804

Honestly, I don't think what you're fermenting will be boozy. It might taste alright though. Looking forward to the results in a few days.

>> No.13868851

Absolutely based OP, hope it doesn’t kill you when you drink it